4,561 research outputs found

    Designs of magnetic atom-trap lattices for quantum simulation experiments

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    We have designed and realized magnetic trapping geometries for ultracold atoms based on permanent magnetic films. Magnetic chip based experiments give a high level of control over trap barriers and geometric boundaries in a compact experimental setup. These structures can be used to study quantum spin physics in a wide range of energies and length scales. By introducing defects into a triangular lattice, kagome and hexagonal lattice structures can be created. Rectangular lattices and (quasi-)one-dimensional structures such as ladders and diamond chain trapping potentials have also been created. Quantum spin models can be studied in all these geometries with Rydberg atoms, which allow for controlled interactions over several micrometers. We also present some nonperiodic geometries where the length scales of the traps are varied over a wide range. These tapered structures offer another way to transport large numbers of atoms adiabatically into subwavelength traps and back.Comment: 9 pages, 10 figure

    Space Saving by Dynamic Algebraization

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    Dynamic programming is widely used for exact computations based on tree decompositions of graphs. However, the space complexity is usually exponential in the treewidth. We study the problem of designing efficient dynamic programming algorithm based on tree decompositions in polynomial space. We show how to construct a tree decomposition and extend the algebraic techniques of Lokshtanov and Nederlof such that the dynamic programming algorithm runs in time O(2h)O^*(2^h), where hh is the maximum number of vertices in the union of bags on the root to leaf paths on a given tree decomposition, which is a parameter closely related to the tree-depth of a graph. We apply our algorithm to the problem of counting perfect matchings on grids and show that it outperforms other polynomial-space solutions. We also apply the algorithm to other set covering and partitioning problems.Comment: 14 pages, 1 figur

    COCARDE: new view on old mounds – an international network of carbonate mound research

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    EGU2012-12550 Carbonate mounds are important contributors of life in different settings, from warm-water to cold-water environments, and throughout geological history. Research on modern cold-water coral carbonate mounds over the last decades made a major contribution to our overall understanding of these particular sedimentary systems. By looking to the modern carbonate mound community with cold-water corals as main framework builders, some fundamental questions could be addressed, until now not yet explored in fossil mound settings. The international network COCARDE (http://www.cocarde.eu) is a platform for exploring new insights in carbonate mound research of recent and ancient mound systems. The aim of the COCARDE network is to bring together scientific communities, studying Recent carbonate mounds in midslope environments in the present ocean and investigating fossil mounds spanning the whole Phanerozoic time, respectively. Scientific challenges in modern and ancient carbonate mound research got well defined during the ESF Magellan Workshop COCARDE in Fribourg, Switzerland (21.–24.01.2009). The Special Volume Cold-water Carbonate Reservoir systems in Deep Environments – COCARDE (Marine Geology, Vol. 282) was the major outcome of this meeting and highlights the diversity of Recent arbonate mound studies. The following first jointWorkshop and Field Seminar held in Oviedo, Spain (16.–20.09.2009) highlighted ongoing research from both Recent and fossil academic groups integrating the message from the industry. The field seminar focused on mounds from the Carboniferous platform of Asturias and Cantabria, already intensively visited by industrial and academic researchers. However, by comparing ancient, mixed carbonate-siliciclastic mound systems of Cantabria with the Recent ones in the Porcupine Seabight, striking similarities in their genesis and processes in mound development asked for an integrated drilling campaign to understand better the 3D internal mound build-up. The Oviedo Workshop and Field Seminar led to the submission of a White Paper on Carbonate Mound Drilling and the initiation of the ESF European Research Network Programme Cold-Water Carbonate Mounds in Shallow and Deep Time – The European Research Network (COCARDE-ERN) launched in June 2011. The second COCARDE Workshop and Field Seminar was held in Rabat, Morocco (24.–30.10.2011) and thematically focussed on carbonate mounds of(f) Morocco. The compact workshop invited students from Moroccan Universities to experience ongoing carbonate mound research in Recent and Ancient environments of Morocco. Two Round Tables discussed innovative approaches in carbonate mound research in Morocco (Recent vs. Ancient - offshore vs. onshore) and reviewed together with oil industry opportunities of international collaboration. The outcome of this workshop will lead into joint research projects, drilling campaigns on- and offshore, and expansion of COCARDE onto the African continent

    Porous iron pellets for AMS C-14 analysis of small samples down to ultra-microscale size (10-25 mu gC)

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    We developed the use of a porous iron pellet as a catalyst for AMS C-14 analysis of small samples down to ultra-microscale size (10-25 mu gC). It resulted in increased and more stable beam currents through our HVEE 4130 C-14 AMS system, which depend smoothly on the sample size. We find that both the expected decrease of oxalic acid standards and increase of backgrounds with decreasing sample size, due to increasing influence of contamination, are reproducible. Using a mass-dependent background correction for dead (1.0 +/- 0.4 mu gC) and modern (0.25 +/- 0.10 mu gC) contamination, we obtain reliable results for small samples down to 10 mu gC and possibly smaller. Due to our low graphitization yield for ultra-small samples (increases from 40% to 80% on average with sample size), we measured graphite standards as small as 3 mu gC. The standard deviation of the corrected activity is about 5% for a 10-mu gC HOxII standard. Here we report the iron pellet technique, which is new to the best of our knowledge. It is generally applicable for AMS C-14 laboratories that want to measure small samples down to ultra-microscale size. As an illustrative test-case, we analyze C-14 data for IAEA-05, C7 and C8 samples with masses ranging from 15 to 300 mu gC. (C) 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved

