129 research outputs found

    Delirium in COVID patients: recommendations for assessment and treatment

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    COVID-19 patients, particularly those admitted to an Intensive Care Unit, are at high risk of Delirium due to the frequently observed concomitant presence of a series of factors which, taken together, constitute an increased risk factor. Factors thought to play a key role include: a direct action of the virus and state of inflammation on the Central Nervous System; secondary effects of organ failure; effect of sedative treatment; prolonged exposure to mechanical ventilation; prolonged immobilisation; environmental factors including social isolation and restricted interaction with relatives and healthcare operators. Bearing in mind the potential impact of delirium on clinical outcome, with an increased risk of death, appropriate prevention and management of this condition, particularly complex in COVID patients due to the frequently observed concomitant presence of numerous predisposing and precipitating factors, is fundamental

    When data sharing gets close to 100%. What human paleogenetics can teach the open science movement

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    This study analyzes data sharing regarding mitochondrial, Y chromosomal and autosomal polymorphisms in a total of 162 papers on ancient human DNA published between 1988 and 2013. The estimated sharing rate was not far from totality (97.6% ± 2.1%) and substantially higher than observed in other fields of genetic research (evolutionary, medical and forensic genetics). Both a questionnaire-based survey and the examination of Journals’ editorial policies suggest that this high sharing rate cannot be simply explained by the need to comply with stakeholders requests. Most data were made available through body text, but the use of primary databases increased in coincidence with the introduction of complete mitochondrial and next-generation sequencing methods. Our study highlights three important aspects. First, our results imply that researchers’ awareness of the importance of openness and transparency for scientific progress may complement stakeholders’ policies in achieving very high sharing rates. Second, widespread data sharing does not necessarily coincide with a prevalent use of practices which maximize data findability, accessibility, useability and preservation. A detailed look at the different ways in which data are released can be very useful to detect failures to adopt the best sharing modalities and understand how to correct them. Third and finally, the case of human paleogenetics tells us that a widespread awareness of the importance of Open Science may be important to build reliable scientific practices even in the presence of complex experimental challenges

    I laboratori divulgativi INAF-OAC: l’astronomia è un gioco da ragazzi!

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    Da svariati anni il settore Divulgazione e Didattica dell'INAF-Osservatorio Astronomico di Cagliari dedica particolare attenzione alla progettazione e realizzazione di laboratori divulgativi sull'astronomia. Tali laboratori vengono proposti regolarmente durante eventi speciali presso biblioteche pubbliche, eventi dedicati al grande pubblico, nei festival scientifici e letterari, locali e nazionali. In questo report, primo di una serie, viene presentata la filosofia e lo schema generale adottato per la progettazione dei laboratori proposti dall'INAF-OAC e vengono descritti degli esempi specifici

    Valutazione della <i>Salvia desoleana</i> Atzei e Picci in coltivazione

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    The Salvia desoleana Atzei and Picci is one endemic species of the Sardinia; for many years it have been considered a variety of the Salvia sclarea L. Recent tests confirm the effectiveness of the extracts of Salvia desoleana, in the defense of the plants in biological agriculture. The experiment has been carried out on plants in cultivation from 2 years on the experimental field of the Department, situated near to Sassari (40°43' N; 080°34' E), 80 m over see level. The experimental field interests a area of 192 m2, cultivated, in the two previous years, to alfalfa. The plants have been transplanted in field during the first decade of April 2002 for a final density of 1,4 plants for m2 It has not been watered during the cultivation. Weeds have been controlled by hand. It has not been necessary to take phytosanitary controI. It has not been made fertilization, being sufficient the nitrogen contribution supplied from the cultivation of medical grass. The plants in experimental field caught up to the maximum development an average height of 144 + 18.81 cm, with variable values from a minimum of 116 cm to a maximum of 175 cm. The flowering begun in the second decade of May 2005, after approximately 231 days from the autumnal awakening. An average number of complete inflorescenze to 46 + 13.29 has been found. Production of green mass of 1203.07 + 573.55 grams for plant has been yield; correspondent to approximately 406 + 218.57 grams of dry matter. The production of the single plants varied from a maximum of 885.8 g of the plant n. 6, to 125.6 g collected from the plant n. 5. The average production in essential oils has been 0.47%. The average seed production has been of 3.3 + 1,87 g for plant. The maximum weight of thousand seeds has been of 5.85 for plant n. 2

