487 research outputs found

    Papers, Please and Critical Literacy Skills

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    Denne oppgaven er en teoretisk gjennomgang av hvordan dataspillet Papers, Please kan brukes i undervisning for Ă„ utvikle critica literacy ferdigheter. Dette gjĂžres gjennom en kulturll analyse av dataspillet Papers, Please satt i sammenheng med den norske lĂŠrerplanen (LK20). Spillet ble toket som en tekst, basert pĂ„ definisjonen i LK20. I konklusjonen er det beskrevet flere faktorer som mĂ„ pĂ„ plass for at elevene skal utvikle critical literacy ferdigheter ved Ă„ bruke dataspill. De trenger sprĂ„k/terminologi og flere verktĂžy for Ă„ analysere dataspillet, og forhĂ„nds kunnskap om den historiske konteksten og ideologien som relaterer til spillet. Det er viktig Ă„ anerkjenne elevenes identitet nĂ„r man jobber med dataspillet, fordi andre mennesker og samfunnet kan innvirke pĂ„ hvilke valg elevene tar nĂ„r de spiller spillet. Konstruktivisme er valgt som lĂŠringsteori fordi den passer godt i et klasserom der diskusjonen er knyttet opp til faktorer som at elevene har fĂ„tt forskjellige endinger pĂ„ spillet og at elever har ulike livserfaringer. Dataspillet i seg selv er godt egnet til Ă„ utvikle critical literacy pĂ„ grunn av de relevante ideologiske temaene, pĂ„ grunn av at det har ulike endinger avhening av hvilke valg man gjĂžr underveis, og elevene stĂžter pĂ„ mange ulike dilemmaer gjennom hele spillet.This thesis is a theoretical review of how the video game Papers, Please can be employed in education to develop critical literacy skills. This is done through a cultural analysis of the video game Papers, Please in relation to the Norwegian curriculum (LK20). The video game was viewed as a text, based on the definition of text in LK20. The conclusion shows that there are several factors that needed to be in place for the pupils to develop critical literacy skill in relation to video games. They need language/terminology and tools to analyse the video game, and previous knowledge about the historical context and ideology that relate to the video game. The pupil’s identity is also important to acknowledge when working with the video game, because of how others around them and society can influence the choices the pupils make throughout the game. Constructivism was chosen as a learning theory, because it suits well in a classroom where the discussion realies on the factors of people getting different endings in the game and have different lived experiences. The game itself is well suited to develop critical literacy because of the relevant ideological theme, the several endings in the game they can have as consequence of the choices they make, and the different dilemmas the pupils will meet throughout the game

    Families of weighted sum formulas for multiple zeta values

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    Euler's sum formula and its multi-variable and weighted generalizations form a large class of the identities of multiple zeta values. In this paper we prove a family of identities involving Bernoulli numbers and apply them to obtain infinitely many weighted sum formulas for double zeta values and triple zeta values where the weight coefficients are given by symmetric polynomials. We give a general conjecture in arbitrary depth at the end of the paper.Comment: The conjecture at the end is reformulate

    Forekomst av mineraliseringsforstyrrelser og residiverende aftĂžs stomatitt (after/RAS) hos cĂžliakere : en litteraturstudie

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    Ideen for oppgaven fikk vi under ulike forelesninger vÄren 2010, fÞrst med professor Trond S. Halstensen (Institutt for Oral Biologi, IOB), deretter fulgt opp med patologiforelesninger av professor Tore Solheim og post doc. Tine M. SÞland (IOB). Inntrykket vi satt igjen med etter disse forelesningene, er at det fortsatt er mange ubesvarte spÞrsmÄl relatert til cÞliaki og dens eventuelle pÄvirkning av munnhulen. Inntrykket forsterket seg etter samtaler med de nevnte foreleserne. Dette trigget vÄr interesse. PÄ bakgrunn av dette har vi valgt Ä gjÞre et litteratursÞk som tar for seg forskning gjort pÄ omrÄdene cÞliaki og mineraliseringsforstyrrelser, og pÄ cÞliaki og residiverende aftÞs stomatitt (after/RAS)

