82 research outputs found

    Fackförbund pÄ tvÀren - en studie över tre fackförbund och det inkomstpolitiska avtalet för Ären 1992-1993

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    Only abstract. Paper copies of master’s theses are listed in the Helka database (http://www.helsinki.fi/helka). Electronic copies of master’s theses are either available as open access or only on thesis terminals in the Helsinki University Library.Vain tiivistelmĂ€. Sidottujen gradujen saatavuuden voit tarkistaa Helka-tietokannasta (http://www.helsinki.fi/helka). Digitaaliset gradut voivat olla luettavissa avoimesti verkossa tai rajoitetusti kirjaston opinnĂ€ytekioskeilla.Endast sammandrag. Inbundna avhandlingar kan sökas i Helka-databasen (http://www.helsinki.fi/helka). Elektroniska kopior av avhandlingar finns antingen öppet pĂ„ nĂ€tet eller endast tillgĂ€ngliga i bibliotekets avhandlingsterminaler.Studien har tvĂ„ syften. För det första att ta reda pĂ„ varför fackförbund vĂ€ljer att inte godta det av centralförbunden och regeringen överenskomna inkomstpolitiska avtalet. För det andra att bedöma om denna strategi som kallas friĂ„kning leder till ett för fackförbundet fördelaktigare kollektivavtal. Fackförbunden i denna studie Ă€r Elbranschens fackförbund som valde friĂ„kandet för telebranschen, Byggnadsförbundet för husbyggnadsbranschens del och Gummi- och lĂ€derarbetarnas förbund i frĂ„ga om bildĂ€cks- och gummiindustrin. Det inkomstpolitiska avtal förbunden hade att ta stĂ€llning till gĂ€llde Ă„ren 1992–1993. Studiens referensram har inspirerats av Leif Lewins teorier om den rationella aktören som han presenterat i bland annat Ideologi och strategi. Svensk politik under 100 Ă„r. Jag har ocksĂ„ presenterat det systemteoretiska perspektivet. De tre friĂ„karförbunden förenas ideologiskt genom att de alla tre enligt sina stadgar strĂ€var efter att förvandla produktionssystemet till socialistiskt. Men nĂ€r det gĂ€ller de specifika motiveringarna just denna gĂ„ng skiljer de sig Ă„t. Gummi- och lĂ€derarbetarnas fackförbunds syn pĂ„ löneutvecklingen i sina branscher var den att inga löneglidningar förekommer, alltsĂ„ var det viktigt att avtala om löneförhöjningarna. Byggnadsförbundet uppgav en förnyelse av förtroendemannaavtalet som orsak till friĂ„kandet och Elbranschens fackförbund ansĂ„g att telebranschen hamnat pĂ„ efterkĂ€lken i avlöningen jĂ€mfört med övriga löntagare. År 1991 sĂ„g de sin chans att korrigera detta dĂ„ omsĂ€ttningen i telebranschen ökat. SamhĂ€llsekonomin i övrigt upplevde samtidigt en dramatisk konjunkturnedgĂ„ng. Lyckades fackförbunden förbĂ€ttra sina kollektivavtal genom friĂ„kandet? Även hĂ€r skiljer sig fackförbunden frĂ„n varandra. Elbranschens fackförbund uppnĂ„dde de största framgĂ„ngarna och det Ă€r inget tvivel om att friĂ„kandet lönade sig för förbundet och dess medlemmar. Gummi- och lĂ€derarbetarnas förbund lyckades höja vissa tillĂ€gg i bĂ„da branscherna och inom gummiidustrin gavs huvudförtroendemĂ€nnen rĂ€tt att Ă€gna all arbetstid för förtroendeuppdraget. Byggnadsförbundets resultat Ă€r dĂ€remot svĂ„rare att bedöma. Visserligen nĂ„ddes ett nytt förtroendemannaavtal för husbyggnadsbranschen. Men snarast var det vĂ€l en avvĂ€rjningsseger dĂ€r facket lyckades förhindra de av arbetsgivarna tĂ€nkta försĂ€mringarna. Eftersom friĂ„kandet inte medförde nĂ„gra direkta kostnader för fackförbundens medlemmar annat Ă€n i telebranschen dĂ€r övertidsförbud rĂ„dde i tio dagar kan man konstatera att det lönade sig att friĂ„ka inför avtalen Ă„r 1992–1993

