503 research outputs found

    Success has many fathers, failure remains an orphan

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    Was the sharp upturn of life expectancy in the Netherlands partly due to increased health care funding for the elderly? I argue that there is nothing unusual to the increasing life expectancy since the beginning of the twenty-first century, and that there is no observable relationship with changed health care funding whatsoever. What was highly unusual was the rather dramatic lagging of Dutch life expectancy between 1980 and 2000. The reasons of this failure remain clouded in mystery

    Vitaliteit in een verouderende populatie

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    Oratie uitgesproken door David van Bodegom bij de aanvaarding van het ambt van Hoogleraar Vitaliteit in een verouderende populatie aan de Universiteit Leiden op 11 november 2021LUMC / Geneeskund

    Post-reproductive survival in a polygamous society in rural Africa

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    Humans have a long post-reproductive life span. In this thesis we study this post-reproductive life span from an evolutionary perspective. Why did humans evolve such a long post-reproductive life span? We tested the hypothesis that men and women after age 50 are able to contribute to their fitness either direct by continued reproduction or indirect through improving the reproductive success of subsequent generations. In a prospective full kin analysis in the Upper East Region in Ghana, we studied the effect of different kin members on offspring production, survival and early growth patterns in a polygamous population that lives in an environment that could reflect our recent evolutionary past. We were able to confirm that post-reproductive survival in females indeed has a selective advantage. However, in this population, the advantage was not through increased survival of offspring as found by others, but through increased reproduction of their household. Also, we found that grandfathers, through continued reproduction up to high age created a selective pressure for old age survival. This direct effect was larger than the indirect effect of post-reproductive survival in women which could point to a more important role of men in the evolution of longevity than previously thought.UBL - phd migration 201

    Dutch life expectancy from an international perspective

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    Between 1934 and 1964, the Dutch repeatedly enjoyed the highest life expectancy in the world. Since then, both men and women experienced a long period of stagnation and by now life expectancy in the Netherlands has been surpassed by many countries. It has dropped from its first place position to the ninth place in the European Union (EU-15). As a longer life expectancy reflects the fact that good health is being maintained for longer, it is of key importance to better understand differences in life expectancy among countries

    De rol van de sociale omgeving bij gezond oud worden

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    Prevention, Population and Disease management (PrePoD

    Will lifestyle changes in later life improve survival?

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    Pathophysiology, epidemiology and therapy of agein

    The influence of exposure and physiology on microplastic ingestion by the freshwater fish Rutilus rutilus (roach) in the River Thames, UK

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    Microplastics are widespread throughout aquatic environments. However, there is currently insufficient understanding of the factors influencing ingestion of microplastics by organisms, especially higher predators such as fish. In this study we link ingestion of microplastics by the roach Rutilus rutilus, within the non-tidal part of the River Thames, to exposure and physiological factors. Microplastics were found within the gut contents of roach from six out of seven sampling sites. Of sampled fish, 33% contained at least one microplastic particle. The majority of particles were fibres (75%), with fragments and films also seen (22.7% and 2.3% respectively). Polymers identified were polyethylene, polypropylene and polyester, in addition to a synthetic dye. The maximum number of ingested microplastic particles for individual fish was strongly correlated to exposure (based on distance from the source of the river). Additionally, at a given exposure, the size of fish correlated with the actual quantity of microplastics in the gut. Larger (mainly female) fish were more likely to ingest the maximum possible number of particles than smaller (mainly male) fish. This study is the first to show microplastic ingestion within freshwater fish in the UK and provides valuable new evidence of the factors influencing ingestion that can be used to inform future studies on exposure and hazard of microplastics to fish

    Franchising:essence and accounting prosedure

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    У статті досліджено теоретичні аспекти франчайзингових операцій, визначено переваги і недоліки для учасників договору франчайзингу. Проаналізовано підходи науковців до методики відображення франчайзингу в обліку.This paper investigates the theoretical aspects of franchise operations, advantages and disadvantages for participants of the franchising agreement. Analysis of scientific approaches to accounting procedure of franchising is give

    Vitality club: a proof-of-principle of peer coaching for daily physical activity by older adults

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    Many age-related diseases can be prevented or delayed by daily physical activity. Unfortunately, many older adults do not per- form physical activity at the recommended level. Professional interventions do not reach large numbers of older adults for a long period of time. We studied a peer-coach intervention, in which older adults coach each other, that increased daily physi- cal activity of community dwelling older adults for over 6 years. We studied the format and e ects of this peer coach interven- tion for possible future implementation elsewhere. Through interviews and participatory observation we studied the format of the intervention. We also used a questionnaire (n = 55) and collected 6-min walk test data (n = 261) from 2014 to 2016 to determine the motivations of participants and effects of the intervention on health, well-being and physical capacity. Vitality Club is a self-sustainable group of older adults that gather every weekday to exercise coached by an older adult. Members attend on average 2.5 days per week and retention rate is 77.5% after 6 years. The members perceived improve- ments in several health measures. In line with this, the 6-min walk test results of members of this Vitality Club improved with 21.7 meters per year, compared with the decline of 2–7 meters per year in the general population. This Vitality Club is successful in durably engaging its members in physical activity. The members perceive improvements in health that are in line with improvements in a physical function test. Because of the self-sustainable character of the intervention, peer coaching has the potential to be scaled up at low cost and increase physical activity in the increasing number of older adults.  Prevention, Population and Disease management (PrePoD