151 research outputs found

    Production cost and profitability of soybean seeds enriched with molybdenum

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    The search for new technologies that reduce costs to produce seeds is very important. This study aimed to analyze the economic viability of producing soybean seeds enriched with molybdenum. The BRS Valiosa RR cultivar was used and four molybdenum doses (0 g ha-1, 200 g ha-1, 400 g ha-1 and 800 g ha-1) were applied on leaves as it follows: half in the R3 and half in the R5-4 development stages. The total operating cost, gross revenue, operating profit, profitability index, break-even yield and break-even price were estimated. The results showed that the molybdenum foliar application is an economically viable way of producing molybdenum-enriched soybean seeds

    Efeito do armazenamento em cultivares de feijoeiro para comercialização

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    Os consumidores de feijão são exigentes quanto às características grão, demandando baixo tempo de cozimento, alta capacidade de hidratação e qualidade proteica. Entretanto esses atributos durante o armazenamento podem ser alterados, levando à perda de qualidade. O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar os atributos qualitativos de cultivares de feijoeiro do grupo comercial carioca durante o armazenamento. O delineamento utilizado foi inteiramente casualizado, em esquema fatorial 13x3, constituído por cultivares de feijoeiro (Pérola, BRSMG Majestoso, BRS Estilo, BRSMG Madrepérola, IPR Campos Gerais, IPR Tangará, IPR Andorinha, IPR 139, IAC Imperador, IAC Formoso, IAC Alvorada, IAC Milênio e Bola Cheia) e três tempos de armazenamento (grãos recém colhidos, com quatro e oito meses após a colheita), com quatro repetições. Foram avaliados a coloração do tegumento, teor de proteína bruta, tempo de cozimento, relação de hidratação e tempo para máxima hidratação. O período de armazenamento não altera significativamente os atributos qualitativos dos grãos, mantendo a maioria das características essenciais ao mercado consumidor. A BRSMG Madre pérola não apresentou alteração na cor do tegumento, e o menor tempo de cozimento foi apresentado pela cultivar IPR Andorinha. O escurecimento dos grãos de feijão não está associado com o aumento do tempo de cozimento. Todas as cultivares apresentam resultado satisfatório para o tempo de máxima hidratação e a relação de hidratação

    Disclosing the complexity involved in phage-biofilm interaction: the case study of a Sep1virus phage infecting S. epidermidis

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    Book of Abstracts of CEB Annual Meeting 2017[Excerpt] Staphylococcus epidermidis is a major causative agent of nosocomial infections, mainly associated with the use of indwelling devices, on which this bacterium forms structures known as biofilms. Due to biofilms high tolerance to antibiotics, virulent bacteriophages have been suggested as novel anti-biofilm therapeutic agents. In this study, we used the S. epidermidis-specific phage phiIBB-SEP1 (SEP1) [1] and evaluated its activity against biofilms. Despite its broad host spectrum and high activity against exponential phase cells, the same was not observed for cells encased in a biofilm structure. To understand the underlying factors impairing SEP1 inefficacy against biofilms, we tested this phage against distinct bacterial populations. Interestingly, SEP1 was able to infect late stationary-phase (dormant), persister and biofilm-released cells, suggesting that the inefficacy for biofilm control resulted from the biofilm structure. To demonstrate this hypothesis, SEP1 activity was tested against clusters of cells from scraped biofilms resulting in a 2 orders-of-magnitude reduction in the number of viable cells, after six hours of infection. Additionally, LIVE/DEAD staining allowed the observation that stationaryphase cells responded to phage addition, as determined by the increase in SYBR medium fluorescence intensity, which can be related with an increase on the cell metabolic activity. [...]info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Effect of silver nanoparticles against Candida albicans and Candida glabrata biofilms

