7,602 research outputs found

    Response suppression as a function of a vacation from punishment

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    Response suppression as function of vacation from punishment in pigeon

    Bridge 2018 Information Literacy Curriculum Report

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    A uniform curriculum has been in place in Bridge Information Literacy (IL) sessions since Fall 2015. To assess the curriculum and student learning, multiple evaluations are implemented: a student end-of-class evaluation; a faculty end-of-Bridge evaluation; and an in-class worksheet. This report summarizes student performance in Bridge as well as student and faculty evaluation responses

    Subsonic flight test evaluation of a propulsion system parameter estimation process for the F100 engine

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    Integrated engine-airframe optimal control technology may significantly improve aircraft performance. This technology requires a reliable and accurate parameter estimator to predict unmeasured variables. To develop this technology base, NASA Dryden Flight Research Facility (Edwards, CA), McDonnell Aircraft Company (St. Louis, MO), and Pratt & Whitney (West Palm Beach, FL) have developed and flight-tested an adaptive performance seeking control system which optimizes the quasi-steady-state performance of the F-15 propulsion system. This paper presents flight and ground test evaluations of the propulsion system parameter estimation process used by the performance seeking control system. The estimator consists of a compact propulsion system model and an extended Kalman filter. The extended Laman filter estimates five engine component deviation parameters from measured inputs. The compact model uses measurements and Kalman-filter estimates as inputs to predict unmeasured propulsion parameters such as net propulsive force and fan stall margin. The ability to track trends and estimate absolute values of propulsion system parameters was demonstrated. For example, thrust stand results show a good correlation, especially in trends, between the performance seeking control estimated and measured thrust

    Fear and Loathing of the Corruption Perception Index: Does Transparency International Penalize Press Freedom?

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    Depuis que la gouvernance compte, l’Indice de perception de la corruption construit par Transparency International (TI) est devenu l’indicateur le plus influent dans son domaine. Chaque année, un classement est ainsi établi, pointant du doigt les pays perçus comme les plus corrompus par les experts de TI. Cet indice est un outil puissant de lutte contre le fléau de la corruption, permettant effectivement de mettre une réelle pression politique sur des régimes « mal gouvernés ». L’influence de ce classement sur l’économie des pays concernés peut être importante, rendant parfois plus difficile l’accès aux financements, qu’il s’agisse de l’aide internationale ou des investissements directs étrangers. Bien souvent, il s’agit d’une double peine pour des populations déjà victimes au quotidien de services publics gangrenés par la corruption et le clientélisme. La mesure de la corruption, à l’image des différents outils mis en place pour évaluer la gouvernance, est une mesure qualitative, issue de perceptions. Comme toute perception, elle est sujette à la disponibilité de l’information et subit l’influence des médias. Nos analyses ont montré que le niveau de liberté de la presse pouvait avoir une influence importante sur ces perceptions, pénalisant les jeunes démocraties et l’ouverture progressive des médias. Transparency International’s annual Corruption Perception Index (CPI) has become the single most effective advocacy tool in the global fight against fraud, embezzlement and other abuses of public office for private gain. Countries relegated to the bottom tier of the CPI rankings are not only embarrassed (usually), but penalized financially, as the stigma makes it harder to secure aid and investment. For any multilateral loan officer or multinational plant-siting team, checking a country’s CPI rating is now basic due diligence. As well it should be: Corruption is a development scourge, acting as a stubborn brake on growth, a regressive tax on the poor, and - often - a corrosively effective enemy of democratization. Corruption assessment, not unlike governance assessment tools, is qualitative and the result of perceptions. Therefore, it suffers from the influence of information availability and media freedom. Our analysis, demonstrated that the media freedom extent may have a strong influence on corruption perceptions, penalizing young democracies and progressive media aperture.(Full text in french)

    Questions Surrounding Questions: A Rhetorical Analysis of the Use of Research Questions in Academic Writing

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    The fact that researchers have begun to question the potentially unethical use of questions in research, and that the research question has become an increasing presence in all scholarly rhetorical criticism– including 99% of the speeches you will see this year– the use of the research question in a venue that has traditionally avoided it merits investigation. So in order to explore the objectivity and academic effectiveness of research questions in our field, I performed a content analysis of top rhetoric journals using Hyland’s method for analyzing questions found in the article “What do they mean? Questions in Academic 54 Writing,” published in the 2005 edition of Discourse Studies. Because Hyland explores the definitive characteristics of different types of questions as they appear throughout the genre of academic texts, it is perfect for our analysis. So we’ll begin by examining Hyland’s methodology, then we’ll apply it to some leading communication journals, and finally, we’ll draw some critical conclusions
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