503 research outputs found

    Application of deep learning on mammographies to discriminate between low and high-risk DCIS for patient participation in active surveillance trials

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    Background: Ductal Carcinoma In Situ (DCIS) can progress to invasive breast cancer, but most DCIS lesions never will. Therefore, four clinical trials (COMET, LORIS, LORETTA, AND LORD) test whether active surveillance for women with low-risk Ductal carcinoma In Situ is safe (E. S. Hwang et al., BMJ Open, 9: e026797, 2019, A. Francis et al., Eur J Cancer. 51: 2296–2303, 2015, Chizuko Kanbayashi et al. The international collaboration of active surveillance trials for low-risk DCIS (LORIS, LORD, COMET, LORETTA), L. E. Elshof et al., Eur J Cancer, 51, 1497–510, 2015). Low-risk is defined as grade I or II DCIS. Because DCIS grade is a major eligibility criteria in these trials, it would be very helpful to assess DCIS grade on mammography, informed by grade assessed on DCIS histopathology in pre-surgery biopsies, since surgery will not be performed on a significant number of patients participating in these trials. Objective: To assess the performance and clinical utility of a convolutional neural network (CNN) in discriminating high-risk (grade III) DCIS and/or Invasive Breast Cancer (IBC) from low-risk (grade I/II) DCIS based on mammographic features. We explored whether the CNN could be used as a decision support tool, from excluding high-risk patients for active surveillance. Methods: In this single centre retrospective study, 464 patients diagnosed with DCIS based on pre-surgery biopsy between 2000 and 2014 were included. The collection of mammography images was partitioned on a patient-level into two subsets, one for training containing 80% of cases (371 cases, 681 images) and 20% (93 cases, 173 images) for testing. A deep learning model based on the U-Net CNN was trained and validated on 681 two-dimensional mammograms. Classification performance was assessed with the Area Under the Curve (AUC) receiver operating characteristic and predictive values on the test set for predicting high risk DCIS-and high-risk DCIS and/ or IBC from low-risk DCIS. Results: When classifying DCIS as high-risk, the deep learning network achieved a Positive Predictive Value (PPV) of 0.40, Negative Predictive Value (NPV) of 0.91 and an AUC of 0.72 on the test dataset. For distinguishing high-risk and/or upstaged DCIS (occult invasive breast cancer) from low-risk DCIS a PPV of 0.80, a NPV of 0.84 and an AUC of 0.76 were achieved. Conclusion: For both scenarios (DCIS grade I/II vs. III, DCIS grade I/II vs. III and/or IBC) AUCs were high, 0.72 and 0.76, respectively, concluding that our convolutional neural network can discriminate low-grade from high-grade DCIS.</p

    Coffee consumption is associated with a reduced risk of colorectal cancer recurrence and all-cause mortality

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    Coffee consumption has been associated with a reduced risk of developing colorectal cancer (CRC). However, it is not clear whether coffee consumption is related to CRC progression. Hence, we assessed the association of coffee consumption with CRC recurrence and all-cause mortality using data from a prospective cohort study of 1719 stage I–III CRC patients in the Netherlands. Coffee consumption and other lifestyle characteristics were self-reported using questionnaires at the time of diagnosis. We retrieved recurrence and all-cause mortality data from the Netherlands Cancer Registry and the Personal Records Database, respectively. Cox proportional hazard regression models with and without restricted cubic splines were used to calculate hazard ratios (HR) and 95% confidence intervals (CI) adjusted for age, sex, education, smoking status, cancer stage and tumor location. We observed 257 recurrences during a 6.2-year median follow-up and 309 deaths during a 6.6-year median follow-up. Consuming more than 4 cups/d of coffee compared to an intake of &lt;2 cups/d was associated with a 32% lower risk of CRC recurrence (95% CI: 0.49, 0.94,). The association between coffee consumption and all-cause mortality was U-shaped; coffee intake seemed optimal at 3–5 cups/d with the lowest risk at 4 cups/d (HR: 0.68, 95% CI: 0.53, 0.88). Our results suggest that coffee consumption may be associated with a lower risk of CRC recurrence and all-cause mortality. The association between coffee consumption and all-cause mortality appeared nonlinear. More studies are needed to understand the mechanism by which coffee consumption might improve CRC prognosis.</p

