15 research outputs found

    Diagnosis of Percentages of Progress in Weight Training and its Relationship to the Dynamic Development of Muscle Strength of Football Players

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    Muscle strength is one of the most important elements of fitness that must be available to football players. For a long period of time the weight training has been the subject of controversy among the specialists in the preparation and training of football players, the scientific researches has settled this controversy, where most of the results indicated that weight training has become necessary for the development of different types of muscular strength (maximum force – the special force of speed – endurance power). In fact the Algerian football sport lacks weight training programs and how to plan and evaluate the level of development of muscular strength during the training program with scientific bases and methods to avoid muscle inflation and increase muscle mass that can affect skill performance. The researchers' study note that there is a great detour of football players around the muscle strengthening rooms without a formal training program, which may lead to an increase in muscle inflation. So that the researchers decided to design a weight training program ,and diagnosing the percentage of progression and its relation to the dynamics of muscle strength development of different muscle groups and increasing muscle inflation as much as required for football players under 21 years of research experimental sample


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    The objective of this study is to approach the decision-making process in volley ball through the perceptual learning by simulation. 148 pupils took part voluntarily to this experience. The pupils were divided into two groups. An Experimental Group (EG) which was to follow a program of learning of the technics of the Volley Ball on computer (Images in 3D) before they begin the learning and a Control Group (CG) who performed the classical learning through technical exercises. Tests have been realized after a period of learning on different technics of volleyball. The results showed that the group experimental had significantly improved these results during the decision-making. This study shows the need to use the new technology (simulation) to optimize the mental skills in teaching volleyball.  Article visualizations

    Competencies and training needs and its impact on determining the professional skills of Algerian elite coaches

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    The main purpose of this study is to develop an understanding of the trainers' perceptions of competency and training needs related to professional skills in accordance with professional experience and academic education. The sample included 76 judo trainers who answered a questionnaire that included a measure that focused on the perceptions of competency and another on training needs. An exploratory factor analysis was used with the maximum probability factor (Oblimin) to determine emerging factors. A comparison of the Coaches ' concepts was made in the training experience and the academic background of the Coaches, where multiple comparisons were applied using ANOVA and Tukey. Three main areas of skills were done: skills related to annual planning; skills related to practice and competition; and personal education and training skills. Coach es' perceptions of their expertise were affected, with low-level trainers classifying themselves at lower levels of efficiency and more training needs; and higher-education Coaches in physical education were more efficient than mid-level trainers. Finally, most trainers consider them as efficient as they have indicated the training needs to be provided, which brings important feedback to the education of trainers. This suggests that trainers are an increasing their knowledge and competence in a wide range of areas that should be considered in future training of trainers programs, also to ensure the quality of education and training in the different level of physical and sports education institutes of the Algerian universities


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    Although studies have previously been done in Kenya on health care demand, it has hitherto not been clear how health seeking behavior due to illness is affected by information on health care quality and by quality variation conditional on this information. Moreover, despite in-depth studies on health seeking behavior in Kenyan rural areas, similar studies in urban areas are missing. There are no econometric studies on health cared demand in slums in Kenya. This study develops and tests the hypothesis that the information available about service quality in a health facility affects demand for health care. The key finding is that service quality, information about this quality, wealth, user fees, and gender, are the main determinants of patients’ choice among alternative medical treatments. A policy geared towards improving health information among the slum households is encouraged


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    The purpose of this study was to identify teachers' perceptions of competence and knowledge of pedagogical needs related to occupational skills based on professional experience and academic education. Participants were 85 secondary school teachers from several schools who responded to a questionnaire that included a first scale of competency perceptions and a second scale on the recognition of teaching needs. The comparison of teacher perceptions based on teaching experience and teachers experience was done by applying the one-way ANOVA and Tukey's multiple post hoc comparisons. Teachers' perceptions were influenced by their experience as less experienced teachers qualified at lower levels of competence and more teaching needs; Teachers with a higher education, whether in physical education or others, perceived themselves to be more competent than teachers without a higher education. Finally, the majority of teachers perceived themselves as competent, but nevertheless indicated that they had teaching needs, which brings important feedback to the teacher of the secondary trainer. This suggests that teachers are interested in increasing their knowledge and competence in a wide range of areas which should be considered in future Teachers education programs

    Efecto de la base de conocimientos y de la memoria experta en una tarea de detección de errores de arbitraje en balonmano

