1,306 research outputs found

    Analisis Persaingan Ritel Lokal dan Nasional Secara Sosial-Ekonomi di Kota Langsa

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    As a newly developed city, Langsa City is one of the right areas to try. Introduced as a Service City, the city strives to meet the needs of its people. However, because Langsa City has minimal in industry, especially in medium and high scale industries, only consumptive needs can be met. Therefore, trade is a growing business, especially in retail businesses. Unfortunately, community retail businesses in recent years have experienced a decline in turnover, the main cause is the inability of local retail businesses to compete with national retail. Therefore the purpose of this study was to analyze the competition of national local economic retail business in a socio-economic way in Langsa City. Using a qualitative approach, the results show that the running of the national retail business in Langsa City has made local retailers turnover decline by an average of 30 percent and every year there are local retail businesses that have small business capital must to shut-down their businesses. The decline in the turnover of local retailers also had an effect on the reduced amount of zakah distributed, the reduction of other social contributions such as contributions to the construction of mosques, dayah, and poor people in addition to the amount of tax that also declined.Whereas in the national retail business the positive effect obtained is from tax contributions. The expectation of local retailers to the government in Langsa City is to prioritize the sustainability of local businesses in order to maintain the stability of the peopleā€™s economy

    Pengaruh Adanya Transportasi Online terhadap Kesejahteraan Masyarakat Melalui Variabel Pengangguran di Kota Medan

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    Research this aim for conduct direct research related to the influence of the emergence of an online transportation system in the life of the community in terms of aspects of unemployment and also the welfare of the people in Medan City. This research was conducted at PT. GO-JEK Indonesia in Medan, North Sumatra Province with use method quantitative . On research this use technique SEM analysis methods with the help of Smart PLS program. Based on the results of statistical calculations after researched , then can be concluded that: the existence of online transportation has a significant positive effect on the unemployment rate directly. This can be proven from the t-statistics value of 86,750, the existence of online transportation has a significant positive effect on welfare directly. This can be proved from the t-statistics value of 5, 638, and with their online transportation positive 5,638, effect on the welfare of the signifikcant  directly through variable unemployment. This can be proven from the t-statistics value of 4,880. Thus, the H1, H2 and H3 hypothesis in this study was accepted

    Analisis Pengaruh Tingkat Inflasi, Transaksi Pasar Uang Antar Bank Syariah (PUAS) dan Investasi Syariah terhadap Imbal Hasil Sertifikat Bank Indonesia Syariah (SBIS)

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    This research aims to analyze the effect level of inflation, transaction of interbank sharia money market and sharia investment to yield sharia certificate of Bank Indonesia period January 2012 - December 2017. The data used are time series data period January 2012 - December 2017 published by BI and OJK. The method of analysis used in this research is Vector Auto Regression (VAR) models. Results of Granger Causality analysis show that, there is a pattern of one-way causality between inflation with transaction of interbank sharia money market (PUAS) and yield sharia certificate of Bank Indonesia (SBIS), there is a pattern of one-way causality between sharia investment with transaction of interbank sharia money market (PUAS) and there is not a pattern of one-way causality between yield sharia certificate of Bank Indonesia (SBIS) with transaction of interbank sharia money market (PUAS) and sharia investmentin Indonesia period 2012-2017. Results of Impulse Response Function analysis show that, inflation response most quickly reach stability when shock occur in the variable transaction of interbank sharia money market (PUAS). Transaction of interbank sharia money market (PUAS) response most quickly reach stability when shock occur in the variable sharia investment. Sharia investment response most quickly reach stability when shock occur in the variable sharia investment. Yield sharia certificate of Bank Indonesia (SBIS) response most quickly reach stability when shock occur in the variable transaction of interbank sharia money market (PUAS). Result of Variance Decomposition analysis show that, the variable that gives the most contribution to inflation, transaction of interbank sharia money market (PUAS), sharia investment and yield sharia certificate of Bank Indonesia (SBIS) is inflation, transaction of interbank sharia money market (PUAS), sharia investment and yield sharia certificate of Bank Indonesia (SBIS) it self

    Teori Konsumsi Islam dalam Peningkatan Ekonomi Umat

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    The fulfillment of the needs generally provides an impact or benefits physically and so on. If a requirement sought, then the fulfillment of these needs will provide once public satisfaction, but if the needs werenā€™t based on the desire, it will only benefit it. There are several mechanisms in the Muslim consumption. Consumption and public satisfaction in Islam do not forbid moslems to fulfill the need or desire for the fulfillment of the human dignity. Indeed everything on this earth destined to humans, but humans are commanded to consume the goods / services that are both lawful and reasonable and not excessive. Fulfillment of desires or needs remain permissible as long as it adds maslahah or does not bring harm. Rational consumer is a smart consumer commodities to determine the benefit of themselves and public interest. The rational consumerā€™s indicators can be seen among others from their consumption behavior. The explanation highlights the role of consumption are very important as part of national income