    Lihasdystrofiaproteiini myotiliinin molekulaariset sidokset ja hajoamiseen liittyvÀt mekanismit

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    The striated muscle sarcomere is a force generating and transducing unit as well as an important sensor of extracellular cues and a coordinator of cellular signals. The borders of individual sarcomeres are formed by the Z-disks. The Z-disk component myotilin interacts with Z-disk core structural proteins and with regulators of signaling cascades. Missense mutations in the gene encoding myotilin cause dominantly inherited muscle disorders, myotilinopathies, by an unknown mechanism. In this thesis the functions of myotilin were further characterized to clarify the molecular biological basis and the pathogenetic mechanisms of inherited muscle disorders, mainly caused by mutated myotilin. Myotilin has an important function in the assembly and maintenance of the Z-disks probably through its actin-organizing properties. Our results show that the Ig-domains of myotilin are needed for both binding and bundling actin and define the Ig domains as actin-binding modules. The disease-causing mutations appear not to change the interplay between actin and myotilin. Interactions between Z-disk proteins regulate muscle functions and disruption of these interactions results in muscle disorders. Mutations in Z-disk components myotilin, ZASP/Cypher and FATZ-2 (calsarcin-1/myozenin-2) are associated with myopathies. We showed that proteins from the myotilin and FATZ families interact via a novel and unique type of class III PDZ binding motif with the PDZ domains of ZASP and other Enigma family members and that the interactions can be modulated by phosphorylation. The morphological findings typical of myotilinopathies include Z-disk alterations and aggregation of dense filamentous material. The causes and mechanisms of protein aggregation in myotilinopathy patients are unknown, but impaired degradation might explain in part the abnormal protein accumulation. We showed that myotilin is degraded by the calcium-dependent, non-lysosomal cysteine protease calpain and by the proteasome pathway, and that wild type and mutant myotilin differ in their sensitivity to degradation. These studies identify the first functional difference between mutated and wild type myotilin. Furthermore, if degradation of myotilin is disturbed, it accumulates in cells in a manner resembling that seen in myotilinopathy patients. Based on the results, we propose a model where mutant myotilin escapes proteolytic breakdown and forms protein aggregates, leading to disruption of myofibrils and muscular dystrophy. In conclusion, the main results of this study demonstrate that myotilin is a Z-disk structural protein interacting with several Z-disk components. The turnover of myotilin is regulated by calpain and the ubiquitin proteasome system and mutations in myotilin seem to affect the degradation of myotilin, leading to protein accumulations in cells. These findings are important for understanding myotilin-linked muscle diseases and