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    P. 239-245El propósito de este estudio consistió en examinar el efecto de la base de conocimientos y de la memoria experta en una tarea de detección de errores en arbitraje de balonmano, en los diferentes actores de este deporte, jugadores y árbitros, con el fin de situar el nivel de experiencia de los jugadores respecto de los árbitros. Participaron tres grupos de 12 árbitros cada uno, de tres niveles diferentes (Expertos, Competentes y Novicios), y un grupo de 12 jugadores Expertos. Su tarea consistía en responder correctamente, mediante la detección de la presencia o ausencia de falta, justificando la respuesta y administrando la sanción adecuada, al final del desarrollo de cada secuencia de juego presentada en vídeo dos veces (priming o facilitación por repetición), para analizar: 1º, el efecto de la base de conocimientos - fase de estudio- y, 2º, el efecto de la memoria experta – fase de test -. En este trabajo, partimos de la hipótesis de la ausencia de diferencias entre las ejecuciones de los jugadores Expertos y de los árbitros Expertos en la tarea de detección de error en términos de Pertinencia de la Respuesta y de Coherencia de la Respuesta cuando las secuencias se repiten en la segunda presentación. El análisis de los datos muestra mejores ejecuciones en los grupos Expertos (árbitros y jugadores), que en los árbitros Novicios y Competentes. Inferimos de estos resultados un efecto de la base de conocimientos y de la memoria experta. Esto concuerda parcialmente con los resultados clásicos sobre la pericia cognitiva en el contexto deportivo o en el juego de ajedrez (Gobet, 1993).S

    Gastrointestinal stromal tumors: epidemiological, clinical and therapeutic profile in Marrakech University Hospital

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    Les tumeurs stromales gastro-intestinales ou GIST sont des tumeurs mésenchymateuses rares (1 à 3 % des tumeurs malignes gastro-intestinales). Elles font l’objet de multiples controverses. Nous rapportons une étude rétrospective portant sur 17 cas de tumeurs stromales gastro-intestinales confirmées histologiquement et à l'immunohistochimie, colligés au CHU Mohammed VI. L’âge moyen des patients était de 59 ans (de 29 à 80 ans). La symptomatologie révélatrice était une douleur abdominale dans la majorité des cas (49 %), une masse abdominale retrouvée chez 35 % des patients et une hépatomégalie dans 2 cas. Il s’agissait de 6 cas de tumeurs gastriques, 4 cas de tumeurs mésentériques, 4 cas de tumeurs jéjunales, et 3 cas de tumeurs rectales. Quinze patients ont été traités par exérèse chirurgicale complète. A l’histologie, l’expression du marqueur C KIT à était présente dans 100 % des cas. Dans 13 cas, il s’agissait de tumeurs localisées, deux patients présentaient d’emblée des tumeurs localement avancées et deux autres avaient des métastases hépatiques au moment du diagnostic. Un traitement médicamenteux à base d'Imatinib était entrepris dans les tumeurs classées de haut grade de malignité, dans 6 cas en adjuvant, et dans 2 cas en néoadjuvant. Sur un recul moyen de 3 ans, la survie moyenne était de 88 % à 3 ans et on notait 8 cas de rémission complète, 3 cas de rémission partielle, 2 cas de récidive tumorale et 2 cas de décès.Stromal tumors or GIST (gastrointestinal mesenchymal tumors) are rare (1-3% of gastro-intestinal malignancies). They are a subject of controversy. We report a retrospective study of 17 cases of gastrointestinal stromal tumors confirmed histologically and immuno-histochemically, collected at the University Hospital Mohammed VI. The average age of patients was 59 years, (29-80 years). The symptoms were abdominal pain in most cases (49%), abdominal mass found in 35% of our patients and hepatomegaly in 2 cases. There were 6 cases of gastric tumors, 4 cases of mesenteric tumors, 4 cases of jejunal tumors, and 3 cases of rectal tumors. Fifteen patients were treated with complete surgical resection. A histological marker expression C KIT was present in 100% of cases. In 13 cases tumors were localized, 2 patients had locally advanced tumors immediately and 2 others had liver metastases at diagnosis. Medication with Imatinib was initiated in the tumors classified high-grade malignancy in 6 cases in adjuvant and neoadjuvant in 2 cases. On a mean of 3 years, the 3-year survival was 88% and we had 8 cases of complete remission, 3 cases of partial remission, 2 cases of tumor recurrence and 2 deaths

    Influence des critères morphologiques et moteurs dans la sélection des jeunes footballeurs

