116 research outputs found

    Analysis of Process Configurations for CO2 Capture by Precipitating Amino Acid Solvents

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    Precipitating amino acid solvents are an alternative to conventional amine scrubbing for CO2 capture from flue gas. Process operation with these solvents leads to the formation of precipitates during absorption that need to be re-dissolved prior to desorption of CO2. The process configuration is crucial for the successful application of these solvents. Different process configurations have been analyzed in this work, including a full analysis of the baseline operating conditions (based on potassium taurate), the addition of lean vapor compression, multiple absorber feeds, and the use of different amino acids as alternative solvents to the baseline based on potassium taurate. The analysis is carried out with an equilibrium model of the process that approximates the thermodynamics of the solvents considered. The results show that the precipitating amino acid solvents can reduce the reboiler duty needed to regenerate the solvent with respect to a conventional MEA process. However, this reduction is accompanied by an expenditure in lower grade energy needed to dissolve the precipitates. To successfully implement these processes into power plants, an internal recycle of the rich stream is necessary. This configuration, known as DECAB Plus, can lower the overall energy use of the capture process, which includes the energy needed to regenerate the solvent, the energy needed to dissolve the precipitates, and the energy needed to compress the CO2 to 110 bar. With respect to the energy efficiency, the DECAB Plus with lean vapor compression configuration is the best configuration based on potassium taurate, which reduces the reboiler duty for regeneration by 45% with respect to conventional MEA. Retrofitting this process into a coal fired power plant will result in overall energy savings of 15% with respect to the conventional MEA process, including compression of the CO2 stream to 110 bar. Potassium alanate was found to reduce the energy use with respect to potassium taurate under similar process configurations. Therefore, the investigation of potassium alanate in a DECAB Plus configuration is highly recommended, since it can reduce the energy requirements of the best process configuration based on potassium taurat

    The prevalence of thyroid dysfunction and hyperprolactinemia in women with PCOS

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    Introduction: Ovulatory dysfunction is usually caused by an endocrine disorder, of which polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) is the most common cause. PCOS is usually associated with estrogen levels within the normal range and can be characterized by oligo-/anovulation resulting in decreased progesterone levels. It is suggested that decreased progesterone levels may lead to more autoimmune diseases in women with PCOS. In addition, it is often claimed that there is an association between hyperprolactinemia and PCOS. In this large well-phenotyped cohort of women with PCOS, we have studied the prevalence of thyroid dysfunction and hyperprolactinemia compared to controls, and compared this between the four PCOS phenotypes. Methods: This retrospective cross-sectional study contains data of 1429 women with PCOS and 299 women without PCOS. Main outcome measures included thyroid stimulating hormone (TSH), Free Thyroxine (FT4), and anti-thyroid peroxidase antibodies (TPOab) levels in serum, the prevalence of thyroid diseases and hyperprolactinemia. Results: The prevalence of thyroid disease in PCOS women was similar to that of controls (1.9% versus 2.7%; P = 0.39 for hypothyroidism and 0.5% versus 0%; P = 0.99 for hyperthyroidism). TSH levels were also similar (1.55 mIU/L versus 1.48 mIU/L; P = 0.54). FT4 levels were slightly elevated in the PCOS group, although within the normal range (18.1 pmol/L versus 17.7 pmol/L; P &lt; 0.05). The prevalence of positive TPOab was similar in both groups (5.7% versus 8.7%; P = 0.12). The prevalence of hyperprolactinemia was similarly not increased in women with PCOS (1.3%% versus 3%; P = 0.05). In a subanalysis of 235 women with PCOS and 235 age- and BMI-matched controls, we found no differences in thyroid dysfunction or hyperprolactinemia. In according to differences between PCOS phenotypes, only the prevalence of subclinical hypothyroidism was significantly higher in phenotype B (6.3%, n = 6) compared to the other phenotypes. Conclusion: Women with PCOS do not suffer from thyroid dysfunction more often than controls. Also, the prevalence of positive TPOab, being a marker for future risk of thyroid pathology, was similar in both groups. Furthermore, the prevalence of hyperprolactinemia was similar in women with PCOS compared to controls.</p

    The Role of Neutral Sphingomyelinase-2 (NSM2) in the Control of Neutral Lipid Storage in T Cells

