18 research outputs found

    Zonasi Potensi Pencemaran Bahan Bakar Minyak Terhadap Airtanah Bebas (Studi Kasus SPBU 44.552.10 YOGYAKARTA)

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    Kasus kebocoran tangki penyimpan bawah tanah ataupun pipa saluran Bahan Bakar Minyak (BBM) kerap terjadi dan menyebabkan pencemaran airtanah bebas. Salah satu kasus terjadi di Stasiun Pengisian Bahan Bakar Minyak untuk Umum (SPBU) 44.552.10 Yogyakarta. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk membuat zonasi potensi pencemaran BBM terhadap airtanah bebas di lingkungan sekitar SPBU 44.552.10. Metode yang digunakan adalah metode LeGrand yang spesifik untuk kasus pencemaran airtanah bersumber dari 1 titik. Pertama, dilakukan pengukuran kedalaman muka airtanah pada sejumlah sumur warga untuk mendapatkan gambaran arah aliran airtanah. Kedua, dilakukan penilaian dan skoring terhadap 5 faktor lingkungan fisik, yakni: kedalaman muka airtanah, daya serap di atas muka airtanah, permeabilitas akifer, kemiringan muka airtanah, dan jarak horisontal. Zonasi potensi pencemaran airtanah diperkirakan berdasarkan skor total dari lima faktor tersebut di tiap titik sampling dan arah aliran airtanah. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan sumur yang terletak 0-2 km di bagian selatan dan barat daya SPBU 44.552.10 berpotensi mengalami pencemaran BBM. Potensi terbesar berada pada radius 45 m

    Faktor Lingkungan Fisik Yang Paling Berpengaruh Terhadap Potensi Pencemaran Benzena Pada Airtanah Di Sekitar SPBU 44.552.10 YOGYAKARTA

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    SPBU 44.552.10 Yogyakarta letaknya berbatasan langsung dengan pemukiman, tahun 1999 pernah bocor dan mencemari sumur warga. Faktor-faktor lingkungan fisik yang dijadikan parameter dalam penentuan potensi pencemaran benzena terhadap airtanah pada penelitian ini yakni: kedalaman muka airtanah dari dasar tangki, daya serap di atas muka airtanah, permeabilitas akifer, kemiringan muka airtanah, dan jarak horisontal dari sumber pencemar. Penelitian bertujuan untuk menganalisis faktor lingkungan fisik yang paling berpengaruh terhadap potensi pencemaran benzena pada airtanah di lingkungan sekitar SPBU tersebut. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa kedalaman muka air tanah dari dasar tangki adalah faktor yang paling berpengaruh terhadap kelas potensi pencemaran benzena di 80 titik sampling sumur sekitar SPBU 44.552.10., dengan koefisien korelasi sebesar 0,967. Hal ini mengindikasikan adanya hubungan yang sangat kuat antara potensi pencemaran benzena dan kedalaman muka airtanah


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    Interpretation of imagery in 2003, 2010, and 2016 shows the changing patterns of land cover on coastal areas at Parangtritis Bantul. This change was triggered by climate change factors, especially rainfall. The study aims to: 1) mapping the pattern of land cover change on coastal sand dune Parangtritis ecosystem and its relation to climate change occurs; 2) determine the forms coastal sand dune ecosystem adaptation due to the climate change.The study was conducted by surveying and mapping. Firs creating a map of land cover temporally. Map of the pattern of land cover 2003 and 2010 of land area was obtained by image interpretation. The pattern of land cover in 2016 was obtained from the existing mapping month from May to September 2016. The changes pattern of land cover is shown by the calculation of the area coverage and type of land cover from time to time. Climate change is seen by the trend analysis of rainfall last 19-28 years. The link between land cover and climate change were analyzed descriptively. The forms observed adaptation of the dominant vegetation growing as land cover in the zone of active sand dunes.The results showed that from 2003 to 2016 a reduction in the extent of land cover types such as moor, natural bush, cultivated plants, ponds, and settlements. Land cover types shoals and sandbanks open beaches are also reduced. Rainfall trend analysis showed that the study area has increased the amount of rainfall. The rainy season in the area the research took place between the months of November to June, while the dry season lasts between the months of June to October. Adaptation form occurs that is increasingly broad and diverse types of vegetation found in sand dune ecosystems. The dominant vegetation that found such as grass run, pandanus thorns, thistle, Ipomea, cassava, gamal, fir shrimp, and dragon fruit

