35 research outputs found

    The Ocean – Continent Transition Zones Along the Appalachian – Caledonian Margin of Laurentia: Examples of Large-Scale Hyperextension During the Opening of the Iapetus Ocean

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    A combination of deep seismic imaging and drilling has demonstrated that the ocean-continent transition (OCT) of present-day, magma-poor, rifted continental margins is a zone of hyperextension characterized by extreme thinning of the continental crust that exhumed the lowermost crust and/or serpentinized continental mantle onto the seafloor. The OCT on present-day margins is difficult to sample, and so much of our knowledge on the detailed nature of OCT sequences comes from obducted, magma-poor OCT ophiolites such as those preserved in the upper portions of the Alpine fold-and-thrust belt. Allochthonous, lens-shaped bodies of ultramafic rock are common in many other ancient orogenic belts, such as the Caledonian – Appalachian orogen, yet their origin and tectonic significance remains uncertain. We summarize the occurrences of potential ancient OCTs within this orogen, commencing with Laurentian margin sequences where an OCT has previously been inferred (the Dalradian Supergroup of Scotland and Ireland and the Birchy Complex of Newfoundland). We then speculate on the origin of isolated occurrences of Alpine-type peridotite within Laurentian margin sequences in Quebec – Vermont and Virginia – North Carolina, focusing on rift-related units of Late Neoproterozoic age (so as to eliminate a Taconic ophiolite origin). A combination of poor exposure and pervasive Taconic deformation means that origin and emplacement of many ultramafic bodies in the Appalachians will remain uncertain. Nevertheless, the common occurrence of OCT-like rocks along the whole length of the Appalachian – Caledonian margin of Laurentia suggests that the opening of the Iapetus Ocean may have been accompanied by hyperextension and the formation of magma-poor margins along many segments.SOMMAIREDes travaux d’imagerie sismique et des forages profonds ont montrĂ© que la transition ocĂ©an-continent (OCT) de marges continentales de divergence pauvre en magma exposĂ©e de nos jours, correspond Ă  une zone d’hyper-Ă©tirement tectonique caractĂ©risĂ©e par un amincissement extrĂȘme de la croĂ»te continentale, qui a exhumĂ© sur le fond marin, jusqu’à la tranche la plus profonde de la croĂ»te continentale, voire du manteau continental serpentinisĂ©.  Parce qu’on peut difficilement Ă©chantillonner l’OCT sur les marges actuelles, une grande partie de notre comprĂ©hension des dĂ©tails de la nature de l’OCT provient d’ophiolites pauvres en magma d’une OCT obduite, comme celles prĂ©servĂ©es dans les portions supĂ©rieures de la bande plissĂ©e alpine.  Des masses lenticulaires de roches ultramafiques allochtones sont communes dans de nombreuses autres bandes orogĂ©niques anciennes, comme l’orogĂšne CalĂ©donienne-Appalaches, mais leur origine et signification tectonique reste incertaine.  Nous prĂ©sentons un sommaire des occurrences d’OCT potentielles anciennes de cet orogĂšne, en commençant par des sĂ©quences de la marge laurentienne, oĂč la prĂ©sence d’OCT a dĂ©jĂ  Ă©tĂ© dĂ©duites (le Supergroupe Dalradien d’Écosse et d'Irlande, et le complexe de Birchy de Terre-Neuve).  Nous spĂ©culons ensuite sur l'origine de cas isolĂ©s de pĂ©ridotite de type alpin dans des sĂ©quences de marge des Laurentides du QuĂ©bec-Vermont et de la Virginie-Caroline du Nord, en nous concentrant sur les unitĂ©s de rift d'Ăąge nĂ©oprotĂ©rozoĂŻque tardif (pour Ă©viter les ophiolites du Taconique).  La conjonction d’affleurements de piĂštre qualitĂ© et de la dĂ©formation taconique omniprĂ©sente, signifie que l'origine et la mise en place de nombreuses masses ultramafiques dans les Appalaches demeureront incertaines.  NĂ©anmoins, la prĂ©sence frĂ©quente de roches de type OCT tout le long de la marge CalĂ©donnienne-Appalaches de Laurentia suggĂšre que l'ouverture de l'ocĂ©an Iapetus peut avoir Ă©tĂ© accompagnĂ©e d’hyper-Ă©tirement et de la formation de marges pauvres en magma le long de nombreux segments

    Time-Transgressive Salinic and Acadian Orogenesis, Magmatism and Old Red Sandstone Sedimentation in Newfoundland