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    The accumulation of lipid droplets (LDs) and ceramides (Cer) is linked to non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD), regularly co-existing with type 2 diabetes and decreased immune function. Chronic inflammation and increased disease severity in viral infections are the hallmarks of the obesity-related immunopathology. The upregulation of neutral sphingomyelinase-2 (NSM2) has shown to be associated with the pathology of obesity in tissues. Nevertheless, the role of sphingolipids and specifically of NSM2 in the regulation of immune cell response to a fatty acid (FA) rich environment is poorly studied. Here, we identified the presence of the LD marker protein perilipin 3 (PLIN3) in the intracellular nano-environment of NSM2 using the ascorbate peroxidase APEX2-catalyzed proximity-dependent biotin labeling method. In line with this, super-resolution structured illumination microscopy (SIM) shows NSM2 and PLIN3 co-localization in LD organelles in the presence of increased extracellular concentrations of oleic acid (OA). Furthermore, the association of enzymatically active NSM2 with isolated LDs correlates with increased Cer levels in these lipid storage organelles. NSM2 enzymatic activity is not required for NSM2 association with LDs, but negatively affects the LD numbers and cellular accumulation of long-chain unsaturated triacylglycerol (TAG) species. Concurrently, NSM2 expression promotes mitochondrial respiration and fatty acid oxidation (FAO) in response to increased OA levels, thereby shifting cells to a high energetic state. Importantly, endogenous NSM2 activity is crucial for primary human CD4+ T cell survival and proliferation in a FA rich environment. To conclude, our study shows a novel NSM2 intracellular localization to LDs and the role of enzymatically active NSM2 in metabolic response to enhanced FA concentrations in T cells

    Enhancing IgA-mediated neutrophil cytotoxicity against neuroblastoma by CD47 blockade

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    BACKGROUND: Approximately half of the neuroblastoma patients develop high-risk neuroblastoma. Current treatment involves a multimodal strategy, including immunotherapy with dinutuximab (IgG ch14.18) targeting GD2. Despite achieving promising results, the recurrence rate remains high and poor survival persists. The therapeutic efficacy of dinutuximab is compromised by suboptimal activation of neutrophils and severe neuropathic pain, partially induced by complement activation. METHODS: To enhance neutrophil cytotoxicity, IgG ch14.18 was converted to the IgA isotype, resulting in potent neutrophil-mediated antibody-dependent cell-mediated cytotoxicity (ADCC), without complement activation. However, myeloid checkpoint molecules hamper neutrophil cytotoxicity, for example through CD47 that is overexpressed on neuroblastomas and orchestrates an immunosuppressive environment upon ligation to signal regulatory protein alpha (SIRPα) expressed on neutrophils. In this study, we combined IgA therapy with CD47 blockade. RESULTS: In vitro killing assays showed enhanced IgA-mediated ADCC by neutrophils targeting neuroblastoma cell lines and organoids in comparison to IgG. Notably, when combined with CD47 blockade, both IgG and IgA therapy were enhanced, though the combination with IgA resulted in the greatest improvement of ADCC. Furthermore, in a neuroblastoma xenograft model, we systemically blocked CD47 with a SIRPα fusion protein containing an ablated IgG1 Fc, and compared IgA therapy to IgG therapy. Only IgA therapy combined with CD47 blockade increased neutrophil influx to the tumor microenvironment. Moreover, the IgA combination strategy hampered tumor outgrowth most effectively and prolonged tumor-specific survival. CONCLUSION: These promising results highlight the potential to enhance immunotherapy efficacy against high-risk neuroblastoma through improved neutrophil cytotoxicity by combining IgA therapy with CD47 blockade

    Traits, trends and hits of orphan drug designations in cystic fibrosis

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    Background: In the United States (US) and in Europe, cystic fibrosis (CF) qualifies as a rare disease, thus positioning the field to benefit from regulatory incentives provided by orphan drug designation (ODD) to boost pharmaceutical research and development. In this study, we analyzed the pool of products for the treatment of CF that received such incentives from the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and/or the European Medicines Agency (EMA) over the past two decades. We describe the characteristics and trends in ODDs over time and explore factors that might be determinants of successful drug development. Methods: We collected the products that received the ODD from the registries of the FDA and the EMA from 2000 to 2021, characterizing their nature, development stage, and type of sponsor. We categorized the study drugs according to the therapeutic target addressed and described trends of drug development over the study period. A logistic regression analysis was done to assess how ODD characteristics were associated with the approval for market authorization. Results: From 2000–2021, 107 ODDs were collectively granted by the FDA and the EMA for products developed for the treatment of CF. Although the trends of the number of ODDs granted remained stable over time, those targeting the CF basic protein defect increased from 6 out of 54 (11.1%) in the first half of the study period up to 20 out of 54 (37.7%) in the second half, while those treating symptoms decreased from 48/54 (88.9%) to 33/53 (62.3%). Overall, 10 products obtained marketing approval: 7 in both the US and Europe, 3 only in Europe. All the approved ODDs were chemical products for chronic use. No statistically significant difference was found across the examinated variables, but we observed possible drivers of successful drug development for ODDs targeting CFTR, as well as for those with active substances previously marketed, and for those developed by large companies and companies with experience in developing orphan drugs. By contrast, our findings suggest that financial issues most hamper the development of ODDs sponsored by small-medium enterprises. Conclusions: Although ODDs for treating infection and other CF sequelae accounted for the majority, we observed a shift of ODDs toward mechanism-based products over the study period. In line with other rare diseases, we found that approximately 1/10 ODDs for CF reached the status of marketing approval. Advances in disease genetics paved the way for a shift in CF drug development; however, we described how the convergence of pharmaceutical technology, the financial environment, and the regulatory ecosystem played a crucial role in successful marketing authorization in CF