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    International audience"It seems difficult to predict long in advance the future sports performance of a young practitioner relying only on its early results." (J.P.Famose, 1990). Therefore, this study aims to find out how is conducted the selection of the young footballers and it covers a population of athletes, 30 coaches on 120, with two inclusion criteria (experience of player and youth coach) categories) and use of a simple questionnaire. The analysis results, show that the coaches prefer watching players (75%), act alone, and target the young talent (75%). Technical and tactical qualities (75%) are the major determinants of success and their choice is influence by their own experience (75%). Clubs players are the most target (75%) and finally to be a good breeder you need solid training, and ' a knowledge do lie in assessment (75%). This first study seems to accredit the presence of a model of detection and selection of the young footballers based on empiricism and without scientific basis, anchors on archaic logics and influential actors from dominant groups (former players, coaches no forms...) «Before these problems of prediction on the early performance, is the need to analyse the determinants of efficiency (in sport) and the extent of these determinants: it is characteristic of the evaluative approach.»« Il semble donc difficile de prédire longtemps à l’avance la performance sportive future d’un jeune pratiquant en se fondant uniquement sur ses résultats précoces. » (J.P.Famose, 1990) .Par conséquent, cette étude, a pour but de savoir comment est menée la sélection des jeunes footballeurs et elle porte sur une population de sportifs, de 30 entraîneurs sur 120, avec deux critères d’inclusion (expérience de joueur, et entraîneur des jeunes catégories) et l’utilisation d’un questionnaire simple. L’analyse des résultats, démontrent que Les entraîneurs, préfèrent l’observation des joueurs (75%), agissent seuls, et ciblent les jeunes talents (75%). Les qualités techniques et tactiques (75%) sont les principaux déterminants de la réussite et leur choix est influence par leur propre expérience (75%). Les joueurs de clubs sont les plus vises (75%) et enfin pour être un bon sélectionneur il faut avoir une solide formation, et ‘un savoir faire lie a l’évaluation (75%). Cette première étude semble accréditer la présence d’un modèle de détection et de sélection des jeunes footballeurs base sur l’empirisme et sans fondements scientifiques, ancres sur des logiques archaïques et sur des acteurs influents issus des groupes dominants (anciens joueurs, entraîneurs non formes …) « Devant ces difficultés de prédiction sur la performance précoce, s’impose la nécessite d’analyser les déterminants de l’efficacité (en sport) et la mesure de ces déterminants : c’est le propre de la démarche évaluative

    L'apprentissage de la natation à l'épreuve du numérique: Cas des écoles de natation de l'IEPS

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    International audienceLearning is a meeting, between the individual and the knowledge, but the meeting time is difficult to synchronize for each student, because all have, the same desires, nor the same resources. "Dourin, J - L. (2011) as well, and with the introduction of tools ' "needy" students freely come to spend more time at the college because they understand that the extended learning time allows them to learn more or better! Greenhouses, M. (2006). So learning is a process of balance between the amount of information and the duration of a session, get only new methods based on the use of digital technology to optimize and make more accessible to the learner. We used in this study, the principle of the free verbal suggestion, offering a "stimulus" the 'digital' to collect responses through words which come to mind of respondents. The sample used for this study consists of twenty two (22) children practising for four years at swimming, and twelve (12) coaches. Two types of materials were used for the collection of data, namely a depreciation and a follow-up interview questionnaire. Statistical analysis is given on a percentage basis, as well as the calculation of the average of the values. The results show that if teachers overwhelmingly believe that digital tools are important in understanding and in learning a motor skill, the long explanations make the inattentive student, but they must be sufficient.L'apprentissage est une rencontre, entre l'individu et la connaissance, mais le temps de la rencontre est difficile à synchroniser pour chaque élève, car tous n'ont, ni les mêmes envies, ni les mêmes ressources. » Dourin, J-L. (2011). Ainsi, et avec l’introduction des outils informatiques « des élèves "besogneux " viennent librement passer plus de temps au collège car ils comprennent que le temps d'apprentissage allongé leur permet d'apprendre plus ou mieux ! Serres, M. (2006). Donc apprendre est un processus d’équilibre, entre la quantité d’informations et la durée d’une séance, que seules les nouvelles méthodes basées sur l’utilisation du numérique arrivent à optimiser et a rendre plus accessible à l’apprenant. Nous avons utilisés dans cette étude, le principe de la suggestion verbale libre, proposant un « stimulus » le « numérique» pour recueillir des réponses à travers des mots qui viennent à l’esprit des personnes interrogées. L’échantillon utilisé pour cette étude se compose de vingt deux (22) enfants pratiquant depuis quatre années au moins la natation , et de douze(12) entraineurs . Deux types de matériaux ont été utilisés pour le recueil des données, à savoir un tableau d’évaluation et un questionnaire suivi d’entretien. L’analyse statistique est donnée sur la base d’un pourcentage , ainsi que le calcul de la moyenne des valeurs. Les résultats révèlent que si les enseignants dans leur grande majorité estiment que les outils numériques ont une importance dans la compréhension et dans l’apprentissage d’une habileté motrice , les longues explications rendent l’élève inattentif ,mais qu’elles doivent être suffisantes

    The Effect of Heavy Weight Training on Physiological Abilities of Soccer Players Under the Age 21 Years Old

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    The objective of the study is to design a specialized training program in modern weighting methods for under-21 soccer players to develop muscular strength and to identify the effect of the training program on weighting exercises on some physiological variables (some aerobic and anaerobic abilities such as VO2max heartbeat and backstage). Researchers in this study that weight training for soccer players will have a clear impact on both the development of muscle capacity and improve some functional abilities. The experimental method was used to design two samples, a experimental sample and a control sample of under-21 soccer players who were selected by a team of Mustaganem teams. Each sample consisted of 18 players. The experimental sample was applied to the weight and control program. For four months. The study showed that the experimental sample achieved a significant increase in muscle strength measurements as well as some physiological variables in all measured tests compared to the control sample. This is the result of the proposed training program applied to the experimental sample