133 research outputs found

    Karakterisasi Lipase Termostabil (Isolat Al96) Berdasarkan Parameter Temperatur Dan Ph Pada Industri Makanan

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    This research aims to produce large amounts of lipase and have high activity so that it can be utilized in the food industry. Method of Research used a thermostable enzyme derived from compost AL96 microorganisms. Qualitative tests are carried out using Thermus media. Extracellular lipase enzyme expressed by AL96 culture at 700C for 17 hours was isolated as much as 1000 mL and the crude extract obtained was deposited by fractionation of ammonium sulfate. After obtaining a fraction of 0-30%; 30 -50% fraction; 50-70% fraction; and 7-90% fraction was then tested for lipase enzyme activity using spectrophotometric techniques and testing of protein content determined by the Bradford method. Results Of research obtaining partial purification using ammonium sulfate into crude enzyme extract from AL96 isolate with a fraction of 50-70% resulted in the highest specific activity of protein 0.018 U / mg. Further analysis of lipase in the 30-50% fraction has the optimum temperature at 65 0C and the fraction of 50-70% has the optimum temperature at 75 0C. Characterization of the optimum pH for 50-70% fraction and 30-50% fraction showed that both fractions had optimum pH 10

    Faktor- Faktor Yang Mempengaruhi Struktur Modal Pada Bank Yang Terdaftar Di Bursa Efek Indonesia Periode 2008-2010

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh variabel Net Profit Margin (NPM), Current Ratio (CR), Degree Operating Leverage(DOL), Laba operasi, Capital Adequation Ratio (CAR), Non Performing Loan (NPL) terhadap Struktur Modal ( DER ) pada bank yang terdaftar pada Bursa Efek Indonesia tahun 2008-2010. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode Purposive Sampling terhadap bank yang terdaftar di Bursa Efek Indonesia selama 3 tahun berturut-turut yaitu tahun 2008-2010. Data yang digunakan didalam penelitian ini adalah data sekunder yang diperoleh dari Pusat Referensi Pasar Modal (PRPM) di Bursa Efek Indonesia. Penelitian ini menggunakan Model Effect Tetap (MET) di dalam metode analisis, dan pengujian dilakukan dengan menguji statistik secara parsial dan secara bersama- sama. Hasil analisis menunjukkan bahwa secara bersama- sama variabel independen berpengaruh signifikan terhadap variabel dependen, sedangkan jika dilihat hasil analisis secara parsial., variabel independent yang paling memiliki pengaruh adalah variabel NPL (Non Performing Loan)

    Pengaruh Kemampuan Dan Motivasi Terhadap Kinerja Pegawai Kantor Pelayanan Terpadu (Studi Pada Kantor Pelayanan Terpadu Lumajang)

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    : Influence of the ability and motivation of employee performance in Integrated Services Office (Case Studies in Integrated Services Office of Lumajang Regency). The purpose of this study was to determine the effect on employee performance capabilities, the influence of motivation on employed performance, and the influence of ability and motivation on employee performance the staff of the Integrated Services of Lumajang Regency. Based on the calculation results of multiple linear regression analysis that has been done showing the ability of the model to explain the influence of independent variables on the dependent variable is large, it can be seen in the value of Adj. R. Square (R2) is equal to 0.714. The results of the F test and t-test can be seen that the partial and concurrent variable abilities and motivation, the result is a significant effect on performance the staff of the Integrated Services of Lumajang Regency (Kantor Pelayanan Terpadu Kabupaten Lumajang). Based on the results of the regression coefficient (b) each motivation variable has dominant effect on the performance of the staff in the Integrated Services of Lumajang. That is because the regression coefficient (Standardized Coenffucients Beta) Based on motivation variable has the greatest value when compared with variable capability that is equal to 74.1%

    Using Social Media to Foster Identification in Indonesia\u27s 2014 Presidential Election: An Examination of Facebook Politics from Kenneth Burke\u27s Dramatistic Perspective

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    This dissertation examines the intersection of rhetorical studies with social media studies, investigates the particular use of social media in the 2014 Indonesian presidential election, and address relevant theories such as Kenneth Burke\u27s dramatistic perspective, Henry Jenkin\u27s participatory culture, and Douglas Eyman\u27s digital rhetoric. I focus on the rhetorical principle to analyse Indonesia\u27s 2014 presidential election by applying the following selected examples of identification categories: 1) The Common Ground Technique, 2) Identification through antithesis, 3) The assumed or transcendent \u27we.\u27 The two candidates running for the 2014 Indonesian presidential election were Prabowo Subianto Djojohadikusumo, and Jakarta Governor Joko “Jokowi†Widodo. The first candidate tends to personify these following traits: nationalist, firm and superior leader. The second candidate manages to represent these following characters: modest and populist, the ordinary people leader. Subianto promoting “anti-discrimination†and Widodo arguing for “pluralism,†Subianto firmly defended his nationalism, while Widodo emphasised his support of diversity. From analyzing the text element, the visual and audiovisual elements, and the rhetorical situation from the above three social media artifacts, I could firmly determine that the first candidate aims to reach the older generations, which includes: 1) The Patriotic generations, and 2) The Baby Boomer generations. Meanwhile, the second candidate sought to reach the younger generations, which includes: 1) The Millennial generation, 2) The First-Time voters, and 3) The Commoners. Based on the analysis of Indonesia\u27s two presidential candidates\u27 Facebook page, the dissertation a) shows how a rhetorical situation is created by establishing common ground through social networking sites; b) reveals the set of texts on identification performed in political uses of social media includes the politically motivated common substance, and sometimes unconscious division; c) understands the symbolic of semi-conscious motives includes religious values and properties, and of course power and wealth; d) shows how the rhetorical analysis of Facebook politics in Indonesia\u27s election implies to use religion and race issue to gain political support

