4,640 research outputs found

    New Developments in FormCalc 8.4

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    We present new developments in FeynArts 3.9 and FormCalc 8.4, in particular the MSSMCT model file including the complete one-loop renormalization, vectorization/parallelization issues, and the interface to the Ninja library for tensor reduction.Comment: 7 pages, proceedings contribution to Loops & Legs 2014, April 27-May 2, 2014, Weimar, German

    The Implementation of the Renormalized Complex MSSM in FeynArts and FormCalc

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    We describe the implementation of the renormalized complex MSSM (cMSSM) in the diagram generator FeynArts and the calculational tool FormCalc. This extension allows to perform UV-finite one-loop calculations of cMSSM processes almost fully automatically. The Feynman rules for the cMSSM with counterterms are available as a new model file for FeynArts. Also included are default definitions of the renormalization constants; this fixes the renormalization scheme. Beyond that all model parameters are generic, e.g. we do not impose any relations to restrict the number of input parameters. The model file has been tested extensively for several non-trivial decays and scattering reactions. Our renormalization scheme has been shown to give stable results over large parts of the cMSSM parameter space.Comment: 29 pages, extended chargino/neutralino and sfermion renormalization schemes, version accepted for publication in Comp. Phys. Commu

    Mutations in hepatitis C virus E2 located outside the CD81 binding sites lead to escape from broadly neutralizing antibodies but compromise virus infectivity.

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    Broadly neutralizing antibodies are commonly present in the sera of patients with chronic hepatitis C virus (HCV) infection. To elucidate possible mechanisms of virus escape from these antibodies, retrovirus particles pseudotyped with HCV glycoproteins (HCVpp) isolated from sequential samples collected over a 26-year period from a chronically infected patient, H, were used to characterize the neutralization potential and binding affinity of a panel of anti-HCV E2 human monoclonal antibodies (HMAbs). Moreover, AP33, a neutralizing murine monoclonal antibody (MAb) to a linear epitope in E2, was also tested against selected variants. The HMAbs used were previously shown to broadly neutralize HCV and to recognize a cluster of highly immunogenic overlapping epitopes, designated domain B, containing residues that are also critical for binding of viral E2 glycoprotein to CD81, a receptor essential for virus entry. Escape variants were observed at different time points with some of the HMAbs. Other HMAbs neutralized all variants except for the isolate 02.E10, obtained in 2002, which was also resistant to MAb AP33. The 02.E10 HCVpp that have reduced binding affinities for all antibodies and for CD81 also showed reduced infectivity. Comparison of the 02.E10 nucleotide sequence with that of the strain H-derived consensus variant, H77c, revealed the former to have two mutations in E2, S501N and V506A, located outside the known CD81 binding sites. Substitution A506V in 02.E10 HCVpp restored binding to CD81, but its antibody neutralization sensitivity was only partially restored. Double substitutions comprising N501S and A506V synergistically restored 02.E10 HCVpp infectivity. Other mutations that are not part of the antibody binding epitope in the context of N501S and A506V were able to completely restore neutralization sensitivity. These findings showed that some nonlinear overlapping epitopes are more essential than others for viral fitness and consequently are more invariant during earlier years of chronic infection. Further, the ability of the 02.E10 consensus variant to escape neutralization by the tested antibodies could be a new mechanism of virus escape from immune containment. Mutations that are outside receptor binding sites resulted in structural changes leading to complete escape from domain B neutralizing antibodies, while simultaneously compromising viral fitness by reducing binding to CD81

    Slepton pair production in the POWHEG BOX

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    We present an implementation for slepton pair production at hadron colliders in the POWHEG BOX, a framework for combining next-to-leading order QCD calculations with parton-shower Monte-Carlo programs. Our code provides a SUSY Les Houches Accord interface for setting the supersymmetric input parameters. Decays of the sleptons and parton-shower effects are simulated with PYTHIA. Focussing on a representative point in the supersymmetric parameter space we show results for kinematic distributions that can be observed experimentally. While next-to-leading order QCD corrections are sizable for all distributions, the parton shower affects the color-neutral particles only marginally. Pronounced parton-shower effects are found for jet distributions.Comment: 10 pages, 4 figure