    Pembentukan Komunitas Pengelola Sampah Terpadu Berbasis Masyarakat

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    Sebagian besar warga Dusun Gesikan Kelurahan Panggungharjo Sewon Bantul memperlakukan sampah dengancaradibakar atau dibuang ke sungai. Cara-cara ini akan menimbulkan permasalahan lingkungan. Pembentukan komunitas pengelola sampah terpadu berbasis masyarakat di Dusun Gesikan bertujuan untuk mengurangi permasalahan lingkungan karena sampah.Mitra yang terlibat dalam program ini adalah warga RT. 04 Dusun Gesikan Panggungharjo Sewon Bantul. Metode yang digunakan dalam kegiatan antara lain dengan penyuluhan/edukasi, pelatihan, dan pendampingan. Komunitas dibentuk melalui serangkaian kegiatan yaitu: 1) koordinasi dengan pengurus RT, pedukuhan, dan tokoh masyarakat; 2) sosialisasi dan edukasi tentang pengelolaan sampah dan bank sampah; 3) edukasi dan pemberian fasilitas pemilahan sampah; 4) pelatihan pembuatan kompos, pembuatan aneka kreasi daur ulang dari sampah plastik, dan pembuatan lilin dari minyak jelantah. Hasil yang dicapai berupa terbentuknya “Kompaster Gestari”, yang merupakan kependekan dari Komunitas Pengelola Sampah Terpadu, Gesikan Resik Tertata dan Asri.  Masyarakat yang bergabung dalam komunitas ini secara bertahap digiring untuk melakukan pengelolaan sampah secara sadar dan mandiri, menerapkan 6 M dan 2 TM yakni: mengurangi potensi sampah, memanfaatkan sampah, mendaur ulang sampah, memilah sampah, menabung sampah, meminimalkan sampah residu masuk ke TPA, tidak membuang sampah ke sungai, dan tidak membakar sampah. Produk utama Kompaster Gestari adalah Bank Sampah Gestari yang dibentuk pada tanggal 15 September 2019.Hasil produk daur ulang sampah seperti tatakan gelas, bunga dari kresek, dan lilin minyak jelantah telah dipamerkan di acara lomba desa Panggungharjo.Kompaster Gestari telah mendapat tawaran kerjasama dari Bumdes Panggungharjo, Bank Sampah “Gemah Ripah” Badegan Bantul, Butik Daur Ulang Project B Indonesia untuk pemasaran produk dan hasil tabung sampah

    Kajian kualitas air lindi terhadap kualitas air tanah di sekitar tpa (tempat pemrosesan akhir) sampah jetis, desa pakem, kecamatan gebang, purworejo, jawa tengah

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    Study Of Leachate Quality to Groundwater Quality Around Jetis Landfill, Pakem, Gebang District, Purworejo Regency, Central Java Province (Ika Wahyuning Widiarti and Eni Muryani): Organic waste will be decomposed easily and produce leachate. Leachate may pollute soil, groundwater and river around TPA (Final Disposal) Jetis if it does not manage well. The objectives of this research are to describe leachate quality with parameters pH, BOD, COD, TSS, N-Total, Hg and Cd, to analyse the status of groundwater quality, and to evaluate the connection between leachate quality and groundwater quality around TPA Jetis. Leachate sampling was conducted at inlet and outlet of WWTP of TPA Jetis and the groundwater sampling was conducted at resident well and monitoring well. Research result showed that parameters BOD, COD, and TSS at inlet exceeded the standard. While the all parameters of the outlet were still meet the standard. The status of groundwater quality included lightly polluted with PI for monitoring well was 1.082 and for resident well was 2.912. Laboratory results showed that the resident well has BOD and COD values that exceed the standard. So that it can be expected that groundwater contamination occurs because of leachate from the TPA Jetis so that the groundwater quality of the resident well around the landfill decreases

    Hydrogeological Risk Assessment for Groundwater Conservation in the Northeastern Slope Area of Mount Arjuno, Pasuruan Regency, East Java, Indonesia

