657 research outputs found

    Design and characterization of topical ketorolac tromethamine formulations

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    [eng] Pain and inflammation are the most common and recurrent side effects after surgery and, understandably, the patient's most feared, affecting treatment adherence. The present work aims to characterize in vitro, ex vivo, and in vivo different ketorolac tromethamine mucoadhesive topical formulations to be applied to the skin and mucous membranes for the pain and inflammation management associated with surgical, chemical, and/or ablative processes, such as it may be that of the eradication of condyloma acuminata. For this, different gelling polymers with mucoadhesive properties that were biocompatible, and biodegradable, were chosen. Sodium alginate and chitosan were the polymers we worked with in addition to other ingredients such as hyaluronic acid. Additionally, PLGA (polylactic glycolic acid) nanoparticles were made where ketorolac tromethamine was encapsulated with the possibility that it could be applied as a spray. The in vitro characterization was carried out by studying the organoleptic characteristics, pH, rheological behavior, morphology, and release study of each formulation. The ex vivo studies consisted of Franz-type cell permeation tests of the formulations on different tissues (human skin and mucous membranes). The in vivo studies included applying some of the formulations in live pigs and their subsequent histological analysis, anti-inflammatory efficacy studies in the ear of mice, and tolerability studies in human skin and pigs oral mucosa. The results show how all ketorolac tromethamine formulations meet the requirements for application on skin and mucous membranes, showing easy applicability, excellent tolerability, and good topical anti-inflammatory efficacy.[spa] Dolor e inflamación son los efectos secundarios más comunes y recurrentes tras una cirugía y comprensiblemente, los más temidos por el paciente, lo cual repercute en la adherencia al tratamiento. El presente trabajo pretende caracterizar in vitro, ex vivo e in vivo diferentes formulaciones tópicas mucoadhesivas de ketorolaco trometamina con el fin de ser aplicados sobre piel y mucosas para el manejo del dolor y la inflamación asociado a procesos quirúrgicos, químicos y/o ablativos, como puede ser el de la erradicación del condiloma acuminado. Para ello se escogieron diferentes polímeros gelificantes con propiedades mucoadhesivas que fueran biocompatibles y biodegradables. El alginato de sodio y el chitosan fueron los polímeros con los que trabajamos a de más de otros ingredientes como el ácido hialurónico. Adicionalmente, se elaboraron nanopartículas de PLGA (ácido polilácticoglicólico) donde se encapsulo el ketorolaco trometamina con la posibilidad de que pudiera aplicarse en forma de spray. La caracterización in vitro se llevó a cabo mediante el estudio de las características organolépticas, pH, comportamiento reológico, morfología, y estudio de liberación de cada formulación. Los estudios ex vivo consistieron en ensayos de permeación en celdas tipo Franz de las formulaciones sobre diferentes tejidos (piel humana y mucosas). Los estudios in vivo incluyeron la aplicación de algunas de las formulaciones en cerdos vivos y el posterior análisis histológico, estudios de eficacia antinflamatoria en oreja de ratones y estudios de tolerabilidad en piel humana y en mucosa oral de cerdo. Los resultados muestran cómo todas las formulaciones de ketorolaco trometamina cumplen con los requisitos necesarios para su aplicación sobre piel y mucosas, mostrando una fácil aplicabilidad, excelente tolerabilidad, así como una buena eficacia antinflamatoria tópica


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    This paper critically assesses the multifaceted consequences of oil spills, particularly emphasizing their ramifications on the environment and the economy. With globalization intensifying reliance on maritime transport—accounting for nearly 90% of global trade—the potential for oil spills and their subsequent repercussions have become an alarming concern. Such spills can inflict enduring damage on marine ecosystems and lead to substantial economic setbacks in industries like fishing, tourism, and maritime operations. The enormity of the challenge extends beyond immediate environmental and economic impacts; it necessitates an interdisciplinary comprehension spanning environmental science, economics, legislation, and technology. Furthermore, oil spills underscore the need for international collaboration, as their consequences can breach national boundaries. This systematic literature review methodically analyzes existing research on the topic, employing databases like PubMed, Scopus, ScienceDirect, and Google Scholar. Through a rigorous filtering process, the review synthesizes empirical studies, theoretical analyses, government reports, and field assessments. The endeavor is to delineate prevailing themes, methodologies, conclusions, and lacunae in the extant literature, aiming to bridge the gap between economic growth imperatives and environmental sustainability challenges. JEL: Q53, Q57, L91, Q35, F18, Q58, O13, Q22  Article visualizations

