231 research outputs found

    Toe-eigening van innovaties in het arbeidssysteem omgaan met spanningen tussen standaardisatie en zelfregulering bij werkstroombesturing

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    Many social-organisational aspects of the new phenomenon ‘Workflow management systems’ (WFMSs) are still unknown. These include: (1)Why do companies choose to implement WFMSs; (2) how does the implementation of the systems occur; (3) can the implementation and use of these systems be improved to achieve the goals of management? WFMSs can be defined as systems that automate the co-ordination and control of the workflow and support (one or more of) the following functionalities: routing of work; monitoring and control; notification; actor assignment and authorisation; and procedure management. The implementation of WFMSs in the preliminary research phase of this research project in many cases was combined with the introduction of semi-autonomous teams. These teams have access to relevant information, possess relevant competence and other resources, and have the authority to independently make some decisions with regards to the work process. It is expected that the effects of these two innovations contradict each other, specifically the conflict between the underlying principles of standardisation versus self-regulation. Two fundamental strains with organising a work system are distinguished in the literature. First of all there is the need for commitment of the workers and the need to control the behaviour of these workers. Secondly, there is the need for differentiation which results in the need of integration. In both fields of tension, the application of WFMSs and of semi-autonomous teams seems to contribute to opposite intentions. When both innovations are implemented in a work system at the same time, there is the question whether their effects will be complementary or contradictory. This research project is an attempt to develop a better understanding of this matter

    Государственная поддержка АПК как фактор мотивации труда аграриев Крыма

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    В статье рассматривается влияние государственной поддержки АПК на мотивацию работников аграрного сектора. Приводятся аспекты отечественного и зарубежного опыта политики государств в отношении сельскохозяйственных производителей. Предлагаются способы совершенствования системы государственной поддержки АПК Крыма для повышения мотивации труда аграриев.In article is represented the influence of the state's support of the Agro-industry Complex to the workers of agrarian sector, is paid attention to the aspects of the father-lend and foreign experience of the state's politics in accordance with agricultural industry, are recommended the ways of the improvement of the system of the state's support of the Agro-industry Complex of the Crimea for the raising of the agricultural workers' labour

    The perceptions of consumers aged 18-30 of “lesbian” appeals in advertising

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    In an over-saturated market, advertisements have become more risqué as companies viefor consumer attention and lesbian content in advertising seems to be on the increasein mainstream media. This article attempts to discover whether lesbian content inadvertising elicits positive or negative consumer attitudes towards the advertisementand the brand, and to link these attitudes with the intention to purchase the product.By doing so, marketers will be able to ascertain whether this type of advertising appealis effective or whether it offends consumers and therefore decreases product sales.The study was quantitative in nature and used descriptive research in a field setting. Itwas found that there is a significant correlation between tolerance of homosexuality andacceptance of lesbian content in advertising. In addition, these advertisements attractedattention and interest and were not perceived as particularly immoral, exploitive oroffensive by most of the sample population. In terms of attracting attention and interest,and being memorable to consumers, advertisements containing clear lesbian interactionare more effective than those with lower levels of homoerotic

    Hospitableness and sustainable development: New responsibilities and demands in the host-guest relationship

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    How does the current paradigm of the host-guest relationship cause the hospitality industry to lag behind in sustainable development? Hospitality is often defined as “a feeling of being welcome”. It is about “welcoming the stranger: a person who comes today and stays tomorrow”, or “a stranger who is treated like a god”. In the current paradigm on the concept of “genuine hospitableness”, the authors see a host indulging his guest. This hospitable host does not want to bother the guest with complex issues of climate change or scarce resources but rather wants to treat him or her as “a god”: the host acts as “a servant”. This view on genuine hospitableness might hinder sustainable practices in hospitality organisations, especially if the (perceived) wishes of the guest are not sustainable. The authors argue that genuine hospitableness needs to be redefined and the concept of the host needs to be expanded to “host as shepherd”. The metaphor of a shepherd emphasises the extended responsibility of the host, in which the host not only takes care of the actual guest, but does so in a more comprehensive way. This includes the future guest, the local community and the environment. Additionally, the authors also see sustainable practices as being hindered by a disconnect between genuine hospitableness and the execution of this idea in hospitality service skills.Keywords: organisational behaviour, sustainable practices, organisational change, hostmanship, servant vs shepherd, responsible busines

    The appropriateness of equality legislation in addressing the challenges faced by black professional employees in South Africa

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    Doctor EducationisAll employees aspire to work at a place of employment which is free from racial discrimination, where equal opportunity and fair treatment are not merely principles that are promoted and encouraged, but implemented actively by their employers. For a number of black professional employees in South Africa, however, currently this is merely an aspiration. Evidence suggests that black people are still subjected to racial discrimination and that their growth into the ownership and management structures of the enterprises that employ them, is insignificant in comparison to their white counterparts, despite the progressive legislative measures enacted by the legislature to ensure otherwise. The Employment Equity Act 55 of 1998, as amended, was promulgated in order to promote equal opportunities and fair treatment in employment, through the elimination of unfair discrimination and to implement affirmative action measures to redress the disadvantages in employment experienced by designated groups. The Broad-Based Black Economic Empowerment Act 53 of 2003, as amended, was enacted to promote the economic participation of black people in South Africa. The objective of this thesis is to examine the relevant provisions of the Employment Equity Act 55 of 1998, as amended, its Regulations, the Codes of Good Practice enacted in terms thereof, as well as the Broad-Based Black Economic Empowerment Act 53 of 2003, as amended, together with its Codes of Good of Practice to determine whether this equality legislation is the appropriate vehicle to address the challenges experienced by black professional employees in the private sector. The stories of black professional employees’ experiences obtained from academic literature available insofar as it relates to racial discrimination, affirmative action and black economic empowerment is discussed through the lens of Critical Race Theory. This is done with a view to determining whether the slow pace of racial transformation when it comes to black professional employees employed in the private sector is an issue that the law can address. Particular reference is made to two professions: the legal profession and the financial professions. This thesis examines the difference between the minimalist and maximalist approaches to Black Economic Empowerment (BEE). The thesis reveals the limits to the incentive structure that does not place a premium on black ownership and that allows enterprises to benefit from BEE while not really changing management structures. It argues that seen through the lens of critical race theory the current equality legislation discussed in this thesis is based on including black people in a system where privilege and power are asymmetrically distributed. It also argues that legislation in itself is unable to rectify racial injustices. It therefore demonstrates the limitations of the current equality legislation as a vehicle to address the challenges faced by black professional employees in the private sector

    Sedere, Audire

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    The Broad-Based Black Economic Empowerment Act 53 of 2003 and the ways in which the commission of fronting practices affects the achievement of its objective

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    The Broad-Based Black Economic Empowerment Act 53 of 2003 is one of the statutes enacted to promote the right to equality, which is enshrined in the Bill of Rights of the Constitution of the Republic of South Africa. It is therefore aimed at balancing the economic playing field of black and white people in South Africa. Broad-based black economic empowerment is a governmental policy initiated to enable the black people to participate in the economy meaningfully. The Act was promulgated inter alia to facilitate broadbased black economic empowerment by achieving a substantial change in the racial composition of ownership and management structures and in the skilled occupations of existing and new enterprises. The issue that arises is whether this objective is being achieved and how the Commission of fronting practices affects the achievement of this objective. Statistics show that this objective is not being achieved and that the Commission of fronting practices plays a negative role in its achievement