244 research outputs found

    Structural analysis of Salmonella enterica effector protein SopD

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    Salmonella outer protein D (SopD) is a type III secreted virulence effector protein from Salmonella enterica. Full-length SopD and SopD lacking 16 amino acids at the N-terminus (SopDDeltaN) have been expressed as fusions with GST in Escherichia coli, purified with a typical yield of 20-30 mg per litre of cell culture and crystallized. Biophysical characterization has been carried out mainly on SopDDeltaN. Analytical size exclusion chromatography shows that SopDDeltaN is monomeric and probably globular in aqueous solution. The secondary structure composition, calculated from the CD spectrum, is mixed (38% alpha-helix and 26% beta-strand). Sequence analysis indicates that SopD contains a coiled coil motif, as found in numerous other type III secretion system-associated proteins. This suggests that SopD has the potential for one or more heterotypic protein-protein interactions. Limited trypsin digestion of SopDDeltaN, monitored by both one-dimensional proton NMR spectroscopy and SDS-PAGE, shows that the protein has a large, protease-resistant core domain of 286 amino acid residues. This single-domain architecture suggests that SopD lacks a cognate chaperone. In crystallization trials, SopDDeltaN produced better crystals than either full-length SopD or trypsin-digested SopDDeltaN. Diffraction to 3.0 Angstrom resolution has so far been obtained from crystals of SopDDeltaN

    Insights into the structure-function relationships of dimeric C3d fragments

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    Cleavage of C3 to C3a and C3b plays a central role in the generation of complement-mediated defences. Although the thioester-mediated surface deposition of C3b has been well-studied, fluid phase dimers of C3 fragments remain largely unexplored. Here we show C3 cleavage results in the spontaneous formation of C3b dimers and present the first X-ray crystal structure of a disulphide-linked human C3d dimer. Binding studies reveal these dimers are capable of crosslinking complement receptor 2 and preliminary cell-based analyses suggest they could modulate B cell activation to influence tolerogenic pathways. Altogether, insights into the physiologically-relevant functions of C3d(g) dimers gained from our findings will pave the way to enhancing our understanding surrounding the importance of complement in the fluid phase and could inform the design of novel therapies for immune system disorders in the future

    Prospective evaluation of improving fluoroquinolone exposure using centralised therapeutic drug monitoring (TDM) in patients with tuberculosis (PERFECT): a study protocol of a prospective multicentre cohort study

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    Introduction Global multidrug-resistant tuberculosis (MDR-TB) treatment success rates remain suboptimal. Highly active WHO group A drugs moxifloxacin and levofloxacin show intraindividual and interindividual pharmacokinetic variability which can cause low drug exposure. Therefore, therapeutic drug monitoring (TDM) of fluoroquinolones is recommended to personalise the drug dosage, aiming to prevent the development of drug resistance and optimise treatment. However, TDM is considered laborious and expensive, and the clinical benefit in MDR-TB has not been extensively studied. This observational multicentre study aims to determine the feasibility of centralised TDM and to investigate the impact of fluoroquinolone TDM on sputum conversion rates in patients with MDR-TB compared with historical controls. Methods and analysis Patients aged 18 years or older with sputum smear and culture-positive pulmonary MDR-TB will be eligible for inclusion. Patients receiving TDM using a limited sampling strategy (t=0 and t=5 hours) will be matched to historical controls without TDM in a 1:2 ratio. Sample analysis and dosing advice will be performed in a centralised laboratory. Centralised TDM will be considered feasible if >80% of the dosing recommendations are returned within 7 days after sampling and 100% within 14 days. The number of patients who are sputum smear and culture-negative after 2 months of treatment will be determined in the prospective TDM group and will be compared with the control group without TDM to determine the impact of TDM. Ethics and dissemination Ethical clearance was obtained by the ethical review committees of the 10 participating hospitals according to local procedures or is pending (online supplementary file 1). Patients will be included after obtaining written informed consent. We aim to publish the study results in a peer-reviewed journal. Trial registration number ClinicalTrials.gov Registry (NCT03409315)

    Benchmarked performance charts using principal components analysis to improve the effectiveness of feedback for audit data in HIV care

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    Abstract Background Feedback tools for clinical audit data that compare site-specific results to average performance over all sites can be useful for quality improvement. Proposed tools should be simple and clearly benchmark the site’s performance, so that a relevant action plan can be directly implemented to improve patient care services. We aimed to develop such a tool in order to feedback data to UK HIV clinics participating in the 2015 British HIV Association (BHIVA) audit assessing compliance with the 2011 guidelines for routine investigation and monitoring of adult HIV-1- infected individuals. Methods HIV clinic sites were asked to provide data on a random sample of 50–100 adult patients attending for HIV care during 2014 and/or 2015 by completing a self-audit spreadsheet. Outcomes audited included the proportion of patients with recorded resistance testing, viral load monitoring, adherence assessment, medications, hepatitis testing, vaccination management, risk assessments, and sexual health screening. For each outcome we benchmarked the proportion for a specific site against the average performance. We produced performance charts for each site using boxplots for the outcomes. We also used the mean and differences from the mean performance to produce a dashboard for each site. We used principal components analysis to group correlated outcomes and simplify the dashboard. Results The 106 sites included in the study provided information on a total of 7768 patients. Outcomes capturing monitoring of treatment of HIV-infection showed high performance across the sites, whereas testing for hepatitis, and risk assessment for cardiovascular disease and smoking, management of flu vaccination, sexual health screening, and cervical cytology for women were very variable across sites. The principal components analysis reduced the original 12 outcomes to four factors that represented HIV care, hepatitis testing, other screening tests, and resistance testing. These provided simplified measures of adherence to guidelines which were presented as a 4 bar dashboard of performance. Conclusion Our dashboard performance charts provide easily digestible visual summaries of locally relevant audit data that are benchmarked against the overall mean and can be used to improve feedback to HIV services. Feedback from clinicians indicated that they found these charts acceptable and useful

