993 research outputs found

    El CD-ROM del Museo Thyssen-Bornemisza

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    Écija en las páginas web de Turismo Andaluz y de la Diputación Provincial de Sevilla

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    La carta de servicios del Instituto Andaluz del Patrimonio Histórico

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    La elaboración de la Carta de Servicios del IAPH, aprobada por resolución de 17 de enero de 2005 de la Dirección General de Bienes Culturales, se enmarca dentro del proceso general de mejora de la calidad de los servicios de la administración autonómica andaluza. El punto de partida de su contenido es el proyecto del Catálogo de Servicios del IAPH 2003, donde ya se incluyeron las diferentes especialidades de servicios que suministra la institución: servicios de documentación, intervención, arqueología subacuática y formación-comunicación. Este primer catálogo fue revisado, adaptado a la normativa general para las Cartas de Servicios de la Junta de Andalucía (Decreto 317/2003) y a las pautas desarrolladas por la Dirección General de Administración Electrónica y Calidad de los Servicios, con la que se ha trabajado en estrecha colaboración, dando lugar a la actual Carta de Servicios del IAPH formada por 50 servicios asociados a compromisos e indicadores de calidad. La publicación de la Carta, así como de un folleto divulgativo, supone que por primera vez los servicios del IAPH se ofrezcan bajo una oferta pública, con unos compromisos de calidad explícitos a la ciudadanía. Se hace así necesario el seguimiento continuo de los indicadores de gestión de cada servicio para medir el cumplimiento de los compromisos establecidos. El balance final se plasmará en el Informe de Evaluación 2005, que será el punto de partida para la actualización de la Carta y la mejora de la calidad de nuestros Servicios

    El Sistema Integrado de los Servicios del Instituto Andaluz del Patrimonio Histórico: la calidad orientada a los usuarios

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    El Sistema Integrado de los Servicios del IAPH es una herramienta fundamental para la transferencia a la sociedad del conocimiento especializado de la institución y una de sus líneas estratégicas. En las XI Jornadas Españolas de Documentación Científica (Fesabid 2009) se ha presentado en el marco de las Experiencias de Calidad orientadas a los usuarios, con el objetivo de satisfacer el mayor número de sus expectativas y necesidades concretas. La comunicación presentada se encuentra disponible en www.fesabid.org/zaragoza2009 Libro_Actas_Fesabid_2009.pd

    Effect of dietary conjugated linoleic acid in combination with monounsaturated fatty acids on the composition and quality traits of cooked loin

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    Publicado en: Food Chemistry 124 (2011) 518–526. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.foodchem.2010.06.063Tres niveles (0%, 1% y 2%) de un aceite de ácido linoleico conjugado (CLA) se combinaron con dos niveles de ácidos grasos monoinsaturados (MUFA) (bajo - 19% promedio y alto - 39% promedio) para la alimentación del cerdo ( n = 48, ocho animales por tratamiento). Se estudiaron los rasgos de composición y calidad (contenido de grasa, pérdida de cocción, oxidación de lípidos, perfil de ácidos grasos, perfil volátil y análisis sensorial) de lomo cocido, según se vieron afectados por la interacción CLA, MUFA y CLA × MUFA. CLA y CLA × MUFA no afectaron el contenido de grasa intramuscular, las pérdidas por cocción, la oxidación de los lípidos, el perfil volátil y los rasgos sensoriales de la carne cocida. Por lo tanto, el CLA podría complementarse con la dieta del cerdo sin detrimento de los rasgos de calidad medidos de la carne cocida, e independientemente del nivel de MUFA de las dietas de los cerdos. El CLA dietético aumentó el contenido de SFA y disminuyó el nivel de MUFA de la carne, y condujo a un enriquecimiento de CLA, independientemente del nivel de MUFA de las dietas de cerdo, pero el contenido de los isómeros de CLA de la carne fresca disminuyó después del proceso de cocción.Three levels (0%, 1% and 2%) of a conjugated linoleic acid oil (CLA) were combined with two levels of monounsaturated fatty acids (MUFA) (low – 19% average and high – 39% average) for pig feeding (n = 48, eight animals per treatment). The composition and quality traits (fat content, cooking losses, lipid oxidation, fatty acid profile, volatile profile and sensory analysis) of cooked loin, as affected by dietary CLA, MUFA, and CLA × MUFA interaction were studied. CLA and CLA × MUFA did not affect the intramuscular fat content, cooking losses, lipid oxidation, volatile profile and sensory traits of cooked meat. Therefore, CLA could be supplemented to the pig diet without detriment of the measured quality traits of cooked meat, and regardless of the MUFA level of pig diets. Dietary CLA increased the content of SFA and decreased the level of MUFA of meat, and led to a CLA enrichment, regardless the MUFA level of pig diets, but the content of CLA isomers of fresh meat decreased after the cooking process.Ministerio de Educación y Ciencia: Ayuda AGL 2003-0353

    Situación Actual de la Agrivoltaica en España, Europa y el Mundo - Oprotunidades y Desafíos

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    High-level overview of the status of agrivoltaics in Spain, Europe and the world, focusing particularly on current opportunities and challenges

    The diguanylate cyclase AdrA regulates flagellar biosynthesis in Pseudomonas fluorescens F113 through SadB

