51 research outputs found


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    Every software development organization strives for customer satisfaction. It is universally accepted that the success of software development lies in the clear understanding of the client requirements. During requirement elicitation and analysis stage, the system analyst identifies the functional and non-functional requirements from the customer. Security, usability, reliability, performance, scalability and supportability are the significant quality attributes of a software system. These quality attributes are also referred as non-functional requirements. Only a few functional and quality attributes requirement help to identify and shape the software architecture. A software system's architecture is the set of prime design decisions made about the system. If the requirement influences the architectural design decision then, it is referred as Architecturally Significant Requirement (ASR). Identifying and specifying all the possible ASR are important tasks in the requirement elicitation and analysis stage.In this research, general problems that are faced while capturing and specifying ASR in requirement elicitation and analysis is studied. Among the different requirement elicitation techniques, use case diagram has been identified and enhanced to solve the problem of capturing and specifying ASR during the requirement elicitation and analysis phase Â&nbsp


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    The purpose of this project was to produce an indoor location system using WLAN IEEE 802.11b in Access Point (AP) infrastructure setup without additional external hardware. The system was developed in MATLAB platform that comprises of location sensing algorithm (Nearest Neighbor), signal strength database, client-server interface and graphical user interface (GUI). The basic idea was to build a database of signal strength information for various predetermined locations. Using the Nearest Neighbor algorithm, this database can be used to determine a particular location provided that a set of signal strength is given. As for the location sensing system's performance, it had a precision in terms of average distance error of 5 m and an accuracy of 72.2 %. The justification of these results was that noise, interference, multi-path effect, indoor propagation loss and random movement in the environment affectedRF signals


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    Aim: This paper mainly focused on proposing a new pharmaceutical supply chain management system based on block chain technology.    Results: A seven steps pharmaceutical supply chain management is designed based on blockchain technology. The patients are encouraged to access the technology for finding genuinity of the medicine and to reduce fraud detection.    Conclusion: Blockchain is used to make the system more efficient and effective and designing such genuine system with all necessary parameters can boost patient confidence during medication.  Keywords: Pharmaceutical supply chain management, blockchain technology, patients, medicin

    Kokodifla: Learning Media To Train Concepts Understanding In Human Respiratory System Materials 5th Grade

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    Science learning tends to memorize more and sometimes does not use media. Less interesting learning often makes students feel bored and even students have no interest in developing an attitude of curiosity. The learning style that fits the characteristics of fifth grade students is visual because students prefer and are interested in pictures or illustrations. The KOKODIFLA learning media is in the form of media that is collaborated between digital comics and flashcards which contain material on the human respiratory system. This study aims to train students' understanding of concepts by using the week experimental research method of the one shot case type through pre-tests and post-tests. This research was conducted in a school located in Sumedang Regency, West Java. Based on the results of the study, the translation aspect with a gain score of 0.36 was drawn low, interpretation with a gain score of 0.67 was moderate and extrapolation 0.92 was considered high. Thus it can be concluded that the translation aspect is lower than the interpretation and extrapolation aspect in students' understanding of concepts

    Demulsification Of Emulsion Effluent Using Modified Palm Oil Fuel Ash (Pofa)

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    Oil and Grease is a common issue arising in the food industry wastewater treatment plant. The complications from it can be greatly reduced by separating the oil in water emulsion into two distinct phases. Thus, in order to fulfill the purpose, an effective and cheap demulsifier is required and Palm oil fuel ash (POFA) which is a prominent palm oil industrial byproduct in nations such as Indonesia and Malaysia considered propitious. It exhibits significant potential to be employed as a demulsifier owing to its outstanding structure , availability, and cost-effective properties. This study investigates the optimum modification to be done on POFA as a demulsifier including thermal and chemical treatment to result in an outstanding performance during the demulsification process of oil in water emulsion. To analyze the properties such as morphology and porosity of the pristine POFA and modified POFA before and after demulsification, characterization studies were carried out via Fourier transformed infrared (FTIR) spectroscopy and BET surface area analysis. Modification via chemical treatment demonstrated better demulsification efficiency compared to thermal treatment due to the more porous structure and increased surface area of POFA. The effects of different process parameters including demulsifier dosage and contact time were analyzed via batch demulsification study at fixed temperature of 30 °C and emulsion concentration of 5000 ppm. An optimum demulsification efficiency was obtained using 1.5g of POFA for 120 minutes. An outstanding separation efficiency by modified POFA was observed on emulsion stabilized by sorbitan tristearate (STS) emulsifier compared to polyglycerol esters (PGE) emulsifier. It is certainly proved that POFA will be a promising and economically feasible demulsifying agent to be utilized in treating oil in water emulsion from food industries

    A Study of Clinical Profile in Mitral Valve Prolapse Syndrome: A Series of 100 cases