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    Stunting is a condition in which the growth and development of children under five is stunted or short, this is caused by poor nutritional intake at the time of 1000 days of human life, namely when in the womb until the age of 2 years. In an effort to deal with the potential for stunting which is still reaching high numbers, there are many roles of the government in collecting data to determine the number of percentages in the region in an effort to reduce the prevalence of stunting. Likewise with socialization efforts to the community about the dangers of stunting in shaping public awareness of the impact of stunting. In this study, it aims to create a website to support the government in efforts to reduce the prevalence of stunting at the Banjarsari Village level, the website is a whole A web page contained in a domain that contains information. In website designing, the author uses the prosedural method to interact with users in designing and illustrating websites that are made to suit the needs and desires of users


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    Analisis alat penanam jagung manual sangat diperlukan sehingga proses bercocok tanam, tidak lagi menggunakan tenaga manusia. Dengan adanya alat penenam jagung ini dapat memanfaatkan ruang dan waktu dengan cara yang efektif dan ekonomis. Tujuan penelitian untuk mengetahui lama waktu kerja alat penanam jagung model PRO QUIP SPM12, untuk mengetahui kapasitas kerja alat, dan untuk mengetahui kualitas hasil tanam. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode deskriptif dan eksperimental dengan melakukan percobaan secara langsung dilapangan. Parameter yang diamati dalam penelitian ini adalah sebagai berikut: mengukur lama waktu kerja alat, mengukur efisiensi kerja alat, dan mengukur besar kapasitas kerja alat. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian Waktu kerja yang paling lama pada percobaan ketiga yakni P3 = 45.50 menit dengan beban 0.75 Kg sedangkan waktu yang paling cepat yakni pada perlakuan 1 yakni P1 = 15.47 menit dengan beban 0.25 Kg. Kapasitas kerja dari alat tertinggi pada perlakuan P3 (0.016 kg/menit) sedangkan Efisiensi kerja alat yang dihasilkan yakni P1 = 93.3%, P2 95.3%, dan P3 96.8%. Efisiensi yang paling tinggi adalah P3 yakni 96.3%. Dan efisiensi yang paling rendah adalah P1 yakni 93.3


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    Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian evaluatif dengan metode pendekatan deskriptif kuantitatif. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui kreativitas peserta didik dalam mengolah sampah plastik menjadi kerajinan di Kelas X IPS dan faktor penghambat peserta didik dalam mengolah sampah plastik menjadi kerajinan di Kelas X IPS SMA Negeri 2 Buntu Malangkaā€™ Kabupaten Mamasa. Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah peserta didik kelas X IPS SMA Negeri 2 Buntu Malangkaā€™ Kabupaten Mamasa dengan teknik pengambilan sampel adalah total sampling dimana jumlah sampel sama dengan jumlah populasi. Dalam teknik pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan cara observasi, wawancara dan dokumentasi. Dan teknik analisis data yang digunakan dalam memperoleh data adalah pengumpulan data, memilah data dan penyajian data berupa berupa teks, matriks, grafik dan lain-lain. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian yang telah dilakukan menunjukkan tingkat kreativitas peserta didik kelas X IPS SMA Negeri 2 Buntu Malangkaā€™ dapat dikatakan peserta didik cukup dalam mengolah sampah plastik menjadi kerajinan dilihat dari skor penilaian karya peserta didik. Dalam berkarya tedapat beberapa faktor yang menjadi penghambat peserta didik dalam mengolah karya yaitu kurangnya rasa percaya diri pada peserta didik dalam mengolah karya dimana peserta didik merasa tidak mampu untuk mengolah karya hal ini disebabkan karena peserta didik tidak terbiasa, peserta didik merasa kurang berbakat dalam mengolah karya, peserta didik kekurangan ide dalam mengolah karya. Kata kunci: kreativitas, mengolah karya, sampah plasti


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    This study aims to look at the inļ¬‚ uence of motivation, behavior and understanding of community decisions in choosing islamic banking, this study uses non-probability sampling technique through purposive sampling method with a sample of 84 people, not all populations can be sampled with certain considerations. the results of this study that motivation has a positive and signiļ¬ cant effect on peopleā€™s decisions in choosing Islamic banks, behavior has a positive and signiļ¬ cant effect on peopleā€™s decisions in choosing Islamic banks and understanding has a positive and signiļ¬ cant effect on peopleā€™s decisions in choosing Islamic banks both partially and simultaneously. Based on the coefļ¬ cient of determination, it can be concluded that motivation, behavior, and understanding inļ¬‚ uence community decisions by 0.471 or 47.1%, while the remaining 52.9% is inļ¬‚ uenced by other variables not included in this study