    Los Métodos Y Procesos Multicriterio Para La Evaluación

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    El presente artículo tiene por objeto evidenciar las bondades que el método multicriterio otorga en las evaluaciones científicas que sean consistentes con un marco de racionalidad. Inicia haciendo referencia al método científico a través del cual el hombre trata de entender el mundo, construyendo uno artificial desde la ciencia. A continuación se reflexiona sobre el valor agregado que pueden proporcionar los métodos cualitativos al entregar una visión diferente del mundo, al tomar en consideración variables que no pueden ser expresadas cuantitativamente. Para finalizar se expone el método multicriterio como una herramienta útil para determinar el impacto de acciones a desarrollo sobre la sostenibilidad al incorporar los conflictos que existen entre objetivos económicos, ambientales y sociales, y entre distintos niveles de decisión en las evaluaciones científicas.AbstractThis article aims to make clear the benefits the multicriteriamethod gives to scientific assessment which are consistent with a rationality framework. It begins by referring to the scientific method, through which humankind tries to understand the world building an artificial world from science. Afterwards a reflection on the added value qualitative methods as a methodology can give, is presented since they allow a broader worldview by taking into account variables that cannot be expressed quantitatively. Finally, a multicriteria-method is presented as a useful tool to determine the impact of actions on sustainability, while incorporating the existing conflicts between economic, environmental and social objectives, and between different levels of decision making in scientific assessment.El presente artículo tiene por objeto evidenciar las bondades que el método multicriterio otorga en las evaluaciones científicas que sean consistentes con un marco de racionalidad. Inicia haciendo referencia al método científico a través del cual el hombre trata de entender el mundo, construyendo uno artificial desde la ciencia. A continuación se reflexiona sobre el valor agregado que pueden proporcionar los métodos cualitativos al entregar una visión diferente del mundo, al tomar en consideración variables que no pueden ser expresadas cuantitativamente. Para finalizar se expone el método multicriterio como una herramienta útil para determinar el impacto de acciones a desarrollo sobre la sostenibilidad al incorporar los conflictos que existen entre objetivos económicos, ambientales y sociales, y entre distintos niveles de decisión en las evaluaciones científicas.AbstractThis article aims to make clear the benefits the multicriteriamethod gives to scientific assessment which are consistent with a rationality framework. It begins by referring to the scientific method, through which humankind tries to understand the world building an artificial world from science. Afterwards a reflection on the added value qualitative methods as a methodology can give, is presented since they allow a broader worldview by taking into account variables that cannot be expressed quantitatively. Finally, a multicriteria-method is presented as a useful tool to determine the impact of actions on sustainability, while incorporating the existing conflicts between economic, environmental and social objectives, and between different levels of decision making in scientific assessment

    Universality of Decoherence

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    We consider environment induced decoherence of quantum superpositions to mixtures in the limit in which that process is much faster than any competing one generated by the Hamiltonian HsysH_{\rm sys} of the isolated system. While the golden rule then does not apply we can discard HsysH_{\rm sys}. By allowing for simultaneous couplings to different reservoirs, we reveal decoherence as a universal short-time phenomenon independent of the character of the system as well as the bath and of the basis the superimposed states are taken from. We discuss consequences for the classical behavior of the macroworld and quantum measurement: For the decoherence of superpositions of macroscopically distinct states the system Hamiltonian is always negligible.Comment: 4 revtex pages, no figure

    Circulation and Oxygen Distribution in the Tropical Atlantic Cruise No. 80, Leg 1; October 26 to November 23, 2009 Mindelo (Cape Verde) to Mindelo (Cape Verde)

