155 research outputs found

    Simulation of wind turbine wake interaction using the vorticity transport model

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    The aerodynamic interactions that can occur within a wind farm can result in the constituent turbines generating a lower power output than would be possible if each of the turbines were operated in isolation. Tightening of the constraints on the siting of wind farms is likely to increase the scale of the problem in the future. The aerodynamic performance of turbine rotors and the mechanisms that couple the fluid dynamics of multiple rotors can be most readily understood by simplifying the problem and considering the interaction between only two rotors. The aerodynamic interaction between two rotors in both co-axial and offset configurations has been simulated using the Vorticity Transport Model. The aerodynamic interaction is a function of the tip speed ratio, and both the streamwise and crosswind separation between the rotors. The simulations show that the momentum deficit at a turbine operating within the wake developed by the rotor of a second turbine is governed by the development of instabilities within the wake of the upwind rotor, and the ensuing structure of the wake as it impinges on the downwind rotor. If the wind farm configuration or wind conditions are such that a turbine rotor is subject to partial impingement by the wake produced by an upstream turbine, then significant unsteadiness in the aerodynamic loading on the rotor blades of the downwind turbine can result, and this unsteadiness can have considerable implications for the fatigue life of the blade structure and rotor hub

    Interregional Air Pollutant Transport: The Linearity Question

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    This report contains extended abstracts from an international meeting held in Budapest, Hungary. Its main subject is the question of proportionality and linearity between emissions and deposition/airborne concentration of air pollutants including sulfur, nitrogen, oxidants, and acidity. Session topics (which serve here as section headings) included analysis of measurements, ammonia and its implications for linearity, modeling with emphasis on chemistry, simplified approaches to the linearity issue, and results from long-range transport models. Linearity was found to be strongly dependent on the distance between emitters and receptors, the averaging time of pollutants, and the form of deposition

    SMOKE for Europe – adaptation, modification and evaluation of a comprehensive emission model for Europe

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    The US EPA regional emission model SMOKE was adopted and modified to create temporally and spatially distributed emission for Europe and surrounding countries based on official reports and public domain data only. The aim is to develop a flexible model capable of creating consistent high resolution emission data for long-term runs of Chemical Transport Models (CTMs). This modified version of SMOKE, called SMOKE for EUROPE (SMOKE-EU) was successfully used to create hourly gridded emissions for the timespan 1970–2010. <br><br> In this paper the SMOKE-EU model and the underlying European datasets are introduced. Emission data created by SMOKE-EU for the year 2000 are evaluated by comparison to data of three different state-of-the-art emission models. SMOKE-EU produced a range of values comparable to the other three datasets. Further, concentrations of criteria pollutants calculated by the CTM CMAQ using the four different emission datasets were compared against EMEP measurements with hourly and daily resolution. Using SMOKE-EU gave the most reliable modelling of O<sub>3</sub>, NO<sub>2</sub> and SO<sub>4</sub><sup>2−</sup>. The amount of simulated concentrations within a factor of 2 (F2) of the observations for these species are: O<sub>3</sub> (F2 = 0.79, <i>N</i> = 329 197), NO<sub>2</sub> (F2 = 0.55, <i>N</i> = 11 465) and SO<sub>4</sub><sup>2−</sup> (F2 = 0.62, <i>N</i> = 17 536). The lowest values were found for NH<sub>4</sub><sup>+</sup> (F2 = 0.34, <i>N</i> = 7400) and NO<sub>3</sub><sup>−</sup> (F2 = 0.25, <i>N</i> = 6184). NH<sub>4</sub><sup>+</sup> concentrations were generally overestimated, leading to a fractional bias (FB) averaged over 22 measurement stations of (FB = 0.83 ± 0.41) while better agreements with observations were found for SO<sub>4</sub><sup>2−</sup> (FB = 0.06 ± 0.38, 51 stations) and NO<sub>3</sub><sup>−</sup> (FB = 0.13 ± 0.75, 18 stations). <br><br> CMAQ simulations using the three other emission datasets were similar to those modelled using SMOKE-EU emissions. Highest differences where found for NH<sub>4</sub><sup>+</sup> while O<sub>3</sub> concentrations were almost identical

    Retrieval methods of effective cloud cover from the GOME instrument: an intercomparison

