660 research outputs found

    Dimensions of Science Learning: a study on PISA test questions involving chemistry content

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    In this article we discuss the potential of certain questions from PISA to engage students in specific scientific dimensions. The guiding question for the research is: What Dimensions of Scientific Learning, described in the NRC (2012), can be identified in questions that address the chemical contents of the PISA Science test? Thus, we analyze the questions seeking to identify the Scientific Practices, Crosscutting Concepts and Disciplinary Central Ideas. The research is predominantly qualitative and the analysis of the data was based on the procedures of content analysis. A total of 59 questions were analyzed with the aid of the Atlas software. From the analysis, some clusters were attempted to configure such dimensions. The following results are highlighted: the most identified scientific practices in the analyzed questions were analyzing and interpreting data (SP4) and constructing explanations (SP6). The most identified crosscutting concept was: cause and effect - mechanism and prediction (CC2). And as for the third dimension – disciplinary core ideas - we highlight the higher incidence of the physical sciences (DCI1) that deals with topics envolving matter and its interactions. We highlight the potential of PISA items to involve students in specific scientific dimensions; in addition, we consider that this study brings contributions to teachers in the scientific areas, since recognizing the dimensions can guide their actions in the classroom, aiming at teaching that favors scientific literacy

    Nuevo test incremental para patinadores velocistas sobre una superficie plana deslizante: análisis de fiabilidad y comparación con un test de ciclismo

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    Introducción: No parece ser adecuada la prescripción de ejercicio a patinadores a partir de los índices obtenidos en la bicicleta estática o la cinta rodante. Sin embargo, todavía no se ha establecido una valoración específica de laboratorio para patinadores. Objetivo: El objectivo de este estudio fue valorar la fiabilidad del test-retest de un test incremental ejecutado sobre una superficie plana deslizante (SB, del inglés slide board) y se comparó su validez, con un protocolo de ciclismo, para determinar el rendimiento aeróbico de los patinadores velocistas. Métodos: Diez patinadores de velocidad en línea de alto nivel ejecutaron 2 tests incrementales, uno en una SB y otro de ciclismo. La intensidad del test sobre SB fue determinada mediante cadencia, empezando por 30 impulsos/min y aumentando en 3 impulsos/min cada minuto hasta el agotamiento. Se midieron los valores máximo y submáximo relacionados con el umbral anaeróbico (AT), el consumo de oxígeno (VO2), la ventilación pulmonar (VE), la tasa de intercambio respiratorio (RER), la frecuencia cardíaca (FC), la escala de percepción del esfuerzo (RPE), la cadencia (CAD) y la concentración de lactato sanguíneo ([Lac]max). Resultados: No se encontraron diferencias significativas entre test y retest en la SB en ninguna de las variables. Se obtuvieron elevados niveles de fiabilidad relativa y absoluta (ICC > 0,9) (error típico de medida CVTEM 0,8). Conclusión: Los resultados sugieren que el test de SB es fiable y adecuado para evaluar los índices de rendimiento aeróbico de patinadores velocista

    A novel incremental slide board test for speed skaters: Reliability analysis and comparison with a cycling test

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    Introduction Exercise prescription from indices obtained from cycling or running treadmill incremental tests does not seem suitable for speed skaters. However, the specificity of laboratory skating assessments remains to be established. Purpose This study intended to assess the test–retest reliability of an incremental test performed on a slide board (SB), and its validity compared with a cycling protocol in order to determine aerobic performance indices in speed skaters. Methods Ten competitive inline speed skaters performed two incremental tests on an SB and one cycling incremental test. The intensity of SB test was determined by cadence, starting at 30 push-offs/min and increasing by three push-offs/min each minute, until volitional exhaustion. Maximal and submaximal values related to the anaerobic threshold (AT) of oxygen uptake (VO2), pulmonary ventilation (VE), respiratory exchange (RER), heart rate (HR), rating of perceived effort (RPE), cadence (CAD), and blood lactate concentration ([Lac]max) were measured. Results No significant differences were found in any of the variables between test–retest on SB. High relative (ICC > 0.9) and absolute reliability (typical error of measure as CVTEM 0.8). Conclusions The findings suggest that SB test is reliable and adequate to evaluate aerobic performance indices of speed skaters

    Nou test incremental per a patinadors velocistes sobre una superfície plana lliscant: anàlisi de fiabilitat i comparació amb un test de ciclisme

