1,042 research outputs found

    A influ?ncia dos gestores na satisfa??o dos servidores da Superintend?ncia Regional de Ensino de Diamantina-MG: uma an?lise do clima organizacional por meio das ferramentas e t?cnicas do Guia PMBOK?

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    A SRE Diamantina fornece direcionamento aos gestores escolares e atende aos ?rg?os superiores, aos quais est? subordinada para o bem-estar educacional. A pesquisa delimitou o estudo na atua??o dos gestores respons?veis pelo ambiente interno com sua cultura e clima organizacional, bem como rela??es sociais de trabalho. O desafio da pesquisa foi encontrar respostas para as maiores dificuldades enfrentadas pelos gestores nas rela??es interpessoais, os fatores do ambiente interno que causam insatisfa??o nos servidores e como resolver o problema de clima organizacional. Para responder a esses questionamentos, definiu-se como objetivo geral identificar, por meio de uma pesquisa de opini?o p?blica, a percep??o dos servidores da SRE Diamantina no que diz respeito a influ?ncia dos gestores em sua satisfa??o no trabalho, utilizando, para isso, as ferramentas e t?cnicas do GUIA PMBOK? para mapear o ambiente interno. Na sequ?ncia, foi necess?rio mapear, por meio da pesquisa de opini?o p?blica, o ambiente interno da SRE Diamantina adotando como crit?rio as 10 ?reas do conhecimento em gerenciamento de projetos do Guia PMBOK?, de forma a descrever os fatores de satisfa??o e de insatisfa??o diagnosticados no mapeamento e analisados por meio da t?cnica estat?stica multivariada, bem como identificando similaridades para sugerir a implanta??o de um projeto de forma??o continuada para os gestores, tamb?m utilizando as ferramentas e t?cnicas do Guia PMBOK?, nas tr?s ?reas do conhecimento identificadas como as mais deficit?rias no mapeamento. A pesquisa tem natureza aplicada e car?ter descritivo, m?todo de abordagem qualitativa, para tanto utilizou como procedimento o levantamento do tipo Survey, e o question?rio online foi respondido por 34 servidores. A interpreta??o dos dados foi realizada por meio de agrupamentos ou Clusters com o suporte dos softwares Microsoft Excel, Past 326b e do Venngage. De acordo com muitos servidores, os gestores t?m dificuldades de repassar conhecimentos, ensinar e aperfei?oar t?cnicas (67,64%), problemas de criatividade e iniciativa para gerar confian?a na conviv?ncia di?ria (52,95%) e de divis?o do trabalho (82,35%). Muitos servidores est?o insatisfeitos com a falta de autonomia para trabalhar (55,88%). Os fatores que geram satisfa??o aos servidores s?o: gostar do que fazem, integra??o da equipe, autonomia, serem valorizados e ouvidos. Em contrapartida, falta de capacita??o e treinamentos, de plano de carreira, de comunica??o, de n?o serem valorizados em determinados momentos e a n?o participa??o nas decis?es geram insatisfa??o. As tr?s ?reas do conhecimento mais deficit?rias est?o relacionadas ? comunica??o, aos recursos e ? integra??o. Foi poss?vel concluir que existe uma discrep?ncia entre a percep??o dos servidores da diretoria de pessoal em rela??o aos demais setores da SRE Diamantina e que o gerenciamento das comunica??es ? a maior causa de insatisfa??o no ambiente de trabalho da institui??o.Disserta??o (Mestrado Profissional) ? Programa de P?s-Gradua??o em Educa??o, Universidade Federal dos Vales do Jequitinhonha e Mucuri, 2020.The Regional Teaching Superintendence (RTS) in Diamantina provides guidance for school administrators and serves the higher public authorities, in order to maintain educational wellbeing. The research delimited the studied to school administrators? performance who were responsible for an internal environment with their culture and organizational climate, as well as social work relationships. The research challenge was to find answers to the greatest difficulties faced by administrators in interpersonal relationships, and other internal environment factors that cause public servants? dissatisfaction and how to solve the organizational climate problem. In order to answer these questions, it was defined as a general objective to identify, through a public opinion survey, the perception of Diamantina RTS? employees regarding the influence of administrators on their job satisfaction, using the PMBOK? GUIDE tools and techniques to map the internal environment. Then, it was necessary to map, through public opinion research, the internal environment of Diamantina RTS, adopting the 10 knowledge areas in project management of the PMBOK? Guide as criteria. The criteria was selected in order to describe the satisfaction and dissatisfaction factors diagnosed in the mapping. In addition, it was analyzed using the multivariate statistical technique, and similarities were identified to suggest the implementation of a continuing education project for school managers, also using the PMBOK? Guide tools and techniques, in the three knowledge areas identified as the most deficient in the mapping phase. The research has an applied nature and a descriptive character, and also a qualitative approach method. For this, a survey was used as a data collector procedure, and the online questionnaire was answered by 34 public servants. Data interpretation was performed using clusters with the support of Microsoft Excel, Past 326b and Venngage softwares. According to many public employees, administrators have difficulties in passing on knowledge, teaching and improving techniques (67.64%), creativity and initiative problems in order to create confidence in daily living (52.95%) and division of labor (82,35%). Many of them are dissatisfied with the lack of work autonomy (55.88%). The factors that generate satisfaction to the employees are: like what they do, team integration, autonomy, being valued and listened to. On the other hand, the lack of improvement, training, career plans and communication but also not being valued at certain times and not being part of the decision makers generate dissatisfaction. The three most deficient knowledge areas are related to communication, resources and integration. It was possible to conclude that there is a perception discrepancy between the public servants of the personal board in relation to the other sectors of Diamantina RTS. Furthermore, communication management is the biggest cause of work dissatisfaction in the institution environment

