102 research outputs found

    Perinatal death in a term fetal growth restriction randomized controlled trial:the paradox of prior risk and consent

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    BACKGROUND: The disproportionate intrauterine growth intervention trial at term was an intention to treat analysis and compared labor induction with expectant monitoring in pregnancies complicated by fetal growth restriction at term and showed equivalence for neonatal outcomes. OBJECTIVE: To evaluate trial participation bias and to examine the generalizability of the results of an obstetrical randomized trial. STUDY DESIGN: We used data from participants and nonparticipants of a randomized controlled trial-the disproportionate intrauterine growth intervention trial at term (n=1116) -to perform a secondary analysis. This study compared induction of labor and expectant management in women with term growth restriction. Data were collected in the same manner for both groups. Baseline characteristics and neonatal and maternal outcomes were compared. The primary outcome was a composite measure of adverse neonatal outcome. Secondary outcomes were delivery by cesarean delivery and instrumental vaginal delivery; length of stay in the neonatal intensive care, neonatal ward, and the maternal hospital; and maternal morbidity. RESULTS: Nonparticipants were older, had a lower body mass index, had a higher level of education, smoked less, and preferred expectant management. The time between study inclusion and labor onset was shorter in participants than in nonparticipants. Notably, 4 perinatal deaths occurred among nonparticipants and none among participants. Among nonparticipants, there were more children born with a birthweight below the third centile. The nonparticipants who had expectant management were monitored less frequently than the participants in both the intervention and the expectant arm. CONCLUSION: We found less favorable outcomes and more perinatal deaths in nonparticipants. Protocol-driven management, differences between participants and nonparticipants, or the fact that nonparticipants had a preference for expectant management might explain the findings

    IMproving PArticipation of patients in Clinical Trials - rationale and design of IMPACT

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    BACKGROUND: One of the most commonly reported problems of randomised trials is that recruitment is usually slower than expected. Trials will cost more and take longer, thus delaying the use of the results in clinical practice, and incomplete samples imply decreased statistical power and usefulness of its results. We aim to identify barriers and facilitators for successful patient recruitment at the level of the patient, the doctor and the hospital organization as well as the organization and design of trials over a broad range of studies. METHODS/DESIGN: We will perform two cohort studies and a case-control study in the Netherlands. The first cohort study will report on a series of multicenter trials performed in a nationwide network of clinical trials in obstetrics and gynaecology. A questionnaire will be sent to all clinicians recruiting for these trials to identify determinants - aggregated at centre level - for the recruitment rate. In a case control-study nested in this cohort we will interview patients who refused or consented participation to identify factors associated with patients' consent or refusal. In a second cohort study, we will study trials that were prospectively registered in the Netherlands Trial Register. Using a questionnaire survey we will assess whether issues on hospital organization, trial organization, planning and trial design were associated with successful recruitment, i.e. 80% of the predefined number of patients recruited within the planned time. DISCUSSION: This study will provide insight in barriers and facilitators for successful patient recruitment in trials. The results will be used to provide recommendations and a checklist for individual trialists to identify potential pitfalls for recruitment and judge the feasibility prior to the start of the study. Identified barriers and motivators coupled to evidence-based interventions can improve recruitment of patients in clinical trials

    Development and measurement of guidelines-based quality indicators of caesarean section care in the Netherlands: A RAND-modified delphi procedure and retrospective medical chart review

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    Background There is an ongoing discussion on the rising CS rate worldwide. Suboptimal guideline adherence may be an important contributor to this rise. Before improvement of care can be established, optimal CS care in different settings has to be defined. This study aimed to develop and measure quality indicators to determine guideline adherence and identify target groups for improvement of care with direct effect on caesarean section (CS) rates. Method Eighteen obstetricians and midwives participated in an expert panel for systematic CS quality indicator development according to the RAND-modified Delphi method. A multi-center study was performed and medical charts of 1024 women with a CS and a stratified and weighted randomly selected group of 1036 women with a vaginal delivery were analysed. Quality indicator frequency and adherence were scored in 2060 women with a CS or vaginal delivery. Results The expert panel developed 16 indicators on planned CS and 11 indicators on unplanned CS. Indicator adherence was calculated, defined as the number of women in a specific obstetrical situation in which care was performed as recommended in both planned and unplanned CS settings. The most frequently occurring obstetrical situations with low indicator adherence were: 1) suspected fetal distress (frequency 17%, adh