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    Flagellum mediated motility is an essential trait for rhizosphere colonization by pseudomonads. Flagella synthesis is a complex and energetically expensive process that is tightly regulated. In Pseudomonas fluorescens, the regulatory cascade starts with the master regulatory protein FleQ that is in turn regulated by environmental signals through the Gac/Rsm and SadB pathways, which converge in the sigma factor AlgU. AlgU is required for the expression of amrZ, encoding a FleQ repressor. AmrZ itself has been shown to modulate c-di-GMP levels through the control of many genes encoding enzymes implicated in c-di-GMP turnover. This cyclic nucleotide regulates flagellar function and besides, the master regulator of the flagellar synthesis signaling pathway, FleQ, has been shown to bind c-di-GMP. Here we show that AdrA, a diguanylate cyclase regulated by AmrZ participates in this signaling pathway. Epistasis analysis has shown that AdrA acts upstream of SadB, linking SadB with environmental signaling. We also show that SadB binds c-di-GMP with higher affinity than FleQ and propose that c-di-GMP produced by AdrA modulates flagella synthesis through SadBThis work was supported by funding from MINECO/FEDER EU Grant RTI2018 093991-BI00 to R.R. and M.M. C.M. was funded by a FPI fellowship from MINECO. EB-R was the recipient of fellowships from Fundación Tatiana Pérez de Guzmán el Bueno (Medioambiente 2016) and the FPU program from MECD (FPU16/05513). Short stays of R.R. and C.M. at John Innes Centre were funded by MECD (Salvador de Madariaga and FPU, respectively

    Classification of Isolates from the Pseudomonas fluorescens Complex into Phylogenomic Groups Based in Group-Specific Markers.

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    The Pseudomonas fluorescens complex of species includes plant-associated bacteria with potential biotechnological applications in agriculture and environmental protection. Many of these bacteria can promote plant growth by different means, including modification of plant hormonal balance and biocontrol. The P. fluorescens group is currently divided into eight major subgroups in which these properties and many other ecophysiological traits are phylogenetically distributed. Therefore, a rapid phylogroup assignment for a particular isolate could be useful to simplify the screening of putative inoculants. By using comparative genomics on 71 P. fluorescens genomes, we have identified nine markers which allow classification of any isolate into these eight subgroups, by a presence/absence PCR test. Nine primer pairs were developed for the amplification of these markers. The specificity and sensitivity of these primer pairs were assessed on 28 field isolates, environmental samples from soil and rhizosphere and tested by in silico PCR on 421 genomes. Phylogenomic analysis validated the results: the PCR-based system for classification of P. fluorescens isolates has a 98.34% of accuracy and it could be used as a rapid and simple assay to evaluate the potential of any P. fluorescens complex strain.Research was funded by grant BIO2015-64480R from MINECO/FEDER EU. DGS was granted by FPU fellowship program (FPU14/03965) from Ministerio de Educación, Cultura y Deporte, Spai

    Amphiphilic core-cross-linked micelles functionalized with bis(4-methoxyphenyl)phenylphosphine as catalytic nanoreactors for biphasic hydroformylation

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    Core-cross-linked micelles (CCM) functionalized at the core with covalently linked bis(p-methoxyphenyl) phenylphosphine (BMOPPP) ligands have been synthesized by a three-step one-pot radical polymerization in emulsion, using the polymerization-induced self-assembly (PISA) strategy and reversible addition-fragmentation chain transfer (RAFT) as the controlling method. The CCM are obtained by chain extending in water poly(methacrylic acid-co-poly(ethylene oxide) methyl ether methacrylate) (P(MAA-co-PEOMA), degree of polymerization of 30, MAA/PEOMA units molar ratio of 50:50) synthesized in a first step by RAFT with a 95:5 M mixture of styrene and 4-[bis(p-methoxyphenyl)phosphino]styrene (BMOPPS) units. The resulting micelles exhibiting a core composed of P(S-co-BMOPPS) segments with a degree of polymerization of 300 are then crosslinked in a third step with a mixture of di(ethylene glycol) dimethacrylate (DEGDMA) and styrene. The resulting BMOPPP@CCM exhibit a narrow size distribution (PDI = 0.16) with an average diameter of 81 nm in water and swell in THF or by addition of toluene to the latex. The addition of [Rh(acac) (CO)2] to the toluene-swollen latex results in metal coordination to the phosphine ligands. 31P{1H} NMR spectroscopy shows that the Rh centers undergo rapid intraparticle phosphine ligand exchange. Application of these nanoreactors to the aqueous biphasic hydroformylation of 1-octene shows excellent activity and moderate catalyst leaching

    Circulating neutrophil counts and mortality in septic shock

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    Producción CientíficaPolynuclear neutrophils can play dual roles in sepsis: on the one hand they mediate major antimicrobial activities and on the other hand they can contribute to the development of multiple organ failure [1]. Nonetheless, in spite of the importance of these cells in sepsis, the influence of the circulating neutrophil count (CNC) on the prognosis of septic patients with this pathology has not been properly evaluated. We analyzed the association between CNC and outcome in two cohorts of patients with diagnostic criteria of septic shock (SS) [2]: the first was recruited in the context of a single center study (EXPRESS study, discovery cohort, n = 195; Table 1), and the second in the context of a multi-centric study (GRECIA study, validation cohort, n = 194; Table 2). Written informed consent was obtained from each patient or their legal representative. The two studies were approved by the Research Ethics Committee of the Hospital Clínico Universitario, Valladolid, Spain (for the EXPRESS study) and Hospital Universitario Río Hortega, Valladolid, Spain (coordinating center for the GRECIA study).Instituto de Salud Carlos III (grant PI 10/01362)Junta de Castilla y León (grant BOCYL-D-26072010