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    The northeastern slope of Mount Arjuno, Pasuruan district, East Java province, Indonesia represents a vast and good groundwater resource quality, generally be exploited by some companies for drinking water industries. Water unbalance and quality degradation is presumed to arise because groundwater extraction volume is getting bigger but less control by the regency authority. This study is to figure out the geologic condition and hydrogeological system, conduct groundwater exploitation risk assessment, and develop a conservation program. The study results show that the study area's geomorphological units can be divided into the volcanic summit, volcanic slope, fluvial plain, and anticlinal hills. The lithology comprises sandstone, breccia, and andesite lava of Mount Arjuno and Mount Welirang. The geological structures are anticline, normal fault, and lateral slip fault. Hydrologically, there are three watersheds, including Lumbangrejo, Ketanireng, and Prigen watersheds. The aquifers comprise unconfined to semi-confined aquifers with fissures and intergranular porosity. Based on risk assessment valuation, Pecalukan village of the Ketanireng watershed and Lumbangrejo village of the Lumbangrejo watershed are categorized as very high groundwater vulnerability zones, Karangrejo and Sukoreno villages of the Lumbangrejo watershed, Kedungringin, Kepulungan, and Gunungsari villages of the Ketanireng watershed are categorized as medium vulnerability zone. While, Ngorong village of the Lumbangrejo watershed, Gempeng, Oro-Ombo, Kalisat, and Dukuhsari villages of the Prigen watershed belong to the low vulnerability zone. The proposed conservation programs involve profitable water use safety campaigns, domestic waste, and industrial wastewater management, agricultural activities controlling, sandstone mining regulation, and reforestation.

    Arahan Teknis Pengolahan Limbah Hasil Proses Amalgamasi untuk Menurunkan Kadar Merkuri di Desa Cihonje, Kecamatan Gumelar, Kabupaten Banyumas, Jawa Tengah

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    Gold mining activities in Desa Cihonje, Kecamatan Gumelar, Kabupaten Banyumas, Central Java Province still use traditional methods and have not yet treated the wastewater from the amalgamation process, so that there is potential for pollution in the area. There needs to be processing before it is thrown into the environment. The purposes of this study were to analyze and describe the levels of pollution of pH, TSS and mercury (Hg) in waste water and in water bodies, to calculate the effectiveness by using Phytoremediation method with a batch system to reduce pH, TSS and mercury (Hg) and to determine the direction environmental management that can be recommended in the research area.Waste water sampling was based on purposive sampling method. The value of effectiveness is obtained by comparing wastewater with wastewater that has been treated. The experiment was carried out with a laboratory scale for 18 days. To determine the design of the recommended treatment pond, data from the analysis of the effectiveness and environmental conditions are used. Research acquired result for Pij score for river water A1, A2 and A3 are slightly polluted, while Pij score for well water are moderately polluted and for well water 2 are not polluted.  The quality of wastewater from the amalgamation process had TSS content of 5,380 mg/L and mercury of 0.24,482 mg/L. While the results for river water quality contain 110 mg/L, A2 1,812 mg/L and A3 494 mg/L while for mercury A1 0,0001 mg/L, A2 0.02262 mg/L, and 0,02282 mg/L. Groundwater quality for well water 1 contains TSS 66 mg / L and mercury 0.02206 mg/L, while for well water 2 TSS content is 18 mg / L and mercury is 0.00021 mg/L. Phytoremediation method with a batch system has a value of effectiveness for the TSS content of water Eichhornia crassipes by 99.646% and mercury 99.714%. While water Ipomoea aquatica Forsk have a value of effectiveness for TSS content of 99.758% and mercury 99.783% for 18 days.  Keywords:      Amalgamation, Eichhornia crassipes, Ipomoea aquatica Forsk, Phytoremediatio


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    Ekosistem gumuk pasir memiliki manfaat secara ekonomi dan non ekonomi sehingga berpotensi menimbulkan konflik kepentingan dalam upaya pemanfaatannya. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menilai secara relatif pemanfaatan dan pengelolaan ekosistem gumuk pasir sebagai kawasan konservasi atau sebagai kawasan pertambangan dengan pendekatan ekonomi lingkungan. Metode yang digunakan pada penelitian ini adalah dengan cara penilaian relatif. Penilaian ini bersifat prediksi dengan pendekatan pengharkatan. Nilai harkat dilakukan pada setiap makna dari manfaat ekosistem gumuk pasir dan ditentukan berdasarkan pertimbangan kepakaran (professionalism judgment). Keterkaitan antara ekosistem gumuk pasir sebagai kawasan konservasi dengan kawasan pertambangan menghasilkan dua macam hubungan, yaitu hubungan negatif antara pertumbuhan kebutuhan pasir besi dengan tersedianya pasir besi  di dalam gumuk pasir dan hubungan positif antara pertumbuhan eksploitasi pasir besi dengan kerusakan gumuk pasir. Berdasarkan jumlah harkat terhadap penilaian manfaat ekosistem gumuk pasir sebagai kawasan konservasi atau kawasan pertambangan dihasilkan bahwa pilihan/opsi konservasi lebih besar nilainya dengan selisih 9 (52,63%) terhadap opsi pertambangan. Dengan demikian ekosistem gumuk pasir di Pantai Selatan DIY sebaiknya dijadikan sebagai kawasan konservasi.Kata kunci: gumuk pasir, konservasi, pertambanga