designing treatments for these disorders.Lihaksen rakennetta ja toimintaa sÀÀtelevÀt useat valkuaisaineet, joiden avulla aktiini- ja myosiinisÀikeiden tuottama supistusvoima synkronoidaan ja siirretÀÀn tukikudoksiin. Myotiliini on lihaksen rakenneproteiini ja osa lihaksen supistusyksikköÀ, sarkomeeriÀ. Myotiliinin perityt pistemutaatiot aikaansaavat luuranko- ja sydÀnlihaksen hÀiriöitÀ, eli myotilinopatioita. Vaikka myotilinopatian perinnöllinen tausta tunnetaan, on vielÀ selvittÀmÀttÀ, kuinka myotiliinin muutokset johtavat lihasten surkastumiseen. Solutasolla tiedÀmme, ettÀ myotilinopatiapotilailla on vakavia sarkomeerin rakennehÀiriöitÀ, ja ettÀ viallisen myotiliinin ilmentÀminen lihassoluissa johtaa sarkomeerirakenteen hajoamiseen. TÀssÀ tutkimuksessa selvitettiin myotiliinin toimintamekanismeja. Myotiliinin pÀÀtehtÀvÀnÀ lienee aktiinisÀikeiden yhteenliittÀminen sarkomeerin Z-levyssÀ. Osoitimme, ettÀ myotiliinin immunoglobuliinin (Ig) kaltaisia rakenneyksiköitÀ eli domeeneja tarvitaan aktiinin sÀÀtelyyn. NÀmÀ Ig domeenit ovat yhtenÀisiÀ rakenneosia muiden myotiliiniperheen jÀsenten kanssa. Tauteja aiheuttavat geenivirheet eivÀt kuitenkaan vaikuttane myotiliinin ja aktiinin vÀliseen vuorovaikutukseen. Lihasmassaa sÀÀdellÀÀn tarpeen mukaan ja esimerkiksi fyysinen harjoittelu kasvattaa lihaksia. Rasitusvastetta ja siihen liittyvÀÀ geenien luentaa sÀÀtelevÀt Z-levyn rakenneproteiinit. HÀiriö proteiinien, kuten myotiliinin, vuorovaikutuksissa voi johtaa lihastauteihin. Selvitimme sydÀn- ja lihastaudeissa mutatoituneiden myotiliinin- ja FATZ-perheen proteiinien vuorovaikutusta Z-levyssÀ sijaitsevien Enigma proteiiniperheen jÀsenten kanssa. Osoitimme, ettÀ myotiliini- ja FATZ-perheiden jÀsenet sitovat Enigma proteiinien PDZ-domeenia uuden ja ainutlaatuisen luokka III:n PDZ:tÀ sitovan motiivin avulla. NÀitÀ proteiinien vuorovaikutuksia voidaan sÀÀdellÀ fosforylaation avulla. Vuorovaikutukset ovat osa mekanismia, jolla lihassolun sisÀinen viestintÀ tapahtuu. Myotilinopatioille tyypillisiÀ lihaksen rakennevirheitÀ ovat Z-levyn muutokset ja tiheÀn sÀiemÀisen materiaalin kerÀytyminen. Kertymien syytÀ ja mekanismia ei tunneta, mutta yksi syy tÀhÀn voisi olla proteiinien puutteellinen hajoaminen. Osoitimme, ettÀ kalpaiini-proteaasi pilkkoo myotiliinin lihassoluissa ja ettÀ myotiliini hajoaa pienempiin rakenneosiin proteasomireitin vÀlityksellÀ. MÀÀritimme myös ensimmÀisen toiminnallisen eron normaalin ja mutatoituneen myotiliinin vÀlillÀ, sillÀ myotilinopatioissa mutatoitunut myotiliini hajoaa huomattavasti normaalia hitaammin. LisÀksi nÀytimme, ettÀ mikÀli myotiliinin hajoamista estetÀÀn kemikaaleilla, seurauksena on proteiinikertymiÀ, jotka muistuttavat potilasnÀytteissÀ nÀhtÀviÀ muutoksia. NÀiden tulosten perusteella ehdotamme taudin syntymekanismiksi mallia, jossa mutatoitunut myotiliini ei hajoa normaalisti vaan muodostaa kertymiÀ, jotka johtavat lihaksen rakenneosien hajoamiseen ja lihastautiin. Tulokset edesauttavat myotiliiniin liittyvien lihassairauksien ymmÀrtÀmistÀ ja lihassairauksien hoitoon tarkoitettujen lÀÀkkeiden kehittÀmistÀ