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    Introducció: Sembla que no és adequada la prescripció d’exercici a patinadors a partir dels índexs obtinguts en la bicicleta estàtica o a la cinta de córrer. Això no obstant, encara no s’ha establert una valoració específica de laboratori per als patinadors. Objectiu: Aquest estudi pretengué valorar la fiabilitat del test-retest d’una prova incremental feta damunt una superfície plana lliscant, en anglès slide board (SB), i se’n comparà la validesa, amb un protocol de ciclisme, per tal de determinar el rendiment aeròbic dels patinadors velocistes. Mètodes: Deu patinadors velocistes de curses en línia d’alt nivell executaren 2 tests incrementals, un sobre una SB i un altre de ciclisme. La intensitat del test sobre SB fou determinada mitjançant cadència, començant per 30 impulsos/min i augmentant 3 impulsos/min cada minut fins a l’esgotament. Foren mesurats els valors màxims i submàxims relacionats amb el llindar anaeròbic (AT), el consum d’oxigen (VO2), la ventilació pulmonar (VE), la taxa d’intercanvi respiratori (RER), la freqüència cardíaca (FC), l’escala de percepció de l’esforç (RPE), la cadència (CAD) y la concentració de lactat sanguini ([Lac]max). Resultats: No es trobaren diferències significatives en cap de les variables entre testretest a l’SB. S’obtingueren nivells elevats de fiabilitat relativa i absoluta (ICC > 0,9) (error típic de mesura CVTEM 0,8). Conclusió: Els resultats obtinguts suggereixen que el test SB és fiable i adequat per avaluar els índexs de rendiment aeròbic de patinadors velociste

    Magnetism and in-gap states of 3d transition metal atoms on superconducting Re

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    Magnetic atoms on heavy-element superconducting substrates are potential building blocks for realizing topological superconductivity in one- and two-dimensional atomic arrays. Their localized magnetic moments induce so-called Yu-Shiba-Rusinov (YSR) states inside the energy gap of the substrate. In the dilute limit, where the electronic states of the array atoms are only weakly coupled, proximity of the YSR states to the Fermi energy is essential for the formation of topological superconductivity in the band of YSR states. Here, we reveal via scanning tunnel spectroscopy and ab initio calculations of a series of 3d transition metal atoms (Mn, Fe, Co) adsorbed on the heavy-element superconductor Re that the increase of the Kondo coupling and sign change in magnetic anisotropy with d-state filling is accompanied by a shift of the YSR states through the energy gap of the substrate and a crossing of the Fermi level. The uncovered systematic trends enable the identification of the most promising candidates for the realization of topological superconductivity in arrays of similar systems

    Aplicativo Móvel para Ensino de Programação Utilizando Laboratório Remoto/ Mobile Application for Teaching Programming Using Remote Lab

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    A complexidade que envolve o ensino e aprendizado de programação em disciplinas introdutórias estabelece uma barreira para professores e alunos com relação a transmissão e absorção de conteúdo. A experimentação desponta como uma ferramenta pedagógica de ensino, capaz de encurtar a distância entre essas disciplinas e a realidade do aluno, por conta de sua característica visual. Este artigo tem como objetivo descrever o desenvolvimento de um aplicativo que dá suporte ao ensino de programação, por meio do qual seja possível manipular um robô móvel remoto através de algoritmos e visualizar a execução dos códigos em tempo real. O aplicativo foi desenvolvido com uso de HTML, CSS3, JavaScript e do framework Apache Cordova. O método de avaliação heurística de usabilidade foi utilizado na avaliação da aplicação, que apresentou alta usabilidade

    Ethical Perspectives in AI: A Two-folded Exploratory Study From Literature and Active Development Projects

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    Background: Interest in Artificial Intelligence (AI) based systems has been gaining traction at a fast pace, both for software development teams and for society as a whole. This increased interest has lead to the employment of AI techniques such as Machine Learning and Deep Learning for diverse purposes, like medicine and surveillance systems, and such uses have raised the awareness about the ethical implications of the usage of AI systems. Aims: With this work we aim to obtain an overview of the current state of the literature and software projects on tools, methods and techniques used in practical AI ethics. Method: We have conducted an exploratory study in both a scientific database and a software projects repository in order to understand their current state on techniques, methods and tools used for implementing AI ethics. Results: A total of 182 abstracts were retrieved and five classes were devised from the analysis in Scopus, 1) AI in Agile and Business for Requirement Engineering (RE) (22.8%), 2) RE in Theoretical Context (14.8%), 3) Quality Requirements (22.6%), 4) Proceedings and Conferences (22%), 5) AI in Requirements Engineering (17.8%). Furthermore, out of 589 projects from GitHub, we found 21 tools for implementing AI ethics. Highlighted publicly available tools found to assist the implementation of AI ethics are InterpretML, Deon and TransparentAI. Conclusions: The combined energy of both explored sources fosters an enhanced debate and stimulates progress towards AI ethics in practice