470 research outputs found

    Pursuing sustainable growth through an intense collaboration between universities/colleges and SME's in West-Flanders (Belgium)

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    The region of West Flanders scores rather low in Flanders on a number of economic indicators, such as innovation, and a number of education-related indicators such as the intake in higher education and the participation in scientific education. In order to change this situation, initiatives were taken by the province in order to reinforce the higher education as well as the socio-economic position of the region based on thorough scientific research. On the basis of the cluster theory by Porter, highlighting the importance of thematic clustering of research and socio-economic activities, analysis is made of the strengths and weaknesses of the socio-economic field as well as of the available research expertise in the higher education institutions; this in close collaboration with the socio-economic partners and employers/employees from the various provincial sub-regions. It resulted in a growth plan containing several thematic spearhead actions. In the elaboration of the growth plan, emphasis is laid on the coherence and mutual reinforcement of the entire innovation chain going from knowledge development to knowledge application and spreading. A concrete initiative contributing to the realization of this plan are the easily accessible expertise and services centres (LEDs) set up on the initiative of the province. Thematically, they complement the expertise present in the higher education institutions and meet the actual needs of small and medium entrepreneurs in the region. Entrepreneurs or organizations can appeal to the network for innovation questions and they can leave the elaboration to research groups. Both partners are in a win- win situation: the entrepreneur who often does not have the means for R&D can innovate after all and the research groups in the higher education institutions are given the possibility to accumulate and develop their scientific knowledge. It is clear that a close collaboration between higher education and the socio-economic field has a surplus value for both actors

    Context-Aware Drift Detection

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    When monitoring machine learning systems, two-sample tests of homogeneity form the foundation upon which existing approaches to drift detection build. They are used to test for evidence that the distribution underlying recent deployment data differs from that underlying the historical reference data. Often, however, various factors such as time-induced correlation mean that batches of recent deployment data are not expected to form an i.i.d. sample from the historical data distribution. Instead we may wish to test for differences in the distributions conditional on \textit{context} that is permitted to change. To facilitate this we borrow machinery from the causal inference domain to develop a more general drift detection framework built upon a foundation of two-sample tests for conditional distributional treatment effects. We recommend a particular instantiation of the framework based on maximum conditional mean discrepancies. We then provide an empirical study demonstrating its effectiveness for various drift detection problems of practical interest, such as detecting drift in the distributions underlying subpopulations of data in a manner that is insensitive to their respective prevalences. The study additionally demonstrates applicability to ImageNet-scale vision problems.Comment: 25 pages, 26 figure

    The nature of the GRE influences the screening for GR-activity enhancing modulators

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    Glucocorticoid resistance (GCR), i.e. unresponsiveness to the beneficial anti-inflammatory activities of the glucocorticoid receptor (GR), poses a serious problem in the treatment of inflammatory diseases. One possible solution to try and overcome GCR, is to identify molecules that prevent or revert GCR by hyper-stimulating the biological activity of the GR. To this purpose, we screened for compounds that potentiate the dexamethasone (Dex)induced transcriptional activity of GR. To monitor GR transcriptional activity, the screen was performed using the lung epithelial cell line A549 in which a glucocorticoid responsive element (GRE) coupled to a luciferase reporter gene construct was stably integrated. Histone deacetylase inhibitors (HDACi) such as Vorinostat and Belinostat are two broad-spectrum HDACi that strongly increased the Dex-induced luciferase expression in our screening system. In sharp contrast herewith, results from a genome-wide transcriptome analysis of Dexinduced transcripts using RNAseq, revealed that Belinostat impairs the ability of GR to transactivate target genes. The stimulatory effect of Belinostat in the luciferase screen further depends on the nature of the reporter construct. In conclusion, a profound discrepancy was observed between HDACi effects on two different synthetic promoter-luciferase reporter systems. The favorable effect of HDACi on gene expression should be evaluated with care, when considering them as potential therapeutic agents. GEO accession number GSE96649

    Cognitive dysfunction in mice lacking proper glucocorticoid receptor dimerization

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    Stress is a major risk factor for depression and anxiety. One of the effects of stress is the (over-) activation of the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal (HPA) axis and the release of stress hormones such as glucocorticoids (GCs). Chronically increased stress hormone levels have been shown to have detrimental effects on neuronal networks by inhibiting neurotrophic processes particularly in the hippocampus proper. Centrally, GCs modulate metabolic as well as behavioural processes by activating two classes of corticoid receptors, high-affinity mineralocorticoid receptors (MR) and low-affinity glucocorticoid receptors (GR). Upon activation, GR can modulate gene transcription either as a monomeric protein, or as a dimer interacting directly with DNA. GR can also modulate cellular processes via non-genomic mechanisms, for example via a GPCR-protein interaction. We evaluated the behavioral phenotype in mice with a targeted mutation in the GR in a FVB/NJ background. In GR(dim/dim) mice, GR proteins form poor homodimers, while the GR monomer remains intact. We evaluated the effect of poor GR dimerization on hippocampus-dependent cognition as well as on exploration and emotional behavior under baseline and chronically increased stress hormone levels. We found that GR(dim/dim) mice did not behave differently from GR(wt/wt) littermates under baseline conditions. However, after chronic elevation of stress hormone levels, GR(dim/dim) mice displayed a significant impairment in hippocampus-dependent memory compared to GR(wt/wt) mice, which correlated with differential expression of hippocampal Bdnf/TrkB and Fkbp5


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    Surveillance of meningococcal infections in Belgium

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    Technical design

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    To convert Bergenmeersen from a flood control area (FCA) to a flood control area with controlled reduced tide (FCA-CRT), the existing dykes were modified and a new inlet and outlet construction was built. This chapter outlines the hydraulic and geotechnical design. This encompasses raising the existing ring dyke around the area, the new stability calculations and the modified dyke revetment along the water and land side. The inlet and outlet structure is also described. The hydraulic boundary conditions are extremely important to the design
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