213 research outputs found

    Viajes con viático y sin viático

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    Starting from the concept of life as a journey, and of writing as a journey, as well as from some reflections about the etymology of the word, this work proposes the different types of journeys with viaticum, such as pilgrimages, cultural journeys or discoveries or colonization, and the idea of journey without viaticum as a metaphor of modern man

    Preliminary design of an attitude control system for a high altitude platform

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    Within this document the process of developing different designs for the hardware of an attitude control system based on reaction wheels implemented in a high altitude platform is depicted along with a review of the most common attitude control systems used currently by different members of the aerospace industry. The process consists mainly in three parts: First, developing a simulation environment that recreates the conditions in which the platform is expected to operate and implement the physical laws that govern the motion of these kind of artifacts, and is able to compute the geometrical characteristics of the different reaction wheels tested. Secondly the performance of different candidate designs of reaction wheels is tested and analyzed. And finally a selection between all these candidates is performed taking into account different elements like the time that each design takes to correct the attitude of the platform, the weight of the wheels, the required angular velocity to maintain the desired attitude and the cost of the material employed.Ingeniería Aeroespacia

    Only One At Least: Refining the Role of Discourse in Building Alternatives

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    In this paper I provide an analysis of at least that derives the epistemic and concessive interpretations of utterances containing at least (discussed in Nakanishi & Rullmann 2009) from a single denotation. I propose that the presence of at least merely indicates that the prejacent is considered within a scale in which there are higher alternatives (which may or may not be true given what we know) and lower alternatives. I further argue that the different alternatives in the scale as well as the ordering relation need not be lexically generated but can be contextually provided. This is cashed out by making use of a discourse model

    Arqueología mítica: el tematismo

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    El tematismo es una corriente crítica que nace en Francia hacia los años cincuenta en el contexto del existencialismo y de la fenomenología y, por consiguiente, pagará un tributo al existencialismo y a la fenomenología. El tematismo tiene un problema, la palabra misma de la que surge, tema, puesto que es una palabra cajón de sastre que ha sido utilizada por toda la crítica y en cualquier nivel. Por eso una de las primeras cosas que harán los temáticos será definir la palabra “tema”. Su problema no es muy diferente al de los mitólogos, que tienen que comenzar definiendo el concepto de mito


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    El feminismo ambiguo de Molière

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    Le texte vise à analyser le problème de la liberté de la femme (de choisir ou de refuser son mariage) en s'appuyant sur une étude des différentes oeuvres de Molière qui font référence de façon directe au problème de l'amour et plus particulièrement à l'amour dans le cadre du mariage. A partir des différentes idées sur le thème de l'égalité de la femme par rapport à l'homme et de sa liberté défendues par le rationalisme (Descartes) et par le naturalisme (Gasendi) au XVIIe siècle, il est ici question de prouver que Molière se range du côté du naturalisme ; ce qui le mène à défendre une égalité et une liberté qui se limitent à la liberté de choisir en amour (en insistant sur les obligations biologique et sociologique qu'engendre le mariage) face à une attitude que défend le féminisme du XVIIe siècle et qui exige pour la femme les mêmes droits que pour l'homme : bien entendu, la liberté de choix en amour (pour le mariage ou autre) et, surtout, la liberté de pouvoir refuser le mariage, en cherchant ailleurs son épanouissement complet, dans d'autres activités comme les sciences et les arts. Afin de ridiculiser et de détruire ces prétentions, Molière se sert du piège comique qui consiste à placer toutes ces femmes (savantes ou précieuses) dans la catégorie comique des ridicules. Il réussit ainsi à donner à ce sujet un effet esthétique (comique) efficace mais peu éthique. On peut en conclure que, dans ce cas, comme dans tant d'autres, l'esthétique sans éthique n'est que pure cosmétique. - The essay tries to analyse the problems that women had to face in order to carry out their freedom of choice (between marriage or spinsterhood), as made evident in some of Molière's works; those that explicitly deal with the issue of love and, more specifically, with love within marriage. Departing from some of the postures elaborated by Rationalism (Descartes) and Naturalism (Gasendi) on the issues of equality for women and woman's freedom in the 18th century, we shall try to prove how Molière ascribes himself to the views of Naturalism; which lead him to defend freedom and equality for women circumscribed to the choice of love (but always within the biological and social obligation of marriage); as opposed to a different 18th-century feminist attitude which demands total equality of rights for women; namely, the freedom of choice of love (in or out of marriage) and, above all, the freedom to reject marriage in favour of other activities like a dedication to science or the arts. In order to mock such pretensions, Molière opts for a comic trap that consists in attributing all of those women (wise or beautiful) the comic category of ridiculous. Thus, he manages to attain a great aesthetic (comic) effect, at the cost of a poor ethical proposal. From which, once again, one could conclude that aesthetics without ethics becomes little more than cosmetics.El texto trata de analizar los problemas de la mujer para ejercer su libertad (para elegir su matrimonio o para negarse al matrimonio), apoyándose en un recorrido por las distintas obras de Molière que se refieren de manera directa al problema del amor y, de manera más particular, del amor en el matrimonio. Partiendo de las diferentes posturas que, respecto al tema de la igualdad de la mujer y de su libertad elaboran el racionalismo (Descartes) y el naturalismo (Gasendi) en el siglo XVII, se trata de demostrar cómo Molière se pone del lado del naturalismo; lo que le lleva defender una igualdad y una libertad que se limita al derecho de elección en el amor (pero dentro de la obligación biológica y sociológica del matrimonio), frente a una actitud que defiende el feminismo del siglo XVII que exige para la mujer los mismos derechos que para el hombre: evidentemente, la libertad de elección en el amor (para el matrimonio o no) y, sobre todo la libertad de poder negarse al matrimonio, buscando su realización total en otras actividades como la ciencia y las artes. Para ridiculizar y destruir estas pretensiones, Molière recurre a la trampa cómica que consiste en meter a todas esas mujeres (sabias o precio-sas) en la categoría cómica de las ridículas. Así consigue sacar del tema una gran rentabilidad estética (cómica) pero una pobre oferta ética. De donde se concluye que en esta ocasión, como en tantas otras, la estética sin ética puede quedar reducida a simple cosmética

