12 research outputs found


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    This article discusses Student-Centred Learning (SCL) approach. It is argued that while SCL application is related to learning activities in classrooms; it is also strongly related to the efforts of motivating learners, involving them in creating goals of learning, and encouraging them to  find the relationship between their learning and their life experience. Furthermore, it is explained that the application of SCL is partly related to cultural issues, both from teacher and learner perspective


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    This study aims to find out if critical reading can give effect on students’ skill in academic writing. It also aims to describe the students’ perception about the combination between critical reading and critical writing activities. The research was conducted in five meetings in an Academic Writing class at the English Department, Hasanuddin University. Following a lecture about critical writing, the students were asked to write an essay. After that they received explanation about critical reading and wrote another essay. The essays written before and after the students received explanation about critical reading were analysed and compared. The results show that the effort to teach students critical reading has not yet given significant impact on the students’ academic essays. This was likely to be influenced by the learning method and the topic of essay in the exercises. Findings from the discussions revealed that it was difficult for the students to write the essays in group as it was not easy for the group members to agree on one opinion

    Dixon’s Framework Model of Think Verbs in English and Wawonii Language

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    The aim of the current study is to examine the employment of the Think verbs in English and Wawonii language, employing Dixon’s framework model of semantic and grammatical relations. In analyzing the phenomenon of the Think verbs in English and Wawonii, this study uses a descriptive qualitative methodology. The data for English is taken from a corpus of contemporary American English (COCA), including the definition of the conceptual meaning of the Think verbs in a thesaurus dictionary and Journals. The Wawonii language data is obtained through depth online interviews. The participants are 10 indigenous Wawonii people in Kabupaten Konawe Kepulauan, Southeast Sulawesi, Indonesia. Several procedures are applied to analyze the data; first, the data for the English language from COCA is constructed with the data of the Wawonii language that had been collected. Then, presenting both of the data based on Dixon’s framework model. The final step is concluding the data reflecting the main point of the analysis relying on Dixon’s framework model. This study discovered that (1) There are three Thinking verbs of the Think subtype in English they are Think of, Think over, and Think about, while in the Wawonii language, there are six Think verbs; Mepikiri Kanaampe, Pepikiri kida, Tepikiri kio, Kohawa-hawa Kanaampe, Momaana, and Mompatudu. (2) Dixon’s five framework model of Think verbs is employed in both languages. This study contributes to the language and society to enrich a variety of works of literature that can be used to learn English and the Wawonii language

    An Investigating the use of Dixon's 'sit' subtype of rest in English and Selayar Language

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    The study was about Investigating ‘sit’ subtype of Rest in English and Selayar language. The objectives of the research were to investigate the Rest verbs in English and Selayar language according to sit subtype based on Dixon’s theory and to identify the differences and the similarities between English and Selayar Language based on the semantic and the grammatical construction. The data about sit subtype in English was collected by using Corpus of Contemporary American English (COCA), and the data from Selayar language was collected by interviewing the people who use Selayar language and observation. The qualitative descriptive analysis was used to investigate the data. The study reveals that some rest verbs belong to the sit subtype. They exist; Kneel, crouch, squat, lean, hang down, float, and assemble are all forms of sitting. Furthermore, in the Selayar language shows some words that refers to sit subtype of rest. They are; toolong, akkedeng, doko’-doko’, toolong kabetaang, tingro-tingro, deporo’, tolong jaha, akkalantu’, A’lanto, A’bingkojeng, Ammenteng, a’se’re, a’rupa,  and assendere’. The differences between English and Selayar language that is in Selayar language some verbs using prefix a_. it can be seen in this research. There are some words that start with prefix a_. while in the sentence structure, they use the same grammatical construction between English and Selayar Language.


