85 research outputs found

    Identification of Phytoplankton at Ephemeral Pond with Acidic pH in Bangka Regency

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     AbstractEphemeral waters, the temporary aquatic environment become an interesting habitat to explore extremophile organism, include phytoplankton. Furthermore, the waters have an acidic condition or low pH that impact to metabolisms, community structure, and diversity of phytoplankton. This study was conducted on June until August 2022 in Bangka Regency, Bangka Belitung Archipelago Province, Indonesia. We analyzed the phytoplankton presence at acidic ephemeral waters to indicated their potential as primary producer in food web, bioindicator, and ecological succession agent. This study was conducted by exploration method of phytoplankton diversity. The research observed and found five class and twelve genera that consist of class Chlorophyceae (genera Enteromorpha, Ankistrodesmus, Prasiola, Pleurococcus, and Coleochaete), class Rhodophyceae (genera Lemanea), class Diatoms (genera Diatoma, Synedra, and Navicula), class Xanthophyceae (genera Ophiocytium), and class Cyanobacteria (genera Oscillatoria and Anabaena). The class Chlorophyceae, genera Enteromorpha were the highest community at the both of acidic waters and they could survive at pH 3.52 + 0.5 to 3.71 + 0.8.AbstrakPerairan ephemeral, lingkungan perairan musiman menjadi suatu habitat yang menarik untuk mengeksplorasi organisme ekstremofil, termasuk fitoplankton. Lebih jauh lagi, perairan tersebut memiliki kondisi asam atau pH rendah yang berdampak pada metabolisme, struktur komunitas, dan diversitas fitoplankton. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan pada Juni hingga Agustus 2022 di Kabupaten Bangka, Provinsi Kepulauan Bangka Belitung, Indonesia. Kami menganalisis keberadaan fitoplankton di perairan ephemeral asam untuk mengindikasikan potensi fitoplankton sebagai produsen utama, bioindikator dan agen suksesi lingkungan. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan dengan metode eksplorasi diversitas fitoplankton. Penelitian ini mengobservasi dan menemukan lima kelas dan dua belas genus yang terdiri atas kelas Chlorophyceae (genus Enteromorpha, Ankistrodesmus, Prasiola, Pleurococcus, dan Coleochaete), kelas Rhodophyceae (genus Lemanea), kelas Diatoms (genus Diatoma, Synedra, dan Navicula), kelas Xanthophyceae (genus Ophiocytium), dan kelas Cyanobacteria (genus Oscillatoria dan Anabaena). Kelas Chlorophyceae, genus Enteromorpha adalah komunitas tertinggi pada kedua perairan asam dan mampu bertahan pada pH 3.52 + 0.5 to 3.71 + 0.8


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    Cempedik fish (Osteochilus spilurus) is a local fish of Belitung Island that has important economic value in East Belitung but not so in western Belitung. This difference is interesting to compare the perception of the people of West Belitung and East Belitung towards Cempedik Fish. The majority of people in both regions know and consume Cempedik fish. The difference occurs in the way consumers get to fish with the majority in East Belitung getting it from purchases, while most consumers in West Belitung get it from independent fishing. Cempedik consumption patterns are more influenced by the culture of the local community. Cempedik's fishing season in East Belitung is considered to be in the rainy season, while in West Belitung it is in the dry season. The ethno-technology of fishing in the two areas is also different from passive fishing gear in East Belitung and active gear in other areas. Exploitation in large numbers in East Belitung makes the community perceive a decrease in the size and number of Cempedik's catch from year to year so it needs to be domesticated


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    Belo Laut Village has 3,337 ha of mangrove potential spread over three hamlet areas, namely Belo Laut, Tanjung Punai, and Sukal. On the muddy beaches around the mangroves, the community has developed extensive cultivation of blood clams (Anadara granusa). The existence of cultivation in mangrove areas also has the potential to affect the existence of mangroves in the area. For this reason, it is necessary to know the perception of shellfish cultivators on mangroves and the reality of the condition of mangroves in Belo Laut Village so as to provide an overview of the potential for mangrove destruction due to Blood Clam cultivation. Data were collected by interviewing shellfish farmers in Sukal and Tanjung Punai Hamlets. The production of blood clam cultivation has become a new source of economy in Belo Laut Village which is carried out by almost all family heads in Sukal and Tanjung Punai Hamlets. The community considers that the mangroves in Belo Laut village had not changed in quantity and there was no indication of their use other than for tourism. The perception and understanding of shellfish farmers not to disturb the mangroves were based on the protection of their main source of income as shrimp and crab fishermen.Desa Belo Laut memiliki potensi mangrove 3.337 ha yang tersebar pada tiga wilayah dusunnya yaitu Belo Laut, Tanjung Punai, dan Sukal. Pada pantai berlumpur sekitar mangrove, masyarakat  mengembangkan budidaya Kerang Darah (Anadara granusa) secara ekstensif. Keberadaan budidaya di kawasan mangrove juga berpotensi memberikan pengaruh pada keberadaan mangrove di wilayah tersebut. Untuk itu perlu mengetahui persepsi pembudidaya kerang terhadap mangrove dan realistas kondisi mangrove di Desa Belo Laut sehingga memberikan gambaran potensi perusakan mangrove akibat budidaya Kerang Darah. Pengambilan data dilakukan dengan wawancara pembudidaya kerang di Dusun Sukal dan Tanjung Punai. Produksi budidaya Kerang Darah menjadi sumber perekonomian baru di Desa Belo Laut yang dilakukan oleh hampir seluruh kepala keluarga di Dusun Sukal dan Tanjung Punai. Masyarakat menilai mangrove di Desa Belo Laut tidak mengalami perubahan kuantitasnya dan tidak terindikasi pemanfaatannya selain untuk pariwisata. Persepsi dan pemahaman pembudidaya kerang untuk tidak mengganggu mangrove dilandasi oleh perlindungan terhadap sumber penghasilan utama mereka sebagai nelayan udang dan rajungan


