18 research outputs found


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    Indonesia terus melakukan pembangunan dibidang konstruksi secara massive pada saat ini. Dalam kegiatan pembangunan tersebut terdapat keterlibatan pihak asing dalam pembangunan di Indonesia ini dikarenakan banyaknya kegiatan konstruksi di Indonesia yang tidak bisa di kerjakan oleh Badan Usaha Jasa Konstruksi Nasional dikarenakan adanya keterbatasan dari sisi inovasi, modal, metode dan ilmu serta material dan peralatan, serta keunikan dan tingkat kesulitan dari rancangan bangunan itu sendiri. Apalagi saat ini telah masuk zona Masyarakat Ekonomi Asia  dan Globalisasi Konstruksi serta pasar bebas, mau tidak mau kerjasama dengan pihak asing atau dengan negara perlu dilakukan. Oleh karena itu, untuk mengantisipasi hal ini, perlu untuk di teliti bagaimana politik hukum yang jelas di bidang konstruksi dalam menjaga kepentingan bangsa Indonesia khususnya dibidang kerjasama dengan pihak asing, dan bentuk kerjasama yang bagaimanakah yang sebaiknya dipilih oleh pihak indonesia terkait dengan pembangunan kontruksi dalam skala besar. Dalam menjawab permasalahan ini maka metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah normatif dengan pendekatan perundang-undangan atau doktrinal dan komparasi serta futuristik. Harapannya kepentingan indonesia lebih terjaga dengan antisipasi bentuk hukum dan kerjasama dalam pembangunan ini


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    All countries in the world have faced a global pandemic called the Coronavirus or SARS-CoV-2. Indonesian Government has implemented several policies such as by regulating the social distancing. The community was also asked by the government to avoid hospital visits and switch to using telemedicine services. To date there have been reported increases in the use of telemedicine services in the community during the COVID-19 pandemic. This research is cross sectional study using an online survey method. Primary data were collected using google form questionnaire. This study consisted of 155 respondents who are using online consultation services during the COVID-19 pandemic and willing to be the subject of this research. Out of 155 respondents which fulfilled the inclusion criteria, the result showed that the respondents are dominated by female (51 aged 22 years old (25,2%), from South Sumatera (59,4%), last education college or equivalent (76,1%), using private telemedicine (60,6%). Respondents claimed that the operation of telemedicine or online consultation services was normal (52.9%) and satisfied (62.6%). Online consultation or telemedicine is considered effective as a digital health service measured by the satisfaction of the Indonesian people during the COVID-19 pandemic. (p = <0,0001. The result also showed that Indonesia regulates the protection of the citizens data of in the constitution 1945 particularly in Article 28G (1) that each person shall have the right their personal selves protected, families, respect, dignity, and possessions under their control. Indonesia enacted on 2022, a specific law stipulated personal data protection, i.e., Law No. 27 of 2022 regarding Personal Data Protection. Before, the previous regulatory regime that focused on personal data processed through an electronic system, currently it applies to personal data processed by both electronic and non-electronic means


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    The implementation of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) in the field of natural resources varies in each region. Especially in the Lubuk Batang Lama Village area, the CSR activities carried out are still relatively small. For this reason, it is necessary for the community to be given an understanding of good communication mechanisms in carrying out CSR activities between the three partners (Mining Companies, Community and Local Governments). As well as the active efforts of the community to be involved together in CSR programs in the Lubuk Batang Lama Village area. With this counseling, it is hoped that the community can plan their regional development by designing CSR programs that are directly related to the interests of the community

    Kajian Filsafat Ilmu Terhadap Pertambangan Batubara Sebagai Upaya Meningkatkan Kesejahteraan Rakyat Indonesia

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    The major issue in this research is about the study on the general philosophy (ontology, epistemology and axiology) towards the use of natural resource of coal mining as an effort to improve the Indonesian people welfare. This is a normative research in which the research approach used the approach of philosophy of laws examining the legal values embedded in the law and regulation related to the use of natural resource of coal mining in Indonesia. the result of the research showed that first, in the study of ontology, coal mining has contributed to the national economy that is supposed to be run in harmony with the Article 33 sentence (3) and (4) of Constitution 1945. Reflection now is the governance of state is more dominant in its use; thus, it needs a new balance in the form of national management policy. Second, in the study of epistemology, there is a need to use the principle of sustainable development in the coal mining with people economic system and even distribution; and third, in axiology, there is a need of the direct and indirect use in improving the welfare of Indonesian people