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    We propose an intimate relationship between Silurian terrestrial red bed sedimentation (Old Red Sandstone), slab breakoff-related magmatism and deformation in the Newfoundland Appalachians. Red bed sedimentation started during the Early Silurian, and records the progressive rise of the Salinic mountains in the tectonic hinterland of the orogen. The red beds were mainly deposited in molasse-style foreland basins in front of an east-propagating terminal Salinic deformation front. New U–Pb zircon dating of volcanic rocks interlayered with the Silurian red beds in key structural locations yielded ages ranging between 425 and 418 Ma, which, combined with the existing geochronological database, suggests that the sedimentary rocks are progressively younger from west to east and overstep the accreted Gondwana-derived terranes. We propose that deposition of the red beds is a good proxy for the time of cratonization of the accreted terranes. Eastward migration of the Salinic deformation front was accompanied by eastward-widening of a slab-breakoff-related asthenospheric window. The latter is interpreted to have formed due to a combination of progressive steepening of the down-going plate following entrance of the leading edge of the Gander margin and its eduction. Gander margin eduction (reversed subduction) is proposed to have been instigated by the trench migration of the Acadian coastal arc built upon the trailing edge of the Gander margin, which developed contemporaneously with the Salinic collision. The resultant thinning of the lithosphere beneath the Salinic orogen, built upon the leading edge of the Gander margin immediately prior to the onset of the Early Devonian Acadian orogeny, set the stage for generation of the widespread bloom of Acadian magmatism.SOMMAIRENous proposons qu’il y a eu une relation intime entre la sĂ©dimentation des couches rouges continentales au Silurien (vieux-grĂšs-rouges), un magmatisme liĂ© Ă  une rupture de segments de croĂ»te, et la dĂ©formation appalachienne Ă  Terre-Neuve.  La sĂ©dimentation des couches rouges qui a dĂ©butĂ© au dĂ©but du Silurien tĂ©moigne du soulĂšvement progressif des monts saliniques de l’arriĂšre-pays tectonique de l’orogĂšne.  Les couches rouges se sont dĂ©posĂ©es sous forme de molasses dans des bassins d’avant-pays, Ă  l’avant du front de dĂ©formation salinique terminale qui se dĂ©ployait vers l’est.  De nouvelles datations U-Pb sur zircon de roches volcaniques interstratifiĂ©es avec des couches rouges siluriennes en des lieux structurels stratĂ©giques montrent des Ăąges qui varient entre 425 Ma et 418 Ma, ce qui, combinĂ© aux bases de donnĂ©es gĂ©ochronologiques existantes permet de penser que les roches sĂ©dimentaires sont progressivement plus jeunes d’ouest en est, et qu’elles surplombent les terranes accrĂ©tĂ©s du Gondwana.  Nous suggĂ©rons que les couches rouges sont de bons indicateurs temporels de la cratonisation des terranes accrĂ©tĂ©s.  La migration vers l’est du front de la dĂ©formation salinique a Ă©tĂ© accompagnĂ©e par un Ă©largissement vers l’est d’une fenĂȘtre asthĂ©nosphĂ©rique liĂ©e Ă  une rupture de la croĂ»te.  Cette derniĂšre aurait Ă©tĂ© provoquĂ©e par la combinaison de l’enfoncement progressif de la plaque qui a suivi l’entrĂ©e du bord d’attaque de la marge de Gander, et son Ă©duction.  Nous proposons que l’éduction (l’inverse de la subduction) de la marge de Gander a Ă©tĂ© provoquĂ©e par la migration de la fosse tectonique cĂŽtiĂšre acadienne, induite par la migration du bord d’attaque de la marge de Gander, contemporaine de la collision salinique.  L’amincissement de la lithosphĂšre sous l’orogĂšne salinique qui en a rĂ©sultĂ©, et qui s’est dĂ©ployĂ© au bord d’attaque de la marge de Gander juste avant l’enclenchement de l’orogĂ©nie acadienne au dĂ©but du DĂ©vonien, a prĂ©parĂ© le terrain du dĂ©ploiement Ă  grande Ă©chelle du magmatisme acadien