    ¿Por qué no se presta suficiente atención a la corrosión?

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    In this paper, we intend to invite reflection on why insufficient attention is paid to the problems associated with the corrosion of metallic components or structures. Practical corrosion cases that we may observe in our daily life are presented as examples for different perceptions of the observed phenomena in terms of failure or poor design. We conclude that all who participate in a component´s lifetime, from the specification phase over manufacturing through the time in service, in order to achieve an economically optimized technical solution for a desired functionality, require awareness of corrosion. Some aspects for improving the awareness are identified in education, in industry, and in their interaction.En este articulo, nos proponemos invitar a la reflexión sobre por qué no se presta suficiente atención a los problemas relacionados con la corrosión de los componentes o estructuras metálicas. Los casos prácticos de corrosión que podemos observar en nuestra vida cotidiana se presentan como ejemplos de las diferentes percepciones de los fenómenos observados en cuanto a fallos o diseño deficiente. Concluimos que la conciencia de la corrosión es necesaria para todos los que participan en la vida de un componente, desde la fase de especificación, pasando por la fabricación, hasta el tiempo en servicio, para lograr una solución técnica económicamente optimizada para una funcionalidad deseada. Se identifican algunos aspectos para mejorar la conciencia en la educación, en la industria y en su interacción

    The impact of design on material corrosion: An illustrative example

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    Prosody is adding what?: Echo questions are not a thing

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    While echo questions (EcQs) are often said to be identified by their prosodic properties, there is no empirical study actually supporting such claim. Focusing on wh-utterances we provide results from a production study, a classifier, and a perception study to argue that prosody is not a reliable cue to identify an inquisitive utterance as EcQ. We also offer a model that unifies the semantics of utterances inquiring about what has just been said (EcQs) and utterances inquiring about ‘non-discursive’ facts, information seeking questions (InfQs), while keeping the interpretation of the utterance true to form

    Conditional inversion and GIVENNESS

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    This paper provides support for the claim that non-canonical word-order adds "extra meaning" to natural language utterances (Prince). In particular, it tells us about the informational status of the constituents. The case study in this paper is subject-auxiliary inversion in conditional antecedents. I argue that subject-auxiliary inversion in conditional antecedents indicate that the antecedent is GIVEN (Schwarzschild 1999). This proposal explain further pragmatic inferences such as why inverted conditionals are particularly good as reproaches