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    INTRODUCTION: The Mitral Valve Prolapse syndrome has been recognized as one of the most prevalent cardiac valvular abnormalities affecting 5 – 10% of the population. In majority of the patients with Mitral Valve Prolapse, the cause is unknown. The overwhelming majority of the patients are asymptomatic. The clinical presentation of Mitral Valve Prolapse is also diverse. They present with a variety of symptoms such as fatigability, palpitation, postural giddiness and neuro psychiatric symptoms of autonomic dysfunction. Patients with Mitral Valve Prolapse may have a variety of cardiac and non cardiac abnormalities in addition to valvular lesion with its midsystolic click and murmur. This includes skeletal abnormalities like scoliosis, straight back syndrome, Pectus excavatum and asthenic build, abnormal cardiovascular and electrocardiographic responses to exercise, ST-T changes in resting ECG and a variety of Atrial and ventricular arrhythmias. Wooley reported clinical similarities between Mitral Valve Prolapse and Da Costa syndrome, vasoregulatory asthenia described by Holmgren et al and hyperkinetic heart syndrome reported by Gorlin. The presence of chest pain, ST-T abnormalities and arrhythmias in the absence of hemodynamically significant valvular, myocardial or coronary arterial disease suggests the possibility of a disorder involving autonomic system. Greater attention and enthusiasm on this condition has been developed because of high prevalence of the condition and increased risk of sudden death. Since special therapeutic, prognostic and genetic factors must be considered in Mitral Valve Prolapse syndrome, precise identification of the condition is essential. AIM OF THE STUDY: The Aim of this study is to study the clinical profile of Mitral Valve Prolapse Syndrome and investigating the existence of Autonomic Dysfunction in the subjects studied through bedside tests. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Place and Period: This study was done in Govt. Stanley Hospital. Study was done for a period of 1 year, from September 2007 to august 2008. 100 cases were taken into the study. Inclusion Criteria: All patients with: • Age 14 - 43. • Mid systolic click. • Late systolic murmur. • Or both. Exclusion Criteria: • Hypertension. • Diabetes Mellitus. • Coronary Artery Disease. • Congestive Cardiac Failure. • Those on cardio active or neuro active drugs. • Systemic illness. CONCLUSION: The Present Study Indicates: 1. Out of 100 cases, 56 cases were females and 44 cases were males. So the disease is common in females. 2. The most common symptom is Chest discomfort followed by Palpitation. 3. The most common sign is click followed by Murmur. 4. The most common involved valve is Posterior Mitral Leaflet. 5. Isolated Mitral Valve Prolapse is the most common presentation and only rarely associated with others like Atrial Septal Defect. 6. The most common ECG abnormality was ST – T changes. 7. Marfanoid Habitus was present in 56 patients. 8. Autonomic Dysfunction revealed by bedside tests was found in 16 patients. Of which Immediate Heart Rate response to Standing 30:15 ratio was the most common abnormality


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    The purpose of this project was to produce an indoor location system using WLAN IEEE 802.11b in Access Point (AP) infrastructure setup without additional external hardware. The system was developed in MATLAB platform that comprises of location sensing algorithm (Nearest Neighbor), signal strength database, client-server interface and graphical user interface (GUI). The basic idea was to build a database of signal strength information for various predetermined locations. Using the Nearest Neighbor algorithm, this database can be used to determine a particular location provided that a set of signal strength is given. As for the location sensing system's performance, it had a precision in terms of average distance error of 5 m and an accuracy of 72.2 %. The justification of these results was that noise, interference, multi-path effect, indoor propagation loss and random movement in the environment affectedRF signals

    Demonstration of Ultra Wideband Based Positioning for Mecanum Wheel Robots

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    Ultra Wideband(UWB) communication have been increasingly used in indoor positioning systems to complement Global Positioning System(GPS) in indoor environments. This thesis demonstrates the accuracy and application capability of the technology in a small-scale factory environment. The factory environment consists of 3m by 3m area with designated loading areas for pallets. The forklift type robots have forks to lift pallets and are fixed with mecanum wheels. The forklifts have to move the pallets based on the commands received through network effectively avoiding other robots and static obstacles in the area. The forklifts are 18cm by 25cm in size and have to move through the path of 30cm in width. For positioning the robots in the environment, position from UWB is fused with onboard Inertial Measurement Unit(IMU) using extended Kalman filter. The path planner which plans from the current position of the robot to target area uses the map of the environment in OpenDRIVE format. A* planning is used to plan the path from the current position on the map to the goal. A dynamic obstacle grid is used to avoid moving robots in the vicinity of the robot. Pure pursuit algorithm which selects a point on the path to follow is used for path following. Pallets are fixed with visual markers which are detected by the camera on forklifts. The marker detection provides the relative distance of pallets from the forklift which is used to pick and place the pallets. All these individual systems are integrated using state machines for seamless task execution. Four forklifts were effectively able to move pallets between loading areas without colliding

