23 research outputs found

    Latihan Penguatan Fisik dalam Rehabilitasi Cedera Olahraga dan Kepercayaan Diri

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    The possibility of sport injuries both during training and competition takes place causes changes athletes condition. The changes in physical condition in athletes who are injred will cause changes in mental condition of athletes, especially confidence. For this reason, it is necessary to carry out the post-injry rehabilitation training processes to restore muscle strength and skill in order to return to normal condition and to prevent re-injury. So that at least further action can be found as an effort to recover the athlete’s mental after injury. The data source used was primary data obtained by answered a questionnaire survey using IPRRS  by 14 puslatda Jawa Timur athletes who were seriously injured and were undergoing physical rehabilitation training at KONI Jawa Timur. The results of the survey show the psychological condition of self confidence are 43% of athlethes who have undergone the process of post- injury rehabilitation physical training have a high enough confidence level to go back to sports and are ready to the next competitions. And 57% others have a below standard confidence level to back to sports, so they need more time for recovery from their injury. &nbsp


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    Penelitian ini bertujuan menghasilkan media pembelajaran berupa alat permainan baeg berbahan spon eva yang dapat digunakan untuk meningkatkan motorik kasar terutama keseimbangan dan koordinasi gerakan pada anak usia 4 sampai 5 tahun. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah model desain instruksional penelitian dan pengembangan Dick & Carey. Studi pendahuluan menunjukkan bahwa kemampuan koordinasi dan keseimbangan pada anak usia 4 sampai 5 tahun mulai berkembang dan kurangnya variasi permainan dalam menstimulasi motorik kasar. Sedangkan kemampuan motorik kasar merupakan salah satu aspek perkembangan yang penting untuk distimulasi sejak dini agar anak dapat tumbuh dan berkembang sesuai dengan capaian perkembangannya. Responden penelitian adalah anak TK PGRI di Kecamatan Pandaan Kabupaten Pasuruan sebanyak 20 anak. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa terjadi peningkatan yang signifikan pada kemampuan keseimbangan dan koordinasi gerak anak saat menggunakan alat permainan baeg berbahan spon eva. Alat permainan baeg layak digunakan dan efektif dalam meningkatkan motorik kasar anak usia 4 sampai 5 tahun di Taman Kanak-kanak Kabupaten Pasuruan. Temuan penelitan yaitu alat permainan baeg dapat menstimulasi gerak dasar yang meliputi gerak lokomotor, non lokomotor dan manipulatif. Keywords: alat permainan baeg, keseimbangan, koordinasi gerakan, motorik kasar ******** This study aimed to produce learning media in the form of a game tool made of EVA sponge which can be used to improve gross motor skills, especially for balance and movement coordination in children aged 4 to 5 years. The research method used is the Dick & Carey research and development instructional design model. Preliminary studies showed that coordination and balance skills in children aged 4 to 5 years were starting to develop and there was a lack of variety in play in stimulating gross motor skills. While gross motor skills are one of the important aspects of development to be stimulated from an early age so that children can grow and develop in accordance with their developmental achievements. Research respondents were PGRI Kindergarten children in Pandaan District, Pasuruan Regency as many as 20 children. The results showed that there was a significant increase in children's balance and movement coordination abilities when using a baeg toy made of EVA sponge. Baeg game tools are feasible and effective in improving gross motor skills for children aged 4 to 5 years in Kindergarten in Pasuruan Regency. The research finding is that the baeg game tool can stimulate children basic movements which include locomotor, non-locomotor and manipulative movements. Keywords: Baeg game tool, balance, gross motor skills, movement coordinatio


