299 research outputs found

    Women in Early Analytic Philosophy: Volume Introduction

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    Editor's Introduction to the special issue including papers about Susan Stebbing, Susanne Langer and Maria Kokoszyńska

    Spacetime-Filling Branes and Strings with Sixteen Supercharges

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    We discuss branes whose worldvolume dimension equals the target spacetime dimension, i.e. ``spacetime-filling branes''. In addition to the D9-branes, there are 9-branes in the NS-NS sectors of both the IIA and IIB strings. The worldvolume actions of these branes are constructed, via duality, from the known actions of branes with codimension larger than zero. Each of these types of branes is used in the construction of a string theory with sixteen supercharges by modding out a type II string by an appropriate discrete symmetry and adding 32 9-branes. These constructions are related by a web of dualities and each arises as a different limit of the Horava-Witten construction.Comment: 43 pages, LaTeX, 8 figures, uses html.sty, version to appear in Nucl. Phys.

    Domain Walls on the Brane

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    We show that all branes admit worldvolume domain wall solutions. We find one class of solutions for which the tension of the brane changes discontinuously along the domain wall. These solutions are not supersymmetric. We argue that there is another class of domain wall solutions which is supersymmetric. A particular case concerns supersymmetric domain wall solutions on IIB D-5- and NS-5-branes.Comment: 18 pages, Tex, uses phyzz

    Oscillations in the bispectrum

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    There exist several models of inflation that produce primordial bispectra that contain a large number of oscillations. In this paper we discuss these models, and aim at finding a method of detecting such bispectra in the data. We explain how the recently proposed method of mode expansion of bispectra might be able to reconstruct these spectra from separable basis functions. Extracting these basis functions from the data might then lead to observational constraints on these models.Comment: 6 pages, 2 figures, submitted to JOP: Conference Series, PASCOS 201

    Axion-de Sitter wormholes

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    We construct wormholes supported by axion flux in the presence of a positive cosmological constant. The solutions describe compact, one-handle bodies colloquially known as kettlebell geometries. The wormholes are perturbatively stable, but regularity of the Euclidean geometry implies an upper bound on the axion flux. Viewed as no-boundary saddle points, wormholes are suppressed relative to the round sphere. The symmetric kettlebell with maximal axion density has vanishing Euclidean action. Continuing into the Lorentzian across the equator, the solutions describe two expanding branches of de Sitter space filled with an axion field that rapidly dilutes and connected by a quantum bounce across which the arrow of time reverses.Comment: 18 pages, 6 figures. Version to be appear in JHE

    The M5-brane and non-commutative open strings

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    The M-theory origin of non-commutative open-string theory is examined by investigating the M-theory 5-brane at near critical field strength. In particular, it is argued that the open-membrane metric provides the appropriate moduli when calculating the duality relations between M and II non-commutative theories

    Residential mobility and local housing-market differences

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    The authors extend previous literature on variations in mobility rates across local housing markets by examining the linkage of mobility rates at the household level to the structure of local housing markets. The results suggest that residential mobility rates differ widely across local housing markets, substantiating the view that residential relocation is intimately intertwined with conditions at the local level. Local housing-market conditions also have different effects on mobility rates for renters and owner-occupiers. The results suggest that variation in residential mobility rates across housing markets can be in part explained by level of urbanization, the tenure structure, the degree of government intervention, and the size of the housing market. Remarkably, these differences in local housing markets cannot be seen to be related to housing-market features only. The results suggest that these differences can also be attributed to the behavior or attitude of households with respect to housing