    Role of heart rate and stroke volume during muscle metaboreflex-induced cardiac output increase: differences between activation during and after exercise

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    We hypothesized that the role of stroke volume (SV) in the metaboreflex-induced cardiac output (CO) increase was blunted when the metaboreflex was stimulated by exercise muscle ischemia (EMI) compared with post-exercise muscle ischemia (PEMI), because during EMI heart rate (HR) increases and limits diastolic filling. Twelve healthy volunteers were recruited and their hemodynamic responses to the metaboreflex evoked by EMI, PEMI, and by a control dynamic exercise were assessed. The main finding was that the blood pressure increment was very similar in the EMI and PEMI settings. In both conditions the main mechanism used to raise blood pressure was a CO elevation. However, during the EMI test CO was increased as a result of HR elevation whereas during the PEMI test CO was increased as a result of an increase in SV. These results were explainable on the basis of the different HR behavior between the two settings, which in turn led to different diastolic time and myocardial performance

    Chapter The offshore environmental impact by Sarno river in Naples bay (South-West Italy)

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    The goal of this work has been to establish the influence of the Sarno river on the present sedimentation in the Naples bay continental shelf by evaluating organic matter contribution and pollution. Sediments samples were collected, by van Veen grab, in 71 stations located offshore the Sarno river between Vesuvian and Sorrento Peninsula coasts. The characteristics of the surface sediments were analysed to highlight spatial trends in the (i) granulometry (grain-size); (ii) total nitrogen, organic carbon and total phosphorus; (iii) metal content (Hg, Cd, Pb, As, Cr, Cu, Ni, Zn, Fe and Mn)

    Efficacy of Relaxin on functional recovery of post stroke patients

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    Background. Relaxin is a peptide hormone that exerts specific effects on cardiovascular system and human brain, leading to the hypothesis that this hormone may play a protective role against CVD and integration and modulation of behavioral activation. We aimed to demonstrate the efficacy of Relaxin on functional recovery of post-stroke patients. Methods. Patients admitted within a Rehabilitation Unit suffering from stroke have been evaluated. Patients have been randomized to RLX (40 mcg/d) plus rehabilitation vs a control group that underwent only rehabilitation. A preliminary analysis of 36 patients at 20 and 40 days was made using the mRS for global function, the Functional Independent Measure (FIM) for daily activity and Trail Making Test (TMT) for cognitive function. Results. Eighteen patients (age 72 (64-79), M 56%) randomized to RLX plus rehabilitation were compared to 18 patients (age 68 (64-78), M 50%) that underwent only rehabilitation. There was no difference between the two groups in terms of risk factors, stroke syndromes and etiology. At admission the two groups showed the same characteristics in terms of functional aspects (mRS, FIM; p ns) and cognitive function (TMT; p ns). After 20 days (T1) the treatment group (RLX+rehabilitation) showed no differences between the two groups (FIM 78 vs 69; p ns), while after 40 days (T2) patients treated with RLX+R showed an excellent recovery (FIM 96 vs 75; p0.001). In terms of cognitive function patients RLX+R revealed a better performance at T1 ( TMT 3.5 vs 2; p 0.002) and still better at T2 (TMT 4 vs 2; p 0.001). These results have been confirmed in terms of global function both at T1 (mRS 2.5 vs 3; p0.001) and T2 (mRS 2 vs 3; p &lt;0.001) . Conclusion. Relaxin showed in this analysis a positive effects on stroke patient’s recovery, thus offering the broad therapeutic potential role of RLX as new drug in post-stroke patients

    Il nuovo Planetario INAF-OAC ...e quindi entrammo a riveder le stelle

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    Si tratta del poster di un congresso, non pubblicato in atti di convegnoIl poster è relativo al nuovo Planetario dell'INAF-Osservatorio Astronomico di Cagliari e ne illustra le caratteristiche tecniche, le attività che già vi si stanno svolgendo e quelle in preparazione
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