    Diversity, floristic composition, and structure of the woody vegetation of the Cerrado in the Cerrado–Amazon transition zone in Mato Grosso, Brazil

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    The final publication is available at Springer via http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s40415-015-0186-2We compared the diversity and species composition and the structure of the vegetation of three distinct Cerrado phytophysiognomies (Cerradão, Dense Cerrado, and Typical Cerrado) in the Cerrado–Amazon transition, Mato Grosso (Brazil). Species richness (observed and estimated) in the Cerradão and Dense Cerrado was higher than that recorded in the Typical Cerrado. Species diversity, based on a Rényi profile, was highest in the Dense Cerrado, in comparison with the other phytophysiognomies. We recorded a higher number of exclusive species in the Cerradão and a greater similarity (Morisita and Sørensen indices) between this vegetation type and the Dense Cerrado. While individuals were tallest in the Cerradão and Dense Cerrado and lowest in the Typical Cerrado, there was no difference among phytophysiognomies in mean diameter. A gradient in decreasing species richness and diversity (hypothesis 1) and vegetation vertical structure (hypothesis 3) was expected for the Cerradão–Dense Cerrado–Typical Cerrado; however, neither hypothesis was supported by the results. The Cerradão and Dense Cerrado were most similar in species composition not confirming hypothesis 2, which predicted that the two savanna vegetation types (Dense Cerrado and Typical Cerrado) were more similar to one another than either is to the woodland (Cerradão). Overall, the similarities among the three study communities depended on the type of parameter analyzed. While the species richness and the vertical and structure of the vegetation of the Cerradão and Dense Cerrado are closely similar, the Cerradão and Typical Cerrado are more similar in their species diversity. With regard to the floristic composition, Dense Cerrado occupies an intermediate position between Cerradão and Typical Cerrado.UNEMAT Graduate Program in Ecology and ConservationBrazilian Higher Education Training Program (CAPES)“Tropical Biomes in Transition – TROBIT”CAPES/Science without Borders ProgramPELD/CNPq (Long-Term Ecological Studies)PROCAD UnB/UNEMA

    Professores e estudantes em interação: a pandemia e o ato ético

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    This article discusses teaching practice in the COVID-19 pandemic period as an act, in its unique and unpredictable constitution during social distance and remote classes. For this, a testimonies of a teacher and a testimonies of a student are analyzed, texts that marked social media. Based on the Bakhtinian principles (2017) of the unrepeatable singularity of each subject and each act, and of the responsibility for the act, this reflection points to the fact that the center of pedagogical practices is the interactional relationship between students and teachers, subjects responsible for their ethical acts, in presential lessons or remote class.Este artigo aborda o fazer docente no período de pandemia da COVID-19 como ato, em sua constituição única e imprevisível durante o distanciamento social e as aulas remotas. Para tanto, analisam-se os depoimentos de um professor e de um estudante, dizeres que marcaram as mídias sociais. Com base nos princípios bakhtinianos (2017) da singularidade irrepetível de cada sujeito e de cada ato, e da responsabilidade pelo ato, esta reflexão aponta para o fato de que o centro das práticas pedagógicas é a relação interacional entre alunos e professores, sujeitos responsáveis por seus atos éticos, em aulas presenciais ou remotas

    Natural selection for efficiency in the use of nitrogen in common bean identified by analysis of microsatellites and grain yield