    Trypanosoma brucei Modifies the Tsetse Salivary Composition, Altering the Fly Feeding Behavior That Favors Parasite Transmission

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    Tsetse flies are the notorious transmitters of African trypanosomiasis, a disease caused by the Trypanosoma parasite that affects humans and livestock on the African continent. Metacyclic infection rates in natural tsetse populations with Trypanosoma brucei, including the two human-pathogenic subspecies, are very low, even in epidemic situations. Therefore, the infected fly/host contact frequency is a key determinant of the transmission dynamics. As an obligate blood feeder, tsetse flies rely on their complex salivary potion to inhibit host haemostatic reactions ensuring an efficient feeding. The results of this experimental study suggest that the parasite might promote its transmission through manipulation of the tsetse feeding behavior by modifying the saliva composition. Indeed, salivary gland Trypanosoma brucei-infected flies display a significantly prolonged feeding time, thereby enhancing the likelihood of infecting multiple hosts during the process of a single blood meal cycle. Comparison of the two major anti-haemostatic activities i.e. anti-platelet aggregation and anti-coagulation activity in these flies versus non-infected tsetse flies demonstrates a significant suppression of these activities as a result of the trypanosome-infection status. This effect was mainly related to the parasite-induced reduction in salivary gland gene transcription, resulting in a strong decrease in protein content and related biological activities. Additionally, the anti-thrombin activity and inhibition of thrombin-induced coagulation was even more severely hampered as a result of the trypanosome infection. Indeed, while naive tsetse saliva strongly inhibited human thrombin activity and thrombin-induced blood coagulation, saliva from T. brucei-infected flies showed a significantly enhanced thrombinase activity resulting in a far less potent anti-coagulation activity. These data clearly provide evidence for a trypanosome-mediated modification of the tsetse salivary composition that results in a drastically reduced anti-haemostatic potential and a hampered feeding performance which could lead to an increase of the vector/host contact and parasite transmission in field conditions

    Perioperative strategy in colonic surgery; LAparoscopy and/or FAst track multimodal management versus standard care (LAFA trial)

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    BACKGROUND: Recent developments in large bowel surgery are the introduction of laparoscopic surgery and the implementation of multimodal fast track recovery programs. Both focus on a faster recovery and shorter hospital stay. The randomized controlled multicenter LAFA-trial (LAparoscopy and/or FAst track multimodal management versus standard care) was conceived to determine whether laparoscopic surgery, fast track perioperative care or a combination of both is to be preferred over open surgery with standard care in patients having segmental colectomy for malignant disease. METHODS/DESIGN: The LAFA-trial is a double blinded, multicenter trial with a 2 × 2 balanced factorial design. Patients eligible for segmental colectomy for malignant colorectal disease i.e. right and left colectomy and anterior resection will be randomized to either open or laparoscopic colectomy, and to either standard care or the fast track program. This factorial design produces four treatment groups; open colectomy with standard care (a), open colectomy with fast track program (b), laparoscopic colectomy with standard care (c), and laparoscopic surgery with fast track program (d). Primary outcome parameter is postoperative hospital length of stay including readmission within 30 days. Secondary outcome parameters are quality of life two and four weeks after surgery, overall hospital costs, morbidity, patient satisfaction and readmission rate. Based on a mean postoperative hospital stay of 9 +/- 2.5 days a group size of 400 patients (100 each arm) can reliably detect a minimum difference of 1 day between the four arms (alfa = 0.95, beta = 0.8). With 100 patients in each arm a difference of 10% in subscales of the Short Form 36 (SF-36) questionnaire and social functioning can be detected. DISCUSSION: The LAFA-trial is a randomized controlled multicenter trial that will provide evidence on the merits of fast track perioperative care and laparoscopic colorectal surgery in patients having segmental colectomy for malignant disease

    In-training assessment using direct observation of single-patient encounters: a literature review

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    We reviewed the literature on instruments for work-based assessment in single clinical encounters, such as the mini-clinical evaluation exercise (mini-CEX), and examined differences between these instruments in characteristics and feasibility, reliability, validity and educational effect. A PubMed search of the literature published before 8 January 2009 yielded 39 articles dealing with 18 different assessment instruments. One researcher extracted data on the characteristics of the instruments and two researchers extracted data on feasibility, reliability, validity and educational effect. Instruments are predominantly formative. Feasibility is generally deemed good and assessor training occurs sparsely but is considered crucial for successful implementation. Acceptable reliability can be achieved with 10 encounters. The validity of many instruments is not investigated, but the validity of the mini-CEX and the ‘clinical evaluation exercise’ is supported by strong and significant correlations with other valid assessment instruments. The evidence from the few studies on educational effects is not very convincing. The reports on clinical assessment instruments for single work-based encounters are generally positive, but supporting evidence is sparse. Feasibility of instruments seems to be good and reliability requires a minimum of 10 encounters, but no clear conclusions emerge on other aspects. Studies on assessor and learner training and studies examining effects beyond ‘happiness data’ are badly needed