    U–Pb Age of the Stanley Brook Granite, Grand Manan Island, New Brunswick

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    The Stanley Brook Granite on Grand Manan Island has yielded an Early Cambrian U-Pb zircon age of 535 ± 2 Ma. The granite was emplaced into sedimentary rocks of the Flagg Cove Formation of the Castalia Group, proving that the latter is no younger than Early Cambrian. Previous dating of detrital zircons from the Flagg Cove Formation limits its maximum depositional age to be no older than 574 ± 7 Ma. The intrusive age of the Stanley Brook Granite is essentially identical to the 539 ± 3 Ma age obtained previously from dacitic tuïŹ€ of the Priest Cove Formation, suggesting a comagmatic relationship between the two. The contact between the Flagg Cove and Priest Cove formations is invariably faulted. However, the consanguineous relationship between the Priest Cove Formation and Stanley Brook Granite suggests that the Priest Cove Formation was deposited on the Flagg Cove Formation. This proposed stratigraphic relationship supports the interpretation that the tuïŹ€aceous and volcaniclastic sedimentary rocks of the Priest Cove Formation represent a distal facies of the mafic flows and fragmental volcanic rocks of the Ross Island Formation. The age of the Stanley Brook Granite is consistent with the interpretation that Mesoproterozoic (?) to Neoproterozoic platformal carbonate rocks of the Brookville terrane represent basement to Neoproterozoic volcanic rocks of the New River terrane. RÉSUMÉ L’ñge U-Pb sur zircon du granite du ruisseau Stanley, sur l’üle Grand Manan, se situerait Ă  environ 535 ± 2 Ma et remonterait au dĂ©but du Cambrien. Ce granite a Ă©tĂ© mis en place dans les roches sĂ©dimentaires de la Formation de Flagg Cove du groupe de Castalia, ce qui Ă©tablirait que cette derniĂšre formation date tout au plus du dĂ©but du Cam-brien. Les travaux de datation prĂ©cĂ©dents des zircons dĂ©tritiques de la Formation de Flagg Cove ont fixĂ© l’ñge maximal de la sĂ©dimentation Ă  574 ± 7 Ma, tout au plus. Pour l’essentiel, l’ñge de l’intrusion du granite du ruisseau Stanley correspond Ă  l’ñge de 539 ± 3 Ma dĂ©jĂ  dĂ©terminĂ© pour le tuf dacitique de la Formation de Priest Cove, ce qui donnerait Ă  penser qu’il y a une relation comagmatique entre les deux. La zone de contact entre les formations de Flagg Cove et de Priest Cove est pratiquement toujours faillĂ©e. Toutefois, l’origine commune de la Formation de Priest Cove et du granite du ruisseau Stanley porte Ă  croire que la sĂ©dimentation de la Formation de Priest Cove s’est superposĂ©e Ă  la Formation de Flagg Cove. Ce lien au plan stratigraphique viendrait corroborer l’interprĂ©tation voulant que les roches sĂ©dimentaires tufacĂ©es et volcanoclastiques de la Formation de Priest Cove sont de fait un faciĂšs Ă©loignĂ© des coulĂ©es mafiques et des roches volcanoclastiques de la Formation de Ross Island. L’ñge Ă©tabli pour le granite du ruisseau Stanley va dans le sens de l’interprĂ©tation voulant que les roches carbonatĂ©es dans la succession de plateformes du MĂ©soprotĂ©rozoĂŻque (?) au NĂ©oprotĂ©rozoĂŻque du terrane de Brookville forment le socle des roches volcaniques du NĂ©oprotĂ©rozoĂŻque du terrane de New River. [Traduit par la redaction

    From Large Zones to Small Terranes to Detailed Reconstruction of an Early to Middle Ordovician Arc–Backarc System Preserved Along the Iapetus Suture Zone: A Legacy of Hank Williams