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    Abstract This study was carried out in order to verify whether natural selection acts on segregating common bean populations grown in the presence and absence of N, and to verify that natural selection affects the frequency of microsatellite alleles specifically, and in order to identify those that can assist in selection. Four populations from the crosses Ouro Negro x CI-107 and VC-5 x IAPAR-81 were carried forward in bulk to F8 at both levels of N. Ouro Negro and VC-5 are considered stress tolerant to nitrogen and IAPAR-81 and CI-107 responsive. One hundred progenies were obtained from each cross and grown in the presence and absence of N. DNA was extracted from 400 progenies, of which 194 were evaluated in the rainy season and 79 in the winter crop for grain yield. These progenies were evaluated in two separate experiments with and without N, in a 14 x 14 lattice design during rainy season and 9 x 9 in the winter season. We selected 35 pairs of polymorphic primers from the parents, with 20 being common from the two crosses. Using DNA of the 400 progenies, it was found that natural selection acted in 33 loci, in at least one environment and cross, and that alleles of the four parents were favoured by natural selection. QTLs were identified for the response rate of N and for grain yield and the linked markers are potential for assisted selection, especially the two most stable; BMD-20, in response to the use of N and PVBR-93 for grain yield

    Natural selection in common bean microsatellite alleles and identification of QTLs for grain yield

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    Natural selection acts to select better adapted individuals or alleles in segregating population and help plant breeding. The objective of this work was to verify the effect of natural selection on microsatellite alleles as indicators of better adaptation and identification of quantitative trait loci (QTLs) for grain yield. This study evaluated 107 progenies from the F8 and 107 from the F24 generation derived from crossing Carioca MG and ESAL 686 lines, carried out by the bulk method, and evaluated in three different seasons: winter 2001; rainy 2001 and dry 2002. It was utilized 22 polymorphic markers and the natural selection acted in all of them. The frequency of the alleles of the parent Carioca MG, the most adapted, was increased in all of the 22 loci in F8 and 19 loci in F24. Selection affected each locus with different intensities in different generations. All of the selected alleles can be important for breeding program. QTLs were identified in generation F8 and F24 at varied magnitudes. The best marker PVttc002 explained 11.76% of variation in grain yield. However, an elevated interaction between QTLs and the environments was observed, showing the great difficulty in assisted selection

    Removal of 60 Hz interference on the ECG signal using digital notch filter.

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    A interfer?ncia de 60 Hz AC pode ser um problema em qualquer situa??o de medi??o de biopotencial. A fonte dessa interfer?ncia ? o potencial AC da rede de alimenta??o de energia el?trica que est? inevitavelmente presente em qualquer situa??o cl?nica, ou para ilumina??o do ambiente ou como fonte de suprimento dos equipamentos de medi??o. A interfer?ncia causada pela rede el?trica, em 60 Hz, pode ser dif?cil de detectar visualmente em sinais tendo formas de onda n?o-regulares, como o EEG ou o EMG. N?o obstante, a interfer?ncia ? facilmente vis?vel quando presente em sinais com formas de onda bem definidas, como ? o caso do sinal de ECG (Eletrocardiograma). Em todo caso, o espectro de pot?ncia do sinal deve fornecer uma indica??o clara da presen?a da interfer?ncia da rede como um impulso em 60 Hz. Os harm?nicos, caso presentes, aparecem como impulsos adicionais em m?ltiplos inteiros da frequ?ncia fundamental. Neste trabalho ? demonstrada uma t?cnica de filtragem, empregando um filtro ?Notch? digital, o qual remove o artefato de 60 Hz do sinal de ECG, aumentando a confiabilidade do diagn?stico cl?nico a partir da interpreta??o do mesmo.60 Hz AC interference can be a problem in any biopotential measurement situation. The source of such interference is the AC potential of the electrical power supply network that is inevitably present in any clinical situation, either for lighting the environment or as a source of supply for the measuring equipment. Electrical interference at 60 Hz can be difficult to detect visually on signals having non-regular waveforms such as EEG or EMG. Nevertheless, the interference is easily visible when present in signals with well-defined waveforms, such as the ECG (Electrocardiogram) signal. In any case, the power spectrum of the signal shall provide a clear indication of the presence of the network interference as a 60 Hz pulse. The harmonics, if present, appear as additional pulses in integral multiples of the fundamental frequency. In this work, a filtering technique is demonstrated, using a digital Notch filter, which removes the 60 Hz artifact from the ECG signal, increasing the reliability of the clinical diagnosis from its interpretation

    Economic crisis effect on asset choices for personal investments.