    Coffee consumption is associated with a reduced risk of colorectal cancer recurrence and all-cause mortality

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    Coffee consumption has been associated with a reduced risk of developing colorectal cancer (CRC). However, it is not clear whether coffee consumption is related to CRC progression. Hence, we assessed the association of coffee consumption with CRC recurrence and all-cause mortality using data from a prospective cohort study of 1719 stage I–III CRC patients in the Netherlands. Coffee consumption and other lifestyle characteristics were self-reported using questionnaires at the time of diagnosis. We retrieved recurrence and all-cause mortality data from the Netherlands Cancer Registry and the Personal Records Database, respectively. Cox proportional hazard regression models with and without restricted cubic splines were used to calculate hazard ratios (HR) and 95% confidence intervals (CI) adjusted for age, sex, education, smoking status, cancer stage and tumor location. We observed 257 recurrences during a 6.2-year median follow-up and 309 deaths during a 6.6-year median follow-up. Consuming more than 4 cups/d of coffee compared to an intake of &lt;2 cups/d was associated with a 32% lower risk of CRC recurrence (95% CI: 0.49, 0.94,). The association between coffee consumption and all-cause mortality was U-shaped; coffee intake seemed optimal at 3–5 cups/d with the lowest risk at 4 cups/d (HR: 0.68, 95% CI: 0.53, 0.88). Our results suggest that coffee consumption may be associated with a lower risk of CRC recurrence and all-cause mortality. The association between coffee consumption and all-cause mortality appeared nonlinear. More studies are needed to understand the mechanism by which coffee consumption might improve CRC prognosis.</p

    Minimally invasive complete response assessment of the breast after neoadjuvant systemic therapy for early breast cancer (micra trial) : interim analysis of a multicenter observational cohort study

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    Background The added value of surgery in breast cancer patients with pathological complete response (pCR) after neoadjuvant systemic therapy (NST) is uncertain. The accuracy of imaging identifying pCR for omission of surgery, however, is insufficient. We investigated the accuracy of ultrasound-guided biopsies identifying breast pCR (ypT0) after NST in patients with radiological partial (rPR) or complete response (rCR) on MRI. Methods We performed a multicenter, prospective single-arm study in three Dutch hospitals. Patients with T1-4(N0 or N +) breast cancer with MRI rPR and enhancement <= 2.0 cm or MRI rCR after NST were enrolled. Eight ultrasound-guided 14-G core biopsies were obtained in the operating room before surgery close to the marker placed centrally in the tumor area at diagnosis (no attempt was made to remove the marker), and compared with the surgical specimen of the breast. Primary outcome was the false-negative rate (FNR). Results Between April 2016 and June 2019, 202 patients fulfilled eligibility criteria. Pre-surgical biopsies were obtained in 167 patients, of whom 136 had rCR and 31 had rPR on MRI. Forty-three (26%) tumors were hormone receptor (HR)-positive/HER2-negative, 64 (38%) were HER2-positive, and 60 (36%) were triple-negative. Eighty-nine patients had pCR (53%; 95% CI 45-61) and 78 had residual disease. Biopsies were false-negative in 29 (37%; 95% CI 27-49) of 78 patients. The multivariable associated with false-negative biopsies was rCR (FNR 47%; OR 9.81, 95% CI 1.72-55.89; p = 0.01); a trend was observed for HR-negative tumors (FNR 71% in HER2-positive and 55% in triple-negative tumors; OR 4.55, 95% CI 0.95-21.73; p = 0.058) and smaller pathological lesions (6 mm vs 15 mm; OR 0.93, 95% CI 0.87-1.00; p = 0.051). Conclusion The MICRA trial showed that ultrasound-guided core biopsies are not accurate enough to identify breast pCR in patients with good response on MRI after NST. Therefore, breast surgery cannot safely be omitted relying on the results of core biopsies in these patients

