223 research outputs found

    Mechanomics and physicomics in gravisensing

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    Gliding Arc in Noble Gases Under Normal and Hypergravity Conditions

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    This paper describes the gliding arc operated in four different noble gases (helium, neon, argon, and krypton) under normal gravity and hypergravity conditions up to 18 g. We studied the influence of gas flow, gas properties, and gravity-dependent buoyancy on the gliding arc behavior

    Hypergravity diagnostics and material synthesis in noble gas gliding arc plasma

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    The behaviour of gliding arc discharge in argon and helium has been studied under normal gravity and hypergravity conditions. The similar influence of increased gas flow and increased gravity is reported. The measured electrical quantities show the differences between glide arc in argon and helium. Material synthesis of carbon nanomaterial has been carried out in mixture of helium with methane in both normal gravity and hypergravity

    The importance of gravity vector on adult mammalian organisms: Effects of hypergravity on mouse testis

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    In the age of space exploration, the effect of hypergravity on human physiology is a relatively neglected topic. However, astronauts have several experiences of hypergravity during their missions. The main disturbance of altered gravity can be imputed to cell cytoskeleton alteration and physiologic homeostasis of the body. Testis has proved to be a particularly sensible organ, subject to environmental alteration and physiological disturbance. This makes testis an organ eligible for investigating the alteration following exposure to altered gravity. In our study, mice were exposed to hypergravity (3g for 14 days) in the Large Diameter Centrifuge machine (ESA, Netherland). We have observed a morphological alteration of the regular architecture of the seminiferous tubules of testis as well as an altered expression of factors involved in the junctional complexes of Sertoli cells, responsible for ensuring the morpho-functional integrity of the organ. The expression of key receptors in physiological performance, such as Androgen Receptors and Interstitial Cells Stimulating Hormone receptors, was found lower expressed. All these findings indicate the occurrence of altered physiological organ performance such as the reduction of the spermatozoa number and altered endocrine parameters following hypergravity exposure

    EU Marine Beach Litter Baselines

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    Measures against marine litter require quantitative data for the assessment of litter abundance, trends and distribution. While beach litter monitoring has been ongoing in some European areas since years, so far it was yet not possible to obtain an overview and to analyse litter abundance, litter category distribution and trends at the different spatial scales from local to EU. Therefore, the EU Marine Directors and the Marine Strategy Coordination Group mandated, in the context of the MSFD implementation, to the MSFD Technical Group on Marine Litter and the JRC, the compilation and analysis of an EU beach litter dataset. Aim was to derive EU Marine Beach Litter Baselines at different spatial levels. After collection of European beach litter data from EU Member States via the EMODNET chemistry module database, harmonisation of data formats, clean-up a 2012-2016 dataset was derived. Following the spatio-temporal aggregation of data and the identification of possible litter category analysis, different scenarios for baseline setting have been tested and evaluated. The application of agreed scenario parameters has enabled the calculation of marine beach litter baselines for the years 2015 and 2016 at spatial scales ranging from country and country –region level to sub-regional, regional and EU level. Litter categories have been aggregated and allow analysis of group categories up to EU level, whereas the analysis of single categories could not include all received data due to non-comparable litter type category descriptions. The resulting set of baselines enables the future monitoring of progress in reduction, as well as compliance checking developed using the dataset. Furthermore, it provides valuable information for future improving harmonised monitoring through updated guidance, common data treatment and agreed data reporting formats. Beach litter abundance has been found to be very high in large areas of Europe, requiring joint and strong action in Europe and with the neighbours in shared marine basins.JRC.D.2-Water and Marine Resource

    Future space experiment platforms for astrobiology and astrochemistry research

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    Space experiments are a technically challenging but a scientifically important part of astrobiology and astrochemistry research. The International Space Station (ISS) is an excellent example of a highly successful and long-lasting research platform for experiments in space, that has provided a wealth of scientific data over the last two decades. However, future space platforms present new opportunities to conduct experiments with the potential to address key topics in astrobiology and astrochemistry. In this perspective, the European Space Agency (ESA) Topical Team Astrobiology and Astrochemistry (with feedback from the wider scientific community) identifies a number of key topics and summarizes the 2021 “ESA SciSpacE Science Community White Paper” for astrobiology and astrochemistry. We highlight recommendations for the development and implementation of future experiments, discuss types of in situ measurements, experimental parameters, exposure scenarios and orbits, and identify knowledge gaps and how to advance scientific utilization of future space-exposure platforms that are either currently under development or in an advanced planning stage. In addition to the ISS, these platforms include CubeSats and SmallSats, as well as larger platforms such as the Lunar Orbital Gateway. We also provide an outlook for in situ experiments on the Moon and Mars, and welcome new possibilities to support the search for exoplanets and potential biosignatures within and beyond our solar system

    Simulated hypergravity induces changes in human tendon-derived cells: from cell morphology to gene expression

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    Gravity influences physical and biological processes, having an impact on development, as well as homeostasis of living systems. The musculoskeletal system is comprised of several mechano- responsive tissues and altered gravitational forces are known to influence distinct properties, including bone mineral density and skeletal muscle mass. This is particularly relevant in a near- weightlessness (microgravity) environment, which is found during spaceflight and, not less importantly, during bed resting. Over the years, several studies have been conducted under simulated conditions of altered gravity owing to the advances on ground-based facilities, such as bioreactors for microgravity / hypo-gravity (1g) studies. Interestingly, microgravity-induced alterations are comparable to tissue degeneration caused by disuse and ageing. In turn, exposing musculoskeletal tissues to hypergravity may constitute a way of simulating (over)loading or, eventually, to be used as a measure to rescue cell phenotype after exposure to near-weightlessness conditions. Different studies have focused on bone, cartilage and skeletal muscle, but effects on tendons and ligaments have been underappreciated. Therefore, we evaluated the influence of increasing g-levels (5g, 10g, 15g and 20g) and different hypergravity exposure periods (4 and 16 h) on the behaviour of human tendon- derived cells (hTDCs). For this purpose, hTDCs were exposed to simulated hypergravity conditions using the Large Diameter Centrifuge (LDC) from the European Space Research and Technology Centre (ESTEC, ESA, The Netherlands). Human TDCs cultured under standard conditions (1g, normogravity, Earth gravity force) were used as controls. The effects of hypergravity on the viability of hTDCs, as well as on the expression of tendon related markers at the gene level were evaluated. Simulated hypergravity resulted in a reduced cell content after 16 h independently of g-level, as determined by DNA quantification. Additionally, the different g-levels studied led to changes in cell and cytoskeleton morphology. Strikingly, a 16-hour period of exposure resulted in alterations of gene expression profiles. Overall, gene expression of tendon-related markers, including collagen types I (col1a1) and III (col3a1), scleraxis (scx), tenomodulin (tnmd), decorin (dcn) and tenascin (tnc), seemed to be increased upon hypergravity stimulation and in comparison to cells cultured under control conditions. Altogether, these results highlight that altered gravity, particularly simulated hypergravity, has an influence on the phenotype of tendon cells, opening new avenues for research focused on using altered gravity as a model for overloading-induced tendon tissue injury or as measure to rescue the phenotype of degenerated tendon cells. Acknowledgements The authors would like to thank ESA Education Office for Spin Your Thesis! 2016 programme. R.C-A acknowledges the PhD grant SFRH/BD/96593/2013 from FCT â Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia. SFRH/BD/96593/2013 from FCT –Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologiainfo:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio