28 research outputs found

    Degradation of small simple and large complex lunar craters: Not a simple scale dependence

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    The crater record of a planetary surface unit is often analyzed by its cumulative size‐frequency distribution (CSFD). Measuring CSFDs involves traditional approaches, such as traditional crater counting (TCC) and buffered crater counting (BCC), as well as geometric corrections, such as nonsparseness correction (NSC) and buffered nonsparseness correction (BNSC). NSC and BNSC consider the effects of geometric crater obliteration on the CSFD. On the Moon, crater obliteration leads to two distinct states in which obtained CSFDs do not match the production CSFD—crater equilibrium and nonsparseness. Crater equilibrium occurs when each new impact erases a preexisting crater of the same size. It is clearly observed on lunar terrains dominated by small simple craters with steep‐sloped production CSFDs, such as Imbrian to Eratosthenian‐era mare units. Nonsparseness, on the other hand, is caused by the geometric overlap of preexisting craters by a new impact, which is also known as “cookie cutting.” Cookie cutting is most clearly observed on lunar terrains dominated by large craters with shallow‐sloped production CSFDs, such as the pre‐Nectarian lunar highlands. We use the Cratered Terrain Evolution Model (CTEM) to simulate the evolution of a pre‐Nectarian surface unit. The model was previously used to simulate the diffusion‐induced equilibrium for small craters of the lunar maria. We find that relative to their size, large craters contribute less to the diffusion of the surrounding landscape than small craters. Thus, a simple scale dependence cannot account for the per‐crater contribution to degradation by small simple and large complex craters

    A review of issues and challenges

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    Determining the ages of young planetary surfaces relies on using populations of small, often sub-km diameter impact craters due to the higher frequency at which they form. Smaller craters however can be less reliable for estimating ages as their size-frequency distribution is more susceptible to alteration with debate as to whether they should be used at all. With the current plethora of meter-scale resolution images acquired of the lunar and Martian surfaces, small craters have been widely used to derive model ages to establish the temporal relation of recent geologic events. In this review paper, we discuss the many factors that make smaller craters particularly challenging to use and should be taken into consideration when crater counts are confined to small crater diameters. Establishing confidence in a model age ultimately requires an understanding of the geologic context of the surface being dated as reliability can vary considerably and limitations of the dating technique should be considered in applying ages to any geologic interpretation

    Science-rich Sites for In Situ Resource Utilization Characterization and End-to-end Demonstration Missions

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    Within the European Space Agency’s “Commercial In Situ Resource Utilization (ISRU) Demonstration Mission Preparation Phase,” we examined two types of lunar sites in preparation for an ISRU demonstration mission. First, we considered poorly characterized potential resource sites. For these so-called characterization sites, precursor missions would investigate the material properties and address strategic knowledge gaps for their use as ISRU feedstock. Regions of interest for characterization missions include the Aristarchus plateau, Montes Harbinger/Rimae Prinz, Sulpicius Gallus, and Rima Bode. Regional pyroclastic deposits at the Aristarchus plateau and adjacent Montes Harbinger/Rimae Prinz exhibit remotely sensed low-Ti, high-Fe2+ compositions. They differ from the high-Ti pyroclastics at Rima Bode and Sulpicius Gallus, which are similar to the pyroclastics northwest of the Taurus Littrow valley (Apollo 17 site). Thus, exploration of the Aristarchus plateau would allow investigation of previously uncharacterized materials, whereas Rima Bode or Sulpicius Gallus would allow comparison to Apollo 17 pyroclastics. Any of these sites would enable evaluation of reported H2O/OH in these deposits. Second, we examined a possible site for a direct ISRU demonstrator mission. For a stand-alone end-to-end (E2E) ISRU demonstrator, a fuller understanding of the physical and compositional characteristics of potential feedstock is required for mission risk reduction. In this case, locations near preexisting sites would allow extrapolation of ground truth to nearby deposits. Because a Ti-rich pyroclastic deposit appears advantageous from beneficiation and compositional perspectives, we examine an example E2E demo site northwest of the Taurus Littrow valley. Hydrogen and methane reduction, as well as the Fray–Farthing–Chen Cambridge process, could be tested there.BMWi, 50OW1504, Missionsunterstützende Arbeiten und geologische Untersuchungen der lunaren Oberfläche mit Daten der Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter Camera (LROC)BMWi, 50OW2001, Missionsunterstützende und wissenschaftliche Arbeiten mit Daten der Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter Camera (LROC) und Vorbereitung zukünftiger Mondmissione

    Lunar Mare Basaltic Volcanism : Volcanic Features and Emplacement Processes

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    Volcanism is a fundamental process in the geological evolution of the Moon, providing clues to the composition and structure of the mantle, the location and duration of interior melting, the nature of convection and lunar thermal evolution. Progress in understanding volcanism has been remarkable in the short 60-year span of the Space Age. Before Sputnik 1 in 1957, the lunar farside was unknown, the origin of the dark lunar maria was debated (sedimentary or volcanic), and significant controversy surrounded the question of how the multitude of craters on the surface formed

    Scientific perspectives on lunar exploration in Europe

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    Abstract The Moon is a geological history book, preserving information about the history of the Solar System, including the formation and early evolution of the terrestrial planets and their bombardment histories, as well as providing insight into other fundamental Solar System processes. These topics form the basis for science “of the Moon”, but the lunar surface is also a platform for science “on the Moon” and “from the Moon”—including astronomical observations, fundamental physics, and life science investigations. Recently, the Moon has become a destination for technology research and development—in particular for developing in situ resources, human exploration, and habitation, and for its potential use as a waypoint for the human exploration of Mars. This paper, based on recommendations originally proposed in a White Paper for ESA’s SciSpacE strategy, outlines key lunar science questions that may be addressed by future space exploration missions and makes recommendations for the next decades

    Replication Data for: Geological mapping and chronology of lunar landing sites: Apollo 14

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    • We produced detailed geological map for the Apollo 14 landing site on Fra Mauro formation which is Imbrian basin ejecta. • The N(1) values of the Fra Mauro formation were compared with recently determined radiometric sample ages. • The newly obtained calibration points are consistent with the lunar cratering chronology of Neukum (1983). <p

    Replication Data for: Studying the Global Spatial Randomness of Impact Craters on Mercury, Venus, and the Moon With Geodesic Neighborhood Relationship

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    • We improve approaches to quantify the spatial randomness of impact craters by applying geodesic methods • We apply these methods to analyze the global spatial randomness of impact crater populations on Mercury, Venus, and the Moon • We use the results to investigate known crater population variations and surface evolution scenarios on Mercury, Venus, and the Moon This is Version 2, Version 1 is stored in Mendeley, http://dx.doi.org/10.17632/mn2b542k5r.

    Replication Data for: A New Tool to Account for Crater Obliteration Effects in Crater Size-Frequency Distribution Measurements

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    • Our new application applies crater measurement techniques to shapefile geometries • The tool uses open software libraries and supports multicore and 64 bit data processing • Workarounds for geodesic measurements and polygon modifications were implemente