31 research outputs found


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    No presente estudo objetivou-se realizar uma análise da bibliográfia atualizada sobre o uso de fitoterápicos nos ambientes de promoção a saúde e avaliar a aceitação da população e profissionais da saúde em geral á esta terapêutica. A pesquisa foi pautada em uma revisão de literatura, realizada junto às bases de dados online Literatura Latino-Americana e do Caribe em Ciências da Saúde (LILACS), Medical Literature Analysis and Retrieval System Online (MEDLINE) e Scientific Electronic Library Online (SCIELO). Os resultados obtidos, em uma amostra de 24 artigos, apontaram que a fitoterapia, apesar de implantada no Sistema Único de Saúde (SUS) brasileiro desde 2006, pela Política Nacional de Plantas Medicinais e Fitoterápicos, ainda é pouco conhecida pelos profissionais e usuários. A aceitação da fitoterapia na sociedade brasileira é amplamente esperada, o número de espécies de plantas medicinais aceitas pelo SUS tem aumentado e há crescimento no número de grupos de pesquisa voltados à prospecção de novas plantas.  DOI:   http://dx.doi.org/10.14295/cad.cult.cienc.v14i2.105


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    Como uma condição fundamental ao desenvolvimento individual e coletivo do ser humano, a saúde é interdependente das complexas relações da práxis do viver em sociedade, que comporta dimensões bio-psico-eco-social historicamente determinadas e mediadas pela linguagem, pela cultura, pela política, pela técnica, pelos processos econômicos e da produção. Ampliar o conceito de ambiente e compreender que este é socialmente determinado é uma necessidade para a abordagem complexa do processo saúde – doença – cuidado. Assim, o ambiente deixa de ser apenas uma dimensão externa ao homem, passando para uma condição de interdependência e interdefinibilidade das demais dimensões da vida do ser humano. Visando conscientizar e mobilizar a sociedade sobre a relação do meio ambiente e saúde, esse trabalho objetivou desenvolver uma ação educativa com alunos do 2° ano do ensino médio do curso técnico em enfermagem.(http://dx.doi.org/10.14295/cad.cult.cienc.v13i2.862

    Ethnopharmacological study of Stryphnodendron rotundifolium in two communities in the semi-arid region of northeastern Brazil

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    AbstractThis work describes the local knowledge of the medicinal use of Stryphnodendron rotundifolium Mart., Fabaceae, according to informants in two areas of the Araripe bioregion, in the Northeast Region of Brazil. We used interviews to investigate the ethnomedicinal use of the local species to determine the mode of use, frequency of administration, duration of treatment and restrictions of use. In traditional medicine, the use of S. rotundifolium is associated with the treatment of inflammatory and infectious diseases. The part of the plant most used was the stem bark (86.11%), the predominant mode of preparation was immersion in water (52.83%), and oral administration was the most cited (48.43%). For inflammatory and infectious diseases, the treatment lasted 3-10 days and the frequency of administration was 2-3 times/day. For gastroprotective effects, treatment lasted up to 30 days, and the herb was administered 1-3 times/day. For pain complaints, the therapy varied from 2-3 days to continuous administration. The informants (46.87%) did not mention restrictions of use, except for pregnant women, with a rate of 25%. A comparison of these results with the ethnopharmacological information from other studies showed that some of the traditional indications are scientifically supported by the literature or clinical studies. Nevertheless, the results showed that pharmacologists have not fully investigated all the possible bioactivities that healers credit to this plant

    Ethnobiological survey of plants and animals used for the treatment of acute respiratory infections in children of a traditional community in the Municipality of Barbalha, Ceará, Brazil

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    Background: The use of natural resources for the treatment of acute respiratory infections in children is a widespread practice within traditional communities, especially by women by being the primary caregivers. This study aimed to perform ethnobiological survey of plants and animals used for the treatment of acute respiratory infections in children of a traditional community in the municipality of Barbalha, Ceará, Brazil. Methods: It is a descriptive exploratory study with a quantitative approach, developed in Sítio Santo Antônio, in the municipality of Barbalha, Ceará, Brazil. As a tool for data collection, was applied a questionnaire and a semi-structured interview. Data analysis used descriptive statistics (simple and percentage rate) and the Relative Frequency of Citation.Results: The research included a total of 54 informants. In total, there were 38 species cited. According to the Relative Frequency of Citation the following species were the most cited: Ocimum basilicum L. (0.59), Eucalyptus globulus Labill (0.59), Plectranthus amboinicus (L.) Spreng (0.42), Hyptis suaveolens (L.) Poit. (0.24), Allium aescalonicum L. (0.22) and Mentha arvensis L. (0.18). Among the symptoms  mentioned by the research subjects to treat the acute respiratory infections in childhood, there were: fever; cough; coughing with secretions; sore throat;  hoarseness; tiredness; nasal congestion.Conclusions: It is important the knowledge about the usefulness of natural resources as alternative practices in diseases treatment, seeking to rescue popular knowledge used in the traditional community and fomenting the need to consider cultural aspects in the full practice to children´s health care.Keywords: Ethnobotany; Ethnomedicine; Acute respiratory infections; Natural  products; Children's Health

    Antiulcerogenic activity of the hydroalcoholic extract of leaves of Annona muricata Linnaeus in mice

