372 research outputs found

    Pengaruh Perceived Quality terhadap Kesetian Merek dan Citra Merek

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    The aims of this research is to explore interrelation of perceived quality toward brand loyalty and brand image in hotel industry. The research is based on recommendation of previous studies, the scale constructed to measure perceived quality, brand loyalty and brand image. The present study used sample of selected 100 actual guest of GrandTropic Suites Hotel Jakarta. Multiple Regression is used to test the model.The Findings in this research support the brand loyalty and brand image in hotel industry. The present study contributes to the understanding of customer-based brand loyalty and brand imageby examining the dimensionality of this construct. Further research should attempt to examine and compare brand loyalty and brand image among different hotel categories. The research shows that hotel managers should try to influence perceived quality, brand loyalty and brand image in their organization and design their service delivery process by considering relations between customer based brand loyaltyand brand image

    Evaluasi Sistem Pencahayaan Alami dan Buatan pada Ruang Kerja Kantor Kelurahan Paninggilan Utara, Ciledug, Tangerang

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    Telah dilakukan penelitian mengenai optimasi sistem pencahayaan alami dan buatan pada ruang kerja Kantor Kelurahan Paninggilan Utara Ciledug Tangerang yang bertujuan untuk mengkaji sistem pencahayaan alami dan buatan dalam upaya mendapatkan sistem pencahayaan yang optimal, yang dapat diterapkan pada ruang kantor kelurahan. Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan menggunakan metode kuantitatif. Data yang diperoleh besumber dari hasil pengukuran intensitas cahaya secara langsung pada objek penelitian yang dilakukan pada pagi, siang dan sore hari selama tiga hari dengan menggunakan luxmeter. Hasil yang diperoleh kemudian di bandingkan dengan standar yang direkomendasikan oleh SNI. Simulasi komputer digunakan sebagai alat untuk melakukan penyelesaian permasalahan melalui optimasi sistem pencahayaan pada ruang kerja kantor. Hasil pengukuran yang dilakukan menunjukan hasil tingkat intensitas cahaya pada sistem pencahayaan alami dan campuran tidak terdapat titik ukur yang memenuhi standar SNI yaitu sebesar 350 lux. Untuk itu optimasi sederhana dilakukan dengan menambahkan tingkat intensitas cahaya yang masuk ke dalam ruangan dan hasilnya tingkat intensitas cahaya alami yang masuk mengalami peningkatan. Selain itu, penggantian dan penambahan lampu pada ruang kerja, mampu meningkatkan tingkat intensitas cahaya sehingga intensitas cahaya pada ruang kerja tercukupi. Upaya penghematan energi dilakukan dengan Penerapan koordinasi sistem pencahayaan alami dan buatan dengan cara mematikan lampu pada area yang intensitas cahayanya tercukupi melalui cahaya alami

    Penerapan Model Pembelajaran Kooperative Tipe Team Quiz dalam Meningkatkan Keaktifan Belajar Siswa

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    The objective of this research is to improve the activeness in Personnel Administration subject matter of the students in Grade XI-4 of Office Administration Program of State Vocational High School 1 of Karanganyar through the use of the Cooperative Learning of the team quiz type.This research used the classroom action research with two cycles. Each cycleconsisted of four phases, namely: planning, implementation, observation, and reflection. The subjects of research were the students in Grade XI-4 of Office Administration Program of State Vocational High School 1 of Karanganyar. The data sources of research were a teacher, students, and documents. The data were collected through in-depth interview, observation, documentation, and test. They were validated by using the data triangulation and the method triangulation. The data were analyzed by using the descriptive comparative technique of analysis. The procedures of research include planning, implementation, observation, and reflection.The result of research shows that the application of the cooperative learning model of the team quiz type can improve the students' activeness in Personnel Administration subject matter. Their activeness improves up to 44.22%. Prior to the treatment, their activeness is 31.89%. Following the treatment, it becomes 53.83% in Cycle I and 31.89% in Cycle II respectively.Thus, a conclusion is drawn that the application of the cooperative learning model of the team quiz type improves the student's learning activeness of the students in Grade XI-4 of Office Administration Program of State Vocational High School 1 of Karanganyar