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    The Annieopsquotch accretionary tract (AAT) comprises a thrust stack of Lower to Middle Ordovician arc and backarc terranes that were accreted to the composite Laurentian margin of Iapetus during the Middle to Late Ordovician. Geological relationships suggest that the constituent terranes of the AAT initially formed outboard of the composite Laurentian margin in an extensional arc that underwent multiple rifting episodes prior to its accretion. The initiation of AAT magmatism led to the development of Tremadocian to Floian supra-subduction zone ophiolites (481 to 477 Ma) with organized ridges indicated by the presence of well-developed sheeted dyke complexes. This spreading centre propagated through a fragment of Laurentian crust and separated it from the composite Laurentian margin. This Laurentian crust fragment then formed the basement to subsequent Floian to Darriwilian AAT arc magmatism. The Floian arc (473 to 468 Ma) underwent extensive rifting indicated by organized spreading in the Lloyds River backarc basin, which was floored by juvenile backarc ophiolitic crust (472 Ma). The establishment of the Darriwilian arc (467 to 462 Ma) was in part coeval with yet another stage of rifting. Darriwilian magmatism is characterised by significant along-strike variability, ranging from continental to primitive calc-alkaline arc to tholeiitic backarc-like magmatism. The diversity of Darriwilian magmatism can be attributed to fragmentation and magmatic reworking of Laurenian-derived basement along strike in the same arc undergoing disorganized spreading. The development of the AAT is interpreted to be similar to that of the modern Izu – Bonin – Mariana arc in the western Pacific.SOMMAIRELa bande d’accrĂ©tion d’Annieopsquotch (AAT) est constituĂ©e d’un empilement de chevauchements de l’Ordovicien prĂ©coce Ă  moyen, et de terranes d’arc et d’arriĂšre-arc qui se sont accrĂ©tĂ©s Ă  la marge composite laurentienne japĂ©tienne Ă  l’Ordovicien moyen Ă  tardif.  Les faits gĂ©ologiques relevĂ©s portent Ă  penser que les terranes constitutifs de l’AAT se sont constituĂ©s Ă  l’extĂ©rieur de la marge laurentienne dans un arc d’extension qui a subi de multiples Ă©pisodes de rifting avant son accrĂ©tion.  L’initiation du magmatisme de l’AAT a menĂ© au dĂ©veloppement de zones d’ophiolites de supra-subduction du TrĂ©madocien au Floien (481 Ma Ă  477 Ma), avec des crĂȘtes ordonnĂ©es mises en Ă©vidence par la prĂ©sence de complexes de tapis de dikes bien dĂ©veloppĂ©s.  Ce centre d’extension s’est propagĂ© Ă  travers un fragment de la croĂ»te laurentienne, et l’a ultimement sĂ©parĂ© de la marge composite laurentienne.  Et, du Floien au Darriwilien, ce fragment de croĂ»te laurentienne a servi de substratum au magmatisme d’arc de l’AAT.  Au Floien (473 Ma Ă  468 Ma), cette zone d’arc a subi un important rifting, comme l’indique la distension ordonnĂ©e du bassin d’arriĂšre-arc de Lloyds River, lequel a servi de semelle Ă  une croĂ»te ophiolitique d’arriĂšre-arc (472 Ma).  La mise en place de l’arc au Darriwilien (467 Ma Ă  462 Ma) a coexistĂ© pour un temps avec un autre Ă©pisode de rifting.  Le magmatisme darriwilien est caractĂ©risĂ© par une variabilitĂ© de composition importante parallĂšlement Ă  sa direction, passant d’une composition d’arc continental Ă  celle d’arriĂšre-arc primitif calco-alcalin jusqu’à une composition de magmatisme de type tholĂ©iitique d’arriĂšre-arc.  La diversitĂ© du magmatisme darriwilien peut ĂȘtre attribuĂ©e Ă  la fragmentation et au remaniement magmatique de la croĂ»te d’origine laurentienne parallĂšlement Ă  la direction d’un mĂȘme arc subissant une distension dĂ©sordonnĂ©e.  Nous proposons que le dĂ©veloppement de l’AAT a Ă©tĂ© similaire Ă  celui de l’arc moderne Izy–Bonin–Marianne du Pacifique occidental

    Crustal Evolution of the Northeast Laurentian Margin and the Peri-Gondwanan Microcontinent Ganderia Prior to and During Closure of the Iapetus Ocean: Detrital Zircon U–Pb and Hf Isotope Evidence from Newfoundland