    Screening of polyphenolic compounds in Piper trioicum (Roxb.) extracts

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    We are grateful to the Management, Nalanda College of Pharmacy, Nalgonda, Andhra Pradesh for their valuable support.Aims: Present study aims to reveal the polyphenol content in Piper trioicum (Roxb.) extracts. Materials and methods: In the present study, the phenolic content of the ethanol and water extracts of Piper trioicum (Roxb.) plants was determined by chromatography techniques like Thin layer chromatography, high performance thin layer Chromatography, high performance liquid chromatography and Gas chromatography with Mass spectrometric detection. Total phenol was determined by UV method. Results: All the results of analytical methods were compared with standard phenolic compounds. The ethanol extract contained maximum total phenolic content (2.323mg GAE/g) than the water extract. 13 compounds identified by chromatography techniques. The results suggested Arbutin, quercetin, caffeic acid, Ferulic acid, chlorogenic acid, Gallic acid and its derivatives may be present in ethanolic and water extracts of Piper trioicum. Conclusions: The water and ethanol could extract the highest concentration of polyphenols from the Piper trioicum (Roxb) plant; these extracts may have a good pharmacological potency due to the presence of polyphenols compounds.Objetivo: El presente estudio tiene como objetivo revelar el contenido de polifenoles en extractos de Piper trioicum ( Roxb. ). Materiales y métodos: El contenido de fenoles totales en los extractos etanólicos y acuosos de Piper trioicum ( Roxb. ) se determinó mediante técnicas cromatografías, como la cromatografía en capa fina, cromatografía en capa fina de alto rendimiento, cromatografía líquida de alta resolución y cromatografía de gases con espectrometría de masas detección. El contenido de fenoles totales se determinó por el método UV. Resultados: Los resultados de los métodos de análisis se compararon con compuestos fenólicos estándar . Los extractos de etanol tienen un contenido mayor de fenoles totales ( 2.323mg GAE / g ) que los extracto acuosos. Se han identificado 13 compuestos por técnicas de cromatografía . Los resultados sugirieron que arbutina, quercetina, ácido caféico, ácido ferúlico, ácido clorogénico, ácido gálico y sus derivados puede estar presente en los extractos etanólicos y acuoso de Piper trioicum Conclusiones: El agua y el etanol podrían extraer la mayor concentración de polifenoles de la planta Piper trioicum (Roxb); estos extractos pueden tener una buen potenci farmacológico debido a la presencia de compuestos fenolicos

    Cribado de compuestos polifenólicos en extractos de Piper trioicum (Roxb.)

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    Aims: Present study aims to reveal the polyphenol content in Piper trioicum (Roxb.) extracts.Materials and methods: In the present study, the phenolic content of the ethanol and water extracts of Piper trioicum (Roxb.) plants was determined by chromatography techniques like Thin layer chromatography, high performance thin layer Chromatography, high performance liquid chromatography and Gas chromatography with Mass spectrometric detection. Total phenol was determined by UV method.Results: All the results of analytical methods were compared with standard phenolic compounds. The ethanol extract contained maximum total phenolic content (2.323mg GAE/g) than the water extract. 13 compounds identified by chromatography techniques. The results suggested Arbutin, quercetin, caffeic acid, Ferulic acid, chlorogenic acid, Gallic acid and its derivatives may be present in ethanolic and water extracts of Piper trioicum.Conclusions: The water and ethanol could extract the highest concentration of polyphenols from the Piper trioicum (Roxb) plant; these extracts may have a good pharmacological potency due to the presence of polyphenols compounds.Objetivo: El presente estudio tiene como objetivo revelar el contenido de polifenoles en extractos de Piper trioicum ( Roxb. ).Materiales y métodos: El contenido de fenoles totales en los extractos etanólicos y acuosos de Piper trioicum ( Roxb. ) se determinó mediante técnicas cromatografías, como la cromatografía en capa fina, cromatografía en capa fina de alto rendimiento, cromatografía líquida de alta resolución y cromatografía de gases con espectrometría de masas detección. El contenido de fenoles totales se determinó por el método UV.Resultados: Los resultados de los métodos de análisis se compararon con compuestos fenólicos estándar . Los extractos de etanol tienen un contenido mayor de fenoles totales ( 2.323mg GAE / g ) que los extracto acuosos. Se han identificado 13 compuestos por técnicas de cromatografía . Los resultados sugirieron que arbutina, quercetina, ácido caféico, ácido ferúlico, ácido clorogénico, ácido gálico y sus derivados puede estar presente en los extractos etanólicos y acuoso de Piper trioicum.Conclusiones: El agua y el etanol podrían extraer la mayor concentración de polifenoles de la planta Piper trioicum (Roxb); estos extractos pueden tener una buen potenci farmacológico debido a la presencia de compuestos fenolicos