279 research outputs found

    Rapid loss of firn pore space accelerates 21st century Greenland mass loss

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    Mass loss from the two major ice sheets and their contribution to global sea level rise is accelerating. In Antarctica, mass loss is dominated by increased flow velocities of outlet glaciers, following the thinning or disintegration of coastal ice shelves into which they flow. In contrast, ∼55% of post‒1992 Greenland ice sheet (GrIS) mass loss is accounted for by surface processes, notably increased meltwater runoff. A subtle process in the surface mass balance of the GrIS is the retention and refreezing of meltwater, currently preventing ∼40% of the meltwater to reach the ocean. Here we force a high‒resolution atmosphere/snow model with a mid‒range warming scenario (RCP4.5, 1970–2100), to show that rapid loss of firn pore space, by >50% at the end of the 21st century, quickly reduces this refreezing buffer. As a result, GrIS surface mass loss accelerates throughout the 21st century and its contribution to global sea level rise increases to 1.7 ±0.5 mm yr−1, more than four times the current value

    В. Б. Антонович у листах, спогадах та працях Д. І. Багалія

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    The previous interglacial (Eemian, 130–114 kyr BP) had a mean sea level highstand 4 to 7 m above the current level, and, according to climate proxies, a 2 to 6 K warmer Arctic summer climate. Greenland ice cores extending back into the Eemian show a reduced depletion in δ18O of about 3‰ for this period, which suggests a significant warming of several degrees over the Greenland ice sheet. Since the depletion in δ18O depends, among other factors, on the condensation temperature of the precipitation, we analyze climatological processes other than mean temperature changes that influence condensation temperature, using output of the regional climate model RACMO2. This model is driven by ERA-40 reanalysis and ECHO-G GCM boundaries for present-day, preindustrial and Eemian climate. The processes that affect the condensation temperature of the precipitation are analyzed using 6-hourly model output. Our results show that changes in precipitation seasonality can cause significant changes of up to 2 K in the condensation temperature that are unrelated to changes in mean temperature

    An ensemble study of extreme storm surge related water levels in the North Sea in a changing climate

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    The height of storm surges is extremely important for a low-lying country like The Netherlands. By law, part of the coastal defence system has to withstand a water level that on average occurs only once every 10 000 years. The question then arises whether and how climate change affects the heights of extreme storm surges. Published research points to only small changes. However, due to the limited amount of data available results are usually limited to relatively frequent extremes like the annual 99%-ile. We here report on results from a 17-member ensemble of North Sea water levels spaning the period 1950–2100. It was created by forcing a surge model of the North Sea with meteorological output from a state-of-the-art global climate model which has been driven by greenhouse gas emissions following the SRES A1b scenario. The large ensemble size enables us to calculate 10 000 year return water levels with a low statistical uncertainty. In the one model used in this study, we find no statistically significant change in the 10 000 year return values of surge heights along the Dutch during the 21st century. Also a higher sea level resulting from global warming does not impact the height of the storm surges. As a side effect of our simulations we also obtain results on the interplay between surge and tide

    Про ефективність діяльності товарних бірж України в роки НЕПу

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    Об’єктом дослідження статті є економічна та соціальна ефективність діяльності товарних бірж України в період непу. При цьому основна увага зосереджується на таких аспектах проблеми: посередництво в купівлі й продажу товарів; реєстрація позабіржових угод; надання послуг учасникам біржового торгу; підтримка комерційної освіти, благодійність тощо.Объектом исследования статьи является экономическая и социальная эффективность деятельности товарных бирж Украины в период нэпа. При этом основное внимание сосредоточивается на таких аспектах проблемы: посредничество в купле и продаже товаров; регистрация внебиржевых сделок; предоставление услуг участникам биржевого торга; поддержка коммерческого образования, благотворительность и т. п

    Photodisintegration of three- and four- nucleon systems

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    Three- and four-nucleon photodisintegration processes are quite efficiently treated by means of effective two-body integral equations in momentum space. We recall some aspects of their derivation, present previous and most recent results obtained within this framework, and discuss general features, trends and effects observed in these investigations: At low energies final-state interaction plays an important role. Even more pronounced is the effect of meson exchange currents. A considerable potential dependence shows up in the low-energy peak region. The different peak heights are found to be closely correlated with the corresponding binding energies. Above the peak region only the difference between potentials with or without p-wave contributions remains relevant. In the differential cross sections the electric quadrupole contributions have to be taken into account. The remarkable agreement between theory and experiment in pp-dd radiative capture is achieved only when incorporating this contribution, together with most of the above-mentioned effects. In the final part of this report we briefly review also methods developed, and results achieved in three- and four- nucleon electrodisintegration. We, in particular, compare them with a recent access to this problem, based on the construction of nucleon-nucleus potentials via Marchenko inversion theory.Comment: 20 pages LaTeX and 22 postscript figures included, uses epsfig.sty and espcrc1.sty. Invited talk at the XVth International Conference on Few-Body Problems in Physics (22-26 July, 1997, Groningen, The Netherlands). To be published in the conference proceedings in Nucl. Phys.