476 research outputs found

    Quadrature imposition of compatibility conditions in Chebyshev methods

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    Often, in solving an elliptic equation with Neumann boundary conditions, a compatibility condition has to be imposed for well-posedness. This condition involves integrals of the forcing function. When pseudospectral Chebyshev methods are used to discretize the partial differential equation, these integrals have to be approximated by an appropriate quadrature formula. The Gauss-Chebyshev (or any variant of it, like the Gauss-Lobatto) formula can not be used here since the integrals under consideration do not include the weight function. A natural candidate to be used in approximating the integrals is the Clenshaw-Curtis formula, however it is shown that this is the wrong choice and it may lead to divergence if time dependent methods are used to march the solution to steady state. The correct quadrature formula is developed for these problems. This formula takes into account the degree of the polynomials involved. It is shown that this formula leads to a well conditioned Chebyshev approximation to the differential equations and that the compatibility condition is automatically satisfied

    A spectral multi-domain technique with application to generalized curvilinear coordinates

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    Spectral collocation methods have proven to be efficient discretization schemes for many aerodynamic and fluid mechanic problems. The high order accuracy and resolution shown by these methods allows one to obtain engineering accuracy solutions on coarse meshes, or alternatively, to obtain solutions with very small error. One drawback to these techniques was the requirement that a complicated physical domain must map into a simple computational domain for discretization. This mapping must be smooth if the high order accuracy and expontential convergence rates associated with spectral methods are to be preserved. Additionally even smooth stretching transformations can decrease the accuracy of a spectral method, if the stretching is severe. A further difficulty with spectral methods was in their implementation on parallel processing computers, where efficient spectral algorithms were lacking. The above restrictions are overcome by splitting the domain into regions, each of which preserve the advantages of spectral collocation, and allow the ratio of the mesh spacing between regions to be several orders of magnitude higher than allowable in a single domain. Such stretchings would be required to resolve the thin viscous region in an external aerodynamic problem. Adjoining regions are interfaced by enforcing a global flux balance which preserves high-order continuity of the solution, regardless of the type of the equations being solved

    Finite length effects in Taylor-Couette flow

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    Axisymmetric numerical solutions of the unsteady Navier-Stokes equations for flow between concentric rotating cyclinders of finite length are obtained by a spectral collocation method. These representative results pertain to two-cell/one-cell exchange process, and are compared with recent experiments

    Spectral solution of the incompressible Navier-Stokes equations on the Connection Machine 2

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    The issue of solving the time-dependent incompressible Navier-Stokes equations on the Connection Machine 2 is addressed, for the problem of transition to turbulence of the steady flow in a channel. The spectral algorithm used serially requires O(N(4)) operations when solving the equations on an N x N x N grid; using the massive parallelism of the CM, it becomes an O(N(2)) problem. Preliminary timings of the code, written in LISP, are included and compared with a corresponding code optimized for the Cray-2 for a 128 x 128 x 101 grid

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    TAWFIVE: A user's guide

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    The Transonic Analysis of a Wing and Fuselage with Interacted Viscous Effects (TAWFIVE) was developed. A finite volume full potential method is used to model the outer inviscid flow field. First-order viscous effects are modeled by a three dimensional integral boundary layer method. Both turbulent and laminar boundary layers are treated. Wake thickness and curvature effects are modeled using a two dimensional strip method. A very brief discussion of the engineering aspects of the program is given. The input and use of the program are covered in great detail

    Updated users' guide for TAWFIVE with multigrid

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    A program for the Transonic Analysis of a Wing and Fuselage with Interacted Viscous Effects (TAWFIVE) was improved by the incorporation of multigrid and a method to specify lift coefficient rather than angle-of-attack. A finite volume full potential multigrid method is used to model the outer inviscid flow field. First order viscous effects are modeled by a 3-D integral boundary layer method. Both turbulent and laminar boundary layers are treated. Wake thickness effects are modeled using a 2-D strip method. A brief discussion of the engineering aspects of the program is given. The input, output, and use of the program are covered in detail. Sample results are given showing the effects of boundary layer corrections and the capability of the lift specification method

    On the spatial evolution of long-wavelength Goertler vortices governed by a viscous-inviscid interaction

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    The generation of long-wavelength, viscous-inviscid interactive Goertler vortices is studied in the linear regime by numerically solving the time-dependent governing equations. It is found that time-dependent surface deformations, which assume a fixed nonzero shape at large times, generate steady Goertler vortices that amplify in the downstream direction. Thus, the Goertler instability in this regime is shown to be convective in nature, contrary to the earlier findings of Ruban and Savenkov. The disturbance pattern created by steady and streamwise-elongated surface obstacles on a concave surface is examined in detail, and also contrasted with the flow pattern due to roughness elements with aspect ratio of order unity on flat surfaces. Finally, the applicability of the Briggs-Bers criterion to unstable physical systems of this type is questioned by providing a counterexample in the form of the inviscid limit of interactive Goertler vortices

    Preconditioning for first-order spectral discretization

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    Efficient solution of the equations from spectral discretizations is essential if the high-order accuracy of these methods is to be realized. Direct solution of these equations is rarely feasible, thus iterative techniques are required. A preconditioning scheme for first-order Chebyshev collocation operators is proposed herein, in which the central finite difference mesh is finer than the collocation mesh. Details of the proper techniques for transferring information between the meshes are given here, and the scheme is analyzed by examination of the eigenvalue spectra of the preconditioned operators. The effect of artificial viscosity required in the inversion of the finite difference operator is examined. A second preconditioning scheme, involving a high-order upwind finite difference operator of the van Leer type is also analyzed to provide a comparison with the present scheme. Finally, the performance of the present scheme is verified by application to several test problems