97 research outputs found

    FACS purification and transcriptome analysis of drosophila neural stem cells reveals a role for Klumpfuss in self-renewal

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    Drosophila neuroblasts (NBs) have emerged as a model for stem cell biology that is ideal for genetic analysis but is limited by the lack of cell-type-specific gene expression data. Here, we describe a method for isolating large numbers of pure NBs and differentiating neurons that retain both cell-cycle and lineage characteristics. We determine transcriptional profiles by mRNA sequencing and identify 28 predicted NB-specific transcription factors that can be arranged in a network containing hubs for Notch signaling, growth control, and chromatin regulation. Overexpression and RNA interference for these factors identify Klumpfuss as a regulator of self-renewal. We show that loss of Klumpfuss function causes premature differentiation and that overexpression results in the formation of transplantable brain tumors. Our data represent a valuable resource for investigating Drosophila developmental neurobiology, and the described method can be applied to other invertebrate stem cell lineages as well

    Biochemical and biological characterization of wild-type and ATPase-deficient Cockayne syndrome B repair protein

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    Cockayne syndrome (CS) is a nucleotide excision repair disorder characterized by sun (UV) sensitivity and severe developmental problems. Two genes have been shown to be involved: CSA and CSB. Both proteins play an essential role in preferential repair of transcription-blocking lesions from active genes. In this study we report the purification and characterization of baculovirus-produced HA-His6-tagged CSB protein (dtCSB), using a highly efficient three-step purification protocol. Microinjection of dtCSB protein in CS-B fibroblasts shows that it is biologically functional in vivo. dtCSB exhibits DNA-dependent ATPase activity, stimulated by naked as well as nucleosomal DNA. Using structurally defined DNA oligonucleotides, we show that double-stranded DNA and double-stranded DNA with partial single-stranded character but not true single-stranded DNA act as efficient cofactors for CSB ATPase activity. Using a variety of substrates, no overt DNA unwinding by dtCSB could be detected, as found with other SNF2/SWI2 family proteins. By site-directed mutagenesis the invariant lysine residue in the NTP-binding motif of CSB was substituted with a physicochemically related arginine. As expected, this mutation abolished ATPase activity. Surprisingly, the mutant protein was nevertheless able to partially rescue the defect in recovery of RNA synthesis after UV upon microinjection in CS-B fibroblasts. These results indicate that integrity of the conserved nucleotide-binding domain is important for the in vivo function of CSB but that also other properties independent from ATP hydrolysis may contribute to CSB biological functions

    BBLN-1 is essential for intermediate filament organization and apical membrane morphology

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    Epithelial tubes are essential components of metazoan organ systems that control the flow of fluids and the exchange of materials between body compartments and the outside environment. The size and shape of the central lumen confer important characteristics to tubular organs and need to be carefully controlled. Here, we identify the small coiled-coil protein BBLN-1 as a regulator of lumen morphology in the C. elegans intestine. Loss of BBLN-1 causes the formation of bubble-shaped invaginations of the apical membrane into the cytoplasm of intestinal cells and abnormal aggregation of the subapical intermediate filament (IF) network. BBLN-1 interacts with IF proteins and localizes to the IF network in an IF-dependent manner. The appearance of invaginations is a result of the abnormal IF aggregation, indicating a direct role for the IF network in maintaining lumen homeostasis. Finally, we identify bublin (BBLN) as the mammalian ortholog of BBLN-1. When expressed in the C. elegans intestine, BBLN recapitulates the localization pattern of BBLN-1 and can compensate for the loss of BBLN-1 in early larvae. In mouse intestinal organoids, BBLN localizes subapically, together with the IF protein keratin 8. Our results therefore may have implications for understanding the role of IFs in regulating epithelial tube morphology in mammals

    Detection of a Thermal Spectral Component in the Prompt Emission of GRB 100724B

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    Observations of GRB 100724B with the Fermi Gamma-Ray Burst Monitor (GBM) find that the spectrum is dominated by the typical Band functional form, which is usually taken to represent a non-thermal emission component, but also includes a statistically highly significant thermal spectral contribution. The simultaneous observation of the thermal and non-thermal components allows us to confidently identify the two emission components. The fact that these seem to vary independently favors the idea that the thermal component is of photospheric origin while the dominant non-thermal emission occurs at larger radii. Our results imply either a very high efficiency for the non-thermal process, or a very small size of the region at the base of the flow, both quite challenging for the standard fireball model. These problems are resolved if the jet is initially highly magnetized and has a substantial Poynting flux.Comment: 6 pages, 3 figures, 1 table, Accepted for publication in the Astrophysical Journal Letters November, 23 2010 (Submitted October, 20 2010

    Temporal Deconvolution study of Long and Short Gamma-Ray Burst Light curves

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    The light curves of Gamma-Ray Bursts (GRBs) are believed to result from internal shocks reflecting the activity of the GRB central engine. Their temporal deconvolution can reveal potential differences in the properties of the central engines in the two populations of GRBs which are believed to originate from the deaths of massive stars (long) and from mergers of compact objects (short). We present here the results of the temporal analysis of 42 GRBs detected with the Gamma-ray Burst Monitor onboard the Fermi Gamma-ray Space Telescope. We deconvolved the profiles into pulses, which we fit with lognormal functions. The distributions of the pulse shape parameters and intervals between neighboring pulses are distinct for both burst types and also fit with lognormal functions. We have studied the evolution of these parameters in different energy bands and found that they differ between long and short bursts. We discuss the implications of the differences in the temporal properties of long and short bursts within the framework of the internal shock model for GRB prompt emission.Comment: 38 pages, 11 figure

