1,019 research outputs found

    Implementation of educational program with internet technologies

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    This article is about the practice of Internet sites application as electronic instructional materials in Informatics teaching processВ статье идет речь об опыте внедрения электронных учебно-методических комплексов по дисциплинам в виде сайтов, основанных на использовании интернет-технологий в процессе обучени

    Человек – это животное?

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    Work of art in the space of network culture: Creativity as bricolage

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    The development of modern informational-communication technologies has led to the occurrence of the new unique sociocultural phenomenon – a network culture, with irony as the dominating rhetoric. In the space of network culture, under digital technologies, the forms, types, and functions of art, and creativity in general, change. The paper states that communication becomes the main function of art, while a work of art more and more becomes an object of communication. The authors propose to broaden the volume of creativity conception, going beyond the classical interpretation towards a broader understanding of this phenomenon, namely, creativity as bricolage. The methodological basis of the bricolage model of creativity, relevant for the new media art, is the concept of “bricolage” developed by Claude Lévi-Strauss. © 2020 The Author(s). Published by VGTU Press.The film distribution confirms this point of view. By the 2019 data, the film Matilda became the most unprofitable film supported by the Cinema Foundation of Russia: “Matilda’s losses became a sort of a record – 550 million rubles” (Zhitkova, 2018)

    Death in Russian Soldiers Correspondence (1939-1945): Reactions, Reflection and Practices of Justification

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    This paper analyzes soldiers' ruminations in their private correspondence about the death at war as an 'event' from the philosophical and anthropological perspective. It aims at recovering the value orientations and the moral principles, which are operative in their reflection about death. Conceptually, this research relies on the works of Petar Bojanić, Georg Simmel, Ivan Ilyin, Emmanuel Lévinas and Jürgen Habermas. The analysis focuses on the published letters of soldiers who took part in the Soviet-Finnish war (1939-1940) and the Great Patriotic War (1941-1945). These texts shed light on the perception of death at war, conceptualizations of the death-related moral experience, the impact of religion and ideology on soldiers' reflection on death. It should be noted that the existing practice of analysis of such documents puts the main emphasis on the values formed by the Soviet ideology neglecting the impact of religious culture. © 2021 Matica Srpska. All rights reserved.Исследование выполнено за счёт гранта Российского научного фонда (проект № 20-18-00240)

    Invention of the future in project-time. An imaginary “encounter” between Georg Simmel and Henri Bergson, and its significance for architecture*

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    The article addresses the reconstructed dialogue with the texts of G. Simmel (G. Simmel “Untersuchungen über die Formen der Vergesellschaftung”; “Über räumliche Projekten sozialer Formen”) and H. Bergson (H. Bergson “Histoire de l’idée de temps”) in order to analyze the question of how the design/creation of the future was understood by these philosophers, and how this question can be interpreted today. We would like to present some conditions and difficulties in revealing the future and the temporal nature of any project. First, we would like to insist on a weakness in languages spoken by a great number of people, which is that the future is difficult to linguistically stabilize and document: German and English do not have a future tense, using instead auxiliary verbs, “werden” (to become), “will”/be going to”. The study of the project as an intellectual (intention, idea, concept) and social phenomenon (design as a social action) allows us to illustrate how the future (project) becomes a task of activity in the present. The project transfers or shifts (Simmel) the future time to space which is always ready for the perception of projections, and is also an opportunity to organize future joint actions. We will argue that when the project is executed, when it is no longer — there is no longer any future. The project thus ensures the future. Or, to achieve complete circularity, we will introduce a third element: without the future, a group or a “we” cannot possibly exist. In our text, we would like to unreservedly insist that the idea of a project, or perhaps a sketch of any future theory of the project (or concept), has already been provided at the beginning of the last century within an imaginary encounter between Henri Bergson and Georg Simmel. © Санкт-Петербургский государственный университет, 202

    Methodological Aspects of Evaluating the Influence of Religious Culture on the Ethics of War: Habermasian Approach

