700 research outputs found

    The Influence of Online Product Recommendations on Consumer Choice-Making Confidence, Effort, and Satisfaction

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    The number of products and services available online is growing at a tremendous pace. Consumers increasingly desire the ability to filter through the noise and quickly discover the products that are most relevant to their needs. Many businesses are implementing product recommender systems to provide this ability to consumers, and the result is often increased sales and more satisfied customers. However, recommender systems can also have negative consequences for consumers. For example, a recommender system can bias consumers to purchase more expensive products. Additionally, theories of consumer choice-making suggest that recommender systems can sometimes make purchase choices more difficult, resulting in outcomes that are contrary to the intended purposes of the system, such as customers expending greater shopping effort and feeling less satisfied as a result of receiving too many suggestions. The purpose of this dissertation is to further explore when recommender systems can negatively affect consumers’ online shopping experiences. I investigate three research questions: 1) When do product recommendations increase, rather than decrease, shopping effort? 2) When do product recommendations decrease, rather than increase, shopping satisfaction? And 3) When do recommender systems decrease, rather than increase, consumers’ choice-making confidence? I propose to study these questions by conducting an experiment using a fictitious retail website and online survey


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    ABSTRAK MUHAMMAD PAUNDRA AMIN SALEH. 2020. Hiperbola dalam Akun Media Sosial Twitter @FCBayern. Skripsi, Program Studi Bahasa Jerman, Fakultas Bahasa dan Seni, Universitas Negeri Jakarta. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengidentifikasi dan mendeskripsikan tentang majas hiperbola beserta fungsinya. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode kualitatif dengan teknik analisis deskriptif dan peneliti sebagai instrumen penelitian. Data dalam penelitian ini berupa tweet (cuitan) yang mengandung majas hiperbola dalam akun media sosial Twitter @FCBayern pada periode musim kompetisi 2016/2017 (Agustus 2016-Mei 2017). Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa terdapat 25 cuitan yang mengandung majas hiperbola. Fungsi majas hiperbola lebendige Anschaulichkeit merupakan fungsi yang paling banyak muncul, yaitu pada 17 cuitan. Dan sebanyak 8 cuitan mengandung majas hiperbola dengan fungsi Expressivität des Ausdrucks. Fungsi Pathos, Gefühlüberschwang, dan Humorische-satirische Effekte tidak ditemukan pada penelitian ini. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian, dapat disimpulkan bahwa penggunaan majas hiperbola dengan fungsi lebendige Anschaulichkeit mengharapkan pembacanya dapat mendapat kesan yang mengagumkan dari kehebatan FC Bayern München yang digambarkan pada akun Twitter tersebut. Kata kunci: Majas Hiperbola, Fungsi Majas Hiperbola, Twitter @FCBayern. ABSTRACT MUHAMMAD PAUNDRA AMIN SALEH. 2020. Hyperbole in Social Media Twitter Account @FCBayern. Minithesis, German Language Education Study Program, Faculty of Languages and Arts, State University of Jakarta. This study aims to identify and describe the hyperbole's form and its functions. The method that used in this study is a qualitative method with descriptive analysis technique and also researcher as research instrument. The datas in this study are tweets that containing hyperbole in social media Twitter account @FCBayern in 2016/2017 season (August 2016-May 2017). The results of this study indicate that there are 25 tweets containing hyperbole. The hyperbole lebendige Anschaulichkeit function is the most frequently occurring function, namely in 17 tweets. And as many as 8 tweets contain hyperbole, with the Expressivität des Ausdrucks function. The functions of Pathos, Gefühlüberschwang, and Humorische-satirische Effekte were not found in this study. Based on the results of the study, it can be concluded that the use of hyperbole with the lebendige Anschaulichkeit function expects the reader to get an amazing impression of the greatness of FC Bayern Munich that illustrated on their Twitter account. Keyword: Hyperbole, Hyperbole’s function, Twitter @FCBayern