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    Usaha mikro, kecil dan menyengah (UMKM) merupakan kegiatan usaha yang mampu memperluas lapangan kerja dan memberikan pelayanan ekonomi yang luas pada masyarakat. Di provinsi Gorontalo, UMKM berkembang semakin pesat. Banyaknya pilihan UMKM berdampak pada tingkat keinginan konsumen terhadap suatu produk sehingga konsumen berpeluang untuk melakukan perpindahan merek. Dalam mengatasi masalah perpindahan merek, para pelaku UMKM harus memilih strategi pemasaran yang tepat, sehingga dapat mempertahankan dan meningkatkan minat pelanggan. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk menganalisis perpindahan pelanggan dan strategi pemasaran UMKM di Temu Social Space Gorontalo menggunakan metode rantai markov dan teori permainan. UMKM yang dimaksud adalah Drinking Of You (DOY), Mhimhithaitea dan Sruput. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan perpindahan pelanggan dari Drinking Of You (DOY) ke Mhimhithaitea sebesar 0,143, Mhimhithaitea ke Drinking Of You (DOY) sebesar 0,120, Drinking Of You (DOY) ke Sruput sebesar 0,032, Sruput ke Drinking Of You (DOY) sebesar 0,167, Mhimhithaitea ke Sruput sebesar 0,200, Sruput ke Mhimhithaitea sebesar 0,250. Sementara itu, strategi pemasaran optimal Drinking Of You (DOY) adalah promosi dan kualitas rasa. Strategi pemasaran optimal Mhimhithaitea adalah harga, kualitas rasa dan pelayanan. Strategi pemasaran optimal Sruput adalah kualitas rasa dan kemasan


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    This descriptive-qualitative case study aims to (1) identify the values of Buginese/Makasaresse local wisdoms that shape the learning process of Hasanuddin University students attending the Writing2 (MBI2) subject in the even semester, 2014; (2) find out which of the local wisdoms that strongly shape the student-centred learning (SCL) process in the Writing II class. The study focused on students classroom interaction. Data were collected from classroom observations, questionnaires, interviews and teachers note on the learning process in classroom. This study found that what is thought as Buginese or Makassarese local wisdoms can both support and inhibit the SCL process in MBI2. Such local wisdoms include respect to older people and mutual hel

    The intercultural analysis of Indonesian and Australian students’ nonverbal behaviour: an effort to develop intercultural English learning material.

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    This study investigates similar and different nonverbal behaviours of Indonesian and Australian students (focusing on proxemics, kinesics, touching and dress codes), examines the students' perception in relation to the behaviours, and isolates or predicts intercultural problems. It aims at creating learning resources to be used in English classes in Indonesia. The data collection involved observations and interviews. Initial data analysis was conducted at the same time as the data collection, followed by an intensive analysis using a coding process. Some similarities were found. There was a tendency among Indonesian students to sit together, reflecting their collectivist value. This tendency may also be evident among Australian students. Similar patterns of eye gazing, hand movements, sitting posture, body position and body orientation probably demonstrate the universality of communicative behaviour. In both cultures, head nodding indicates paying attention, or in certain situations, may be interpreted as a flattering gesture. However, the flattering meaning may result from a different degree of head nodding display in Indonesian and Australian contexts. Many of these similar behaviours need further investigation using video recording. Many differences were found. In tutorials, Indonesians were more likely to be formal and restrained, in contrast to Australian informality and expressiveness. Different practices in the use of the hand were also identified. Dress code was one of the most significant areas of difference, together with the public display of affective behaviour, and the preference to sit on the floor or to sit and lie on the lawns. Eye contact, gender-mixing in gatherings and some touching behaviours may be problematic for a few Indonesians. Further discussion also shows that smiling to strangers commonly practised by Australians can be unusual in Indonesia. In contrast, head nodding, eye contact and head tossing that have specific cultural meanings in Indonesia appear to be unproblematic in the Australian context. It was concluded that the different behaviours indicate that several issues – including conflict avoidance, face saving, respect for authority, harmony maintenance, ingroup-outgroup divisions and religious regulations – are practiced in different ways and valued to differing degrees in Indonesia and Australia. The analysis also revealed a strong indication that in Indonesian culture, nonverbal behaviour has similar emphasis with, and often can be more significant than, verbal behaviour. In Australia, the emphasis would be more likely to be on verbal expression. It seems that some of the differences did not result in negative perception among students. However, certain things may result in problems at various levels - ranging from uncomfortable feelings, and lack of interactions, up to the formation of negative perception about a culture. Having tolerance and willingness to evaluate a matter from different perspectives can be useful to minimize ethnocentrism and avoid any negative stereotypes. As part of this study I conducted a literature review about intercultural learning and created two examples of learning material, both focusing on nonverbal behaviours. The first material is intended to raise the issue of cultural difference, and the second one raises the ethnocentrism issue.Thesis (M.A.) -- University of Adelaide, School of Humanities, 200