    Pengaruh Limbah Industri Batik Menggunakan Pewarna Alami dari Desa Wukirsari terhadap Viabilitas Bakteri Tanah

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    Industri batik menggunakan pewarna alami sedang berkembang. Pewarna alami diperoleh dengan melakukan ekstraksi pada beberapa tanaman seperti jolawe (Terminalia bellirica), mahoni (Swieteniamacrophylla mahoni) dan indigo (Indigofera tinctoria). Beberapa tanaman penghasil pewarna alami sering digunakan sebagai antibiotik alami karena mampu menghambat pertumbuhan mikrobia. Kemampuan senyawa tersebut menghambat pertumbuhan mikrobia perlu diwaspadai karena ada kemungkinan bahwa paparannya dalam tanah dapat mengurangi populasi mikrobia. Penelitian ini mempunyai tujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh limbah industri batik pewarna alami terhadap viabilitas bakteri tanah. Pengujian viabilitas sel dilakukan dengan mengamati pertumbuhan bakteri total, penambat nitrogen dan pelarut fosfat dalam tanah yang ditambah dengan masing-masing limbah jolawe, indigo, mahoni dan limbah pewarna campuran. Limbah dan tanah yang digunakan berasal dari desa Wukirsari, Imogiri, Kabupaten Bantul, DIY. Dilakukan pula karakterisasi terhadap limbah dan tanah yang digunakan. Parameter utama yang diamati meliputi jumlah sel bakteri total, penambat nitrogen dan pelarut fosfat, pH, serta kadar fenolik dan flavonoid. Jumlah bakteri total, penambat nitrogen dan pelarut fosfat diamati dengan metode taburan berturut-turut dalam media nutrien agar, Jensen’s dan Pikovskaya, sedangkan fenolik dan flavonoid dianalisis menggunakan metode spetrofotometrik. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa limbah meningkatkan pH tanah dari 5 menjadi 6,7. Kadar flavonoid dan fenolik limbah berturut-turut berkisar antara 0,14% sampai dengan 0,70% dan 0,18% sampai dengan 1,76%. Viabilitas sel bakteri tidak dipengaruhi oleh kadar flavonoid dan fenolik limbah. Pada umumnya limbah batik pewarna alami tidak menurunkan viabilitas bakteri tanah


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    ABSTRACTThe mining and processing of people's gold produces impacts on the surrounding environment. Some residents immediately dumped the waste gold processing results into the environment. It is necessary to analyze the actual condition of mercury pollution based on a map of the level of pollution vulnerability to determine the size of the level of difficulty and the ease of polluted substances to affect surface water quality. The purpose of this study is to analyze the actual condition of the level of vulnerability of surface water pollution around the study area. The method used in this study is a survey method and field mapping, sampling methods: purposive sampling, laboratory analysis methods, mathematical methods, and descriptive evaluation methods. Calculation of the level of vulnerability of surface water is the PCSM (Point Count System Model) method with 3 parameters, namely land use, slope, and rainfall. Overlay is done between the level of pollution vulnerability map with the actual conditions of pollution in the field. The results showed the study area has a level of vulnerability to surface water pollution in the study area including the classification of quite vulnerable and very vulnerable. Based on the results of the study it can be concluded that the total score of 36-43 included in the vulnerability class is quite vulnerable. The total score of 43 - 50 is included in the very vulnerable vulnerability class. Actual mercury levels in the study area were known in a row AP1-AP6 samples were 0,00046 mg / L; <0.00006 mg / L; <0.00006 mg / L; <0.00006 mg / L; 0,00039 mg / L and <0,00006 mg / L. These results indicate that surface water in the study area has not been contaminated with mercury because its value is brought to all quality standards. Â