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    Referring to Law No. 26 of 2009 concerning green open space, ideally the area of green open space is 30% ofthe total area calculated from the area of the city as a whole, so it seems that the Makassar city governmenthas problems in meeting the demands of developing green open space towards a green city. What is expected(Green government), there are several basic assumptions that become references, including the level ofpublic awareness that is still very low to carry out reforestation independently and voluntarily, in additionto the absence of enforcement of rules through regional regulations related to the urgency of reforestationarrangements as per the Regional Regulation. No. 4 of 2015 concerning the Makassar City Spatial Plan2015-2035 which has not been implemented properly, not to mention one of the tough challenges faced inrealizing Makassar as a Green city is the incessant development of infrastructure in several road expansions.is a demand for the needs of the community, even though they have to sacrifice trees or even green openspaces that have existed before, both on the median road and on the road and even city parks that havea function as a buffer for urban green lanes. In such conditions, the role of the government becomes verydominant in determining the direction of city development towards the coveted green city

    Staff Empowerment, Entrepreneurial Behaviors and Organizational Efficiency in Iranian Headquarter Education

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    AbstractThere are factors, which affect firms to react faster to change and be more efficient than ever before. Globalization, shortened life cycles and higher level of competition are examples to compel companies to react. However there are so many factors that influence organizational efficiency, but in this study in order to achieve efficiency in Iranian headquarter education staff (Hormozgan city), the relationship between empowerment and entrepreneurship as the independent variables have been assessed in the organization. In this research it will be shown that to reach the highest organizational efficiency and obtain firms’ vision and mission, need staff with the entrepreneur characteristics and in addition empower them by means of involving individuals in decisions and activities affecting them to strive for more ambitious objectives. In this correlative study, 165 of staff were chosen through categorical ratio sampling. The necessary data for the variables empowerment and entrepreneurship behavior of staff and organizational efficiency were gathered by questionnaires. Data analysis illustrated that there is positive meaningful relationship between all dimension of empowerment and entrepreneurship organizational behavior of staff with organizational efficiency


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    Penelitian ini dilatar belakangi oleh sebuah fenomena bahwa pentingnya literasi Komunikasi WargaNet terutama untuk Generasi Milenial yang sedang menggandrungi media sosial yang selama ini menyebabkan banyak terjadi prilaku yang anomali, para generasi milenial semakin lama kepedualian terhadap lingkungan sosial semakain memudar, banjirnya informasi yang tidak mendidikan menyebabkan generasi milenial kurang cerdas dalam memanfaatkan informasi di media sosial, bahkan generasi milenial kita saat ini terkadang tidak bertanggung jawab dalam mendownload serta menyebarkan infomasi lewat flatform media facebook dan WatShap.Hasil dari penelitian ini bahwa perilaku warganet generasi milenial yang senang menggadrungi media sosial seperti Facebook dan watsahap menjadi keharusan untuk memiliki keterampilan komunikasi, untuk itu lierasi komunikasi sangat penting agar warganet generasi milenial lebih cerdas dan beratnggung jawab dalam memanfaatkan informasi serta menyebarkan informasi lewat media sosial seperti facebook, Watshap, twiter dll

    Kualitas Layanan Dinas Kearsipan dan Perpustakaan Kota Mataram terhadap Jumlah Kunjungan

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    Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk menganalisis kuslitas layanan yang ada di Dinas Kearsipan dan Perpustakaan Kota Mataram. Metode yang digunakan pada laporan akhir ini adalah metode penelitian kualitatif dengan bantuan software Nvivo 12 Plus. Adapun hasil yang diperoleh peneliti dilapangan yaitu kualitas layanan terhadap jumlah pengunjung di Dinas Kearsipan dan Perpustakaan Kota Mataram . Hal itu dapat dilihat dari tujuh aspek indikator yaitu a) Penampilan b) Tepat waktu dan Tepat janji c) Kesediaan melayani d) Pengetahuan dan keahlian e) Kesopanan dan keramahan f) Kejujuran dan Kepercayaan g) Efisien efektifitas dan semua terlaksana  walaupun masih ada yang belum maksimal. Perlu di tingkatkan kualitas pelayanan pada Kesediaan melayani. Disisi lain masih ada yang menjawab kurang puas dengan kesediaan melayani yang ditunjukan oleh pegawai yang ada di Dinas Kearsipan dan Perpustakaan Kota Mataram. Kemudian Dinas Kearsipan dan Perpustakaan Kota Mataram mendapatkan respon yang cukup positif dari pemustaka atau pengunjungnya walaupun masih ada pengungunjung yang merasa kurang puas terhadap aspek tersebut