    The synergy of bicycles and public transport: a systematic literature review

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    This study is a review of the existing literature on the topic of bike-transit combination. The aim is two-fold: (i) to identify factors that influence its successful uptake, and (ii) to discuss the potential of the bike-transit combination and its impact on urban transport systems. The review showed that the bike-transit integration is complex and can be influenced by a variety of factors. These factors are mainly related to the quality of public transport, the cycling network and the integration of these two. Improving them can have a positive impact on bike-transit uptake. Land use and built environment characteristics also play an important role, suggesting that the local context plays a significant role on its successful uptake. In general, the review reveals that bike-transit has shown potential in improving the performance of existing public transport systems, by expanding catchment areas and improving accessibility, but its impacts on car use have not been explicitly studied. The review concludes that the bike-transit combination shows a promising path to sustainable urban mobility and is a topic worth further investigation. However, it also calls for more integrated research approaches and an explicit focus on which types of travel behaviour are substituted by the bike-transit combination.publishedVersio

    Housing circumstances and quality of life among local and immigrant population in Norwegian neighbourhoods

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    This paper explores the relationship between the concept of quality of life (QoL) and housing circumstances among the immigrant and local population of two neighbourhoods in Norway: Storhaug in Stavanger and GrĂŒnerlĂžkka in Oslo. Objective data regarding housing circumstances, e.g., type of residence, dimension or overcrowding, is collected through spatial analysis and desktop-research. Inhabitants of these neighbourhoods are interviewed with the help of map-based questionnaires to collect both objective data regarding these housing circumstances as well as subjective data, e.g. reason of location and personal satisfaction with housing and QoL. The objective and subjective data is analysed geographically and statistically. This study finds that the immigrant group has less favourable housing circumstances than the local population. Circumstances such as type of residence, the reason of location and satisfaction with the residence are predictors for satisfaction with QoL between both groups. Being local or immigrant, as well as the study area, Storhaug and GrĂŒnerlĂžkka, or the type of ownership were not significant predictors of satisfaction with QoL in this specific study. These findings provide a base for understanding the importance of housing circumstances for QoL. Due to the high percentage of the immigrant population and its projection in Norway, these investigations are expected to help practitioners identify housing features and design aspects that can impact on the overall satisfaction with QoL of both host and immigrant society.publishedVersio

    Neighbourhood conditions and quality of life among local and immigrant population in Norway

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    This paper explores the relationship between the quality of life and neighbourhood characteristics among immigrant and local population in Storhaug (Stavanger) and GrĂŒnerlĂžkka (Oslo), two Norwegian neighbourhoods. The neighbourhood conditions have been analysed and inhabitants have been interviewed to collect objective and subjective data. Several dimensions have been considered, e.g., physical, environmental, mobility and psychological, with different indicators defining them. Objective data related to the physical layout, green spaces, transport system or environmental aspects are studied and complemented with the subjective information such as the satisfaction of the participants with these aspects. The data collection thus includes geographic, personal and qualitative data, and is analysed with the help of geographic and statistical analysis. Differences between the population groups and between the case study neighbourhoods are determined, being possible to conclude that specific neighbourhood conditions influence participants’ quality of life in these Norwegian minor settings. The local participants in this study are the ones taking more advantage of the physical, environmental and mobility dimensions at their residential area and reporting higher perceived quality of life. The results presented can provide relevant information for the effective and efficient planning and development of residential environments.publishedVersio

    Electric cars as a path to sustainable travel behaviour: Insights from Nord-JĂŠren