    A Systematic Review: Prevention of Japanese encephalitis in Asia

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    Japanese encephalitis ( JE) is one of the vector-borne diseases caused by infection with Japanese encephalitis virus, through the Culex tritaeniorrhynchus mosquito bites. Pigs and birds are the main reservoirs of JE viruses. JE is an important cause of encephalitis in most of Asia, with high case fatality rates and often significant neurologic sequelae among survivors. This study aimed to describe the prevention of JE in some countries in Asia. This study is a systematic review of 29 studies in Asia conducted in 2010 - 2017. It found that the most prevalent of JE prevention program in Asia is vaccination. It was recommended by the World Health Organization (WHO) to integrate JE vaccinations in national immunization programs and to prioritize in endemic areas. Some countries have well established or developing JE vaccination programs; those are Cambodia, China, India, Japan, Taiwan, Korea, Malaysia, Nepal, Sri Lanka, Thailand, and Vietnam. While some other countries in Asia have minimal or no JE vaccination programs, that are Bangladesh, Philippines, and Indonesia. JE prevention measures in some countries in Asia are the establishment of guidelines and service improvements, diseases and vectors/hosts surveillance, implementation of immunization programs, local vector control, education, and health promotion campaigns, and community engagement and environmental management that should focus on high-risk areas. The incidence of JE is decreased significantly in countries that have implemented JE vaccination programs. Keywords: Japanese encephalitis, prevention, Asi

    Persepsi Antara Tenaga Kerja Pendatang Laki-laki Dan Perempuan Terhadap Push and Pull Factors

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    This research is aimed to know the difference of perception between National Migrant Workers of Men And Women Against Push And Pull Factors. The variable of push factors used in this research is that of job field, low wage, seeking capital and necessity of life. And pull factors are job opportunities, high wages, distance and culture. Then the data is processed using SPSS 20 software with parametric metode that is independent sample t test. The result of the research revealed that there is no difference of perception between men and women on the job field (push factor), there is no difference of perception between men and women to low wages (push factor), there is no difference of perception between men and women against looking for capital (push factor), there are differences of perceptions between men and women on the necessity of life (push factor), there are differences of perceptions between man and woman to job opportunity (pull factor), there are differences of perceptions between men (pull factor), there are differences in perceptions between men and women on the distance factor (pull factor) and there are differences in perceptions between men and women to the pull facto

    Pengaruh Citra Merek, Inovasi Produk, dan Iklan terhadap Keputusan Pembelian Produk Deodorant Casablanca Masyarakat Nan Sabaris Kabupaten Padang Pariaman

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    This research aims to find out how big the influence of brand image, product innovation and advertisement to purchase decision on Casablanca deodorant product at Nan Sabaris Subdistrict, Padang Pariaman regency partially and influence of brand image, product innovation and advertisement to purchase decision on Casablanca deodorant product on society District Nan Sabaris Padang Pariaman simultaneously. This type of research is associative research and is used for explanatory purposes. This research method is quantitative method. The population in this study is the community in District Nan Sabaris Padang Pariaman Limpato, where samples are 84 respondents. Data collection techniques were conducted with interviews and questionnaires. The data was processed using SPSS version 17. The result showed that brand image, product and advertising innovation had a positive effect partially to the purchase decision on deodorant casablanca product in Nan Sabaris sub-district, Padang Pariaman regency and brand image, product and advertising innovation had positive effect simultaneously to purchase decisions on deodorant casablanca products in the community of Nan Sabaris Sub-district, Padang Pariaman District. With multiple linear regression is Y = 0,916 + 0,425X1 + 0,410X2 + 0,189X3 and coefficient of determination give contribution equal to 51%. With the positive relationship between brand image (X1), product innovation (X2) and advertisement (X3) on purchasing decision (Y) deodorant casablanca product in Nan Sabaris sub-district, Padang Pariaman, it is expected to increase sales revenue to always pay attention to things. things that can attract the attention of consumers or customers so that it can lead to purchasing decisions
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