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    Detrital zircon populations in sedimentary rocks from the Laurentian margin and the accreted microcontinent Ganderia on both sides of the main Iapetus suture (Red Indian Line) in central Newfoundland have been studied by combined U–Pb and Lu–Hf isotope analyses. Variation in ΔHf(t) values with age of zircon populations of distal provenance (>900 Ma) reflect the crustal evolution within the source continents: in zircon derived from Laurentia, episodes of juvenile magma production in the source could be detected at 1.00 – 1.65 and 2.55 – 3.00 Ga, and mixing of juvenile and recycled crust in continental magmatic arcs occurred at 0.95 – 1.40, 1.45 – 1.60, 1.65 – 2.05 and 2.55 – 2.75 Ga. These ages are consistent with the crustal history of northeastern Laurentia. Similarly, zircon of distal provenance from Ganderia reveals times of juvenile magma production in the source at 0.70 – 0.90, 1.40 – 1.75, 1.85 – 2.40 and 2.7 – 3.5 Ga, and episodes of mixing juvenile and recycled crust at 0.95 – 1.35, 1.45 – 1.60, 1.70 – 2.15 and 2.6 – 2.8 Ga. These data reflect the crustal evolution in the present northern part of Amazonia, its likely source craton.      The evolution of magmatic arcs at the margins of both continents can be studied in a similar way using detrital zircon having a proximal provenance (<900 Ma). In contrast to the Laurentian margin, Ganderia is characterized by development of Neoproterozoic – Cambrian continental arcs (ca. 500 – 670 Ma) that were built on the margin of Gondwana. ΔHf(t) values indicate recycling of Neo- and Mesoproterozoic crust. During and following accretion of the various elements of Ganderia to Laurentia, the syn-tectonic Late Ordovician to Silurian sedimentary rocks deposited on the upper plate (composite Laurentia) continued showing only detritus derived from Laurentia. These sedimentary rocks contain detrital zircon from Iapetan juvenile, continental and successor arcs that were active between ca. 440 and 550 Ma, and from continuing magmatic activity until 423 Ma. Arrival of the first Laurentian detritus at the outermost part of Ganderia indicates that the Iapetus ocean was closed at ca. 452 Ma. The magmatic arcs along the former Laurentian margin in Newfoundland evolved differently. In the northwestern part, ΔHf(t) values point to recycling of Mesoproterozoic and Paleoproterozoic crust. In the southwest, ΔHf(t) values indicate addition of juvenile crust, recycling of Mesoproterozoic crust and mixing with juvenile magma. SOMMAIRELes populations de zircons dĂ©tritiques des roches sĂ©dimentaires issus de la marge laurentienne et du microcontinent d’accrĂ©tion de Ganderia, des deux cĂŽtĂ©s de la principale suture Iapetus (linĂ©ation de Red Indian) dans le centre de Terre-Neuve, ont Ă©tĂ© Ă©tudiĂ©s par analyses combinĂ©es U–Pb et Lu–Hf.  Les variations des valeurs ΔHf(t) en fonction de l’ñge des populations de zircons distaux (>900 Ma) reflĂštent l’évolution de la croĂ»te des continents sources : les zircons de Laurentie ont permis de dĂ©tecter des Ă©pisodes magmatiques juvĂ©niles dans la source entre 1,00 - 1,5, et 2,55 - 3,00 Ga, ainsi que des Ă©pisodes de mĂ©lange de croĂ»te juvĂ©nile avec des croĂ»tes d’arcs magmatiques continentaux recyclĂ©s entre 0,95 – 1,40, 1,45 – 1,60, 1,65 – 2,05, et 2,55 – 2,75 Ga.  Ces datations correspondent bien Ă  l’histoire de la croĂ»te de la portion nord-est de la Laurentie.  De mĂȘme, le zircon distal de Ganderia rĂ©vĂšle des Ă©pisodes de production de magmas juvĂ©niles dans la source entre 0,70 - 0,90, 1,40 - 1,75, 1,85 - 2,40, et 2,7 - 3,5 Ga, ainsi que des Ă©pisodes de mĂ©langes de matĂ©riaux juvĂ©niles et de croĂ»tes recyclĂ©s entre 0,95 - 1,35, 1,45 - 1,60, 1,70 - 2,15, et 2,6 - 2,8 Ga.  Ces donnĂ©es reflĂštent l’évolution de la croĂ»te dans la portion nord actuelle de l’Amazonie, son craton source probable.     L’évolution des arcs magmatiques Ă  la marge de ces deux continents peuvent ĂȘtre Ă©tudiĂ©es de la mĂȘme maniĂšre en utilisant le zircon dĂ©tritique proximal (<900 Ma).  Contrairement Ă  la marge laurentienne, celle de Ganderia est caractĂ©risĂ©e par le dĂ©veloppement d’arcs continentaux NĂ©oprotĂ©ozoĂŻque-Cambrien (env. 500 – 670 Ma) qui se sont constituĂ©s Ă  la marge du Gondvana.  Les valeurs de ΔHf(t) indiquent un recyclage de la croĂ»te au NĂ©oprotĂ©rozoĂŻque et au MĂ©soprotĂ©rozoĂŻque.  Durant et aprĂšs l’accrĂ©tion des divers Ă©lĂ©ments de Ganderia et de la Laurentie, les roches sĂ©dimentaires syntectoniques de la fin de l’Ordovicien et du Silurien qui se sont dĂ©posĂ©es sur la portion supĂ©rieure de la plaque (Laurentie composite) ne montrent toujours que des dĂ©bris provenant de la Laurentie.  Ces roches sĂ©dimentaires renferment des zircons dĂ©tritiques juvĂ©niles iapĂ©tiques, et d’arcs continentaux et d’arcs subsĂ©quents, qui ont Ă©tĂ© actifs entreentre (env. 440 et 550 Ma) et  d’une activitĂ© magmatique continue jusqu’à 423 Ma.  L’apport des premiers dĂ©bris Ă  la marge extrĂȘme de Ganderia indique que l’ocĂ©an s’est fermĂ©e il y a env. 452 Ma.  Les arcs magmatiques le long de l'ancienne marge laurentienne Ă  Terre-Neuve ont Ă©voluĂ© diffĂ©remment.  Dans la portion nord-ouest, les valeurs de ΔHf(t) indiquent un recyclage de la croĂ»te au MĂ©soprotĂ©rozoĂŻque et au PalĂ©oprotĂ©rozoĂŻque.  Dans la portion sud-ouest, les valeurs de ΔHf(t) indiquent l’ajout d’une croĂ»te juvĂ©nile, un recyclage de la croĂ»te mĂ©soprotĂ©rozoĂŻque et un mĂ©lange avec un magma juvĂ©nile