    Pengaruh Kepemimpinan Transaksional-transformasional pada Modal Sosial Anggota Organisasi (Kasus untuk Karyawan Setingkat Staf pada sebuah Perusahaan Otomotif di Jawa Tengah)

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    Recently, social capital becomes a popular term in business world. Researchers believe that social capital has significant influence on employee performance. However, there has not been found any research examining how social capital can be built. This article tries to fill the gap by examining the effect of leader behavior to employees\u27 social capital. The results find strong support for the effect of transactional and transformational leadership to relational dimension ofsocial capital, and also strong support for the effect of transformational leadership to cognitive dimension of social capital. The results do not find any support for the effect of transactional and transformational leadership to structural dimension of social capital and the effect of transactional leadership to cognitive dimension of social capital

    Potensi Wisata Kulineri dan Pendidikan di Pesona Alam Dusun Sendang Kumitir Desa Kembang Arum , Turi, Sleman sebagai Daerah Tujuan Wisatawan

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    One of the tourism products in Yogyakarta which is now again a trend and developed is educational tours and culinary tours that can complement other tours such as natural attractions and culture. Because the natural and cultural tourism products are very much in Yogyakarta. A lot of information from the print and electronic media that interest tourism such as culinary and education are widely sold in the media because it is very promising income and certainly increase the regional economic income. One of the educational and culinary tour is the Natural Enchantment Sendang Kumitir Hamlet that has the potential of culinary tourism and education. In this qualitative descriptive research the researcher exposed about the potential that support the tourism. SWOT analysis also explained that this tour should be developed by managers to be bigger because there is still enough land to expand the tour. From the results of the questionnaire data that tourists are enjoying the education and culinary tour because it is supported by the natural atmosphere that is still beautiful and cool because in the middle of the village and surrounded by bark garden is quite wide. In terms of service to tourists considered satisfactory in terms of attractiveness, facilities and human resources or managers in this case employees and owners of these attraction

    Pengaruh Dimensi-dimensi Kepemimpinan Transformasional Dan Transaksional Pada Kinerja Karyawan

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    This article is aimed to test the infunce of charisma, intellectual stimulation, inspirational motivation and individualized consideration as dimensions of transformational leadership to employee performance measured by in-role and extra role per formance. This artcle is also examine the infuence of contingent reward and management by exception as dimensions of transactional leadership to employee performance measured with in-role and extra role performance. Five hundred and four manufacturing sector employees participated in this reseach. This research found that almost all of tranformational and transactional leadership dimensions has positive infuence to employee performance measured with in- role and extra role performance

    Monitoring of Physiological and Parasites Status of Bawean Deer (Axis Kuhlii) in Its Habitat as a Baseline for Wildlife Conservation Endeavor

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    The research on physiological and reproduction status of Bawean deer (Axis kuhlii) in its habitat has been conducted, to understand and to find out as a basic information on Bawean deer (Axis kuhlii) in its habitats abaseline data for wildlife conservation efforts. The deer is categorized as an endangered animal, therefore, more attention was given toward Bawean deer conservation. Habitat changes, loss of habitat, fragmentation and illegalhunting might caused the wild animals become more marginalized and the populations have been declined. Therefore, it is needed to have research as an effort to save Bawean deer in its natural habitat. This research activity covered monitoring on physiological and reproduction status, and also the examination of deer's feces samples was parasite coprological data that serve as a basic consideration data in conservation and determination of Bawean deers health in the nature and/or conservation. The research was done in Bawean Island, Gresik and East Java, by taking faces of Bawean deers in the nature and conservation. Data gathering of physiological and reproduction status were done by examining deer's condition, either directly in conservation or in its habitat, and also by interviewing people around the forest. The data on physiological status, behavior monitoring, reproduction status, faces samples, blood, food analysis, and interview result were analyzed descriptively. Some worm eggs were found during feces examination, those were Strongyl, Strongyloides sp, Trichuris sp, Fasciola gigantica and Oocysta coccidia. The result showed that the same parasites were found in the cattle and goat raised by people around in the vicinity of the forest, meaning, there was an interaction between wildlife andlivestock. According to the result, it is needed to monitor the physiological status of Bawean deers routinely since Bawean deers is classified as endangered species
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