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    AbstractAnnona muricata Linnaeus, popularly known as “graviola” and also called soursop, is a species typical of countries with a tropical climate, and it is used in folk medicine as an anticancer, analgesic and antispasmodic agent. The aim of the present study was to validate the gastroprotective activity of the hydroalcoholic extract of the leaves of A. muricata (HEAM) and to investigate the underlying mechanisms of action for this effect. Gastric lesions were induced in mice by absolute ethanol, acidified ethanol or indomethacin. Before, the animals were pretreated with saline, omeprazole or HEAM orally at doses of 50–400mg/kg. To determine the mechanism of action of the extract, we investigated, using specific inhibitors, the involvement of nitric oxide (NO), prostaglandins (PGEs), ATP-dependent K+ channels and α2-noradrenergic receptors. HEAM showed significant antiulcer activity against lesions induced by absolute ethanol, acidified ethanol or indomethacin, which was mediated by endogenous gastric prostaglandins

    Chemical Composition and Validation of the Ethnopharmacological Reported Antimicrobial Activity of the Body Fat of Phrynops geoffroanus

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    Background. Phrynops geoffroanus is a small turtle that inhabits lakes, rivers, and streams throughout South America. The body fat of this animal is used as a folk medicine in Brazil for treating illnesses such as sore throats, ear aches, mumps, rheumatism, and arthritis. The present study evaluated the antimicrobial activity of oil extracted from Phrynops geoffroanus (OPG), determined its chemical composition, and discussed the implications of its use in traditional medicine. The OPG was obtained from the ventral region of this turtle using hexane as a solvent. The antimicrobial activity of OPG was tested against standard and multiresistance strains of bacteria and fungi and its composition was determined indirectly by analyzing the methyl esters of the component fatty acids. The OPG presented a clinically relevant antifungal activity against Candida krusei ATCC 6258 (MIC 128 µg/mL). When the OPG was associated with the antibacterial and antifungal drugs, was observed a synergistic effect when associated the OPG with the gentamicin against the strain Pseudomonas aeruginosa 22. Our results indicated that OPG has clinically relevant antifungal activity against C. krusei, and demonstrated synergetic antibacterial activity in combination with commercial antibiotics against Pseudomonas aeruginosa

    Avaliação da citotoxicidade e atividade leishmanicida e tripanocida de extratos de Passiflora cincinnata Mast L.

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    A doença de Chagas e a leishmaniose são doenças que prevalecem em países pobres. Os fármacos disponíveis para o tratamento dessas doenças são altamente tóxicos, sendo este um dos motivos que dificulta à adesão terapêutica e, assim, levando à busca por novas drogas eficazes e seguras para seus tratamentos. A pesquisa utilizando produtos naturais tem se mostrado uma alternativa na procura de novos compostos com potencial clínico-terapêutico. O gênero Passiflora possui as seguintes atividades farmacológicas centrais como calmantes, sedativas, ansiolíticas e indutor do sono e atividades antiparasitarias. A Passiflora cincinnata possui ampla distribuição pelo Brasil sendo popularmente utilizada para distúrbios de sono. Neste estudo avaliamos sua atividade antiparasitária contra Leishmania brasiliensis, Leishmania infantum e Trypanosoma cruzi, bem como sua citotoxicidade em fibroblastos. Foram testados extratos hidroalcoólicos obtidos das folhas, casca, sementes e caule em diferentes concentrações. Os extratos das folhas, casca e sementes não foram eficazes contra L. brasiliensis e T. cruzi, porém, o extrato do caule promoveu uma inibição de 29,12 % contra T. cruzi numa concentração de 500 µg/mL, entretanto o extrato da casca de P. cincinnata foi o que apresentou a melhor atividade contra as formas parasitárias de L. infantum, causando um percentual de morte >20 % nas concentrações de 250 a 1000 µg/mL. Referente à toxicidade, o extrato das folhas foi o que apresentou maior citotoxicidade, quando comparado com os demais, causando a mortalidade de 68,63 % dos fibroblastos numa concentração de 1000 µg/mL. A baixa citotoxicidade revelada abre espaço para novos estudos biológicos

    Métodos para o ensino de hábitos primários de higiene às crianças em contexto escolar

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    a crianças, a partir de uma atividade/estratégia educativa realizada em ambiente escolar e identificar as limitações vivenciadas por tais crianças associadas a essas atividades. Foi realizado em uma Escola privada do ensino infantil, na cidade de Crato-CE. A população da pesquisa foi composta por 51 crianças no estágio de desenvolvimento da primeira infância. Constatou-se a pertinências dos métodos adotados para o repasse de conhecimento relativo à promoção e prevenção de agravos a saúde por meio dos hábitos de higiene corretos desde a infância, o que é direito de toda criança, para garantia do aprendizado e prática até durante a vida adulta

    Medicinal plants in the treatment of respiratoty diseases in childhood: a view from popular knowledge

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    This work investigates the popular knowledge regarding the usage of medicinal plants in the treatment of respiratory diseases in childhood. Exploratory descriptive study of qualitative nature, performed in Juazeiro do Norte/CE with twenty-two mothers and/or the ones responsible for the children patients of the Health Family Strategy. The data was collected through semi-structured interviews in the months of June and July, 2011. Collective Subject Discourse to Data analysis technique was used. The research pointed out that the popular knowledge has a great significance and is widely accepted, sometimes being used replacing synthetic drugs. The relevance of the cultural transmission of this knowledge through generations was also pointed out. We believe in the importance of the health professional to discuss the popular practices of health, so they can act more effectively to solve the real problems of health, joining the popular knowledge to scientific knowledge and strengthening such practices