    Työntekijöiden altistuminen tukiasemien radiotaajuisille kentille

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    Matkapuhelinten kÀytön ja langattoman viestinnÀn tiedonsiirtotarpeiden kasvu edellyttÀÀ samanaikaista tukiasemaverkoston tihentymistÀ. Tukiasemien antennit pyritÀÀn sijoittamaan siten, ettÀ ns. suuri yleisö ei pÀÀse antennien lÀhelle. Työntekijöiden on kuitenkin joissakin työtehtÀvissÀ ja -tilanteissa työskenneltÀvÀ antennien lÀhellÀ, vaikka turvallinen etÀisyys antenneista on epÀselvÀ. TÀmÀn tutkimusprojektin tarkoituksena oli tutkia radiotaajuisia sÀhkömagneettisia kenttiÀ kolmen eri matkapuhelinverkon tukiasema-antennien lÀheisyydessÀ. Tutkitut tukiasemat kuuluivat GSM-, UMTS- tai TETRA-verkkoon

    Liprin-alpha 1 modulates cancer cell signaling by transmembrane protein CD82 in adhesive membrane domains linked to cytoskeleton

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    Background: PPFIA1 is located at the 11q13 region commonly amplified in cancer. The protein liprin-alpha 1 encoded by PPFIA1 contributes to the adhesive and invasive structures of cytoskeletal elements and is located at the invadosomes in cancer cells. However, the precise mechanism of liprin-alpha 1 function in cancer progression has remained elusive. Methods: Invasion regulating activity of liprin-alpha 1 was examined by analyzing the functions of squamous cell carcinoma of head and neck (HNSCC) cell lines in three-dimensional collagen I after RNAi mediated gene knockdown. Transcriptome profiling and Gene Set Enrichment Analysis from HNSCC and breast cancer cells were used to identify expression changes relevant to specific cellular localizations, biological processes and signaling pathways after PPFIA1 knockdown. The significance of the results was assessed by relevant statistical methods (Wald and Benjamini-Hochberg). Localization of proteins associated to liprin-alpha 1 was studied by immunofluorescence in 2D and 3D conditions. The association of PPFIA1 amplification to HNSCC patient survival was explored using The Cancer Genome Atlas data. Results: In this study, we show that liprin-alpha 1 regulates biological processes related to membrane microdomains in breast carcinoma, as well as protein trafficking, cell-cell and cell-substrate contacts in HNSCC cell lines cultured in three-dimensional matrix. Importantly, we show that in all these cancer cells liprin-alpha 1 knockdown leads to the upregulation of transmembrane protein CD82, which is a suppressor of metastasis in several solid tumors. Conclusions: Our results provide novel information regarding the function of liprin-alpha 1 in biological processes essential in cancer progression. The results reveal liprin-alpha 1 as a novel regulator of CD82, linking liprin-alpha 1 to the cancer cell invasion and metastasis pathways.Peer reviewe

    Liprin-α1 modulates cancer cell signaling by transmembrane protein CD82 in adhesive membrane domains linked to cytoskeleton

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    Abstract Background PPFIA1 is located at the 11q13 region commonly amplified in cancer. The protein liprin-α1 encoded by PPF1A1 contributes to the adhesive and invasive structures of cytoskeletal elements and is located at the invadosomes in cancer cells. However, the precise mechanism of liprin-α1 function in cancer progression has remained elusive. Methods Invasion regulating activity of liprin-α1 was examined by analyzing the functions of squamous cell carcinoma of head and neck (HNSCC) cell lines in three-dimensional collagen I after RNAi mediated gene knockdown. Transcriptome profiling and Gene Set Enrichment Analysis from HNSCC and breast cancer cells were used to identify expression changes relevant to specific cellular localizations, biological processes and signaling pathways after PPFIA1 knockdown. The significance of the results was assessed by relevant statistical methods (Wald and Benjamini-Hochberg). Localization of proteins associated to liprin-α1 was studied by immunofluorescence in 2D and 3D conditions. The association of PPFIA1 amplification to HNSCC patient survival was explored using The Cancer Genome Atlas data. Results In this study, we show that liprin-α1 regulates biological processes related to membrane microdomains in breast carcinoma, as well as protein trafficking, cell-cell and cell-substrate contacts in HNSCC cell lines cultured in three-dimensional matrix. Importantly, we show that in all these cancer cells liprin-α1 knockdown leads to the upregulation of transmembrane protein CD82, which is a suppressor of metastasis in several solid tumors. Conclusions Our results provide novel information regarding the function of liprin-α1 in biological processes essential in cancer progression. The results reveal liprin-α1 as a novel regulator of CD82, linking liprin-α1 to the cancer cell invasion and metastasis pathways

    Loss of ATRX/DAXX expression and alternative lengthening of telomeres in uterine leiomyomas