    Moonlighting chaperone activity of the enzyme PqsE contributes to RhlR-controlled virulence of Pseudomonas aeruginosa

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    Pseudomonas aeruginosa is a major cause of nosocomial infections and also leads to severe exacerbations in cystic fibrosis or chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. Three intertwined quorum sensing systems control virulence of P. aeruginosa, with the rhl circuit playing the leading role in late and chronic infections. The majority of traits controlled by rhl transcription factor RhlR depend on PqsE, a dispensable thioesterase in Pseudomonas Quinolone Signal (PQS) biosynthesis that interferes with RhlR through an enigmatic mechanism likely involving direct interaction of both proteins. Here we show that PqsE and RhlR form a 2:2 protein complex that, together with RhlR agonist N-butanoyl-L-homoserine lactone (C4-HSL), solubilizes RhlR and thereby renders the otherwise insoluble transcription factor active. We determine crystal structures of the complex and identify residues essential for the interaction. To corroborate the chaperone-like activity of PqsE, we design stability-optimized variants of RhlR that bypass the need for C4-HSL and PqsE in activating PqsE/RhlR-controlled processes of P. aeruginosa. Together, our data provide insight into the unique regulatory role of PqsE and lay groundwork for developing new P. aeruginosa-specific pharmaceuticals

    Cost-effectiveness of treating advanced melanoma with tumor-infiltrating lymphocytes based on an international randomized phase 3 clinical trial

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    INTRODUCTION: In a multicenter, open-label randomized phase 3 clinical trial conducted in the Netherlands and Denmark, treatment with ex vivo-expanded tumor-infiltrating lymphocytes (TIL-NKI/CCIT) from autologous melanoma tumor compared with ipilimumab improved progression-free survival in patients with unresectable stage IIIC-IV melanoma after failure of first-line or second-line treatment. Based on this trial, we conducted a cost-utility analysis. METHODS: A Markov decision model was constructed to estimate expected costs (expressed in 2021€) and outcomes (quality-adjusted life years (QALYs)) of TIL-NKI/CCIT versus ipilimumab in the Netherlands. The Danish setting was assessed in a scenario analysis. A modified societal perspective was applied over a lifetime horizon. TIL-NKI/CCIT production costs were estimated via activity-based costing. Through sensitivity analyses, uncertainties and their impact on the incremental cost-effectiveness ratio (ICER) were assessed. RESULTS: Mean total undiscounted lifetime benefits were 4.47 life years (LYs) and 3.52 QALYs for TIL-NKI/CCIT and 3.33 LYs and 2.46 QALYs for ipilimumab. Total lifetime undiscounted costs in the Netherlands were €347,168 for TIL-NKI/CCIT (including €67,547 for production costs) compared with €433,634 for ipilimumab. Undiscounted lifetime cost in the Danish scenario were €337,309 and €436,135, respectively. This resulted in a dominant situation for TIL-NKI/CCIT compared with ipilimumab in both countries, meaning incremental QALYs were gained at lower costs. Survival probabilities, and utility in progressive disease affected the ICER most. CONCLUSION: Based on the data of a randomized phase 3 trial, treatment with TIL-NKI/CCIT in patients with unresectable stage IIIC-IV melanoma is cost-effective and cost-saving, both in the current Dutch and Danish setting. These findings led to inclusion of TIL-NKI/CCIT as insured care and treatment guidelines. Publicly funded development of the TIL-NKI/CCIT cell therapy shows realistic promise to further explore development of effective personalized treatment while warranting economic sustainability of healthcare systems.</p

    Tissue-specific suppression of thyroid hormone signaling in various mouse models of aging

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    DNA damage contributes to the process of aging, as underscored by premature aging syndromes caused by defective DNA repair. Thyroid state changes during aging, but underlying mechanisms remain elusive. Since thyroid hormone (TH) is a key regulator of metabolism, changes in TH signaling have widespread effects. Here, we reveal a significant common transcriptomic signature in livers from hypothyroid mice, DNA repair-deficient mice with severe (Csbm/m/Xpa-/-) or intermediate (Ercc1-/Δ-7) progeria and naturally aged mice. A strong induction of TH-inactivating deiodinase D3 and decrease of TH-activating D1 activities are observed in Csbm/m/Xpa-/- livers. Similar findings are noticed in Ercc1-/Δ-7, in naturally aged animals and in wild-type mice exposed to a chronic subtoxic dose of DNAdamaging agents. In contrast, TH signaling in muscle, heart and brain appears unaltered. These data show a strong suppression of TH signaling in specific peripheral organs in premature and normal aging, probably lowering metabolism, while other tissues appear to preserve metabolism. D3-mediated TH inactivation is unexpected, given its expression mainly in fetal tissues. Our studies highlight the importance of DNA damage as the underlying mechanism of changes in thyroid state. Tissue-specific regulation of deiodinase activities, ensuring diminished TH signaling, may contribute importantly to the protective metabolic response in aging