    Peripheral Arterial and Venous Response to Tilt Test after a 60-Day Bedrest with and without Countermeasures (ES-IBREP)

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    We quantified the impact of 60-day head-down bed rest (HDBR) with countermeasures on arterial and venous response to tilt. Methods: Twenty-one males: 7 control (Con), 7 resistive vibration exercise (RVE) and 7 Chinese herb (Herb) were assessed. Subjects were identified as finisher (F) or non-finishers (NF) at the post-HDBR 20-min tilt test. The cerebral (MCA), femoral (FEM) arterial flow velocity and leg vascular resistance (FRI), the portal vein section (PV), the flow redistribution ratios (MCA/FEM; MCA/PV), the tibial (Tib), gastrocnemius (Gast), and saphenous (Saph) vein sections were measured by echography and Doppler ultrasonography. Arterial and venous parameters were measured at 3-min pre-tilt in the supine position, and at 1 min before the end of the tilt. Results: At post-HDBR tilt, MCA decreased more compared with pre-HDBR tilt in the Con, RVE, and Herb groups, the MCA/FEM tended to decrease in the Con and Herb groups (not significant) but remained stable in the RVE gr. FRI dropped in the Con gr, but remained stable in the Herb gr and increased in the RVE gr. PV decreased less in the Con and Herb groups but remained unchanged in the RVE gr. MCA/PV decreased in the Con and Herb groups, but increased to a similar extent in the RVE gr. Gast section significantly increased more in the Con gr only, whereas Tib section increased more in the Con and Herb groups but not in the RVE gr. The percent change in Saph section was similar at pre- and post-HDBR tilt. Conclusion: In the Con gr, vasoconstriction was reduced in leg and splanchnic areas. RVE and Herb contributed to prevent the loss of vasoconstriction in both areas, but the effect of RVE was higher. RVE and Herb contributed to limit Gast distension whereas only RVE had a protective effect on the Tib

    Allocation to highly sensitized patients based on acceptable mismatches results in low rejection rates comparable to non-sensitized patients

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    Whereas regular allocation avoids unacceptable mismatches on the donor organ, allocation to highly sensitized patients within the Eurotransplant Acceptable Mismatch (AM) program is based on the patient's HLA phenotype plus acceptable antigens. These are HLA antigens to which the patient never made antibodies, determined by extensive laboratory testing. AM patients have superior long-term graft survival compared to highly sensitized patients in regular allocation. Here, we questioned whether the AM program also results in lower rejection rates. From the PROCARE cohort, consisting of all Dutch kidney transplants 1995-2005, we selected deceased donor single transplants with minimum one HLA mismatch and determined the cumulative 6-month rejection incidence for patients in AM or regular allocation. Additionally, we determined the effect of minimal matching criteria of one HLA-B plus one HLA-DR, or two HLA-DR antigens on rejection incidence. AM patients showed significantly lower rejection rates than highly immunized patients in regular allocation, comparable to non-sensitized patients, independent of other risk factors for rejection. Contrasting to highly sensitized patients in regular allocation, minimal matching criteria did not affect rejection rates in AM patients. Allocation based on acceptable antigens leads to relatively low risk transplants for highly sensitized patients with rejection rates similar to non-immunized individuals. This article is protected by copyright. All rights reserved.</p

    Evaluation of spelt germplasm for polyphenol oxidase activity and aluminium resistance