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    Penelitian ini menguraikan pengaturan penghentian perjanjian kerja antara perusahaan dengan tenaga kerja karena pandemi Covid-19. Fokus permasalahan dalam penelitian ini adalah bagaimana pengaturan penghentian perjanjian kerja antara perusahaan dengan tenaga kerja karena pandemi Covid-19, Penulisan menggunakan metode hukum normatif yang mengkaji peraturan perundang-undangan terkait permasalah PHK karena Covid-19. Bahan hukum primer, sekunder dan tersier. Penulisan ini dianalisis dengan analisis kualitatif dan penarikan kesimpulan menggunakan logika berpikir deduktif. Dari hasil penelitian didapatkan bahwa Penghentian perjanjian kerja diatur dalam Undang-Undang Nomor 13 Tahun 2003 tentang Ketenagakerjaan jo. Undang-Undang Nomor 11 Tahun 2020 tentang Cipta Kerja yang telah menambah Pasal 154 A dengan beberapa alasan termasuk keadaan memaksa. Keputusan“Presiden Nomor 12 Tahun 2020 tentang Penetapan pandemi Covid-19. Hak yang wajib diberikan pengusaha kepada pekerja yang di PHK yaitu memberikan uang pesangon, uang penghargaan masa keja dan uang penggantian hak. Pekerja juga memperoleh jaminan sosial diselenggarakan oleh Badan Penyelenggaran Jaminan Sosial Ketenagakerjaan dan Pemerintah.Kata Kunci: Perusahaan; Perjanjian Kerja;Pemutusan Hubungan Kerja (PHK);  Force Majeure; Pandemi Covid-1

    The Political Law on Coal Mining in the Fulfilment of People's Welfare in Indonesia

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    The main issue of this research is how the political law on coal mining to manifest the people's prosperity in Indonesia based on the sustainable development principle. Using normative research with interdisciplinary research approaches such as law and sociological approach, it gains some results: firstly, in the legal issue, Indonesian government should comply with the Article 33 of the 1945 Constitution, as an economic system aimed in realizing people's sovereignty in the economic field. Secondly, some regulations related to coal mining still have some loopholes. As a result, it needs evaluation in the field of legal structure to enforce the rule of law based on the communities’ existing values as the reflection of Pancasila and the 1945 Constitution. Thirdly, the control of the state in the coal utilization and a new balancing in national policy management based on the sustainable development are necessary where the objectives of coal exploitations in mining are not only to pursue economic gain but also to have equal responsibilities to the social and the environmen

    General Overview on Selecting and Drafting Construction Contract Disputes Resolution

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    A good international contract as the experts considered is the most complicated one the parties must draft carefully. It involves many stakeholders and containing documents to attach likewise financial judgment, technical specifications, work scope, rights, obligation, responsibility and other external factors which are beyond the parties’ consideration. A good design contract will prevent the parties from disputes. The dispute settlement mechanisms should be explicitly stated in the international construction contract. The nullity of the choice dispute settlement mechanisms or in the absence of the choice dispute settlement mechanisms and also the unperformed of the contract purposes will not prevent the dispute from being occurred. The most common process to resolve disputes is through litigation, but the process takes time, energy and funding. The method of alternative dispute resolution (ADR) such as mediation, conciliation, mini-trial, arbitration or other ADR techniques eradicate all the obstacles above. The question arises then, how the parties select the best alternative disputes settlement mechanism and how it should be drafted in their contract. Normative legal research is the method employed to respond the problems. Therefore, this article will elaborate the methods that will effectively settle the constructions disputes and mechanism in drafting construction contract disputes resolutions provision


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    Anti-dumping adalah pengenaan bea masuk tambahan terhadap barang yang diimpor dengan tingkat harga ekspor yang lebih rendah dari nilai normalnya di negara pengekspor (barang dumping). Sehingga hanya dumping yang merugikan industri sejenis di negara pengimporlah yang dapat dikenakan tindakan anti-dumping. Kriteria untuk penggunaan sistem dumping maupun anti-dumping telah diatur pada Agreement on Implementation of Article VI GATT dan Agreement on Subsidies and Countervailing Duties. Namun, hal ini akan menjadi suatu sengketa apabila penentuan kebijakan tidak sesuai dengan pengaturan ataupun perjanjian hukum internasional yang dapat merugikan negara lain. Dispute Settlement Mechanism merupakan salah satu penyelesaian sengketa Internasional melalui WTO guna memberikan prediktabilitas dan keamanan dalam perdagangan internasional. Penelitian ini bertujuan menganalisis bagaimana penyelesaian sengketa terkait kebijakan anti-dumping melalui WTO menggunakan dispute settlement mechanism menggunakan metode penelitian normatif dengan pendekatan perundang undangan dan studi kasus negara Indonesia dan Uni Eropa terkait kebijakan anti-dumping Uni Eropa yang diduga melemahkan sektor ekspor baja nirkarat Indonesia. Penyelesaian sengketa melalui WTO dinilai tepat dikarenakan memiliki tahapan yang jelas dan memiliki prinsip yang mengikat, sehingga penyelesaian sengketa melalui WTO ini dapat menjadi upaya yang baik dalam menjaga stabilitas perekonomian dunia dengan menyelesaikan sengketa antara negara-negara anggota