    The Anticancer Activity of Srikaya Leaves Fraction (Annona squamosa L.): An In Vitro Study

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    Abstract Introduction: Anticancer drugs are aimed primarily at inhibiting the growth and proliferation of cancer cells. Srikaya leaves (Annona squamosa L.) had been proven to possess various therapeutic effects and potential to be developed as anticancer drugs due to its cytotoxic activity. Aim of study: This study aimed to assess the anticancer activity of srikaya leaves (Annona squamosa L.) fraction. Methods: Methanol fraction of srikaya leaves were obtained at concentrations of 500; 250; 125; 62.5; 31.25 µg/ml. Srikaya methanol fraction and cisplatin as control were given to a plate that was sealed with T47D cells for MTT assay. Identification of compounds in the methanol fraction of srikaya leaves was performed with thin layer chromatography (TLC). Data were collected in the form of absorbance value and half-maximal inhibitory concentration (IC50) value was determined ​​by linear regression. Data analysis was carried out with paired T test, unpaired T test, and ANOVA. Results: Average percentage of T47D cells viability increased with the decrease in the concentration of srikaya methanol fraction. Obtained IC50 value was 174.25 µg/ml which was quite active and potential to be developed as an anticancer drug. Methanol fraction of srikaya leaves contained secondary terpenoid metabolites, steroids, phenols, flavonoids, alkaloids and tannins. Flavonoid was the dominant metabolites in phytochemical tests and believed to play a major role in cytotoxic activity of srikaya leaves. Conclusion: Methanol fraction of srikaya leaves possessed the cytotoxic effect on T47D cancer cell line through the role of flavonoid metabolites.   Keywords: srikaya, Annona squamosa, anticancer, T47D cell


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    AbstractResearch on "The Effect of Credibility of librarian in Reference Services on user Satisfaction in the Library and Archives of Province of West Nusa Tenggara Barat". The research objective was to determine the effect of credibility of librarian (variable X) on  the satisfaction user (variable Y) on the service reference in the Library and Archives of Province of West Nusa Tenggara Barat. The perceived credibility influential aspect includes Competency, Attitude, Goals, personality and dynamics affecting librarians user Satisfaction with aspects of Reliability, Responsiveness, Confidence, Empathy, and physical manifestation. The study population was user which came in March 2013 at a sampling technique Probability Sampling (Stratified Proportionate Random Sampling). Research methods that are used are exploratory survey method of data collection techniques of observation, interviews, literature study and questionnaire. Based on the results of the study the majority of respondents agreed with the credibility to influence user satisfaction. While the partial test shows a small portion of respondents agreed to the competence and attitude of librarians, then for the purpose and the dynamics personality most respondents agreed. So in general credibility affects satisfaction but partially demonstrate competence and attitude has no direct effect. But the goal, personality and dynamics directly influence user satisfaction.Keywords: Credibility of librarians, user satisfaction AbstrakPenelitian tentang “Pengaruh Kredibilitas Pustakawan Pada Layanan Referensi Terhadap Kepuasan Pemustaka Di Badan Perpustakaan dan Arsip Daerah Provinsi Nusa Tenggara Barat”. Tujuan penelitian adalah untuk mengetahui pengaruh kredibilitas pustakawan (variabel X) terhadap kepuasan pemustaka (variabel Y) pada layanan referensi di Perpustakaan dan Arsip Daerah Provinsi Nusa Tenggara Barat. Adapun aspek kredibilitas yang dipandang berpengaruh meliputi Kompetensi, Sikap, Tujuan, Keperibadian dan Dinamika pustakawan yang mempengaruhi Kepuasan pemustaka dengan aspek Keandalan, Responsiveness, Keyakinan, Empati, dan Wujud fisik. Populasi penelitian adalah pemustaka yang datang pada bulan Maret 2013 dengan teknik sampling Probability Sampling (Proportionate Stratified RandomSampling). Metode penelitian yang dugunakan adalah metode survei eksploratif dengan teknik pengumpulan data observasi, wawancara, studi pustaka dan kusioner. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian sebagian besar responden menyatakan setuju dengan pengaruh kredibilitas terhadap kepuasan pemustaka. Sementara dengan uji parsial menunjukkan sebagian kecil responden menyatakan setuju terhadap kompetensi dan sikap pustakawan, kemudian untuk tujuan, keperibadian dan dinamika sebagian besar responden menyatakan setuju. Sehingga secara umum kredibilitas berpengaruh terhadap kepuasan tapi secara parsial menunjukkan kompetensi dan sikap tidak berpengaruh langsung. Namun tujuan, keperibadian dan dinamika berpengaruh langsung terhadap kepuasan pemustaka.Kata kunci: Krediblitas pustakawan, kepuasan pemustak