    Brazilian network for the surveillance of maternal potentially life threatening morbidity and maternal near-miss and a multidimensional evaluation of their long term consequences

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>It has been suggested that the study of women who survive life-threatening complications related to pregnancy (maternal near-miss cases) may represent a practical alternative to surveillance of maternal morbidity/mortality since the number of cases is higher and the woman herself is able to provide information on the difficulties she faced and the long-term repercussions of the event. These repercussions, which may include sexual dysfunction, postpartum depression and posttraumatic stress disorder, may persist for prolonged periods of time, affecting women's quality of life and resulting in adverse effects to them and their babies.</p> <p>Objective</p> <p>The aims of the present study are to create a nationwide network of scientific cooperation to carry out surveillance and estimate the frequency of maternal near-miss cases, to perform a multicenter investigation into the quality of care for women with severe complications of pregnancy, and to carry out a multidimensional evaluation of these women up to six months.</p> <p>Methods/Design</p> <p>This project has two components: a multicenter, cross-sectional study to be implemented in 27 referral obstetric units in different geographical regions of Brazil, and a concurrent cohort study of multidimensional analysis. Over 12 months, investigators will perform prospective surveillance to identify all maternal complications. The population of the cross-sectional component will consist of all women surviving potentially life-threatening conditions (severe maternal complications) or life-threatening conditions (the maternal near miss criteria) and maternal deaths according to the new WHO definition and criteria. Data analysis will be performed in case subgroups according to the moment of occurrence and determining cause. Frequencies of near-miss and other severe maternal morbidity and the association between organ dysfunction and maternal death will be estimated. A proportion of cases identified in the cross-sectional study will comprise the cohort of women for the multidimensional analysis. Various aspects of the lives of women surviving severe maternal complications will be evaluated 3 and 6 months after the event and compared to a group of women who suffered no severe complications in pregnancy. Previously validated questionnaires will be used in the interviews to assess reproductive function, posttraumatic stress, functional capacity, quality of life, sexual function, postpartum depression and infant development.</p

    The HELLP syndrome: Clinical issues and management. A Review

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>The HELLP syndrome is a serious complication in pregnancy characterized by haemolysis, elevated liver enzymes and low platelet count occurring in 0.5 to 0.9% of all pregnancies and in 10–20% of cases with severe preeclampsia. The present review highlights occurrence, diagnosis, complications, surveillance, corticosteroid treatment, mode of delivery and risk of recurrence.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>Clinical reports and reviews published between 2000 and 2008 were screened using Pub Med and Cochrane databases.</p> <p>Results and conclusion</p> <p>About 70% of the cases develop before delivery, the majority between the 27th and 37th gestational weeks; the remainder within 48 hours after delivery. The HELLP syndrome may be complete or incomplete. In the Tennessee Classification System diagnostic criteria for HELLP are haemolysis with increased LDH (> 600 U/L), AST (≥ 70 U/L), and platelets < 100·10<sup>9</sup>/L. The Mississippi Triple-class HELLP System further classifies the disorder by the nadir platelet counts. The syndrome is a progressive condition and serious complications are frequent. Conservative treatment (≥ 48 hours) is controversial but may be considered in selected cases < 34 weeks' gestation. Delivery is indicated if the HELLP syndrome occurs after the 34th gestational week or the foetal and/or maternal conditions deteriorate. Vaginal delivery is preferable. If the cervix is unfavourable, it is reasonable to induce cervical ripening and then labour. In gestational ages between 24 and 34 weeks most authors prefer a single course of corticosteroid therapy for foetal lung maturation, either 2 doses of 12 mg betamethasone 24 hours apart or 6 mg or dexamethasone 12 hours apart before delivery. Standard corticosteroid treatment is, however, of uncertain clinical value in the maternal HELLP syndrome. High-dose treatment and repeated doses should be avoided for fear of long-term adverse effects on the foetal brain. Before 34 weeks' gestation, delivery should be performed if the maternal condition worsens or signs of intrauterine foetal distress occur. Blood pressure should be kept below 155/105 mmHg. Close surveillance of the mother should be continued for at least 48 hours after delivery.</p

