36 research outputs found

    Amputasi ektremitas kaudalis sinistra pada kucing domestik akibat gigitan biawak

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    Seekor kucing domestik jantan dengan nama Sarji, berwarna hitam-putih, berat badan 3,1 kg dan berumur ± 2,5 tahun dibawa ke Laboratorium Klinik dengan keadaan luka akibat gigitan biawak. Kondisi os tibia ekstremitas sinistra distal menjulur keluar dari muskulus yang sudah tidak ditutupi kulit dan bagian metatarsal telah mengalami kematian jaringan. Kucing ditangani dengan tindakan amputasi ekstremitas kaudalis khususnya os tibia fibula sinistra. Pasien diberikan antibiotik, anti inflamasi dan anti nyeri pascaamputasi. Pasien tidak menjalani perawatan pascaoperasi secara intensif di klinik karena permintaan pemilik. Proses kesembuhan kucing pascaamputasi berjalan dengan baik berdasarkan informasi pemilik. Luka telah mengering dan hewan mampu berjalan dengan baik menggunakan ketiga kaki lainny

    Maturity and Apoptosis Rate of Cumulus - Oocyte Complex in Aceh Cattle After in Vitro Maturation

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    The study aims to find out maturity dan apoptosisrate of cumulus -oocyte complex in aceh cattle after in vitro maturation (IVF). The oocytes used in this study amounted to 95 oocytes from ovary waste taken from slaughterhouse. The oocytes were collected by aspiration method. All oocytes were maturated in DMEM medium at 38°C 5% CO2 for 20 hours. After maturation, maturity and apoptosis rate of cumulus - oocyte complexwas calculated. The results showed that the maturity rate of aceh cattle oocytes reached 65.71% and the apoptosis rate reached 13.3%. Based on the results of this study it can be concluded that the oocytes of aceh catt le have good maturity rate and low apoptosis rate ofcumulus - oocyte complex after in vitro maturatio

    Gambaran Ultrasonografi Corpus Luteum Sapi Aceh Penderita Endometritis setelah Terapi Lugol dan Prostaglandin F2 Alfa (PGF2α) secara Intra Uteri

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    ABSTRACT. Endometritis merupakan peradangan pada endometrium yang dapat mengakibatkan gangguan fungsi ovarium. Biasanya sapi yang mengalami endometritis memiliki Corpus luteum (CL) di ovarium. Pemberian terapi yang sesuai dan efektif sangat penting dalam penanganan kasus endometritis. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui perubahan diameter CL pada sapi Aceh penderita endometritis setelah terapi lugol 2% dan PGF2α secara intra uteri menggunakan teknik ultrasonografi. Enam ekor sapi Aceh betina (n=6) yang telah didiagnosa menderita endometritis dengan kisaran umur 5-10 tahun, dibagi dalam 2 kelompok perlakuan. Kelompok 1 (K1, n=3) diberi perlakuan dengan terapi larutan lugol 2% sebanyak 50 ml/ekor secara i.u. Kelompok 2 (K2, n=3) diberi perlakuan dengan terapi lugol 2% 50 ml ditambah PGF2α 12,5 mg/ekor secara i.u. Pemeriksaan dilakukan setelah terapi selama 24 hari. Hasil analisis statistik penurunan diameter CL tidak terdapat perbedaan nyata pada kedua kelompok perlakuan. Dapat disimpulkan bahwa terapi sapi-sapi Aceh endometritis menggunakan kombinasi lugol 2% dan PGF2α kurang efektif terhadap penyembuhan berdasarkan gambaran ultrasonografi CL pada ovarium sapi Aceh endometritis.  (Ultrasonography of corpus luteum endometritis Aceh cows after intra uterine therapy of lugol and PGF2α) ABSTRAK. Endometritis is an inflammation in the endometrium that can resulted from disturbance of normal ovarian function. Giving appropriate therapy and effective is very important in handling case endometritis. Usually cows that experience endometritis has Corpus luteum (CL) in the ovary. This research aim was to know the changes in diameter of CL at Aceh cows sufferer endometritis after therapy lugol 2% and PGF2α with intra-uterine infusion using ultrasound technique. Six Aceh cow females (n=6) who have been diagnosed suffer from endometritis with range age 5 to 10 years, divided in to 2 groups of treatment. Group 1 (K1, n=3) was given treatment with therapy solution lugol 2% as much as 50 ml/head in a manner i.u. Group 2 (K2, n=3) was given treatment with therapy lugol 2% 50 ml plus PGF2α 12,5 mg/head in a manner i.u. Examination done after therapy for 24 days. The results of the statistical analysis showed no significant differences in the two treatment groups. Could be concluded that treatment endometritis Aceh cows use combination lugol 2% and PGF2α is lacking effective to healing based on picture ultrasonography CL on ovary endometritis Aceh cows