    Assembly of the Annieopsquotch Accretionary Tract, Newfoundland Appalachians: Age and Geodynamic Constraints from Syn‐Kinematic Intrusions

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    The Annieopsquotch Accretionary Tract (AAT) comprises several ophiolites and arc‐back‐arc igneous complexes that were accreted to the Dashwoods microcontinent during the Ordovician Taconic orogeny. The Lloyds River Fault Zone, which separates the AAT from the Dashwoods microcontinent, yielded 40Ar/39Ar hornblende ages of ca. 470 Ma. The fault zone was intruded syn‐kinematically by the shoshonitic Portage Lake monzogabbro and the Pierre’s Pond suite, which gave U/Pb zircon ages of Ma plus Ma and Ma, respectively. The Otter Pond granodiorite intruded syn‐kinematically into the Otter Brook Shear Zone, which separates the Annieopsquotch ophiolite belt from the structurally underlying ophiolitic Lloyds River Complex. It yielded a U/Pb zircon age of Ma. The Buchans arc and its continental basement were accreted to the Lloyds River Complex prior to 468 Ma. Syn‐kinematic plutons have arc affinity, with ΔNd ranging between −0.9 and −6.8, and are coeval with the adjacent Notre Dame Arc. Our data thus suggest the majority of the AAT was accreted to the Dashwoods microcontinent by 468 Ma, when consanguineous, dominantly arclike plutons intruded within the AAT and adjacent Notre Dame Arc. The Portage Lake monzogabbro and Otter Pond mafic suite are more mafic than Notre Dame Arc plutons of similar age because of their intrusion into the thin, mafic crust of the AAT and ascent along shear zones. Our data indicate the formation and subsequent accretion of ophiolites and arc‐back‐arc complexes occurred within a very short time span (5–10 Ma). The sources of AAT syn‐orogenic magmatism are diverse and include melting of subarc mantle during slab breakoff, lithospheric mantle, and lower crust. The Ordovician Appalachian margin of Laurentia grew by the accretion of oceanic terranes and intrusion of mantle‐derived magma. Recycling of continental crust by rifting and subsequent collision played an important part of the tectonic evolution of the AAT

    Influence of deformation and fluids on Ar retention in white mica: Dating the Dover Fault, Newfoundland Appalachians

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    White mica 40Ar/39Ar analyses may provide useful constraints on the timing of tectonic processes, but complex geological and thermal histories can perturb Ar systematics in a variety of ways. Ductile shear zones represent excellent case studies for exploring the link(s) between dynamic re-/neo-crystallization of white mica and coeval enhanced fluid flow, and their effect on 40Ar/39Ar dates. White mica 40Ar/39Ar dates were collected from compositionally similar granites that record different episodes of deformation with proximity to the Dover Fault, a terrane-bounding strike-slip shear zone in the Appalachian orogen, Newfoundland, Canada. 40Ar/39Ar data were collected in situ by laser ablation and by step heating single crystals. Results were compared to each other and against complementary U-Pb zircon and monazite, and K-Ar fault gouge analysis. Although step-heat 40Ar/39Ar is a widely applied method in orogenic settings, this dataset shows that relatively flat step-heat 40Ar/39Ar spectra are in contradiction with wide spreads in in-situ 40Ar/39Ar dates from the same samples, and that plateau dates in some cases yielded mixed dates of equivocal geological significance. This result indicates that the step-wise release of Ar from white mica likely homogenizes and obscures spatially-controlled Ar isotope reservoirs in white mica from sheared rocks. In contrast, in situ laser ablation 40Ar/39Ar analysis preserves the spatial resolution of 40Ar reservoirs that have been variably reset by deformation and fluid interaction. This study therefore suggests that laser ablation is the best method for dating the timing of deformation recorded by white mica. Final interpretation of results should be guided by microstructural analysis, estimation of deformation temperature, chemical characterization of white mica, and complementary chronometers. Overall the dataset shows that granitic protoliths were emplaced between 430-422 Ma (U-Pb zircon). High strain deformation along the Wing Pond Shear Zone occurred between ca. 422-405 Ma (U-Pb monazite and 40Ar/39Ar). Subsequent patchy Ar loss in white mica occurred locally during low T shear (40Ar/39Ar). K-Ar dating of authigenic illite in fault gouge from the broadly co-linear brittle Hermitage Bay Fault indicates that slip along the terrane boundary persisted until at least the Mississippian

    Evidence of Late Ediacaran Hyperextension of the Laurentian Iapetan Margin in the Birchy Complex, Baie Verte Peninsula, Northwest Newfoundland: Implications for the Opening of Iapetus, Formation of PeriLaurentian Microcontinents and Taconic – Grampian Orogenesis