    Clinical characteristics of women captured by extending the definition of severe postpartum haemorrhage with 'refractoriness to treatment': a cohort study

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    Background: The absence of a uniform and clinically relevant definition of severe postpartum haemorrhage hampers comparative studies and optimization of clinical management. The concept of persistent postpartum haemorrhage, based on refractoriness to initial first-line treatment, was proposed as an alternative to common definitions that are either based on estimations of blood loss or transfused units of packed red blood cells (RBC). We compared characteristics and outcomes of women with severe postpartum haemorrhage captured by these three types of definitions. Methods: In this large retrospective cohort study in 61 hospitals in the Netherlands we included 1391 consecutive women with postpartum haemorrhage who received either ≥4 units of RBC or a multicomponent transfusion. Clinical characteristics and outcomes of women with severe postpartum haemorrhage defined as persistent postpartum haemorrhage were compared to definitions based on estimated blood loss or transfused units of RBC within 24 h following birth. Adverse maternal outcome was a composite of maternal mortality, hysterectomy, arterial embolisation and intensive care unit admission. Results: One thousand two hundred sixty out of 1391 women (90.6%) with postpartum haemorrhage fulfilled the definition of persistent postpartum haemorrhage. The majority, 820/1260 (65.1%), fulfilled this definition within 1 h following birth, compared to 819/1391 (58.7%) applying the definition of ≥1 L blood loss and 37/845 (4.4%) applying the definition of ≥4 units of RBC. The definition persistent postpartum haemorrhage captured 430/471 adverse maternal outcomes (91.3%), compared to 471/471 (100%) for ≥1 L blood loss and 383/471 (81.3%) for ≥4 units of RBC. Persistent postpartum haemorrhage did not capture all adverse outcomes because of missing data on timing of initial, first-line treatment. Conclusion: The definition persistent postpartum haemo


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    The management of dilutional coagulopathy due to fluid infusion and massive blood loss is a topic that deserves a biochemical approach. In this review article, we provide an overview of current guidelines and recommendations on diagnosis and on management of transfusion in acquired coagulopathy. We discuss the biochemical differences between kinetic clotting assays (clotting times) and new capacitive coagulation measurements that provide time-dependent information on thrombin generation and fibrin clot formation. The available evidence suggests that a combination of assay types is required for evaluating new transfusion protocols aimed to optimize hemostasis and stop bleeding. Although there is current consensus on the application of fresh frozen plasma to revert coagulopathy, factor concentrates may appear to be useful in the future

    Tissue factor activity in human monocytes is regulated by plasma: implications for the high and low responder phenomenon

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    The 'high and low responder phenomenon' of monocyte tissue factor (MTF) activity has been attributed to effects on monocytes by granulocytes, platelets and lipopolysaccharide (LPS). To study the possible contribution of plasma to the high and low responder phenomenon, we measured the MTF activity in isolated cryopreserved human monocytes from two donors (monocytes A and monocytes B) after incubation in a plasma environment depleted of granulocytes, platelets and LPS. In buffer only, MTF activity was 643 and 679 fM (fM = final concentration of tissue factor), in normal pooled plasma, it was 1478 and 1615 fM (P = 0.001), respectively, in monocytes A and in monocytes B. Incubation with individual plasma samples from healthy controls (n = 43) gave a median MTF of 1355 fM (range 1044-1976 fM) and 1329 fM (range 858-1951 fM) respectively. A plasma consistently induced a higher or lower level of MTF activity in both monocytes: r = 0.82 (P <0.00001). Coumarin use did not influence the high and low responder phenomenon. In the absence of granulocytes, platelets and LPS, plasma determines the high and low responder phenomenon. This phenomenon is not influenced by coumarin treatmen
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