13 research outputs found


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    The aims of this study are to describe ‘Self-running class’ project which is meant to provide maximum participation of pupils, assist them to set the learning goals, choose and apply learning techniques, brush up their study skills, monitor their performance, evaluate their academic progress, and measure its effect on learner autonomy. For the study, a qualitative research methodology was used in order to investigate and discuss the results of ‘Self-running class’ project as a means of developing secondary school learners’ autonomy level. In this study, the data were collected by means of classroom observations recorded in descriptive and reflective fieldnotes, pupils’ performance video-recordings and learning logs in the shape of E-Twinning twinspace page-discussions. This study also reports on the participants’ experiences and reactions towards the application of ‘Self-running class’ project grounded in self-regulated learning. The results revealed that application of ‘Self-running class’ project contributed to the development of the pupils’ autonomy level, namely, its five components: positive attitude, participation, reflection, decision making skills, interaction with others in the learning process, thus, making the participants partially capable of taking charge of their studies. It is believed that application of Class Jobs, giving learners multiple chances to practice various language skills, actively collaborate with each other, resulted in participants’ gaining features of autonomous learners and findings acquired from the study contributed to clarification of the secondary school pupils’ autonomy and the constituents which their level of autonomy comprises.Цели данного исследования - описать проект «Самообучающийся класс» (‘Self-running class’), в основе которого лежит самоуправляемое обучение и который призван обеспечить максимальное участие учащихся, помочь им овладеть целеполаганием, выбирать и применять методы обучения, совершенствовать свои навыки обучения, отслеживать и оценивать собственную учебную деятельность, и проанализировать воздействие проекта на автономию учащихся. В исследовании использовались качественные методы, сбор данных был осуществлен с помощью классных наблюдений, зафиксированных в описательных и рефлексивных полевых заметках, видео-записей деятельности учеников и письменных дискуссий на страницах платформы образовательных проектов E-Twinning. В этом исследовании также изложены опыт и ответная реакция участников в течение выполнения проекта «Самообучающийся класс». Результаты показали, что претворение проекта «Самообучающийся класс» в жизнь способствовало повышению уровня автономии учеников, а именно, развитию/активизации ее пяти составляющих: позитивного отношения, участия, рефлексии, навыков принятия решений, кооперации с другими в процессе обучения, что в свою очередь сделало учеников способными брать на себя частичную ответственность за собственное обучение. Считается, что в результате применения на занятиях классных профессий (Class Jobs), дающих учащимся возможность активно практиковать различные языковые навыки и сотрудничать друг с другом, участники проекта приобрели черты «автономных» учащихся, а практические результаты, полученные в ходе исследования, способствовали разъяснению понятия автономии учащихся и компонентов автономии учеников средней школы.  Article visualizations

    Teachers and peer teacher students’ perceptions on ICT tools usage in peer learning projects: findings from a multiple case study

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    Preparing learners for the demands of 21st century society requires a comprehensive approach that integrates the development of cognitive and interpersonal skills as well as the choice for innovative pedagogical strategies that assign teachers and learners new roles and give room for the integration of technology enhanced learning. Peer learning promotes collaboration and interaction between peers and can be used by teachers as a powerful strategy to foster students’ cognitive, affective and social skills. The inclusion of ICT tools in peer learning programs has become more and more relevant based on their potential to foster learners’ autonomy, collaboration, and communication skills as well as on the pervasiveness of mobile and social media tools. The present multiple case study focuses on analyzing the role of ICT tools in five peer learning projects implemented in five Portuguese educational institutions through the perceptions of teachers and peer teacher students who integrated them. A semi-structured interview and a survey by questionnaire were the tools used and the data collected were treated under content analysis and descriptive statistics. Findings from this study are expected to add insight into the state of the art of ICT tools usage and role in promoting effective learning in peer learning projects.publishe

    The impact of a digitally enhanced peer learning program on peer teacher students’ academic performance: a study developed under Educational Design Research

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    21st century educational systems are expected to provide effective solutions to ever-lasting Education challenges, such as how to facilitate the way learners learn as well as to current issues of an ever-changing world permeated both by technological development and an urge of human attributes stemming from affective and social skills. Under the principles of social constructivism, peer learning seems to be a flexible solution for educational challenges, for encouraging learners’ autonomy, engagement and collaboration skills as well as for welcoming the incorporation of innovating strategies and digital technologies. According to literature review, extensive benefits of peer learning have been found under the affective, social, and cognitive dimensions, although more scientific evidence is needed to assess its impact on learners’ academic performance. This PhD project tries to provide a valid contribution to the scientific and educational communities, based on finding that the recognized potential of peer learning can be more systematically explored within the realm of teaching and learning practice in basic and secondary education. Under the methodological framework of Educational Design Research, this study aims to develop a digitally enhanced prototype of a peer learning program in the scope of English as a Foreign Language curricula for basic and secondary education and assess the impact of peer teacher students’ (PTS) voluntary participation under the cognitive (as for metacognitive skills), affective (regarding motivation), and social dimensions (considering collaborative and communicative skills). Results are expected to find evidence of peer learning positive impact on PTSs’ academic performance and facilitate its dissemination.publishe