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    Objectives: Fungal infections in immunocompromised patients have been contributing to the increasing morbidity and mortality of these patients, especially associated to yeast resistance to antifungal therapy. The increase in antibiotic-resistant microorganisms has prompted interest in the use of silver as an antimicrobial agent. Thus, the aim of this study was to evaluate the antifungal efficacy of silver nanoparticles against Candida albicans and Candida glabrata biofilms. Methods: Spherical nano-silver (average diameter 5nm) particles were synthesized by silver nitrate reduction with sodium citrate. Minimal inhibitory concentration (MIC) tests were performed for C. albicans (n=2) and C. glabrata (n=2) grown in suspension using the microbroth dilution method. Silver nanoparticles were applied on adhered cells (2 h) or biofilms (48 h) and after 24h biofilms were characterized by colony forming units (CFUs) enumeration and total biomass quantification (using crystal violet staining). Results: Interestingly, C. glabrata MIC values were higher (0.4 – 3.3 µg/mL) than C. albicans (0.4 – 1.6 µg/mL). Furthermore, the results obtained revealed that silver nanoparticles were more effective in reducing 24h biofilms' biomass when applied onto adhered cells (2h) than on pre-formed biofilms (48h), with the exception of C. glabrata clinical isolate, which in both cases had a reduction around 90%. Regarding cell viability, silver nanoparticles were highly effective on adhered C. glabrata (reduction of around 70%) and respective biofilms (reduction of around 50%). On C. albicans the effect was not so notorious but there was also a reduction on the number of biofilm viable cells. Conclusion: Silver nanoparticles have great potential to be an effective alternative to antifungal agents for future therapies in Candida infections

    Effect of pretreatment of Candida biofilm cells with silver nanoparticles on the adhesion capacity to human epithelial cells and polystyrene surface

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    Objectives: The pathogenicity of Candida spp. has been recognized by some factors, including adhesion to host cells or inert surfaces and biofilm formation. In addition, the dispersal of biofilm cells may act as a continuous source of infection. Thus, the aim of this study was to evaluate the adhesion capacity of Candida albicans and Candida glabrata cells recovered from Candida biofilms treated with silver nanoparticles (SN) to human epithelial cells and polystyrene surface. Methods: Candida biofilms (48 h) were formed in 6-well polystyrene microtiter plates and treated during 24 h with SN (diameter of 5 nm) at concentrations of 13.5 and 54 µg/mL. Controls devoid of SN were included in this study. After the treatment period, biofilms were scraped from the wells and resuspended in phosphate buffered saline. These Candida cell suspensions (107 viable cells/mL in RPMI medium) were added to HeLa cells monolayers or to empty wells of a 24-well microtiter plate (to study adhesion to polysterene). After 2 h of contact, the adhesion capacity of the yeasts to HeLa cells and polystyrene surfaces was determined using crystal violet staining. Results: Compared to the controls, the adhesion of Candida biofilm cells (pretreated with SN) to HeLa cells and polystyrene surfaces was significantly reduced. This reduction was higher when biofilm cells were pretreated with SN in a concentration of 54 µg/mL. Conclusion: These findings allow to conclude that SN may induce changes in viable yeasts, since they decrease their adhesion capacity, which can, consequently, cause lower dissemination of Candida infections

    Nanopartículas de prata : análise dos efeitos anti-biofilme e anti-adesão sobre Candida albicans e Candida glabrata