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    The radiative scattering by clouds leads to errors in the retrieval of column densities and concentration profiles of atmospheric trace gas species from satellites. Moreover, the presence of clouds changes the UV actinic flux and the photo-dissociation rates of various species significantly. The Global Ozone Monitoring Experiment (GOME) instrument on the ERS-2 satellite, principally designed to retrieve trace gases in the atmosphere, is also capable of detecting clouds. Four cloud fraction retrieval methods for GOME data that have been developed are discussed in this paper (the Initial Cloud Fitting Algorithm, the PMD Cloud Recognition Algorithm, the Optical Cloud Recognition Algorithm (an in-house version and the official implementation) and the Fast Retrieval Scheme for Clouds from the Oxygen A-band). Their results of cloud fraction retrieval are compared to each-other and also to synoptic surface observations. It is shown that all studied retrieval methods calculate an effective cloud fraction that is related to a cloud with a high optical thickness. Generally, we found ICFA to produce the lowest cloud fractions, followed by our in-house OCRA implementation, FRESCO, PC2K and finally the official OCRA implementation along four processed tracks (+2%, +10%, +15% and +25% compared to ICFA respectively). Synoptical surface observations gave the highest absolute cloud fraction when compared with individual PMD sub-pixels of roughly the same size

    Retrieval methods of effective cloud cover for the GOME instrument: an intercomparison

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    International audienceThe radiative scattering by clouds leads to errors in the retrieval of column densities and concentration profiles of atmospheric trace gas species from satellites. Moreover, the presence of clouds changes the UV actinic flux and the photo-dissociation rates of various species significantly. The Global Ozone Monitoring Experiment (GOME) instrument on the ERS-2 satellite, principally designed to retrieve trace gases in the atmosphere is also capable of detecting clouds. Four cloud fraction retrieval methods for GOME data that have been developed are discussed in this paper (the Initial Cloud Fitting Algorithm, the PMD Cloud Retrieval Algorithm, the Optical Cloud Recognition Algorithm and the Fast Retrieval Scheme for Cloud Observables). Their results of cloud fraction retrieval are compared to each-other and also to synoptic surface observations. It is shown that all studied retrieval methods calculate an effective cloud fraction that is related to a cloud with a high optical thickness. Generally, we found ICFA to produce the lowest cloud fractions, followed by OCRA, then FRESCO and PC2K along four processed tracks (+2%, +10% and +15% compared to ICFA respectively). Synoptical surface observations gave the highest absolute cloud fraction when compared with individual PMD sub-pixels of roughly the same size

    Evaluation of ozone deposition models over a subalpine forest in Niwot Ridge, Colorado

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    In this study, we evaluated three conceptually similar ozone gas deposition models. These dry deposition models are frequently used with chemical transport models for calculations over large spatial domains. However, large scale applications of surface-atmosphere exchange of reactive gases require modeling results as accurate as possible to avoid nonlinear accumulation of errors in the spatially representative results. In this paper, model evaluation and comparison against measured data over a coniferous forest at Niwot Ridge AmeriFlux site (Colorado, USA) is carried out. At this site, no previous model calibration took place for any of the models, therefore, we can test and compare their performances under similar conditions as they would perform in a spatial application. Our results show systematic model errors in all the three cases, model performance varies with time of the day, and the errors show a pronounced seasonal pattern as well. The introduction of soil moisture content stress in the model improved model performance regarding the magnitude of fluxes, but the correlation between measured and modeled ozone deposition values remains low. Our results suggest that ozone dry deposition model results should be interpreted carefully in large scale applications, where the accuracy can vary with land cover sometimes are biased

    Attention to the strengths of physical interactions: Transformer and graph-based event classification for particle physics experiments

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    A major task in particle physics is the measurement of rare signal processes. These measurements are highly dependent on the classification accuracy of these events in relation to the huge background of other Standard Model processes. Reducing the background by a few tens of percent with the same signal efficiency can already increase the sensitivity considerably. This work demonstrates the importance of incorporating physical information into deep learning-based event selection. The paper includes this information into different methods for classifying events, in particular Boosted Decision Trees, Transformer Architectures (Particle Transformer) and Graph Neural Networks (Particle Net). In addition to the physical information previously proposed for jet tagging, we add particle measures for energy-dependent particle-particle interaction strengths as predicted by the leading order interactions of the Standard Model (SM). We find that the integration of physical information into the attention matrix (transformers) or edges (graphs) notably improves background rejection by 10%10\% to 40%40\% over baseline models (a graph network), with about 10%10\% of this improvement directly attributable to what we call the SM interaction matrix. In a simplified statistical analysis, we find that such architectures can improve the significance of signals by a significant factor compared to a graph network (our base model).Comment: Version 2 of this paper supersedes arXiv:2211.05143v1. 26 pages, 5 figure

    Spatial variation of aerosol properties over Europe derived from satellite observations and comparison with model calculations

