110 research outputs found

    Exploring the Potential Utility of Pet Dogs With Cancer for Studying Radiation-Induced Immunogenic Cell Death Strategies

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    Radiotherapy serves as a foundational pillar for the therapeutic management of diverse solid tumors through the generation of lethal DNA damage and induction of cell death. While the direct cytotoxic effects of radiation therapy remain a cornerstone for cancer management, in the era of immunooncology there is renewed and focused interest in exploiting the indirect bystander activities of radiation, termed abscopal effects. In radioimmunobiologic terms, abscopal effects describe the radiotherapy-induced regression of cancerous lesions distant from the primary site of radiation delivery and rely upon the induction of immunogenic cell death and consequent systemic anticancer immune activation. Despite the promise of radiation therapy for awaking potent anticancer immune responses, the purposeful harnessing of abscopal effects with radiotherapy remain clinically elusive. In part, failure to fully leverage and clinically implement the promise of radiation-induced abscopal effects stems from limitations associated with existing conventional tumor models which inadequately recapitulate the complexity of malignant transformation and the dynamic nature of tumor immune surveillance. To supplement this existing gap in modeling systems, pet dogs diagnosed with solid tumors including melanoma and osteosarcoma, which are both metastatic and immunogenic in nature, could potentially serve as unique resources for exploring the fundamental underpinnings required for maximizing radiation-induced abscopal effects. Given the spontaneous course of cancer development in the context of operative immune mechanisms, pet dogs treated with radiotherapy for metastatic solid tumors might be leveraged as valuable model systems for realizing the science and best clinical practices necessary to generate potent abscopal effects with anti-metastatic immune activities

    Not all features are created equal: Processing asymmetries between location and object features

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    Previous research has shown spontaneous location processing when location is not a task relevant feature and when a target is presented together with distractors. The present study investigates whether such processing can occur in the absence of distractor inhibition, and whether there is a processing asymmetry between location and an object feature. The results show that not all features are created equal. Whereas attending to an object’s color or texture led to the involuntary processing of that object’s location, attending to an object’s location did not necessarily result in the encoding of its color or texture when these nonspatial properties were not task relevant. These results add to the body of evidence demonstrating the special role of location in attentional selection. They also provide a clearer picture of the interactions among location, object features, and participants’ behavioral goals

    Reconstruction of Separable Particle Verbs in a Corpus of Spoken German

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    We present a method for detecting and reconstructing separated particle verbs in a corpus of spoken German by following an approach suggested for written language. Our study shows that the method can be applied successfully to spoken language, compares different ways of dealing with structures that are specific to spoken language corpora, analyses some remaining problems, and discusses ways of optimising precision or recall for the method. The outlook sketches some possibilities for further work in related areas

    Radiation Safety Considerations in the Treatment of Canine Skeletal Conditions Using 153Sm, 90Y, and 117mSn

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    Wendt, Richard E. III; Selting, Kimberly A.; Lattimer, Jimmy C.; Wong, Janine; SimĂłn, Jaime; Stevenson, Nigel R.; Stearns, Stanley D.. Radiation Safety Considerations in the Treatment of Canine Skeletal Conditions Using 153Sm, 90Y, and 117mSn. Health Physics: June 2020 - Volume 118 - Issue 6 - p 702-710 doi: 10.1097/HP.0000000000001222https://openworks.mdanderson.org/mdacc_imgphys_pubs/1001/thumbnail.jp

    RETROSPECTIVE STUDIES Recent Trends in Feline Intestinal Neoplasia: an Epidemiologic Study of 1,129 Cases in the Veterinary Medical Database from 1964 to 2004

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    ABSTRACT A retrospective epidemiologic study evaluated 1,129 feline intestinal tumor patients via data entered into the Veterinary Medical Database (VMDB) from 1964 to 2004. Cases were analyzed by breed, age, yr of diagnosis, tumor type, and location. The VMDB incidence of all intestinal tumors reported during this 40 yr period was 0.4%, with small intestinal tumors predominating. The most common intestinal tumor was lymphoma, but the most common nonlymphoid tumor was adenocarcinoma. The Siamese breed and increasing age after 7 yr conferred an increased risk. Intact males and females appeared to have a decreased risk compared with neutered patients, but this may be explained by the age difference among these patients as older patients were more likely to be neutered. Prospective studies evaluating neuter status predilection and prognosis are warranted. (J Am Anim Hos