    Sonographic Appearance of Abdominal Wall at the Left Flank of Laparotomy Incision Site in Ettawah Grade Does

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    The aim of this study was to describe the sonographic appearance of abdominal wall at the left flank of laparotomy incision site in 11 mated Ettawah grade does. Brightness-mode ultrasound examination by using transducer with frequency of 5.0-6.0 MHz was conducted to grouping the does based on their pregnancy statuses. The incision site of the abdominal wall at left flank laparotomy was transcutaneous-scanned as long as 8 cm vertically. The sonographic appearance of the laparotomy wall thickness showed that in all groups of does were similar and not different statistically. The thickness of oblique external and oblique internal abdominal muscles increased in the pregnant does as compared to non-pregnant does (P<0.05)

    Sonographic Appearance of Abdominal Wall at the Left Flank of Laparotomy Incision Site in Ettawah Grade Does

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    The aim of this study was to describe the sonographic appearance of abdominal wall at the left flank of laparotomy incision site in 11 mated Ettawah grade does. Brightness-mode ultrasound examination by using transducer with frequency of 5.0-6.0 MHz was conducted to grouping the does based on their pregnancy statuses. The incision site of the abdominal wall at left flank laparotomy was transcutaneous-scanned as long as 8 cm vertically. The sonographic appearance of the laparotomy wall thickness showed that in all groups of does were similar and not different statistically. The thickness of oblique external and oblique internal abdominal muscles increased in the pregnant does as compared to non-pregnant does (P<0.05).Key words: laparotomy, left flank, ultrasonography, incision site, Ettawah grade doe

    Gambaran histologi ovarium sapi aceh pascavitrifikasi menggunakan dimetyl sulfoksida dengan konsentrasi berbeda

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    This study aims to determine the morphology of Aceh bovine ovarian pasca vitrification, after its been exposed to dimetyl sulfoksida (DMSO) cryoprotectant. This study use a completely randomized design of one-way pattern ANOVA acquire three replications. Ovaries used in this study are Aceh cattle ovarian which collected from slaughter house (RPH) accounted as 4 organs, to the next sliced into 9 pieces. Ovarian pieces are then grouped into 3 treatment groups namely ovaries which exposed into solution containing DMSO 10% (P1), 20% (P2), and 30% (P3). The results showed that the average number of normal follicles is highest at P1 41,33 ± 32,51; followed by P2 20,00 ± 16,09 , and P3 15,66 ± 10,50. It was concluded that  the ovarian tissue was exposed with DMSO 10% was able to maintain of the normal follicle than DMSO 20% and 30% although statistical test results showed no significant difference between group (P>0,05)

    Gambaran histologis folikel ovarium sapi aceh pascavitrifikasi menggunakan etilen glikol

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan mengetahui gambaran histologis folikel ovarium sapi aceh pasca vitrifikasi menggunakan etilen glikol (EG) dengan berbagai konsentrasi berbeda yaitu 10%, 20% dan 30%. Phosphate buffered saline (PBS), 0.25 M sukrosa, 0.5 M sukrosa dan krioprotektan EG digunakan sebagai larutan vitrifikasi. Ovarium dipaparkan dengan larutan mengandung krioprotektan EG konsentrasi 10%, 20%, dan 30% selama 5 menit masing-masing pada suhu kamar, dikemas dalam straw, lalu divitrifikasi dalam nitrogen cair (-196 ⸰C), dan thawing dalam air pada 37 ⸰C. Kondisi normal dan keutuhan folikel pascavitrifikasi diamati secara histologi. Hasil pengamatan menunjukkan bahwa ovarium setelah vitrifikasi dengan EG 10% dan 20% memperlihatkan presentase keutuhan folikel 32.83% dan 45.04%, sedangkan EG 30% memperlihatkan presentase tertinggi yaitu 54.96%. Dari hasil penelitian ini dapat disimpulkan bahwa EG 30% lebih baik dalam mempertahankan keutuhan folikel ovarium sapi aceh dibandingkan dengan EG 10%  dan 20%