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    The Birchy Complex of the Baie Verte Peninsula, northwestern Newfoundland, comprises an assemblage of mafic schist, ultramafic rocks, and metasedimentary rocks that are structurally sandwiched between overlying ca. 490 Ma ophiolite massifs of the Baie Verte oceanic tract and underlying metasedimentary rocks of the Fleur de Lys Supergroup of the Appalachian Humber margin. Birchy Complex gabbro yielded a Late Ediacaran U–Pb zircon ID–TIMS age of 558.3 ± 0.7 Ma, whereas gabbro and an intermediate tuffaceous schist yielded LA–ICPMS concordia zircon ages of 564 ± 7.5 Ma and 556 ± 4 Ma, respectively. These ages overlap the last phase of rift-related magmatism observed along the Humber margin of the northern Appalachians (565–550 Ma). The associated ultramafic rocks were exhumed by the Late Ediacaran and shed detritus into the interleaved sedimentary rocks. Psammite in the overlying Flat Point Formation yielded a detrital zircon population typical of the Laurentian Humber margin in the northern Appalachians. Age relationships and characteristics of the Birchy Complex and adjacent Rattling Brook Group suggest that the ultramafic rocks represent slices of continental lithospheric mantle exhumed onto the seafloor shortly before or coeval with magmatic accretion of mid-ocean ridge basalt-like mafic rocks. Hence, they represent the remnants of an ocean – continent transition zone formed during hyperextension of the Humber margin prior to establishment of a mid-ocean ridge farther outboard in the Iapetus Ocean. We propose that microcontinents such as Dashwoods and the Rattling Brook Group formed as a hanging wall block and an extensional crustal allochthon, respectively, analogous to the isolation of the Briançonnais block during the opening of the Alpine Ligurian–Piemonte and Valais oceanic seaways.Le complexe de Birchy de la pĂ©ninsule de Baie Verte, dans le nord-ouest de Terre-Neuve, est constituĂ© d’un assemblage de schistes mafiques, de roches ultramafiques et de mĂ©tasĂ©diments qui sont coincĂ©s entre des massifs ophiolitiques d’ascendance ocĂ©anique de la Baie Verte au-dessus, et des mĂ©tasĂ©diments du Supergroupe de Fleur de Lys de la marge de Humber des Appalaches en-dessous. Le complexe de gabbro de Birchy a donnĂ© une datation U-Pb sur zircon ID-TIMS correspondant Ă  la fin de l’Édiacarien, soit 558,3 ± 0,7 Ma, alors qu’un gabbro et un schiste tufacĂ© intermĂ©diaire montrent une datation LA-ICP-MS Concordia sur zircon de 564 ± 7,5 Ma et 556 ± 4 Ma, respectivement. Ces datations chevauchent la derniĂšre phase de magmatisme de rift observĂ©e le long de la marge Humber des Appalaches du Nord (565-550 Ma). Les roches ultramafiques associĂ©es ont Ă©tĂ© exhumĂ©es vers la fin de l’Édiacarien et leurs dĂ©bris ont Ă©tĂ© imbriquĂ©s dans des roches sĂ©dimentaires. Les psammites de la Formation de Flat Point susjacente ont donnĂ© une population de zircons dĂ©tritiques typique de la marge laurentienne de Humber des Appalaches du Nord. Les relations chronologiques et les caractĂ©ristiques du complexe de Birchy et du groupe de Rattling Brook adjacent, permettent de penser que ces roches ultramafiques pourraient ĂȘtre des Ă©cailles de manteau lithosphĂ©rique continental qui auraient Ă©tĂ© exhumĂ©es sur le plancher ocĂ©anique peu avant ou en mĂȘme temps que l’accrĂ©tion magmatique de roches mafiques basaltiques de type dorsale mĂ©dio-ocĂ©anique. Par consĂ©quent, elles seraient des vestiges d’une zone de transition ocĂ©an-continent formĂ©e au cours de l’hyper-extension de la marge de Humber avant l’apparition d’une dorsale mĂ©dio-ocĂ©anique plus loin au large dans l’ocĂ©an IapĂ©tus. Nous proposons que des microcontinents comme de Dashwoods et du groupe de Rattling Brook ont constituĂ©s respectivement un bloc de toit et un allochtone crustal d’extension, de la mĂȘme maniĂšre que le bloc Briançonnais a Ă©tĂ© isolĂ© lors de l’ouverture des bras ocĂ©aniques alpins de Ligurie-PiĂ©mont et de Valais.Fil: Van Staal, Cees R.. Geological Survey of Canada; CanadĂĄFil: Chew, Dave M.. Trinity College Dublin; IrlandaFil: Zagorevski, Alexandre. Geological Survey of Canada; CanadĂĄFil: Mcnicoll, Vicki. Geological Survey of Canada; CanadĂĄFil: Hibbard, James. North Carolina State University; Estados UnidosFil: Skulski, Tom. Geological Survey of Canada; CanadĂĄFil: Castonguay, SĂ©bastien. Geological Survey of Canada; CanadĂĄFil: Escayola, Monica Patricia. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones CientĂ­ficas y TĂ©cnicas; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones CientĂ­ficas y TĂ©cnicas. Oficina de CoordinaciĂłn Administrativa Ciudad Universitaria. Instituto de Estudios Andinos; ArgentinaFil: Sylvester, Paul J.. Memorial University Of Newfoundland; Canad

