843 research outputs found

    An external economic policy for South Africa

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    In a world of rapidly changing economic and political conditions, it is necessary to review the external economic policy of a country from time to time. On the one hand, we in South Africa should take note of the economic and political development taking place at such a rapid pace in Africa, and on the other hand, we should also pay attention to the modern tendency to form international trade blocs. The present state of affairs not only calls for protection and development of our international economic interests, but also for thorough planning of our future economic growth and development

    The use of confocal microscopy in quantifying changes in membrane potential

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    Monitoring the plasma membrane potential and its changes can be a time consuming and challenging task especially when conventional electrophysiological techniques are used. The use of potentiometricfluorophores, namely tetramethylrhodamine methylester (TMRM), and digital imaging devices (laser scanning confocal microscopy) provides reliable and time efficient method. Two scorpion pore-forming peptides, namely PP and OP1, were used as a tool to induce depolarization of the plasma membrane potential of neuroblastoma cell line and cardiac myocytes. Alternative methods for the neuroblastoma cells and cardiac myocytes were used. Depolarization of the neuroblastoma cells was calibrated with 140 mM KCl solution with 1 ìM valinomycin, after which intensity readers were substituted in the Nernst equation for quantification. Calibration of the alternative method used of the cardiac myocytes’ plasma membrane potential changes was calibrated with the use of 5, 20, 40, and 80 mM KCl solutions with 1 ìM valinomycin. A calibration curve was then constructed from which plasma membrane potential could be calculate

    The 14C content of the ethanol of South African wines ior the years 1925-1975

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    It has been shown that, due to atmospheric conditions, South African natural wines are lower in 14C content than their northern hemisphere counterparts for the periods of active nuclear explosion tests. On this basis it is incorrect to apply northern hemisphere 14C data to wines of the southern hemisphere.Der 14C-Gehalt des Äthanols sĂŒdafrikanischer Weine der JahrgĂ€nge 1925-1975Es konnte gezeigt werden, daß sĂŒdafrikanische Naturweine infolge der atmosphĂ€rischen Bedingungen einen niedrigeren 14C-Gehalt besitzen, als ihn Vergleichsweine von der nördlichen Erdhalbkugel aus der Zeit der Kernwaffenversuche aufweisen. Es ist somit nicht gerechtfertigt, die 14C-Werte der NordhemisphĂ€re bei Weinen der sĂŒdlichen Erdhalbkugel anzuwenden

    Dealing with a traumatic past: the victim hearings of the South African truth and reconciliation commission and their reconciliation discourse

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    In the final years of the twentieth and the beginning of the twenty-first century, there has been a worldwide tendency to approach conflict resolution from a restorative rather than from a retributive perspective. The South African Truth and Reconciliation Commission (TRC), with its principle of 'amnesty for truth' was a turning point. Based on my discursive research of the TRC victim hearings, I would argue that it was on a discursive level in particular that the Truth Commission has exerted/is still exerting a long-lasting impact on South African society. In this article, three of these features will be highlighted and illustrated: firstly, the TRC provided a discursive forum for thousands of ordinary citizens. Secondly, by means of testimonies from apartheid victims and perpetrators, the TRC composed an officially recognised archive of the apartheid past. Thirdly, the reconciliation discourse created at the TRC victim hearings formed a template for talking about a traumatic past, and it opened up the debate on reconciliation. By discussing these three features and their social impact, it will become clear that the way in which the apartheid past was remembered at the victim hearings seemed to have been determined, not so much by political concerns, but mainly by social needs

    Conservation laws for vacuum tetrad gravity

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    Ten conservation laws in useful polynomial form are derived from a Cartan form and Exterior Differential System (EDS) for the tetrad equations of vacuum relativity. The Noether construction of conservation laws for well posed EDS is introduced first, and an illustration given, deriving 15 conservation laws of the free field Maxwell Equations from symmetries of its EDS. The Maxwell EDS and tetrad gravity EDS have parallel structures, with their numbers of dependent variables, numbers of generating 2-forms and generating 3-forms, and Cartan character tables all in the ratio of 1 to 4. They have 10 corresponding symmetries with the same Lorentz algebra, and 10 corresponding conservation laws.Comment: Final version with additional reference

    Submesoscale Fronts in the Antarctic Marginal Ice Zone and Their Response to Wind Forcing

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    Submesoscale flows in the ocean are energetic motions, O(1–10 km), that influence stratification and the distributions of properties, such as heat and carbon. They are believed to play an important role in sea‐ice‐impacted oceans by modulating air‐sea‐ice fluxes and sea‐ice extent. The intensity of these flows and their response to wind forcing are unobserved in the sea‐ice regions of the Southern Ocean. We present the first submesoscale‐resolving observations in the Antarctic marginal ice zone (MIZ) collected by surface and underwater autonomous vehicles, for >3 months in austral summer. We observe salinity‐dominated lateral density fronts occurring at sub‐kilometer scales. Surface winds are shown to modify the magnitude of the mixed‐layer density fronts, revealing strongly coupled atmosphere‐ocean processes. We posture that these wind‐front interactions occur as a continuous interplay between front slumping and vertical mixing, which leads to the dispersion of submesoscale fronts. Such processes are expected to be ubiquitous in the Southern Ocean MIZ

    Submesoscale Fronts in the Antarctic Marginal Ice Zone and Their Response to Wind Forcing

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    Submesoscale flows in the ocean are energetic motions, O(1–10 km), that influence stratification and the distributions of properties, such as heat and carbon. They are believed to play an important role in sea‐ice‐impacted oceans by modulating air‐sea‐ice fluxes and sea‐ice extent. The intensity of these flows and their response to wind forcing are unobserved in the sea‐ice regions of the Southern Ocean. We present the first submesoscale‐resolving observations in the Antarctic marginal ice zone (MIZ) collected by surface and underwater autonomous vehicles, for >3 months in austral summer. We observe salinity‐dominated lateral density fronts occurring at sub‐kilometer scales. Surface winds are shown to modify the magnitude of the mixed‐layer density fronts, revealing strongly coupled atmosphere‐ocean processes. We posture that these wind‐front interactions occur as a continuous interplay between front slumping and vertical mixing, which leads to the dispersion of submesoscale fronts. Such processes are expected to be ubiquitous in the Southern Ocean MIZ