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    Background Uterine leiomyomas (ULs) are the most common gynecologic tumors and affect 3 of every 4 women by the age of 50 years. The majority of ULs are classified as conventional tumors, whereas 10% represent various histopathological subtypes with features that mimic malignancy. These subtypes include cellular and mitotically active ULs and ULs with bizarre nuclei. Uterine leiomyosarcoma (ULMS), the malignant counterpart of UL, is an aggressive cancer with poor overall survival. The early diagnosis and preoperative differentiation of ULMS from UL are often challenging because their symptoms and morphology resemble one another. Recent studies have shown frequent loss of alpha-thalassemia/mental retardation syndrome X-linked (ATRX) or death domain-associated protein (DAXX) expression in ULMS, and this is often associated with an alternative lengthening of telomeres (ALT) phenotype. Methods To investigate ATRX and DAXX expression and the presence of ALT in UL subtypes, immunohistochemical and telomere-specific fluorescence in situ hybridization analyses were performed. The study material consisted of 142 formalin-fixed, paraffin-embedded tissue samples representing various UL subtypes and 64 conventional ULs. Results A loss of ATRX or DAXX and/or ALT was detected in 6.3% of the histopathological UL subtype samples (9 of 142). Two patients whose ULs showed either ATRX loss or ALT were later diagnosed with a pulmonary smooth muscle tumor. Pulmonary tumors displayed molecular alterations found in the corresponding uterine tumors, which indicated metastasis to the lungs. All conventional ULs displayed normal ATRX, DAXX, and telomeres. Conclusions These results highlight the differences between conventional and histopathologically atypical ULs and indicate that some UL subtype tumors may harbor long-term malignant potential. Cancer 2018;124:4650-4656. (C) 2018 American Cancer Society.Peer reviewe

    Liprin-α1 modulates cancer cell signaling by transmembrane protein CD82 in adhesive membrane domains linked to cytoskeleton

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    BackgroundPPFIA1 is located at the 11q13 region commonly amplified in cancer. The protein liprin-α1 encoded by PPF1A1 contributes to the adhesive and invasive structures of cytoskeletal elements and is located at the invadosomes in cancer cells. However, the precise mechanism of liprin-α1 function in cancer progression has remained elusive.MethodsInvasion regulating activity of liprin-α1 was examined by analyzing the functions of squamous cell carcinoma of head and neck (HNSCC) cell lines in three-dimensional collagen I after RNAi mediated gene knockdown. Transcriptome profiling and Gene Set Enrichment Analysis from HNSCC and breast cancer cells were used to identify expression changes relevant to specific cellular localizations, biological processes and signaling pathways after PPFIA1knockdown. The significance of the results was assessed by relevant statistical methods (Wald and Benjamini-Hochberg). Localization of proteins associated to liprin-α1 was studied by immunofluorescence in 2D and 3D conditions. The association of PPFIA1 amplification to HNSCC patient survival was explored using The Cancer Genome Atlas data.ResultsIn this study, we show that liprin-α1 regulates biological processes related to membrane microdomains in breast carcinoma, as well as protein trafficking, cell-cell and cell-substrate contacts in HNSCC cell lines cultured in three-dimensional matrix. Importantly, we show that in all these cancer cells liprin-α1 knockdown leads to the upregulation of transmembrane protein CD82, which is a suppressor of metastasis in several solid tumors.ConclusionsOur results provide novel information regarding the function of liprin-α1 in biological processes essential in cancer progression. The results reveal liprin-α1 as a novel regulator of CD82, linking liprin-α1 to the cancer cell invasion and metastasis pathways.</div

    Liprin-alpha 1 is a regulator of vimentin intermediate filament network in the cancer cell adhesion machinery

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    PPFIA1 is located at the 11q13 region, which is one of the most commonly amplified regions in several epithelial cancers including head and neck squamous cell carcinoma and breast carcinoma. Considering the location of PPFIA1 in this amplicon, we examined whether protein encoded by PPFIA1, liprin-alpha 1, possesses oncogenic properties in relevant carcinoma cell lines. Our results indicate that liprin-alpha 1 localizes to different adhesion and cytoskeletal structures to regulate vimentin intermediate filament network, thereby altering the invasion and growth properties of the cancer cells. In non-invasive cells liprin-alpha 1 promotes expansive growth behavior with limited invasive capacity, whereas in invasive cells liprin-alpha 1 has significant impact on mesenchymal cancer cell invasion in three-dimensional collagen. Current results identify liprin-a1 as a novel regulator of the tumor cell intermediate filaments with differential oncogenic properties in actively proliferating or motile cells.Peer reviewe