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    В статье ставится вопрос о методологической проблеме анализа связи религиозной культуры и этики войны в аспекте изучения персонального опыта участников военных событий. Исследование этики войны является одним из актуальных направлений современной философии, которая в большей степени сосредоточена на теоретическом анализе возможных нормативных противоречий. Однако не менее интересным представляется анализ рефлексивных документов, где отражаются персональные ценностные ориентации людей, вовлеченных в военные действия. Такой предмет философского анализа требует специальной методологии. Одним из продуктивных подходов в этом плане представлен в политической философии Ю. Хабермаса, который в целом ряде работ рассматривает проблему бытия культурных ценностей в сознании, а также феномен «эпистемического приоритета» религиозных ценностей. Указанный подход позволяет выявить трансцендирующее воздействие религиозной культуры через ценностные ориентации, которые позволяют человеку отличать благой/праведный образ жизни.The article focuses on the methodology for analyzing the ways religious culture influences the ethics of war, in particular if the ethics is understood as personal moral experience of combatants. The ethics of war in contemporary philosophy is mostly concerned with normative and theoretical issues, whereas ego-documents reflecting on and representing the value orientations of individuals open up new venues for research on ethics. We argue that studying personal reflections on war and its ethics is best approached from the Habermasian perspective. J. Habermas in a number of his works outlines his theory of cultural values, their operation in human mind and the ‘epistemic priority’ of religious values. Thus, transcendent dimension that religious culture engenders and sustains foregrounds value orientations that enable individuals to make moral choices and chart the righteous path in life.Исследование выполнено при поддержке гранта Российского научного фонда (проект № 20-18-00240)

    Legal boundaries of communication in Russia: Current approaches to research

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    The right to the information and communication relationship, the features of its creation in Russia, the problems and mechanisms of its implementation in the social and political sector are analysed in the article. The relation between the concepts of the right to communicate and the right to information has been determined, the structural elements of the Russian legal system and the mechanism of its implementation in the context of the current political events and information law-making have been refined and analysed. Upon the empirical and statistical data evaluation the contradiction between the things in existence as the state of art in the political and communication sector and the tribute as the system of the information and communication relationship evolving on the basis of the laws and regulations which are relevant to the modern democratic society and regulate the information sector has been revealed. © IDOSI Publications, 2014

    Influence of Post-Pyrogenic Successions of the Forests of the Urals on the Formation of Maximum Rainfall Flood Discharges

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    The issues of losses on the crowns of forest stands in the conditions of forest successions after fires and associated changes in the maximum discharge of rainfall floods are considered. The results of complex field, experimental work, deterministic modelling are presented. It has been established that with the complete burnout of forests in the catchment, the maximum flow rates can increase by 40% compared to the initial state of the forests, and with the restoration of forests, the maximum flow rates of floods again decrease by 15-20% over a 20-year period. © Published under licence by IOP Publishing Ltd.The study was funded by the Russian Foundation for Basic Research within the framework of scientific project No. 20-05-00448

    The introduction of a mixed system of maintenance and repair of metal-cutting equipment

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    The article provides a comparative analysis of the Russian and foreign systems for the maintenance and repair of metal-cutting equipment. The limitations of the application of systems of universal maintenance of equipment, scheduled preventive maintenance and repair by state are analyzed. The influence of the age of the equipment and the percentage of the repair plan on the amount of emergency shutdowns is shown. The main stages of the introduction of mixed service and repair systems are highlighted. Criteria for classifying equipment groups are proposed for the selection of repair and maintenance systems. Examples of typical diagnostic signs of malfunctions of metal-cutting equipment and statistical time of emergency shutdown after their detection are given. The recommendations on planning the need for spare parts and organization of repair work are given. © Published under licence by IOP Publishing Ltd

    Comparative analysis of cutting fluids

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    The article contains the results of seven working tests of cutting fluids for metal-cutting equipment. The results of the analysis were evaluated by experts, including process engineers, chemical engineers, foremen and production machine operators in the following areas: turning, drilling, milling, sawing, grinding, threading, boring works. The analysis made it possible to determine the scope of application of cutting fluids depending on the volume and rhythm of the work, the operating conditions of the cutting fluids, the requirements of the design and technological documentation taking into account the final cost of the cutting fluids used. The problem of determining an accelerated system of practical tests for cutting fluids to evaluate the effectiveness of using a particular product before conducting the production tests on machine equipment is considered. For this, criteria for evaluating the cutting fluids are proposed using the weighting method to ensure informed decision-making in the choice of a cutting fluid for admission to full-fledged production tests. © Published under licence by IOP Publishing Ltd