64 research outputs found

    Power grid complex network evolutions for the smart grid

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    The shift towards an energy grid dominated by prosumers (consumers and producers of energy) will inevitably have repercussions on the electricity distribution infrastructure. Today the grid is a hierarchical one delivering energy from large scale facilities to end-users. Tomorrow it will be a capillary infrastructure at the medium and low voltage levels that will support local energy trading among prosumers. We investigate how different network topologies and growth models facilitate a more efficient and reliable network, and how they can facilitate the emergence of a decentralized electricity market. We show how connectivity plays an important role in improving the properties of reliability and path-cost reduction. Our results indicate that a specific type of evolution balances best the ratio between increased connectivity and costs to achieve the network growth.

    Cardiac metabolism in vitro with special reference to the role of calcium.

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    The effects of Ca++ , Na+ , K+ , ouabain, epinephrine and tetrodotoxin (TTX) on the metabolism of glucose-U-C14 in the perfused guinea pig heart were studied. A direct relationship was found between glucose oxidation and the extracellular ratio (Ca++)/(Na+)2. The metabolic stimulatory effects of ouabain were concentration-dependent and were prevented at half and twice Ca++, at zero K+, by MnC12 and by acetate. The addition of malonate, TTX or K+ caused a reduction of the metabolic activity obtained with ouabain, but dichloroisoproterenol and theophylline caused no effect. [...

    Étude des variations des vitesses d’hydrolyse trypsique de quelques esters acylés

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    Lors de l’hydrolyse trypsique de quelques esters acylés de l’arginine on observe des variations de la vitesse de réaction en fonction du pH dont le caractère dépend du choix particulier du substrat. Les vitesse d'hydrolyse des deux isomères optiques du TAM (p-toluène-sulfonylarginine méthylester) par la trypsine, en fonction du pH, correspondent à deux courbes différentes quand les mesures sont effectuées avec des concentrations en substrat constantes. L’hydrolyse du L-BAE (benzoyl-L-arginine éthylester) en fonction du pH conduit à une courbe encore différente de celles qui se rapportent à l’hydrolyse des deux isomères optiques. La méthode potentiométrique à pH constant est susceptible d’introduire des erreurs si un groupement du substrat est ionisé d’une manière appréciable dans la zone des mesures du pH. Par conséquent, l’on ne peut attribuer aux groupements de l’enzyme, les pK évalués expérimentalement
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