    Form ≠ Function: The independence of prosody and action

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    This article argues for the importance of describing form independently of function, especially for prosodic and phonetic forms. Form and function are often conflated by language-in-interaction researchers when they give descriptive labels to the sound of talk (e.g., “upgraded” pitch, “continuing” intonation), and that tempts researchers to see a given form as having a given function or practice—often one that is influenced by the descriptive label. I argue that we should discipline ourselves to keeping to a purely technical description of any form (practice); that will then make it possible unambiguously to show how that form contributes to a particular function (action), without presuming the relationship to be exclusive. Data are in American and British English

    The Comparative Oncology Trials Consortium: Using Spontaneously Occurring Cancers in Dogs to Inform the Cancer Drug Development Pathway

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    Chand Khanna and colleagues describe the work of the Comparative Oncology Trials Consortium (COTC), which provides infrastructure and resources to integrate naturally occurring dog cancer models into the development of new human cancer drugs, devices, and imaging techniques

    Low vitamin D status is associated with systemic and gastrointestinal inflammation in dogs with a chronic enteropathy

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    Vitamin D is traditionally known for its role in calcium homeostasis and bone metabolism. However, it has been demonstrated that numerous types of cells express the vitamin D receptor and it is now clear that the physiological roles of vitamin D extend beyond the maintenance of skeletal health. Vitamin D insufficiency, which is typically assessed by measuring the major circulating form of vitamin D, 25 hydroxyvitamin D (25(OH)D), has been associated with a number of disorders in people including hypertension, diabetes, cardiovascular diseases, cancer, autoimmune conditions and infectious diseases. Meta-analyses have demonstrated that serum 25(OH)D concentrations are an important predictor of survival in people with a wide variety of illnesses and have been linked to all-cause mortality in the general human population. The role of vitamin D in non-skeletal disorders in cats and dogs is poorly understood. This is surprising since cats and dogs could act as excellent models for probing the biology of vitamin D. Vitamin D status in people is largely dependent on cutaneous production of vitamin D. This is influenced by many factors such as season, latitude and exposure to ultraviolet (UV) radiation. The interpretation of human studies investigating the effects vitamin D status on disease outcomes are therefore influenced by a number of confounding variables. Unlike humans, domesticated cats and dogs do not produce vitamin D cutaneously and obtain vitamin D only from their diet. The physiological functions and regulation of vitamin D are otherwise similar to humans. Most pets are fed commercial diets containing a relatively standard amount of vitamin D. Consequently, companion animals are attractive model systems in which to examine the relationship vitamin D status and health outcomes. Furthermore, spontaneously occurring model systems which did not require disease to be induced in healthy animals would allow the numbers of animals used in scientist research to be reduced. This thesis aimed to define vitamin D homeostasis in companion animals in three disease settings; in cats with feline immunodeficiency virus (FIV) infection, dogs with chronic enteropathies (CE) and in hospitalised ill cats. Additional aims were to assess the prognostic significance of serum 25(OH)D concentrations in companion animals and the relationship between serum 25(OH)D concentrations and markers of inflammation. The hypothesis of this thesis was that vitamin status D would negatively correlate with presence of disease, markers of inflammation and disease outcomes. As similar findings have been demonstrated in human medicine, the hypothesis was that cats and dogs would be suitable models to investigate the role of vitamin D in human disease. This thesis demonstrates that in dogs with a CE serum 25(OH)D concentrations are negatively correlated with inflammation and are predictive of clinical outcomes. Vitamin D status was also lower in cats with FIV and importantly vitamin D status was predictive of short term mortality in hospitalised ill cats. This research will be of interest to veterinary surgeons and opens the possibility for clinical trials which examine if low vitamin D status is causally associated with ill health and whether vitamin D supplementation results in superior treatment outcomes in companion animals. This thesis also demonstrates the potential of cats and dogs as model systems in which to examine the role of vitamin D in human health

    Mating dances and the evolution of language: What’s the next step?

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    The Darwinian protolanguage hypothesis is one of the most popular theories of the evolution of human language. According to this hypothesis, language evolved through a three stage process involving general increases in intelligence, the emergence of grammatical structure as a result of sexual selection on protomusical songs, and finally the attachment of meaning to the components of those songs. The strongest evidence for the second stage of this process has been considered to be birdsong, and as a result researchers have investigated the existence of various forms of grammar in the production and comprehension of songs by birds. Here, we argue that mating dances are another relevant source of sexually-selected complexity that has until now been largely overlooked by proponents of Darwinian protolanguage, focusing especially on the dances of long-tailed manakins. We end by sketching several lines of research that should be pursued to determine the relevance of mating dances to the evolution of language