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    Penelitian ini berjudul “strategi sales promotion price discount dalam mendorong pembelian impulsif produk jenis minuman isotonik di pt. amerta indah otsuka” mempunyai tujuan untuk menggambarkan strategi seles promotion price discount dalam mendorong pembelian impulsif produk jenis minuman isotonic di PT. Amerta Indah Otsuka. Pada penelitian ini Metode yang di gunakan ialah metode kualitatif dengan pendekatan deskriptif. Adapun  informan dalam penelitian ini para konsumen yang menjadi pelanggan di PT. Amerta Indah Otsuka yang berada di sekitar Lombok Timur. Penentuan informan menggunakan tehnik probabilitiy sampling dengan simple random sampling, dan teknik pengumpulan data menggunakan Wawancara, observasi, dokumentasi, sedangkan analisis data menggunakan Pengumpulan Data, reduksi data, penyajian data serta penyimpulan dan penyajian data. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa Variabel discount dapat mendorong peningkatan impulse buying konsumen pada PT. Amerta Indah Otsuka. discount yang diberiakn mampu meningkatkan volume penjulan minuman jenis isotenik pada PT. Amerta Indah Otsuka. Berarti strategi seles promosi dengan menggunakan diskon sudah berhasil dan mampu menarik atau mempengaruhi minat beli masyarakat,  Disamping promosi seles diskon yang digunakan pihak PT. Amerta Indah Otsuka harus juga memperhatikan  merchandising produknya Karen hal ini juga sangat berpengaruh terhadap keingin konsumen untuk mau berbelanja di PT. Amerta Indah Otsuk


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    Saat ini perpustakaan terus mengalami perkembangan dimulai dengan yang bersifat tradisional sampai saat ini masuk ke dalam era modern (digital). Perpustakaan dulu sistem pengelolaannya masih sangat sederhana, koleksinya pun sangat terbatas, pelayanan dan penyediaannya masih manual. Sedangkan perpustakaan saat ini sudah mengalami perkembangan dalam berbagai aspek seperti pengelolaan, koleksi, pelayanan, penyediaan, dan ilmu pengetahuan semakin berkembang. Oleh karena itu, pengembangan sumber daya manusia memerlukan proses inovasi dan kreatifitias yang berkelanjutan dan bertahap secara konsisten dan terencana dari semua pihak. Dinas perpustakaan dan kearsipan Kabupaten Lombok Timur hadir sebagai sarana penyedia informasi bagi seluruh masyarakat Kabupaten Lombok Timur. Diharapkan dengan adanya lembaga ini kualitas masyarakat Kabupaten Lombok Timur dapat lebih meningkat baik pengetahuan maupun keterampilan. Adapun metode yang digunakan untuk adalah dengan cara memperbaiki kulaitas pelayanan perpustakaan. Semua tahapan kegiatan pengabdian masyarakat di Dinas perpustakaan dan kearsipan Kabupaten Lombok Timur telah 100% dilaksanakan dan menghasilkan luaran diantaranya yaitu pelaksanaan pelayanan perpustakaan dan informasi kepada masyarakat dengan mengadakan berbagai kegiatan yang meningkatkan minat baca masyarakat
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