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    This study aimed to estimate the gestational age of Etawa crossbred goats based on ultrasound images of embryo and fetal usingtranscutaneous ultrasonography. Etawa crossbred does (n= 5) were synchronized using double PGF2α injection with 10 days interval and matednaturally. Early pregnancy was diagnosed on 20th day after mating base on isoechogenic image of the embryo (2.65±0.75 mm) andhypoechogenic appearance of gestational sac. On 30th day of the first trimester, the embryo size was 8.31±0.42 mm. The embryo reached10.44±0.51 mm on 35th day. On 60th day, the existence of the fetal were clearly appeared along with isoechogenic of umbilical cord,hyperechogenic os cranium (25.5±0.1 mm), and body length (51.83±1.59 mm). On 75th day, the diameter of the os cranium was 33.03±0.20 mm,body length of 110±1.73 mm, and bones structures appeared hyperechogenic for os thoracalis and os vertebrae. The placenta was isoechogenoicwith diameter of 23.3±0.2 mm. On 90th day, the placenta dominated the uterus (22.67±1.70 mm) and reached its maximum diameter on 145th day(33.73±2.91 mm). In conclusion, early pregnancy detection of Etawa crossbred goats using transcutaneous ultrasonography could be performedon 20th day after matin


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    The aim of this study was to observe the uterine involution of Etawa crossbreed (PE) goat using transcutaneous ultrasonography (USG). This study used four postpartum female goats that released placenta normally. The goats were examined on lateral recumbence position. Uterine involution was observed daily. The study began from the first day of postpartum period until there were no more reduction of uterine horns lumen diameter. From the 1st to 7th day of postpartum period, ultrasound imaging of the uterine wall showed caruncle which was hypoechoic, lumen of uterine filled with lochia (the image was hypoechoic to anechoic) and a clearly visible uterine horns lumen which had decreased in diameter from 105.9 ± 0.9 mm to 87.2 ± 4.6 mm. From the 8th day to the 14th day, lumen diameter had decreased from 80.4 ± 3.8 mm to 63.6 ± 3.2 mm. The presence of caruncle was reduced and the amount of lochia was decreased (anechoic). From the 15th day to the 21st day, lumen diameter had decreased from 61.4 ± 2.1 mm to 52.1 ± 2.7 mm, and the remnants of caruncle and lochia were still visible. From the 22nd day to the 26th day, the diameter of the uterine wall had decreased from 49.7 ± 0.6 mm to 41.5 ± 6.7 mm, and the lochia and caruncle were no longer visible. From the 26th to the 30th day, uterine horns lumen diameter had still decreased from 41.5 ± 6.7 mm to 31.7 ± 0.9 mm. Uterine horns lumen diameter size had decreased every day, stabilized on the 30th day, and ceased to decrease on the 31st day, where the diameter size was the same as on the 30th day postpartum (31.7 ± 0.9 mm). It can be concluded that the duration of uterine involution in PE goats, which had normal delivery is 30-31 days

    Effect of Storage Time of Epididymis at 5 oC on Spermatozoa Quality of Aceh Local Goat

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    The objective of this study was to evaluate the effect of storage time of epididymis at 5 oC on spermatozoa quality of Aceh local goat. This research was conducted at Reproduction Laboratory, FKH Unsyiah from May to June 2009. Nine epididymis from local goat at the age of 1.5-2.0 years were used in this study. The epididymis were collected from abattoir in Banda Aceh. The experimental design used in this study was completely randomized design with 3 treatments and 3 replications. Spermatozoa quality which consist of sperm concentration, motility, amount of life sperm, and sperm abnormality were examined after the collection of epididymis on day 0 (H-0), day 1 (H-1), and day 3 (H-3) post storage at 5 oC. Data were analyzed using one-way analyses of variance (ANOVA). The result showed that no significant difference (P0.05) seen in the spermatozoa quality after different storage time. The average of spermatozoa concentration on H-0, H-1, and H-3 were 318x107/ml, 282x107/ml, and 241x107/ml respectively. On the average, the percentage of spermatozoa motility on H-0, H-1, and H-3 were 82,27±2,75; 80,25±2,83; and 78,07±0,92%, respectively. Life spermatozoa observed on H-0, H-1, and H-3 were 82,29±2,71; 80,63±1,87; and 80,09±3,31%, respectively. Observation on spermatozoa abnormality showed that the average of spermatozoa abnormality on H-0, H-1, and H-3 were 7,23±0,27; 8,21±0,55; and 10,75±3,14%, respectively. It could be concluded that the spermatozoa quality were not affected by the storage time at temperature of 5 oC