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    METEOR cruise 80/1 was a contribution to the SFB 754 “Climate-Biogeochemistry Interactions in the Tropical Ocean”. Shipboard, glider and moored observations are used to study the temporal and spatial variability of physical and biogeochemical parameters within the oxygen minimum zone (OMZ) of the tropical North Atlantic. As part of the BMBF “Nordatlantik” project, it further focuses on the equatorial current system including the Equatorial Undercurrent (EUC) and intermediate currents below. During the cruise, hydrographic station observations were performed using a CTD/O2 rosette, including water sampling for salinity, oxygen, nutrients and other biogeochemical tracers. Underway current measurements were successfully carried out with the 75 kHz ADCP borrowed from R/V POSEIDON during the first part of the cruise, and R/V METEOR’s 38 kHz ADCP during the second part. During M80/1, an intensive mooring program was carried out with 8 mooring recoveries and 8 mooring deployments. Right at the beginning of the cruise, a multidisciplinary mooring near the Cape Verde Islands was recovered and redeployed. Within the framework of SFB 754, two moorings with CTD/O2 profilers were recovered and redeployed with other instrumentation in the center and at the southern rim of the OMZ of the tropical North Atlantic. The equatorial mooring array as part of BMBF “North Atlantic” project consists of 5 current meter moorings along 23°W between 2°S and 2°N. It is aimed at quantifying the variability of the thermocline water supply toward the equatorial cold tongue which develops east of 10°W during boreal summer. Several glider missions were performed during the cruise. One glider was recovered that was deployed two months earlier. Another glider was deployed for two short term missions, near the equator for about 8 days and near 8°N for one day. This glider was equipped with a new microstructure probe in addition to standard sensors, i.e. CTD/O2, chlorophyll and turbidity

    Radiative rotational lifetimes and state-resolved relative detachment cross sections from photodetachment thermometry of molecular anions in a cryogenic storage ring

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    Photodetachment thermometry on a beam of OH^- in a cryogenic storage ring cooled to below 10 K is carried out using two-dimensional, frequency and time dependent photodetachment spectroscopy over 20 minutes of ion storage. In equilibrium with the low-level blackbody field, we find an effective radiative temperature near 15 K with about 90% of all ions in the rotational ground state. We measure the J = 1 natural lifetime (about 193 s) and determine the OH^- rotational transition dipole moment with 1.5% uncertainty. We also measure rotationally dependent relative near-threshold photodetachment cross sections for photodetachment thermometry.Comment: Manuscript LaTeX with 5 pages, 3 figures, and 1 table plus LaTeX supplement with 12 pages, 3 figures and 3 tables. This article has been accepted by Physical Review Letter

    Anisotropic Colossal Magnetoresistance Effects in Fe_{1-x}Cu_xCr_2S_4

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    A detailed study of the electronic transport and magnetic properties of Fe1x_{1-x}Cux_xCr2_2S4_4 (x0.5x \leq 0.5) on single crystals is presented. The resistivity is investigated for 2T3002 \leq T \leq 300 K in magnetic fields up to 14 Tesla and under hydrostatic pressure up to 16 kbar. In addition magnetization and ferromagnetic resonance (FMR) measurements were performed. FMR and magnetization data reveal a pronounced magnetic anisotropy, which develops below the Curie temperature, TCT_{\mathrm{C}}, and increases strongly towards lower temperatures. Increasing the Cu concentration reduces this effect. At temperatures below 35 K the magnetoresistance, MR=ρ(0)ρ(H)ρ(0)MR = \frac{\rho(0) - \rho(H)}{\rho(0)}, exhibits a strong dependence on the direction of the magnetic field, probably due to an enhanced anisotropy. Applying the field along the hard axis leads to a change of sign and a strong increase of the absolute value of the magnetoresistance. On the other hand the magnetoresistance remains positive down to lower temperatures, exhibiting a smeared out maximum with the magnetic field applied along the easy axis. The results are discussed in the ionic picture using a triple-exchange model for electron hopping as well as a half-metal utilizing a band picture.Comment: some typos correcte