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    International audienceAerosol optical depths (AOD) and Angström coefficients over Europe were retrieved using data from the ATSR-2 radiometer on board the ESA satellite ERS-2, for August 1997. Taking advantage of the nadir and forward view of the ATSR-2, the dual view algorithm was used over land to eliminate the influence of the surface reflection. Over sea the AOD was retrieved using only the forward observations. Retrieved aerosol optical properties are in good agreement with those from ground-based sunphotometers. The AOD and Angström coefficients together yield information on the column integrated effective aerosol distribution. Observed regional variations of the AOD and Angström coefficient are related to anthropogenic emissions of aerosol precursors such as SO2 and NOx in the major European industrial and urban areas, and their subsequent transformation into the aerosol phase. The influence of anthropogenic aerosols such as ammonium sulphate and ammonium nitrate on the total AOD is estimated using a regional chemistry transport model. Sulphate is estimated to contribute from 15% in very clean areas to 70% in polluted areas, the contribution of nitrate is between 5% and 25% over most of Europe. This paper shows the great importance of nitrate in summer over The Netherlands

    The nitrate aerosol field over Europe: simulations with an atmospheric chemistry-transport model of intermediate complexity

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    International audienceNitrate is an important component of fine aerosols in Europe. We present a model simulation for the year 1995 in which we account for the formation of the ammonium nitrate, a semi volatile component. For this purpose, LOTOS, a chemistry-transport model of intermediate complexity, was extended with a thermodynamic equilibrium module and additional relevant processes to account for aerosol formation and deposition. Our earlier analysis of data on (ammonium) nitrate in Europe was used for model evaluation. During winter, fall and especially spring high nitrate levels are projected over north western, central and eastern Europe. During winter nitrate concentrations are highest in the Po valley, Italy. This is in accordance with the field that was constructed from the data. In winter nitric acid, the precursor for aerosol nitrate, is formed through heterogeneous reactions on the surface of aerosols. Appreciable ammonium nitrate concentrations in summer are limited to those areas with high ammonia emissions, e.g. The Netherlands, since high ammonia concentrations are necessary to stabilise this aerosol component at high temperatures. Averaged over all stations the model reproduces the measured concentrations for NO3, SO4, NH4, TNO3, TNH4 and SO2 within 20%. The daily variation is captured well, albeit that the model does not always represents the amplitude of single events. The model underestimates wet deposition which was attributed to the crude representation of cloud processes. The treatment of ammonia was found to be the major source for uncertainties in the model representation of secondary aerosols. Also, inclusion of sea salt is necessary to properly assess the nitrate and nitric acid levels in marine areas. Over Europe the annual forcing by nitrate is calculated to be 25% of that by sulphate. In summer nitrate is found to be regionally important, e.g. in The Netherlands, where the forcing of nitrate and sulphate are calculated to be equal. In winter, spring and fall the nitrate forcing over Europe is about half that by sulphate. Over north western Europe and the alpine region the forcing by nitrate was calculated to be similar to that of sulphate. Overall, nitrate forcing is significant and should be taken into account to estimate the impact of regional climate change in Europe

    Combining data from the distributed GRUAN site Lauder-Invercargill, New Zealand, to provide a site atmospheric state best estimate of temperature

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    A site atmospheric state best estimate (SASBE) of the temperature profile above the GCOS (Global Climate Observing System) Reference Upper-Air Network (GRUAN) site at Lauder, New Zealand, has been developed. Data from multiple sources are combined within the SASBE to generate a high temporal resolution data set that includes an estimate of the uncertainty on every value. The SASBE has been developed to enhance the value of measurements made at the distributed GRUAN site at Lauder and Invercargill (about 180km apart), and to demonstrate a methodology which can be adapted to other distributed sites. Within GRUAN, a distributed site consists of a cluster of instruments at different locations. The temperature SASBE combines measurements from radiosondes and automatic weather stations at Lauder and Invercargill, and ERA5 reanalysis, which is used to calculate a diurnal temperature cycle to which the SASBE converges in the absence of any measurements. The SASBE provides hourly temperature profiles at 16 pressure levels between the surface and 10hPa for the years 1997 to 2012. Every temperature value has an associated uncertainty which is calculated by propagating the measurement uncertainties, the ERA5 ensemble standard deviations, and the ERA5 representativeness uncertainty through the retrieval chain. The SASBE has been long-term archived and is identified using the digital object identifier https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.1195779. The study demonstrates a method to combine data collected at distributed sites. The resulting best-estimate temperature data product for Lauder is expected to be valuable for satellite and model validation as measurements of atmospheric essential climate variables are sparse in the Southern Hemisphere. The SASBE could, for example, be used to constrain a radiative transfer model to provide top-of-the-atmosphere radiances with traceable uncertainty estimates