    Protocol for the development of core set of domains of the core outcome set for patients with congenital melanocytic naevi (OCOMEN project)

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    Background: Having large congenital melanocytic naevi (CMN) is associated with a psychosocial burden on patients and their parents because of its remarkable appearance and the extra care it may require. Large CMN also pose an increased risk of malignant melanoma or neurocutaneous melanosis. There is a lack of international consensus on what important outcome domains to measure in relation to treatment. This makes it difficult to compare options, to properly inform patients and their parents, and to set up treatment policy for CMN. Therefore, we aim to develop a core outcome set (COS), i.e. the minimum set of outcomes that are recommended to be measured and reported in all clinical trials of a specific health condition. This COS can be used in the follow-up of CMN patients with or without treatment, in clinical research and practice. Methods: In the Outcomes for Congenital Melanocytic Nevi (OCOMEN) projects, we follow the recommendations from the Core Outcome Measures in Effectiveness Trials (COMET) initiative and the Cochrane Skin Core Outcomes Set Initiative (CS-COUSIN). This project entails the following: (i) a systematic review to identify the previous reported outcomes in literature; (ii) focus groups with national and international patients and parents to identify patient-important outcomes; (iii) classification of outcomes into outcome domains; (iv) e-Delphi surveys in which stakeholders (patients/parents and professionals) can rate the importance of domains and outcomes; and (v) an online consensus meeting to finalize the core outcome domains of the COS. Results: The results will be disseminated by means of publication in a leading journal and presentations in international meetings or conferences. We engage international experts in CMN, both patients and professionals, to ensure the international utility and applicability of the COS

    An interdisciplinary knowledge translation intervention in long-term care: Study protocol for the vitamin D and osteoporosis study (ViDOS) pilot cluster randomized controlled trial

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    BACKGROUND: Knowledge translation (KT) research in long-term care (LTC) is still in its early stages. This protocol describes the evaluation of a multifaceted, interdisciplinary KT intervention aimed at integrating evidence-based osteoporosis and fracture prevention strategies into LTC care processes. METHODS AND DESIGN: The Vitamin D and Osteoporosis Study (ViDOS) is underway in 40 LTC homes (n = 19 intervention, n = 21 control) across Ontario, Canada. The primary objectives of this study are to assess the feasibility of delivering the KT intervention, and clinically, to increase the percent of LTC residents prescribed ≥800 IU of vitamin D daily. Eligibility criteria are LTC homes that are serviced by our partner pharmacy provider and have more than one prescribing physician. The target audience within each LTC home is the Professional Advisory Committee (PAC), an interdisciplinary team who meets quarterly. The key elements of the intervention are three interactive educational sessions led by an expert opinion leader, action planning using a quality improvement cycle, audit and feedback reports, nominated internal champions, and reminders/point-of-care tools. Control homes do not receive any intervention, however both intervention and control homes received educational materials as part of the Ontario Osteoporosis Strategy. Primary outcomes are feasibility measures (recruitment, retention, attendance at educational sessions, action plan items identified and initiated, internal champions identified, performance reports provided and reviewed), and vitamin D (≥800 IU/daily) prescribing at 6 and 12 months. Secondary outcomes include the proportion of residents prescribed calcium supplements and osteoporosis medications, and falls and fractures. Qualitative methods will examine the experience of the LTC team with the KT intervention. Homes are centrally randomized to intervention and control groups in blocks of variable size using a computer generated allocation sequence. Randomization is stratified by home size and profit/nonprofit status. Prescribing data retrieval and analysis are performed by blinded personnel. DISCUSSION: Our study will contribute to an improved understanding of the feasibility and acceptability of a multifaceted intervention aimed at translating knowledge to LTC practitioners. Lessons learned from this study will be valuable in guiding future research and understanding the complexities of translating knowledge in LTC. TRIAL REGISTRATION: ClinicalTrials.gov NCT01398527

    Learning from long-term adolescent and young adult (AYA) cancer survivors regarding their age-specific care needs to improve current AYA care programs

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    Background: Despite growing (inter)national awareness and appreciation, age-specific care is still not always self-evident and accepted as standard of care for adolescent and young adult (AYA) cancer patients. It is unknown whether long-term AYA cancer survivors have missed age-specific care, and if so, which survivors missed it and regarding which topics. Methods: The Netherlands Cancer Registry (NCR) identified all long-term AYA cancer survivors (aged 18–39 years at initial cancer diagnosis, 5–20 years past diagnosis) in the Netherlands, who were invited to participate in a population-based, observational, cross-sectional questionnaire study (SURVAYA study), including questions on care needs. Results: In total, 3.989 AYAs participated (35.3% response rate). One-third of them had a need for age-specific care (33.5%), 41.2% had no need and 25.3% did not know whether they had a need. Those who had a need for age-specific care were significantly more often female, higher educated, diagnosed at a younger age, and treated with chemotherapy, radiotherapy or hormone therapy. Most frequent topics were disease and treatment (29.7%), emotions (24.1%), friends (22.6%), family and children (15.6%), fertility and pregnancy (14.8%), work and reintegration (10.5%), care not tailored (13.8%), and overarching care and life (27.7%). Palliative care (0.0%), spirituality (0.2%), death (0.7%), complementary care (0.7%), and late effects (1.3%) were mentioned least. Conclusions: A substantial proportion of long-term AYA cancer survivors showed a need for age-specific care, varying by sociodemographic and clinical factors, on a wide variety of topics, which could be targeted to improve current AYA care services