    Parents' Degree and Style of Restrictive Mediation of Young Children's Digital Gaming: Associations with Parental Attitudes and Perceived Child Adjustment

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    Objectives As young children increasingly grow up in a digital environment, parents are confronted with the question whether and how to regulate young children's digital gaming effectively. The goal of this study was to examine correlates of parents' degree of restrictive mediation and their (autonomy-supportive or controlling) style of doing so. Specifically, we tested associations of parents' degree and style of restrictive mediation with parents' attitudes about digital gaming, parental perceptions of children's defiance and problematic gaming, and their interest in social play. Methods A sample of 762 parents of children between 3 and 9 years filled out questionnaires on their degree and style of restrictive mediation, their attitudes about gaming, and their perceptions of children's oppositional defiance, problematic gaming, and interest in social play. Results We found that parents who hold more negative attitudes about digital gaming were more likely to use a controlling style when mediating their child's gaming. Further, a higher degree of restrictive mediation generally related to more adaptive child outcomes (i.e., lower levels of perceived defiance and problematic gaming, higher levels of perceived interest in social play), whereas the opposite pattern was found for parents' controlling style of mediation. Finally, these associations were not moderated by children's age or gender, nor by parents' gender or educational level. Conclusions Also in the context of children's digital gaming, it seems important for parents to set clear rules. Yet, when doing so, it is equally important to refrain from using controlling strategies, as they seem to be counterproductive

    The (co-)occurrence of problematic video gaming, substance use, and psychosocial problems in adolescents

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    Aims. The current study explored the nature of problematic (addictive) video gaming and the association with game type, psychosocial health, and substance use. Methods. Data were collected using a paper and pencil survey in the classroom setting. Three samples were aggregated to achieve a total sample of 8478 unique adolescents. Scales included measures of game use, game type, the Video game Addiction Test (VAT), depressive mood, negative self-esteem, loneliness, social anxiety, education performance, and use of cannabis, alcohol and nicotine (smoking). Results. Findings confirmed problematic gaming is most common amongst adolescent gamers who play multiplayer online games. Boys (60%) were more likely to play online games than girls (14%) and problematic gamers were more likely to be boys (5%) than girls (1%). High problematic gamers showed higher scores on depressive mood, loneliness, social anxiety, negative self-esteem, and self-reported lower school performance. Nicotine, alcohol, and cannabis using boys were almost twice more likely to report high PVG than non-users. Conclusions. It appears that online gaming in general is not necessarily associated with problems. However, problematic gamers do seem to play online games more often, and a small subgroup of gamers – specifically boys – showed lower psychosocial functioning and lower grades. Moreover, associations with alcohol, nicotine, and cannabis use are found. It would appear that problematic gaming is an undesirable problem for a small subgroup of gamers. The findings encourage further exploration of the role of psychoactive substance use in problematic gaming

    Cut and Count and Representative Sets on Branch Decompositions

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    Recently, new techniques have been introduced to speed up dynamic programming algorithms on tree decompositions for connectivity problems: the \u27Cut and Count\u27 method and a method called the rank-based approach, based on representative sets and Gaussian elimination. These methods respectively give randomised and deterministic algorithms that are single exponential in the treewidth, and polynomial, respectively linear in the number of vertices. In this paper, we adapt these methods to branch decompositions yielding algorithms, both randomised and deterministic, that are in many cases faster than when tree decompositions would be used. In particular, we obtain the currently fastest randomised algorithms for several problems on planar graphs. When the involved weights are O(n^{O(1)}), we obtain faster randomised algorithms on planar graphs for Steiner Tree, Connected Dominating Set, Feedback Vertex Set and TSP, and a faster deterministic algorithm for TSP. When considering planar graphs with arbitrary real weights, we obtain faster deterministic algorithms for all four mentioned problems

    Divertor conditions relevant for fusion reactors achieved with linear plasma generator

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    Intense magnetized hydrogen and deuterium plasmas have been produced with electron densities up to 3.6¿×¿1020¿m-3 and electron temperatures up to 3.7¿eV with a linear plasma generator. Exposure of a W target has led to average heat and particle flux densities well in excess of 4¿MW m-2 and 1024¿m-2 s-1, respectively. We have shown that the plasma surface interactions are dominated by the incoming ions. The achieved conditions correspond very well to the projected conditions at the divertor strike zones of fusion reactors such as ITER. In addition, the machine has an unprecedented high gas efficiency