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    <p><strong>Abstract</strong></p><p>The objective of this study was to analyze the syntactical construction differences between English and Wawonii language using a contrastive analysis approach. To carry out this analysis, a descriptive qualitative has been used to investigate the syntactical structure of the English and Wawonii language. In gaining the English syntactical construction data, this study used article journals and online books that centralized on English syntactical construction topics. Meanwhile, in eliciting the Wawonii syntactical construction data, this study employed a non-probability sampling that was drawn purposively. In other words, the data was collected through participant observation and in-depth interviews with seven (7) informants of Wawonii language speakers. The 7 informants were the leaders of each district in the Konawe Archipelago, Southeast Sulawesi, Indonesia, which were known, have better comprehension of Wawonii language syntactical construction features. The results of this contrastive analysis study showed that English and Wawonii language have differences in the sense of one word in Wawonii form indicates one sentence form in English, possessive construction form, plural form, comparative sentence form, question formation form, verbal sentence form, negative sentence form, and simple past tense form. This study contributed into the sociolinguistics field in order to enrich the speakers (or foreigners) of English and Wawonii language comprehension of both language syntactical structures. </p&gt

    J. E. Tatengkeng and Robert Frost’s Poems: An Application of Michael Riffaterre’s Semiotic Model

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    This paper describes the results of poem analysis using the semiotic model of Riffaterre. The objects of analysis were poems written by J.E Tatengkeng from Indonesia including Di Lereng Gunung, Bulan Terang, and Melati; and Robert Frost from America including Nothing Gold Can Stay, Fireflies in the Garden, and After Apple Picking. The analysis was conducted using two steps of reading. The first was the heuristic reading conducted by using linguistic knowledge; while the second was the retroactive reading conducted by using knowledge beyond the text. This second step was intended to conclude the hypograms, and based on the hypograms, matrices and significance of the poems were concluded. The analysis revealed the poems’ matrices and significance related to the value of love, beauty of nature, and religious belief. Keywords: Riffaterre, J.E. Tatengkeng, Robert Frost. &nbsp

    Critical Learning Method in Writing Class: What do learners think about it ?

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    Back to the questions at the beginning of this study, it can be concluded that learners in this study thought positively about this method. However, it will be very helpful if the lecturer can consider learners??? different level of ability/proficiency, and provide reading assignments relevant to the writing activities.The change of paradigm from ???teaching??? to ???learning???, facilitated with critical learning method (CLM) is able to create more meaningful learning environment and experience for university students. However, there might be rejections from teachers, students, or administrators. The current research focuses on students??? problems, especially those who joined Writing II class at the English Department of Hasanuddin University. This study was conducted as an action research. Two CLM lesson plans were developed and applied in the writing class, and the class interactions were videotaped. The videos were shown to respondents at the end of the semester. Respondents??? perception were investigated by using free writing and interview techniques. The results revealed that the respondents had positive perception about CLM. However, lecturers need to consider the different levels of learners??? proficiency, and to provide relevant reading assignments prior to each sessions of writing activities