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    Kidney transplantation is the best treatment option for patients with end-stage renal failure. At present, approximately 800 Dutch patients are registered on the active waiting list of Eurotransplant. The waiting time in the Netherlands for a kidney from a deceased donor is on average between 3 and 4years. During this period, patients are fully dependent on dialysis, which replaces only partly the renal function, whereas the quality of life is limited. Mortality among patients on the waiting list is high. In order to increase the number of kidney donors, several initiatives have been undertaken by the Dutch Kidney Foundation including national calls for donor registration and providing information on organ donation and kidney transplantation. The aim of the national PROCARE consortium is to develop improved matching algorithms that will lead to a prolonged survival of transplanted donor kidneys and a reduced HLA immunization. The latter will positively affect the waiting time for a retransplantation. The present algorithm for allocation is among others based on matching for HLA antigens, which were originally defined by antibodies using serological typing techniques. However, several studies suggest that this algorithm needs adaptation and that other immune parameters which are currently not included may assist in improving graft survival rates. We will employ a multicenter-based evaluation on 5429 patients transplanted between 1995 and 2005 in the Netherlands. The association between key clinical endpoints and selected laboratory defined parameters will be examined, including Luminex-defined HLA antibody specificities, T and B cell epitopes recognized on the mismatched HLA antigens, non-HLA antibodies, and also polymorphisms in complement and Fc receptors functionally associated with effector functions of anti-graft antibodies. From these data, key parameters determining the success of kidney transplantation will be identified which will lead to the identification of additional parameters to be included in future matching algorithms aiming to extend survival of transplanted kidneys and to diminish HLA immunization. Computer simulation studies will reveal the number of patients having a direct benefit from improved matching, the effect on shortening of the waiting list, and the decrease in waiting time

    The impact of patient characteristics and lifestyle factors on the risk of an ipsilateral event after a primary DCIS: a systematic review

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    ObjectiveThe ma­jor­ity of ‘low-risk’ (grade I/​II) Duc­tal Car­ci­noma In Situ (DCIS) may not progress to in­va­sive breast can­cer dur­ing a wom­en's life­time. There­fore, the safety of ac­tive sur­veil­lance ver­sus stan­dard sur­gi­cal treat­ment for DCIS is prospec­tively be­ing eval­u­ated in clin­i­cal tri­als. If proven safe and se­lec­tively im­ple­mented in clin­i­cal prac­tice, a sig­nif­i­cant group of women with low-risk DCIS may forego surgery and ra­dio­ther­apy in the fu­ture. Iden­ti­fi­ca­tion of mod­i­fi­able and non-mod­i­fi­able risk fac­tors as­so­ci­ated with prog­no­sis af­ter a pri­mary DCIS would also en­hance our care of women with low-risk DCIS.MethodsTo iden­tify mod­i­fi­able and non-mod­i­fi­able risk fac­tors for sub­se­quent breast events af­ter DCIS, we per­formed a sys­tem­atic lit­er­a­ture search in PUBMED, EM­BASE and Sco­pus.ResultsSix out of the 3870 ar­ti­cles re­trieved were in­cluded for fi­nal data ex­trac­tion. These six stud­ies in­cluded a to­tal of 4950 pa­tients with pri­mary DCIS and 640 recorded sub­se­quent breast events. There was mod­er­ate ev­i­dence for an as­so­ci­a­tion of a fam­ily his­tory of breast can­cer, pre­menopausal sta­tus, high BMI, and high breast den­sity with a sub­se­quent breast can­cer or fur­ther DCIS.ConclusionThere is a lim­ited num­ber of re­cent stud­ies pub­lished on the im­pact of mod­i­fi­able and non-mod­i­fi­able risk fac­tors on sub­se­quent events af­ter DCIS. The avail­able ev­i­dence is in­suf­fi­cient to iden­tify po­ten­tial tar­gets for risk re­duc­tion strate­gies, re­flect­ing the rel­a­tively small num­bers and the lack of long-term fol­low-up in DCIS, a low-event con­di­tion.</p