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    Tunagrahita adalah istilah yang digunakan untuk anak yang mempunyai kemampuan intelektual di bawah rata-rata. Dalam kasus ini anak tunagrahita ringan kelas 1 SDLB di SLB Terate Kota Bandung memiliki hambatan dalam memahami bilangan, mulai dari mengenal lambang bilangan, menyebutkan nama bilangan 1-10 dan menghitung banyak pasak/benda lain. Salahsatu penanganan yang dapat membantu anak tunagrahita ini adalah dengan menggunakan media pasak hitung. Media ini dianggap dapat membantu anak tunagrahita dalam pemahaman konsep bilangan karena media ini memenuhi kriteria yang sesuai dengan apa yang di butuhkan oleh anak dalam meningkatkan pemahamannya. Metode yang digunakan adalah metode eksperimen dengan pendekatan pre test post test. Pemahaman konsep bilangan anak tunagrahita ringan kelas 1 yang berjumlah 6 orang ini pada tahap pre test yaitu S1 35%, S2 25%, S3 40%, S4 20%, S5 25%, S6 40% yang menggambarkan bahwa pemahaman konsep bilangannya masih sangat rendah. Setelah dilakukan treatment dan kemudian dilakukan tahap post test, pemahaman anak mengalami peningkatan yang berdasarkan skor indeks gain skor nya yaitu S1 0,69 (sedang) , S2 0,6 (sedang), S3 0,5 (sedang), S4 0,56 (sedang), S5 0,6 (sedang), S6 0,54 (sedang). Jadi dapat disimpulkan bahwa media pasak hitung dapat meningkatkan pemahaman konsep bilangan pada anak tunagrahita ringan kelas 1 SDLB di SLB Terate Kota Bandung. Kata kunci : Tunagrahita, pasak hitung,pemahaman konsep bilangan. Mental retardation is a term used for children who have intellectual abilities below average. In this case children grade 1mild mental retardation SLB Terate SDLB in Bandung have barriers in understanding numbers, ranging from the family are mblem of numbers, name the numbers1-10 and calculate many pegs/other objects. One treatment that can help children with intellectual challenges is to use the media pegcount. Media is thought to help children with intellectual challenges in understanding the concept of numbers because the media meet the criteria in accordance with what is needed by children in increasing understanding. The method used was experimental method with pre-test post-test approach. Understanding the concept of mild mental retardation child class number1, amounting to 6 people at the stage of pre-test is S1 35%, S2 25%, S3 40%, S4 20%, S5 25%, S6 40%, which illustrates that understanding the concept of number is still very low. After treatment and then performed post-test stage, increasing the understanding of the child based on his score index score gainie S1 0.69 (medium), S2 0.6 (moderate), S3 0.5 (moderate), S4 0.56 (medium), S5 0.6 (moderate), S6 0.54 (medium). So it can be concluded that the media pegcount can improve children's understanding of the concept of numbers ingrade1mildmental retardation SLB Terate SDLB in Bandung. Keywords: Mentally Retarded, understandingthe concept ofnumbers, pegcoun

    Hasil Cek Turnitin artikel Pentasyarufan Zakat

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    This study aims to determine the level of effectiveness of the distribution of ZIS at the UMY Lazismu Service Office by using the allocation to collection ratio (ACR). This research uses quantitative and qualitative methods. The qualitative method uses a descriptive approach. Meanwhile, the quantitative method uses the zakat core principle (ZCP) measurement model. The object used in this study is the financial report of the UMY Lazismu Service Office in 2022. Based on the results of the research indicate that the amount of ZIS fundraising at the UMY Lazismu Service Office in 2022 Rp 1.905.955.925,00. Meanwhile, the amount of ZIS distribution in 2022 was Rp 2.330.618.037,58. Based on calculations using the allocation to collection ratio (ACR), the level of effectiveness of ZIS distribution in 2022 was in category of effective and highly effective. Gross Allocation Ratio of 84%, Non Amil Gross Allocation Ratio of 82%, Net Allocation Ratio of 122%, and Non Amil Net Allocation Ratio of 128%

    Inovasi Fitur Kurir Pada Aplikasi Jual Beli Online Shopee

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    Salah satu layanan yang ditawarkan pada aplikasi Shopee adalah transaksi dengan metode Cash On Delivery (COD). Meski menawarkan kemudahan, masih banyak polemik antara konsumen dan kurir karena metode pembayaran seperti tidak mau membayar dengan alasan tidak memesan paket. Hal ini menimbulkan kerugian bagi kurir maka dari itu tujuan penulis adalah membuat inovasi terkait layanan pengaduan pada aplikasi shopee khusus kurir untuk membantu dalam mempermudah penyampaian laporan. Pembuatan gambaran inovasi ini menggunakan Marvelapp yang kemudian hasilnya dipresentasikan melalui Focus Group Discussion (FGD)


