1,262 research outputs found

    On the Identification of High Mass Star Forming Regions using IRAS: Contamination by Low-Mass Protostars

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    We present the results of a survey of a small sample (14) of low-mass protostars (L_IR < 10^3 Lsun) for 6.7 GHz methanol maser emission performed using the ATNF Parkes radio telescope. No new masers were discovered. We find that the lower luminosity limit for maser emission is near 10^3 Lsun, by comparison of the sources in our sample with previously detected methanol maser sources. We examine the IRAS properties of our sample and compare them with sources previously observed for methanol maser emission, almost all of which satisfy the Wood & Churchwell criterion for selecting candidate UCHII regions. We find that about half of our sample satisfy this criterion, and in addition almost all of this subgroup have integrated fluxes between 25 and 60 microns that are similar to sources with detectable methanol maser emission. By identifying a number of low-mass protostars in this work and from the literature that satisfy the Wood & Churchwell criterion for candidate UCHII regions, we show conclusively for the first time that the fainter flux end of their sample is contaminated by lower-mass non-ionizing sources, confirming the suggestion by van der Walt and Ramesh & Sridharan.Comment: 8 pages with 2 figures. Accepted by Ap

    N2H+(1-0) survey of massive molecular cloud cores

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    We present the results of N2H+(1-0) observations of 35 dense molecular cloud cores from the northern and southern hemispheres where massive stars and star clusters are formed. Line emission has been detected in 33 sources, for 28 sources detailed maps have been obtained. The optical depth of (23-12) component toward peak intensity positions of 10 sources is ~ 0.2-1. In total, 47 clumps have been revealed in 26 sources. Integrated intensity maps with aspect ratios < 2 have been fitted with a power-law radial distribution rpr^{-p} convolved with the telescope beam. Mean power-law index is close to unity corresponding to the r2\sim r^{-2} density profile provided N2H+ excitation conditions do not vary inside these regions. Line widths of the cores either decrease or stay constant with distance from the center. The ratio of rotational to gravitational energy is too low for rotation to play a significant role in the dynamics of the cores. A correlation between mean line widths and sizes of clumps has been found.Comment: 17 pages, Late

    A significant proportion of classic Hodgkin lymphoma recurrences represents clonally unrelated second primary lymphoma

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    Despite high cure rates in classic Hodgkin lymphoma (cHL), relapses are observed. Whether relapsed cHL represents second primary lymphoma or an underlying T-cell lymphoma (TCL) mimicking cHL is under-investigated. To analyze the nature of cHL recurrences, in-depth clonality testing of immunoglobulin (IG) and T-cell receptor (TR) rearrangements was performed in paired cHL diagnosis and recurrences of 60 patients, supported by targeted mutation analysis of lymphoma-associated genes. Clonal IG rearrangements were detected by next-generation sequencing (NGS) in 69/120 (58%) diagnosis and recurrence samples. The clonal relationship could be established in 34 cases, identifying clonally related relapsed cHL in 24/34 patients (71%). Clonally unrelated cHL was observed in 10/34 patients (29%) as determined by IG-NGS clonality assessment, and confirmed by the identification of predominantly mutually exclusive gene mutations in the paired cHL samples. In recurrences of &gt;2 years, ~60% of cHL patients for which the clonal relationship could be established showed a second primary cHL. Clonal TR gene rearrangements were identified in 14/125 samples (11%), and TCL-associated gene mutations were detected in 7/14 samples. Retrospective pathology review with integration of the molecular findings were consistent with an underlying TCL in 5 patients aged &gt;50 years. This study shows that cHL recurrences, especially after 2 years, sometimes represent a new primary cHL or TCL mimicking cHL, as uncovered by NGS-based IG/TR clonality testing and gene mutation analysis. Given the significant therapeutic consequences, molecular testing of a presumed relapse in cHL is crucial for subsequent appropriate treatment strategies adapted to the specific lymphoma presentation.</p

    A significant proportion of classic Hodgkin lymphoma recurrences represents clonally unrelated second primary lymphoma

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    Despite high cure rates in classic Hodgkin lymphoma (cHL), relapses are observed. Whether relapsed cHL represents second primary lymphoma or an underlying T-cell lymphoma (TCL) mimicking cHL is under-investigated. To analyze the nature of cHL recurrences, in-depth clonality testing of immunoglobulin (IG) and T-cell receptor (TR) rearrangements was performed in paired cHL diagnosis and recurrences of 60 patients, supported by targeted mutation analysis of lymphoma-associated genes. Clonal IG rearrangements were detected by next-generation sequencing (NGS) in 69/120 (58%) diagnosis and recurrence samples. The clonal relationship could be established in 34 cases, identifying clonally related relapsed cHL in 24/34 patients (71%). Clonally unrelated cHL was observed in 10/34 patients (29%) as determined by IG-NGS clonality assessment, and confirmed by the identification of predominantly mutually exclusive gene mutations in the paired cHL samples. In recurrences of &gt;2 years, ~60% of cHL patients for which the clonal relationship could be established showed a second primary cHL. Clonal TR gene rearrangements were identified in 14/125 samples (11%), and TCL-associated gene mutations were detected in 7/14 samples. Retrospective pathology review with integration of the molecular findings were consistent with an underlying TCL in 5 patients aged &gt;50 years. This study shows that cHL recurrences, especially after 2 years, sometimes represent a new primary cHL or TCL mimicking cHL, as uncovered by NGS-based IG/TR clonality testing and gene mutation analysis. Given the significant therapeutic consequences, molecular testing of a presumed relapse in cHL is crucial for subsequent appropriate treatment strategies adapted to the specific lymphoma presentation.</p

    The Fine-Scale Structure of the neutral Interstellar Medium in nearby Galaxies

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    We present an analysis of the properties of HI holes detected in 20 galaxies that are part of "The HI Nearby Galaxy Survey" (THINGS). We detected more than 1000 holes in total in the sampled galaxies. Where they can be measured, their sizes range from about 100 pc (our resolution limit) to about 2 kpc, their expansion velocities range from 4 to 36 km/s, and their ages are estimated to range between 3 and 150 Myr. The holes are found throughout the disks of the galaxies, out to the edge of the HI; 23% of the holes fall outside R25. We find that shear limits the age of holes in spirals (shear is less important in dwarf galaxies) which explains why HI holes in dwarfs are rounder, on average than in spirals. Shear, which is particularly strong in the inner part of spiral galaxies, also explains why we find that holes outside R25 are larger and older. We derive the scale height of the HI disk as a function of galactocentric radius and find that the disk flares up in all galaxies. We proceed to derive the surface and volume porosity (Q2D and Q3D) and find that this correlates with the type of the host galaxy: later Hubble types tend to be more porous. The size distribution of the holes in our sample follows a power law with a slope of a ~ -2.9. Assuming that the holes are the result of massive star formation, we derive values for the supernova rate (SNR) and star formation rate (SFR) which scales with the SFR derived based on other tracers. If we extrapolate the observed number of holes to include those that fall below our resolution limit, down to holes created by a single supernova, we find that our results are compatible with the hypothesis that HI holes result from star formation.Comment: 142 pages, 55 figures, accepted for publication in the Astronomical Journa