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    Os objetivos deste trabalho foram: (1) avaliar o efeito sinergístico de nanopartículas de prata (NP) com Nistatina e Clorexidina contra biofilmes de Candida albicans e Candida glabrata; (2) verificar o efeito das NP na composição da matriz destes biofilmes e (3) investigar a capacidade de adesão a células epiteliais HeLa e a poliestireno de leveduras tratadas com NP. As drogas sozinhas ou em combinação com NP (5 nm) foram aplicadas sobre biofilmes maduros (48 h) e após 24 h de contato a atividade sinergística foi avaliada através da quantificação da biomassa total e por meio da contagem do número de colônias. Após o tratamento com NP, as matrizes dos biofilmes foram extraídas e analisadas em termos de proteínas, carboidratos e DNA. Ainda, leveduras viáveis foram recuperadas e adicionadas tanto às células HeLa quanto aos poços vazios de placas de poliestireno e, após 2 horas de contato, a adesão foi determinada usando violeta cristal. NP combinadas com Nistatina e Clorexidina exibiram atividade anti-biofilme sinergística dependente das espécies e concentrações de drogas usadas. Ainda, NP interferiram na composição da matriz extracelular dos biofilmes e a capacidade de adesão das leveduras viáveis foi significativamente reduzida após tratamento prévio com NP. Esses achados permitem concluir que NP podem contribuir na prevenção ou tratamento da estomatite protética associada à Candida. Entretanto, estudos adicionais são necessários para que estas NP sejam usadas com segurança

    Antifungal activity of different silver nanoparticles suspensions against Candida biofilms

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    Objective: The tolerance of Candida biofilms to conventional antifungal drugs has stimulated the search for new therapies that could prevent or treat Candida-associated denture stomatitis. The objectives of this study were (i) to assess the antibiofilm activity of different silver nanoparticles (SN) suspensions against Candida albicans and Candida glabrata biofilms and (ii) to evaluate the effect of these nanoparticles on the matrix composition and the structure of Candida biofilms. Method: SN of three different average sizes (5, 10 and 60 nm) were used in this study. Biofilms of an oral clinical isolate of C. albicans and C. glabrata were formed for 48 h. These biofilms were exposed to different concentrations of SN for a period of 24 h. Antibiofilm activity of SN was determined by total biomass quantification (using crystal violet staining) and colony forming units enumeration. The extracellular matrices of Candida biofilms were extracted and analyzed chemically in terms of proteins, carbohydrates and DNA. Scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and epifluorescence microscopy were used to analyze the structure and morphology of the biofilms. Result: SN were effective in reducing total biomass (around 90%) of C. glabrata biofilms. All SN suspensions showed significant reduction of the number of cultivable cells at concentrations equal to or higher than 108 µg/mL. The particle size and the type of stabilizing agent did not interfere in the antibiofilm activity of SN. Interestingly, SN induce modifications in the contents of protein, carbohydrate and DNA of the extracellular matrices of Candida biofilms. SEM and epifluorescence investigations revealed structural differences in spatial arrangement and damage in the cell walls of biofilm cells, compared to the controls. Conclusion: SN present therapeutic potential and might be useful in the treatment of denture stomatitis


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    The objective of this study was to evaluate the expression of seeds vigor and physiological performance of initial growth of red clover plants under the influence of fungicide doses of carboxin + thiram. Three lots of seeds were used (high; medium and low vigor) treated with 0; 150; 250 fungicide doses and 350 mL i.a./100 kg of seeds. Germination, first count, emergence and speed index of seedling emergence, length and dry matter of shoot and root, leaf area and shoot/root ratio were evaluated. The experimental design was completely randomized in a factorial 3 x 3 (three lots - high, medium and low vigor x three fungicide doses of carboxin + thiram). Data were submitted to analysis of variance and if significant at 5% probability, adjusted for orthogonal polynomials. According to the data observed in Figures 1, 2 and 3, it was possible to observe that there were significant differences for the means of the variables germination, first germination count, emergency, emergency speed index, shoot length, root length, aerial part dry mass, root dry mass, leaf area, leaf area ratio and shoot and root ratio. The fungicide doses of 150 mL to 350 mL i.a./100 kg of seeds result in greater seedling emergence, higher leaf area ratio and increased shoot/root ratio in plants from lots of medium vigor seeds. The fungicide consisted of carboxin + thiram enhances the expression of seed vigor and physiological performance of plant growth derived from lots of medium vigor seeds

    Prevalence and serotypes of Shiga toxin-producing Escherichia coli (STEC) in dairy cattle from Northern Portugal