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    This research aimed to examine (1) the effect of natural centered model of learning method for group B children scientific skills (2) the effect of natural centered model of learning method for group B children speaking skills (3) the effect of natural centered model of learning method for group B children scientific and speaking skills.This research uses a quantitative approach which is using Nonequivalent Control Group Design. The reserchwas conducted in group B at TK PGRI 3 Pandaanand TK PKK V Pandaan.Experimental groups totaling 44 children and40 children for controlling groups. The research data are collected using observation method, documentation and observation guide used to collect data about scientific and speaking skills. Analysis data is using ANOVA and MANOVA statistic test with SPSS 21.0. This research results show that (1) Natural centered model of learning method is effecting group B children scientific skills,it is evident from the ANOVA test results demonstrate the value of Fcount is 163,661 with sig. 0,000 smaller than 0.05. (2) Natural centered model of learning method is effecting group B children speaking skillsit is evident from the ANOVA test results demonstrate the value of Fcount is 61,992 with sig. 0,000 smaller than 0.05.(3) Natural centered model of learning method is effecting group B children scientific and speaking skills, it is evident from the ANOVA test results demonstrate the value of Fcount or  wilks’lambada is 163,661 with sig. 0,000 smaller than 0.05. Because the third hypothesis states <0.05 then declared acceptable.According this research result, it can be concluded as (1) Natural centered model of learning method is effecting scientific skills(2) Natural centered model of learning method is effecting speaking skills (3) Natural centered model of learning method is effecting scientific and speaking skills. It will be advised to early childhood education institutes to apply Natural centered model of learning method as one of learning model which stimulate scientific and speaking skills on group B kindergarten children. Natural centered model of learning method is effecting group B children scientific skills. Keywords: Natural centered, scientific and speakin

    Studi Komparasi Sistem Hubungan Industrial dalam Ekonomi Konvensional dan dalam Ekonomi Islam

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    Indonesia’ level of financial inclusion and literacy index in the Islamic capital market is quite slow for around 0,022% and 0,01% eventhough Indonesia is a country with largest Muslim majority (85% o population). Furthermore, the fact shows that Indonesia is the country with the 4th highest grwoth in the capital market industry in Asia-Pacific throughout 2017. The potential for growth and development of Islamic capital market in Indonesia is very high, but not followed by the growth rate of financial literacy and inclusion index especially in the capital market sector. The aim of this paper is to identify a new strategic approach that is applicable to increase Islamic financial literacy and inclusiveness in terms of Islamic capital market. This study uses a qualitative method with literature from journal articles, government reports, news, and others in reviewing, identifying, and knowing the strategies o be implemented. The result shows that there were six specific strategies used in increasing the literacy index and inclusion index of Islamic capital market, namely, rebranding negative investment stereotypes, building sustainable promotions and campaigns through offline and online platforms, creating an integrated online market for capital market product

    Convolutional Neural Network for Colorization of Black and White Photos

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    People today are very fond of capturing moments by taking pictures. Various photo functions are used to document all forms of information that you want to store. In photos with digital images that have black and white, the information obtained is less than optimal, so an image processing process is needed to get color photos. Based on this, the author wants to change photos from black and white to color photos. The method used in this research is Convolutional Neural Network (CNN). This study uses Atlas 200 DK hardware and Ascend 310 processor. The data used in this study are 32 black and white photos in .jpg format as training data and perform 6 experimental scenarios with different numbers of black and white photos in each experiment. The total black and white photos used to experiment were 81 photos. The results obtained are models that successfully perform processing in the form of color photos with the appropriate color results in predicting the possible color of the object in each pixel in the photo. Based on this research, the trend of artificial intelligence can be implemented in changing the color of photos according to color predictions