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    Penambangan timah yang dilakukan di Bangka dalam waktu yang sangat lama mengakibatkan terjadinya perubahan ekologi perairan. Perubahan ekologi perairan berdampak terjadinya perubahan lingkungan secara tidak langsung akan mengakibatkan perubahan genotip dan fenotip organisme perairan. Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mengetahui ikan yang dominan ditemukan di kolong pascatambang timah pada umur kolong 0, 5, 10, 15, dan 20 tahun. Ikan yang dominan ditemukan akan diamati fenotipnya dan kemudian dianalisis variasi genetik yang terjadi melalui analisis elektroforesis. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan terjadinya perubahan warna pada ikan sepat rawa yang dominan ditemukan. Warna ikan sepat rawa mengalami perubahan dari hitam gelap menuju hitam agak putih atau cerah. Selain itu terjadi variasi protein dari hasil analisis elektroforesis yang menunjukkan bahwa umur kolong mempengaruhi ekspresi protein dari ikan tersebu

    Antagonis Bacterial Selection of Siam Patin Larvae (Pangasius hypopthalmus) Toward Aeromonas hydrophila

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    Bacterial isolate of Patin siam ( Pangasius hypopthalmus) larvae are Bacillus mycoides, Bacillus megaterium, Micrococcus sp, Acinetobacter baumannii, Pseudomonas putida, and Actinobacillus sp. Bacterial isolate identification on protein precipitation method showed prohibit value is 6,07 – 6,20 mm. Extracellular metabolite method revealed exclude value is 7,16 – 16,14 mm. Actinobacillus sp have ability for proscribe bigger than other bacteria isolate

    KAJIAN AKTIVITAS SENYAWA ANTIBAKTERI Actinobacillus sp DARI LARVA IKAN PATIN SIAM (Pangasius hypopthalmus) TERHADAP BAKTERI Aeromonas hydrophilla

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    Kajian aktifitas senyawa antibakteri Actinobacillus sp dari larva ikan patin siam (Pangasius hypopthalmus) terhadap bakteri Aeromonas hydrophilla dilakukan dengan mengisolasi bakteri dari larva ikan patin siam, identifikasi bakteri, pengujian daya hambat terhadap pertumbuhan Aeromonas hydrophilla dan analisa senyawa antibakteri pada metabolit Actinobacillus sp. Hasil uji penghambatan pertumbuhan menunjukan bahwa dari 6 isolat bakteri yang diidentifikasi, Actinobacillus sp memiliki kemampuan penghambatan yang lebih besar dibandingkan isolat bakteri lainnya. Berdasarkan waktu pertumbuhan bakteri Actinobacillus sp, daya hambat terbesar diperoleh pada fase kematian (jam ke-24). Senyawa antibakteri yang terdapat pada metabolit Actinobacillus sp berdasarkan hasil analisa GCMS adalah Hexanedioic acid bis (2-ethylhexyl) ester dengan area 24,75


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    Teripang merupakan salah satupotensi perikanan dan kelautan BangkaBelitung. Selama ini, teripang dimanfaatkansebagai bahan makanan maupunproduk olahan. Padahal, teripang diketahuimengandung bahan aktif steroid yangdapat difungsikan untuk berbagai keperluan.Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mengetahuipotensi teripang yang ada di PerairanBangka dan menganalisis potensi senyawabioaktif steroid yang terkadung untuksex reversal ikan nila. Berdasarkan hasilpenelitian yang dilakukan di TanjungGunung diperoleh jenis teripang yang dominanadalah teripang karang (Holothurianobilis), teripang getah (H. leucospilota),dan teripang dada merah (H. edulis). Setelahdilakukan uji kualitatif potensi steroiddengan uji visualisasi warna LiebermanBurchard diperoleh hasil positif steroidterhadap ketiga jenis teripang tersebut


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    Sea Cucumber is one of the potential of fisheries and marine Bangka Belitung. During this time, sea cucumbers used as food or processed products. In fact, sea cucumbers are known to contain active ingredients that can be used steroids for a variety of purposes. This study was conducted to determine the potential of the existing sea cucumbers in the waters of Bangka and analyze potential bioactive compounds terkadung steroids for tilapia sex reversal. Based on the results of research conducted in Cape Mount acquired a dominant species of sea cucumbers are coral sea cucumber (Holothuria nobilis), sea cucumber sap (leucospilota H.), sea cucumbers and red chest (H. edulis). After testing the qualitative potential steroid test Lieberman Burchard color visualization obtained positive results for the three types of steroids are the sea cucumber


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    Daphnia sp. is one type of zooplankton that is used as natural food. The potential for catfish culture waste from the biofloc system is not yet known as a source of nutrients in the culture of Daphnia sp. The biofloc system of catfish culture wastewater needs to be tested as a medium for Daphnia cultivation. This research method uses experimental methods, namely experiments and Completely Randomized Design (CRD) methods with 5 treatments and 3 replications, namely control treatment (clean water + chicken manure 5gram/liter), 75% clean water + 25% wastewater, 50% clean water + 50% wastewater, 25% clean water + 75% wastewater, and 100% wastewater. Nitzschia and Melosira from Class Bacillariophyceae and Copepods from Class Maxillopoda were identified in the waste. The use of catfish culture waste in biofloc systems with different concentrations affected the growth of Daphnia sp. Daphnia sp. cultivation media. with a concentration using 75% of the waste produced the highest growth peak on the twelfth day
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