    Pemesanan Makanan Secara Online (Online Food Delivery) Oleh Anak di Bawah Umur Menurut Sistem Hukum di Indonesia

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    Transaksi elektronik khususnya pada pesan-antar makanan yang dilakukan secara online pada praktik potensial dilakukan oleh anak di bawah umur melalui gawai pribadi dalam hal ini menimbulkan masalah baru terhadap realita hukum perjanjian di Indonesia yang bersifat kontemporer. Praktek pemesanan makanan secara online yang dilakukan oleh anak di bawah umur merupakan salah satu bagian dari dsitruption in legal indsutries yang unprecedented (suatu hal yang belum pernah terjadi). Jenis penelitian hukum yang digunakan ialah penelitian hukum empiris, melalui analisis deskriptif secara kualitatif. Penelitian ini berupaya menganalisis keabsahan dan akibat hukum pemesanan makanan secara online (online food delivery) oleh anak dibawah umur ditinjau dari hukum positif di Indonesia dan Penyelesaian sengketa hukum terhadap anak dibawah umur yang memesan makanan secara online (Online Food Delivery) di Indonesia. Kepastian hukum mengenai syarat dan akibat hukum tersebut tetap tunduk pada pasal 1320 KUHPerdata. Kemudian kesadaran atau nilai-nilai yang ada dalam diri manusia tentang hukum yang ada atau hukum yang diharapkan yakni pihak konsumen yang melaksanakan transaksi elektronik (apabila dilakukan oleh anak dibawah umur) menginginkan pemesanan makanan secara online (online food delivery) maka pengampu atau wali anak harus siap terhadap akibat hukum yang diterima, yang akibat hukum dalam perjanjian pesan-antar makanan tersebut yakni dapat dibatalkan oleh salah satu pihak. Penyelesaian sengketa hukum dalam transaksi bisnis sebagai akibat dari tindakan anak di bawah umur yang melakukan pemesanan makanan secara online (Online Food Delivery) harus diupayakan untuk diselesaikan secara damai/musyawarah oleh pelaku usaha dan konsumen. Jika hal tersebut tidak dapat dilakukan, alternatif lainnya ialah mengacu peraturan dan prosedur yang diatur oleh Badan Arbitrase Nasional Indonesia (BANI) yang dipimpin oleh 3 arbitrator yang dipilih sesuai dengan Peraturan kecuali para pihak setuju pada penunjukan arbitrator tunggal.


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    progress not only has a positive impact on human life but, at the same time, becomes a practical media for someone to commit an unlawful act. Crimes that are rife in cyberspace are body shaming and cyberbullying, so it is not impossible that with the development of the era with information technology and various kinds of social networks, these actions will become more widespread and can have a negative impact on survival, especially in the mental health of adolescents. Therefore, it is interesting to discuss the problem of how the correlation between legal aspects and cyberbullying and its impact on children's mental health. The method used in this study is by tracing through library research. The results showed that cyberbullying occurs a lot in Indonesia, among adolescents aged 13 to 17 years. The various impacts of this bullying are emotional impacts, mental impacts, social impacts, and legal impacts. That the government has taken various actions both preventively and repressively, so that both perpetrators and victims can be handled properly. For this reason, the cooperation of many parties is needed so that cyberbullying does not endanger both from a legal and health perspective. The results showed that cyberbullying occurs a lot in Indonesia among adolescents aged 13 to 17. The impacts of this bullying are emotional, health mental, social, and legal impacts. The government has taken various actions preventively and repressively so that the actors and victims can be handled properly. Therefore, cooperation of many parties is needed to decrease this kind of action, and relating to mental health, the victims is better to see the psychologist, or someone trusted to get some advises. Increasing the confidence and release the anxiety for the teenagers’