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    This study examines whether promoting electric cars (EVs) to achieve greener mobility undermines the efforts to reduce car use. It specifically explores the concept of moral licensing, wherein individuals use EVs as a way to feel good about their environmental impact while continuing to drive. The study uses travel data (n = 1223) from Nord-Jéren, Norway, to develop a Structural Equation Model (SEM) that explores the relationship between environmental beliefs, attitudes, and travel behaviour (i.e., use of conventional car, electric car, bus, and bicycle). The results confirm that pro-environmental beliefs have a “spillover effect” on EV use due to existing car attitudes. The relative convenience of the car over alternative options has been found to be the most important mitigating factor in the influence of environmental beliefs on behaviour. Consequently, to reduce car use and promote more sustainable travel options, it is essential to simultaneously improve these alternatives while restricting car traffic.publishedVersio

    PĂ„ jobb med barn som kan drepe

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    Master's thesis in Risk management and societal safetyDet anslÄs at opp mot 60 % av de ansatte pÄ barneverninstitusjoner er utsatt for vold og trusler pÄ jobb. Drapet pÄ sosionom Anna Kristin Gillebo Backlund i 2014 viser hvor galt det i ytterste konsekvens kan gÄ. Hun ble drept av en ungdom hun prÞvde Ä hjelpe da hun var pÄ jobb ved barnevernsinstitusjonen SmÄ Enheter i Asker. Fra 2011-2015 har det vÊrt en nedgang av tilfeller med vold og trusler, noe som knyttes opp mot en systematisk satsing pÄ kompetanse for barneverninstitusjonsansatte. InnfÞringen av traumebevisst omsorg som forstÄelsesramme i arbeidet fÄr mye av Êren for nedgangen. Arbeidstilsynet har det siste Äret hatt tilsyn ved barneverninstitusjoner for Ä sikre at det jobbes systematisk med forebygging av vold og trusler. Problemstillingen for denne studien lyder som fÞlger: Hvordan forstÄs risikostyring i en barneverninstitusjon som arbeider etter traumebasert omsorg, og hvilke utfordringer oppstÄr i arbeidet med Ä sikre ansatte mot vold og trusler? Ved Ä undersÞke en barneverninstitusjon som har et traumebevisst fokus har formÄlet med denne studien vÊrt Ä se pÄ hvordan risikostyringen i forhold til vold og trusler kan ses i sammenheng med den traumebevisste omsorgen. MÄlet var ogsÄ Ä undersÞke om barneverninstitusjonen opplevde utfordringer i arbeidet med Ä sikre ansatte, samtidig som den skulle ivareta ungdommene pÄ en forsvarlig mÄte. Dette ble gjort gjennom dokumentanalyser og intervjuer med ledelse og ansatte ved barneverninstitusjonen. Risikostyringen i en barneverninstitusjon som arbeider etter traumebevisst omsorg mÄ forstÄs som en prosess der man skal ikke skal iverksette tiltak for Ä ivareta ansattes sikkerhet som kan retraumatisere ungdommen. Funnene i denne studien viser midlertid til at det kan oppstÄ utfordringer i arbeidet Ä sikre ansatte mot vold og trusler. Risikoatferden ungdommene viser skal forstÄs som smerteuttrykk, og ikke villede handlinger. Ansatte kan likevel bli redde, og det vil vÊre vanskelig Ä jobbe etter traumebevisst omsorg nÄr man ikke er trygg selv. Det er ogsÄ vanskelig Ä vite om de tiltakene som iverksettes for at sikre ansatte vil ha Þnsket effekt, eller om de kan bidra til Ä retraumatisere ungdommen og fÞre til at smerteuttrykkene eskalerer. Riktig kompetanse og tilnÊrming er viktig, men en skal heller ikke undervurdere risikoen. Det vil derfor vÊre viktig med gode prosedyrer, riktige sikkerhetstiltak og god personaloppfÞlging for at alle ansatte skal vÊre trygge i mÞte med de traumeutsatte ungdommene og for Ä best mulig hindre uÞnskede hendelser