    Bébé pas comme les autres

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    Le bébé collodion est un aspect clinique grave caractérisé par une peau luisante, tendue et vernissée; une membrane rigide responsable d'un syndrome dysmorphique. Sur le plan génétique on note une anomalie de la kératinisation, le plus souvent de transmission autosomique récessive. Le diagnostic repose essentiellement sur les données cliniques et anamnestiques, mais peut être confirmé, dans certains cas, par des examens biologiques, histologiques et génétiques. Le traitement comprend dans tous les cas des soins locaux et des émollients. Un traitement systémique à base de rétinoïdes aromatiques per os peut être indiqué dans les formes sévères. L'évolution de l'état clinique d'un bébé collodion est variable en fonction de la pathologie de base. Le conseil génétique ainsi que le diagnostic anténatal jouent un rôle fondamental dans la prévention de ce type de génodermatose. Notre étude a porté sur 7 cas de bébés collodions, issus de parents consanguins. L'âge de nos malades variait entre J4 et 3 mois. Les filles étaient plus touchées que les garçons. Le diagnostic positif était posé seulement sur l'aspect clinique des bébés. Tous les bébés ont été mis sous soins locaux et émollients. Une antibiothérapie était préconisée en cas de surinfection

    Education and Poverty in Morocco: A Computable General Equilibrium Micro-simulation Analysis

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    The paper uses a micro-simulation computable general equilibrium model (CGE) to analyze the impact on poverty of public spending in higher education in Morocco. The model incorporates 7062 households derived from the 2007 National Survey on Household Living Standards (ENNVM). Two scenarios are simulated: a 100% reduction in the unit cost of higher education supported by households and a 50% reduction in public spending on higher education. In this study, it is assumed that the investment behavior of households is linked to the share of the unit cost financed by the government in higher education. The results show that the policy of exempting households from bearing any unit cost of higher education encourages them to invest massively in education, which leads to increasing their income and consequently improving welfare and reducing poverty and inequalities. On the other hand, the reduction in public investment in higher education affects negatively the behavior of households to invest in education which leads to a decrease in welfare, an increase in poverty and a rise of inequalities

    Perceptions and Practices of Stimulating Children's Cognitive Development Among Moroccan Immigrant Mothers

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    We explored the perceptions of children's cognitive development among Moroccan Arabic and Berber immigrant mothers who cannot read, who are less educated, middle educated or highly educated in the Netherlands. A series of in-depth interviews was conducted with 22 mothers with young children (mean age = 5 years and 6 months). Qualitative data analyses revealed five major themes that are of significant importance to these mothers: moral attitudes, social values and religiousness; conversation, reading and playing as stimulating activities; importance attached to education; parental expectations; attributions of school success. The parental perceptions about the cognitive develop

    A comparison between series dynamic resistors and CROWBAR circuit protection for LVRT capability of doubly-fed induction generator

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    In this paper, we will focus on a comparison between two strategies (the Series Dynamic Resistors (SDR) and CROWBAR circuit for Low Voltage Ride Through (LVRT) capability of Doubly-Fed Induction Generator (DFIG), in order to determine different responses of reactive power and active power during the grid faults in line with the requirements determined by the grid codes (GCs). The two strategies are simulated by using MATLAB/Simulink environment

    Existence of multiple nontrivial solutions for semilinear elliptic problems

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    AbstractThe aim of this paper is to prove the existence of multiple nontrivial solutions to a semilinear elliptic problem at resonance. The proofs used here are based on combining the Morse theory and the minimax methods