    Feedback between deformation and magmatism in the Lloyds River Fault Zone : an example of episodic fault reactivation in an accretionary setting, Newfoundland Appalachians

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    Author Posting. © American Geophysical Union, 2006. This article is posted here by permission of American Geophysical Union for personal use, not for redistribution. The definitive version was published in Tectonics 25 (2006): TC4004, doi:10.1029/2005TC001789.The Lloyds River Fault Zone is a 10–15 km wide amphibolite-grade shear zone that formed during the Ordovician Taconic Orogeny. It separates ophiolites and arc–back-arc complexes formed in Iapetus from a peri-Laurentian microcontinent (Dashwoods microcontinent). The Lloyds River Fault Zone comprises three high-strain zones, dominantly composed of mylonitic amphibolites, separated by less deformed plutonic rocks. Structural, age and metamorphic data suggest the Lloyds River Fault Zone accommodated sinistral-oblique underthrusting of ophiolites underneath the Dashwoods microcontinent prior to 471 ± 5 Ma at 800°C and 6 kbar. Plutonic rocks within the Lloyds River Fault Zone comprise two suites dated at 464 ± 2 plus 462 ± 2 and 459 ± 3 Ma, respectively. The younger age of the plutons with respect to some of the amphibolites, evidence for magmatic deformation, and the elongate nature of the plutons parallel to the Lloyds River Fault Zone suggest they were emplaced within the fault zone during deformation. Both intrusive episodes triggered renewed deformation at high temperatures (770–750°C), illustrating the positive feedback between deformation and magmatism. Offshoots of the plutons intruded undeformed ophiolitic gabbros outside the Lloyds River Fault Zone. Deformation localized within the intrusive sheets, coeval with static contact metamorphism of the host gabbros, leading to the development of new, small-scale shear zones. This illustrates that channeling of plutons into shear zones and nucleation of shear zones in melt-rich zones may occur simultaneously within the same fault system.This research is funded by a scholarship from the Faculty of Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies, University of Ottawa, to C.J.L. and a NSERC grant to C.v.S in his position as Adjunct Professor at the University of Ottawa

    Dunhuang Tectonic Belt in northwestern China as a part of the Central Asian Orogenic Belt: Structural and U-Pb geochronological evidence

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    The final publication is available at Elsevier via https://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.tecto.2018.09.008 © 2018. This manuscript version is made available under the CC-BY-NC-ND 4.0 license https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/The Dunhuang Tectonic Belt (DTB) is located about 100 km south of the Beishan–Tianshan orogen in the Central Asian Orogenic Belt in NW China. It was previously considered as a part of the Tarim or North China craton. Detailed structural analyses reveal two episodes of deformation in the central DTB, D1 and D2. D1 is a north-side-up reverse shear, and D2 a dextral strike slip. Mineral assemblages, microstructures and quartz C-axis patterns indicate that D1 deformation took place under amphibolite facies conditions (500 to 600 °C) and D2 mostly under greenschist-facies conditions (300–450 °C). U–Pb zircon dating of eight granitoid/intermediate intrusions (mostly dikes, with well constrained cross-cutting relationships with the D1 and D2 structures) and an amphibolite gneiss indicates that D1 deformation took place before ca. 349 Ma and most likely at ca. 406 Ma, and D2 between ca. 249 Ma and ca. 241 Ma. The DTB has a structural, metamorphic and magmatic signature in the Paleozoic–Mesozoic that is typical of an orogenic belt. It shares a similar geological history with the Beishan–Tianshan orogen and is likely a part of the Central Asian Orogenic Belt. The DTB and the Beishan-Tianshan orogen might represent two separate Paleozoic mountain belts that developed more or less synchronously on the south and north sides, respectively, of the last vestige of the Paleo-Asian Ocean before its terminal closure in the Permian. The D1 reverse shearing in the DTB is interpreted to be related to a Silurian–Devonian terrane accretion/collision and the D2 dextral strike slip to post-accretional/collisional movement among terranes in Late Permian–Middle Triassic time.National Natural Science Foundation of China ["41472166","41272222"]China Geological Survey ["DD20160009"]Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canad