23 research outputs found

    Quel rôle peut-on imputer aux banques à charte canadiennes dans la transmission des chocs monétaires des années quatre-vingt?

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    Cette recherche s’inscrit dans la foulée de nombreux travaux entrepris suite aux publications de Bernanke et Blinder (1988, 1992) ayant remis à l’avant-plan le rôle joué par le système bancaire dans la transmission de la politique monétaire. Nous proposons d’examiner la dynamique inhérente à certains postes du bilan des banques à charte canadiennes suite aux mouvement des principaux taux d’intérêt, habituellement jugés révélateurs des conditions monétaires du moment. Pour ce faire, nous avons recours à un modèle VAR hebdomadaire comportant à la fois, des éléments de l’actif et du passif des banques ainsi que les taux de rendement associés à divers instruments financiers. Cependant, dans le but de bien encadrer cette analyse, nous développons un modèle formel du comportement d’une banque où les seuls changements aux postes de son bilan suite aux mouvements de taux d’intérêt sont dictés par des ajustements de portefeuille visant à tirer avantage des écarts se creusant entre ceux-ci. Ce modèle théorique est soumis aux variations de taux d’intérêt issues du modèle empirique VAR. Les mouvements observés aux postes du bilan de cette banque « témoin » fournissent un guide utile permettant d’interpréter de façon éclairée les résultats empiriques obtenus. À cet égard, l’exercice proposé montre qu’il est possible d’établir un parallèle assez étroit entre l’évolution des postes du bilan de la banque hypothétique et celle captée par le modèle VAR et ainsi apporte un certain support à l’approche traditionnelle sur le rôle joué par les banques dans la transmission des chocs monétaires.This paper can be seen as a contribution to a growing literature initiated by Bernanke and Blinder (1988, 1992) which have examined the role played by the banking system in the transmission of monetary policy. We propose to study the dynamic behaviour of the balance sheet of Canadian chartered banks following a shock to some key interest rates which are good indicators of the prevailing monetary conditions. More specifically, we estimate a weekly VAR model which comprises key asset and liabilities elements as well as rates of return on major financial instruments. However, to guide this empirical inquiry, we set up a model of a representative bank which adjusts its balance sheet elements according to the interest rate spreads arising in the financial markets. This theoretical model is then subjected to the same interest rate shocks than those imposed on the VAR model: the adjustments observed in this laboratory will prove quite useful to assess the significance of the empirical results uncovered by the VAR model. Overall, we find that both approaches give rise to quite similar dynamic responses which tends to support the traditional role of the banking sector in the transmission of monetary policy

    Quality of life in long-term survivors of acute pulmonary embolism.

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    Contains fulltext : 89526.pdf (publisher's version ) (Closed access)BACKGROUND: To our knowledge, studies evaluating the quality of life (QoL) in patients with a history of acute pulmonary embolism (PE) are not available, even though QoL is a key outcome component of medical care and a predictor of disease-specific prognosis. METHODS: As part of a large follow-up study, the Short Form 36 (SF-36) was presented to consecutive patients who had survived one or more episodes of acute PE. The results of all nine subscales of the SF-36 were compared with sex- and age-adjusted Dutch population norms. Single and multivariate analyses were performed to identify independent determinants of the QoL in our study population. RESULTS: The SF-36 was completed by 392 patients. Except for the health change subscale, patients had substantially lower QoL than population norms on all eight remaining subscales. After multivariate analysis, the time interval between the last thromboembolic episode and study inclusion was inversely related to QoL, and significant determinants of poor QoL were prior PE, age, obesity, active malignancy, and cardiopulmonary comorbid conditions. Regression models that included all identified significant determinants proved to be quite modest predictors for QoL in the individual patient. Awareness of illness, coping mechanisms, and self-management behavior might be additional important indicators of QoL in our study population but require further investigation. CONCLUSION: We identified several PE- and non-PE-related determinants of QoL in patients with a history of acute PE, which is impaired compared with sex- and age-adjusted population norms. QoL after acute PE should be studied more extensively and added as a standard measure to outcome studies.1 december 201

    Pulmonary Mycobacterium abscessus: A canary in the cystic fibrosis coalmine

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    Immunogenetics and cellular immunology of bacterial infectious disease