2,752 research outputs found

    The pion form factor on the lattice at zero and finite temperature

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    We calculate the electromagnetic form factor of the pion in quenched lattice QCD. The non-perturbatively improved Sheikoleslami-Wohlert lattice action is used together with the consistently O(a) improved current. We calculate the pion form factor for masses down to m_pi = 360 MeV, extract the charge radius, and extrapolate toward the physical pion mass. In the second part, we discuss results for the pion form factor and charge radius at 0.93 T_c and compare with zero temperature results.Comment: Invited talk at the Lightcone 2004 conference, Amsterdam, 16-20 August, 200

    Helicity Amplitudes for Single-Top Production

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    Single top quark production at hadron colliders allows a direct measurement of the top quark charged current coupling. We present the complete tree-level helicity amplitudes for four processes involving the production and semileptonic decay of a single top quark: W-gluon fusion, flavor excitation, s-channel production and W-associated production. For the first three processes we study the quality of the narrow top width approximation. We also examine momentum and angular distributions of some of the final state particles.Comment: 27 pages, 7 figures, final versio

    How could the service delivery process of dynamic arm supports be optimized?

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    BACKGROUND: The service delivery process of dynamic arm support (DAS) is complex. Obtaining an optimal match between user and DAS depends on a variety of interrelated factors, different professionals are involved, and the market of available solutions is evolving. OBJECTIVE: To determine how the service delivery process of DAS could be optimized. METHODS: Interviews with DAS users that retrospectively focused on the experienced service delivery process, which was compared to the general Dutch prescription guideline. Results were presented in a focus group session to seven DAS consultants, and subsequently verified by a member-check. RESULTS: Sixteen people who considered the Gowing (a DAS new on the market) as a solution and seven DAS consultants participated. Aspects that can be optimized in the current service delivery process included an improved cooperation between clients, professionals and consultants, increased knowledge of DAS in professionals, an embedded user evaluation, and timely delivery. CONCLUSIONS: It is recommended that the service delivery process is optimized by developing a DAS specific prescription framework. The issues identified in this study should be addressed in this framework. For this additional knowledge on how to optimally match persons and DAS is needed

    Tyrosine hydroxylase phosphorylation is under the control of serine 40

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    Tyrosine hydroxylase catalyzes the initial and rate-limiting step in the biosynthesis of the neurotransmitter dopamine. The phosphorylation state of Ser40 and Ser31 is believed to exert a direct effect on the enzymatic activity of tyrosine hydroxylase. Interestingly, some studies report that Ser31 phosphorylation affects Ser40 phosphorylation, while Ser40 phosphorylation has no effect on Ser31 phosphorylation, a process named hierarchical phosphorylation. Here, we provide a detailed investigation into the signal transduction mechanisms regulating Ser40 and Ser31 phosphorylation in dopaminergic mouse MN9D and Neuro2A cells. We find that cyclic nucleotide signaling drives Ser40 phosphorylation, and that Ser31 phosphorylation is strongly regulated by ERK signaling. Inhibition of ERK1/2 with UO126 or PD98059 reduced Ser31 phosphorylation, but surprisingly had no effect on Ser40 phosphorylation, contradicting a role for Ser31 in the regulation of Ser40. Moreover, to elucidate a possible hierarchical mechanism controlling tyrosine hydroxylase phosphorylation, we introduced tyrosine hydroxylase variants in Neuro2A mouse neuroblastoma cells that mimic either phosphorylated or unphosphorylated serine residues. When we introduced a Ser40Ala tyrosine hydroxylase variant, Ser31 phosphorylation was completely absent. Additionally, neither the tyrosine hydroxylase variant Ser31Asp, nor the variant Ser31Ala had any significant effect on basal Ser40 phosphorylation levels. These results suggest that tyrosine hydroxylase is not controlled by hierarchical phosphorylation in the sense that first Ser31 has to be phosphorylated and subsequently Ser40, but, conversely, that Ser40 phosphorylation is essential for Ser31 phosphorylation. Overall our study suggests that Ser40 is the crucial residue to target so as to modulate tyrosine hydroxylase activity

    Territorial and industry analysis of the fulfillment of Zaporizhian regional projects

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    The subject matter of the regional project in the context of regional and inter-regional influences has been determined. A comparative analysis of the economic potential of Dnieper economic region has been held. Characteristics and the purpose of major regional projects in Zaporizhzhya region have been established. Tendencies of the regional programs and projects use in the context of the fulfillment of the regional territory development strategy have been determined

    Finite element analysis of artificial hip joint movement during human activities

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    The range of motion of artificial hip joint during human activities, measured from the postoperative total hip arthroplasty patients, has been reported previously. There were two human activities discussed, i.e. Western-style and Japanese-style. This paper analyzes the hip joint movement during human activities, based on the measured range of motion, using finite element simulation. The Western-style activities consist of picking up, getting up and sitting, while the Japanese-style activities consist of sitting on legs with fully flexed at the knee (seiza), squatting and sitting on legs with fully flexed at the knee (zarei). The aim of this study is to investigate the probability of prosthetic impingement to occur and to calculate the von Mises stress during the activities. A three-dimensional nonlinear finite element (FE) method was used in the simulation. The acetabular liner cup positions were varied. Results show that in the Western-style activities, the picking up activity induces prosthetic impingement in a certain acetabular liner cup position, whereas in the Japanese-style activities there is no prosthetic impingement observed. However, the Japanese's Zarei activity has a critical value in the range of motion. The von Mises stresses during the prosthetic impingement have been shown and the value is higher than the yield stress of the material

    Changes in the genomic content of circulating Bordetella pertussis strains isolated from the Netherlands, Sweden, Japan and Australia: adaptive evolution or drift?

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    Abstract Background Bordetella pertussis is the causative agent of human whooping cough (pertussis) and is particularly severe in infants. Despite worldwide vaccinations, whooping cough remains a public health problem. A significant increase in the incidence of whooping cough has been observed in many countries since the 1990s. Several reasons for the re-emergence of this highly contagious disease have been suggested. A particularly intriguing possibility is based on evidence indicating that pathogen adaptation may play a role in this process. In an attempt to gain insight into the genomic make-up of B. pertussis over the last 60 years, we used an oligonucleotide DNA microarray to compare the genomic contents of a collection of 171 strains of B. pertussis isolates from different countries. Results The CGH microarray analysis estimated the core genome of B. pertussis, to consist of 3,281 CDSs that are conserved among all B. pertussis strains, and represent 84.8% of all CDSs found in the 171 B. pertussis strains. A total of 64 regions of difference consisting of one or more contiguous CDSs were identified among the variable genes. CGH data also revealed that the genome size of B. pertussis strains is decreasing progressively over the past 60 years. Phylogenetic analysis of microarray data generated a minimum spanning tree that depicted the phylogenetic structure of the strains. B. pertussis strains with the same gene content were found in several different countries. However, geographic specificity of the B. pertussis strains was not observed. The gene content was determined to highly correlate with the ptxP-type of the strains. Conclusions An overview of genomic contents of a large collection of isolates from different countries allowed us to derive a core genome and a phylogenetic structure of B. pertussis. Our results show that B. pertussis is a dynamic organism that continues to evolve.</p

    Electromagnetic vertex function of the pion at T > 0

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    The matrix element of the electromagnetic current between pion states is calculated in quenched lattice QCD at a temperature of T=0.93TcT = 0.93 T_c. The nonperturbatively improved Sheikholeslami-Wohlert action is used together with the corresponding O(a){\cal O}(a) improved vector current. The electromagnetic vertex function is extracted for pion masses down to 360MeV360 {\rm MeV} and momentum transfers Q22.7GeV2Q^2 \le 2.7 {\rm GeV}^2.Comment: 17 pages, 8 figure

    Skin lesions suspected of malignancy:an increasing burden on general practice

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    BACKGROUND: Skin cancer is believed to impose a heavy burden on healthcare services, but the burden of skin lesions suspected of malignancy on primary healthcare has never been evaluated. Therefore the aim of this study was to determine the demand for care in general practice due to these suspected skin lesions (i.e. lesions that are suspected of malignancy by either the patient or the GP). METHODS: Registry study based on data (2001–2010) from the Registration Network Groningen. This is a general practice registration network in the northern part of the Netherlands with an average annual population of approximately 30,000 patients. All patient contacts are coded according to the International Classification of Primary Care (ICPC). Consultations for skin lesions suspected of malignancy were selected according to the assigned ICPC codes. Subsequently, the number of consultations per year and the annual percent change in number of contacts (using the JoinPoint regression program) were calculated and analysed. Additionally, the percentage of patients referred to secondary care or receiving minor surgery within one year after the first contact were calculated. RESULTS: From 2001 onwards we found an annual increase in demand for care due to skin lesions suspected of malignancy of 7.3% (p < 0.01) and in 2010 the benign:malignant ratio was 10:1. In total 13.0% of the patients were referred and after 2006, minor surgery was performed on 31.2% of the patients. Most surgeries and referrals took place within 30 days. CONCLUSIONS: Suspected skin lesions impose an increasing burden on primary healthcare and most likely on healthcare costs as well. General practitioners should therefore be trained in diagnosing skin lesions suspected of malignancy, as a high diagnostic accuracy can save lives in the case of melanoma, and may also prevent unnecessary, costly, excisions and referrals to secondary healthcare