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    The prevalence of Shiga toxin (Stx)-producing Escherichia coli (STEC) was determined by evaluating its presence in faecal samples from 155 heifers, and 254 dairy cows in 21 farms at North of Portugal sampled between December 2017 and June 2019. The prevalence of STEC in heifers (45%) was significantly higher than in lactating cows (16%) (p<0.05, Fisher exact test statistic value is <0.00001). A total of 133 STEC were isolated, 24 (13.8%) carried Shiga-toxin 1 (stx1) genes, 69 (39.7%) carried Shiga-toxin 2 (stx2) genes, and 40 (23%) carried both stx1 and stx2. Intimin (eae) virulence gene was detected in 29 (21.8%) of the isolates. STEC isolates belonged to 72 different O:H serotypes, comprising 40 O serogroups and 23 H types. The most frequent serotypes were O29:H12 (15%) and O113:H21 (5.2%), found in a large number of farms. Two isolates belonged to the highly virulent serotypes associated with human disease O157:H7 and O26:H11. Many other bovine STEC serotypes founded in this work belonged to serotypes previously described as pathogenic to humans. Thus, this study highlights the need for control strategies that can reduce STEC prevalence at the farm level and, thus, prevent food and environmental contamination.This study was financially supported by: i) project PhageSTEC (POCI-01-0145 -FEDER 029628) funded by FEDER through COMPETE2020 (Programa Operacional Competitividade e Internacionalizac¸ão) and by National Funds thought FCT (Fundac¸ão para a Ciência e a Tecnologia); ii) strategic project UIDB/04469/2020 unit and BioTecNorte operation (NORTE-01-0145-FEDER 000004) funded by FCT under the scope of the European Regional Development Fund (Norte2020 - Programa Operacional Regional do Norte); iii) project PI16/01477 from Plan Estatal de I+D+I 2013-2016, Instituto de Salud Carlos III (ISCIII), Subdireccio´n General de Evaluacio´n y Fomento de la Investigacio´n, Ministerio de Economı´a y Competitividad (Gobierno de España) and FEDER; and iv) grant ED431C2017/57 from the Consellerı´a de Cultura, Educacio´n e Ordenación Universitaria, (Xunta de Galicia) and FEDER; UIDB/AGR/04033/2020 by National Funds thought FCT. Author IGM acknowledges the Consellerı´a de Cultura, Educacio´n e Ordenacio´n Universitaria, Xunta de Galicia for the individual grant ED481A-2015/149 and and author SCFS acknowledges the FPU programme for the individual grant FPU15/02644 from the Secretarı´a General de Universidades, Spanish Ministerio de Educacio´n, Cultura y Deporte. The funders had no role in study design, data collection and analysis, decision to publish, or preparation of the manuscript.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    European Portuguese adaptation and validation of dilemmas used to assess moral decision-making = Adaptação e validação para português europeu de dilemas utilizados para avaliar a tomada de decisão moral

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    Abstract Objective To adapt and validate a widely used set of moral dilemmas to European Portuguese, which can be applied to assess decision-making. Moreover, the classical formulation of the dilemmas was compared with a more focused moral probe. Finally, a shorter version of the moral scenarios was tested. Methods The Portuguese version of the set of moral dilemmas was tested in 53 individuals from several regions of Portugal. In a second study, an alternative way of questioning on moral dilemmas was tested in 41 participants. Finally, the shorter version of the moral dilemmas was tested in 137 individuals. Results Results evidenced no significant differences between English and Portuguese versions. Also, asking whether actions are “morally acceptable” elicited less utilitarian responses than the original question, although without reaching statistical significance. Finally, all tested versions of moral dilemmas exhibited the same pattern of responses, suggesting that the fundamental elements to the moral decision-making were preserved. Conclusions We found evidence of cross-cultural validity for moral dilemmas. However, the moral focus might affect utilitarian/deontological judgments