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    Perhelatan pernikahan atau biasa disebut wedding merupakan peristiwa sakral dan memiliki arti penting dalam sejarah perjalanan hidup individu. Momen acara pernikahan tersebut tentu tidak bisa terulang Kembali, sehingga banyak pasangan yang mencari jasa videographer yang handal agar momen-momen tertentu dapat terekam dan dapat menghasilkan video yang diinginkan konsumen. Cinematography Wedding merupakan teknik pengambilan video yang banyak diminati pada saat pelaksanaan resepsi, khususnya dalam penelitian ini yang dilakukan oleh RG Motret di Payakumbuh. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui bagaimana teknik pengambilan video cinematography wedding berkualitas di RG Motret Payakumbuh. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode penelitian kualitatif, yang mana bertujuan untuk menjelaskan fenomena dengan cara pengumpulan data dengan wawancara, observasi dan dokumentasi. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa teknik pembuatan video cinematography wedding berkualitas di RG Motret Payakumbuh melewati lima tahapan dalam melakukan perannya, yaitu continuity, angle shot, type shot, coposision, dan cuting atau editing


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    Penelitian ini berlokasi di PT.PLN APB Jawa Barat dengan subjek yang diangkat adalah rugi-rugi daya dan tegangan pada saluran transmisi 150 kV Region II Jawa Barat. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui rugi-rugi daya pada saluran transmisi dan tegangan pada sistem transmisi 150 kV pada saat kondisi beban puncak pukul 19.00 WIB. Alasan dilaksanakannya penelitian ini adalah untuk mengevaluasi sejauhmana kerugian daya dan nilai tegangan sistem masih berada pada kriteria keandalannya mengingat kerugian daya dan drop tegangan merupakan permasalahan yang sering terjadi pada bagian transmisi. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah membandingkan hasil rugi-rugi daya dan tegangan sistem transmisi 150 kV antara hasil menggunakan data aktual PT.PLN APB Jawa Barat dengan software ETAP 7.0 dan perhitungan manual. Hasil yang didapat dari perhitungan menggunakan data aktual PT.PLN APB Jawa Barat untuk nilai kerugian daya pada saluran pada studi kasus hari Minggu, 02 November 2014 pukul 19.00 WIB secara umum lebih besar bila dibandingkan dengan studi kasus hari Senin, 01 Desember 2014 pukul 19.00 WIB. Dan terdapat dua saluran dengan nilai persentase kerugian daya yang besar yaitu saluran Dago Pakar I ā€“ Ujung Berung I dan Kamojang II ā€“ Wayang Windu II. Sedangkan untuk nilai tegangan sistem pada kedua studi kasus telah berada pada kriteria andal. Hasil kerugian daya dan tegangan sistem dengan menggunakan ETAP 7.0 dan perhitungan manual memberikan nilai yang lebih kecil. Akan tetapi memberikan trend yang sama dengan hasil PT.PLN APB Jawa Barat. Kata kunci : Saluran Transmisi, Rugi-Rugi Daya, Tegangan, ETAP 7.0 This research was conducted at PT. PLN West Java APB with topic the power and voltage loss on transmission line 150 kV West Java Region II. The purpose of this research was to know the power and voltage loss on the 150kV transmission system at the time of peak load conditions at 19:00. The reason of this research was done is to evaluate how much power and voltage losses rating systems are still at the its robustness criteria considering the power loss and voltage drop is a problem that often occurs on the part of the transmission. The method used in this research was comparing the result power and voltage losses between actual data of PT. PLN APB west java with ETAP software and manual calculation. The results obtained from calculations using actual data from PT. PLN APB West Java for the value of the loss of power on the line on Sunday, case study 02 November 2014 at 19:00 in General is greater when compared with case studies Monday, December 01, 2014 at 19:00. There are two lines of power loss with a big percentage value which is Dago Pakar I ā€“Ujung Berung I and Kamojang II ā€“ Wayang Windu II. As for the value of the system voltage on both case studies has been on the criteria of reliable. The results of the power loss and voltage system using ETAP 7.0 and manual calculations and give a smaller value but give the same trend with the results from PT. PLN APB West Java. Keywords: Transmission Line, Power losses, Voltage, ETAP 7.
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