    Cost-effectiveness of treating advanced melanoma with tumor-infiltrating lymphocytes based on an international randomized phase 3 clinical trial

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    INTRODUCTION: In a multicenter, open-label randomized phase 3 clinical trial conducted in the Netherlands and Denmark, treatment with ex vivo-expanded tumor-infiltrating lymphocytes (TIL-NKI/CCIT) from autologous melanoma tumor compared with ipilimumab improved progression-free survival in patients with unresectable stage IIIC-IV melanoma after failure of first-line or second-line treatment. Based on this trial, we conducted a cost-utility analysis. METHODS: A Markov decision model was constructed to estimate expected costs (expressed in 2021€) and outcomes (quality-adjusted life years (QALYs)) of TIL-NKI/CCIT versus ipilimumab in the Netherlands. The Danish setting was assessed in a scenario analysis. A modified societal perspective was applied over a lifetime horizon. TIL-NKI/CCIT production costs were estimated via activity-based costing. Through sensitivity analyses, uncertainties and their impact on the incremental cost-effectiveness ratio (ICER) were assessed. RESULTS: Mean total undiscounted lifetime benefits were 4.47 life years (LYs) and 3.52 QALYs for TIL-NKI/CCIT and 3.33 LYs and 2.46 QALYs for ipilimumab. Total lifetime undiscounted costs in the Netherlands were €347,168 for TIL-NKI/CCIT (including €67,547 for production costs) compared with €433,634 for ipilimumab. Undiscounted lifetime cost in the Danish scenario were €337,309 and €436,135, respectively. This resulted in a dominant situation for TIL-NKI/CCIT compared with ipilimumab in both countries, meaning incremental QALYs were gained at lower costs. Survival probabilities, and utility in progressive disease affected the ICER most. CONCLUSION: Based on the data of a randomized phase 3 trial, treatment with TIL-NKI/CCIT in patients with unresectable stage IIIC-IV melanoma is cost-effective and cost-saving, both in the current Dutch and Danish setting. These findings led to inclusion of TIL-NKI/CCIT as insured care and treatment guidelines. Publicly funded development of the TIL-NKI/CCIT cell therapy shows realistic promise to further explore development of effective personalized treatment while warranting economic sustainability of healthcare systems

    Simulating bank erosion over an extended natural sinuous river reach using a universal slope stability algorithm coupled with a morphodynamic model

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    Meandering river channels are often associated with cohesive banks. Yet only a few river modelling packages include geotechnical and plant effects. Existing packages are solely compatible with single-threaded channels, require a specific mesh structure, derive lateral migration rates from hydraulic properties, determine stability based on friction angle, rely on nonphysical assumptions to describe cutoffs, or exclude floodplain processes and vegetation. In this paper, we evaluate the accuracy of a new geotechnical module that was developed and coupled with Telemac-Mascaret to address these limitations. Innovatively, the newly developed module relies on a fully configurable, universal genetic algorithm with tournament selection that permits it (1) to assess geotechnical stability along potentially unstable slope profiles intersecting liquid-solid boundaries, and (2) to predict the shape and extent of slump blocks while considering mechanical plant effects, bank hydrology, and the hydrostatic pressure caused by flow. The profiles of unstable banks are altered while ensuring mass conservation. Importantly, the new stability module is independent of mesh structure and can operate efficiently along multithreaded channels, cutoffs, and islands. Data collected along a 1.5-km-long reach of the semialluvial Medway Creek, Canada, over a period of 3.5 years are used to evaluate the capacity of the coupled model to accurately predict bank retreat in meandering river channels and to evaluate the extent to which the new model can be applied to a natural river reach located in a complex environment. Our results indicate that key geotechnical parameters can indeed be adjusted to fit observations, even with a minimal calibration effort, and that the model correctly identifies the location of the most severely eroded bank regions. The combined use of genetic and spatial analysis algorithms, in particular for the evaluation of geotechnical stability independently of the hydrodynamic mesh, permits the consideration of biophysical conditions for an extended river reach with complex bank geometries, with only a minor increase in run time. Further improvements with respect to plant representation could assist scientists in better understanding channel-floodplain interactions and in evaluating channel designs in river management projects
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