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    A literatura econ?mica documenta que eventos extremos podem induzir altera??es na propens?o ao risco. Este estudo investiga se a crise 2008/2009 afetou o comportamento de investimento em diversos ativos, financeiros e reais, por parte de dezenas de milhares de cidad?os residentes em diversas regi?es dos Estados Unidos. Os resultados obtidos por meio de modelos logit sugerem que a crise de 2008/2009 pode ter induzido significativa mudan?a na prefer?ncia por diferentes ativos, tais como trusts, t?tulos de d?vida, im?veis, e planejamento da aposentadoria. Os resultados deste estudo podem ser contributivos para pol?ticas p?blicas acerca do comportamento de investimento das fam?lias, especialmente mediante contexto de crise, al?m de orientar a proposi??o de novos produtos financeiros por parte da ind?stria financeira.The economic literature documents that extreme events can induce changes in risk propensity. This study investigates if the 2008/2009 crisis affected the investment behavior of tens of thousands of citizens living in different regions of the United States for different assets. The results obtained by means of logit models suggest that the crisis of 2008/2009 may have induced significant changes in investment preferences for different assets such as trust, bonds, real estate, and retirement planning. This study?s results may contribute to public policies concerning household investment behavior, especially during times of crisis, in addition to guiding the proposal of new financial products by the finance industry

    Selection of common bean families for resistance to anthracnose, grain yield and carioca grain type

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    Na obten??o de cultivares de feij?o com resist?ncia ? antracnose, outros atributos agron?micos tamb?m devem ser considerados para atender a prefer?ncia do consumidor e do produtor. Neste trabalho, objetivou-se identificar fam?lias de feij?o que re?nam, al?m da resist?ncia ? antracnose, alta produtividade, gr?os tipo Carioca e porte ereto. Foram cruzados os genitores CNFC 10706, B1 portador do alelo de resist?ncia ? antracnose Co-4 e H147 portador do alelo de resist?ncia Co-5. Os tr?s possuem gr?os semelhantes ao Carioca. Inicialmente foram avaliadas 224 fam?lias F2:3, derivadas dos tr?s cruzamentos, mais a cultivar Talism? como testemunha, no inverno/primavera de 2004, em Lavras, com base no tipo de gr?o. Foram selecionadas 99 fam?lias F2:4 e avaliadas com a testemunha Talism?, na seca de 2005 em Lavras e Lambari. Essas 99 fam?lias foram tamb?m inoculadas com as ra?as 593 e 337 de C. lindemuthianum, para auxiliar na sele??o daquelas portadoras dos alelos de resist?ncia Co-4 e Co-5. As 35 fam?lias F2:5 remanescentes, foram avaliadas no inverno/primavera de 2005, em Ijaci, MG. Em todos os experimentos foi utilizado, o delineamento l?tice quadrado. As 35 fam?lias foram novamente inoculadas com as ra?as 65 e 321. Por meio das inocula??es e tamb?m com o uso de um marcador molecular SCAR ligado ao alelo Co-4, foi poss?vel identificar a constitui??o gen?tica da maioria das 35 fam?lias quanto ? rea??o antracnose e selecionar quatro que re?nem, simultaneamente, tipo de gr?os semelhante ao Carioca, porte ereto e boa produtividade, al?m de serem portadoras dos alelos Co-4 e Co-5 de resist?ncia ? antracnose.Funda??o de Amparo ? Pesquisa do Estado de Minas Gerais (FAPEMIG)Empresa de Pesquisa Agropecu?ria de Minas Gerais (EPAMIG)Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Cient?fico e Tecnol?gico (CNPq)Coordena??o de Aperfei?oamento de Pessoal de N?vel Superior (CAPES)In the common bean breeding, besides anthracnose resistance other agronomical traits need to be considered for achieving the producer and consumer requirements. So the aims of this research were to select common bean families resistant to anthracnose, high grain yield, Carioca grain type and upright plant type. The lines CNFC 10706, B1 and H147 were crossed. All of them have Carioca grain type. The B1 line is resistant to anthracnose due to the Co-4 allele, and the H147 due to the Co-5 allele. From the CNFC 10706 x H147, CNFC 10706 x B1 and H147x B1, 224 F2:3 families plus the check Talism? were evaluated in the winter/spring of 2004, in Lavras county, based on grain type. Ninety nine families were selected and evaluated, plus the check, in the seca of 2005 at Lavras and Lambari county. The families were also inoculated with the 337 and 593 races of C. lindemunthianum for selecting those with the Co-4 and Co-5 resistant alleles. The 35 selected families (F2:5) were evaluated in the winter/spring of 2005, in Ijaci county. The square lattice design was used in all experiments. Those 35 families were also inoculated with the 65 and 321 races of C. lindemunthianum. Through the inoculations and the Co-4 SCAR marker the genetic constitutions of most of the 35 families were identified. Four families were selected with Carioca grain type, upright plant type, high grain yield and besides bearing the Co-4 and Co-5 alleles for anthracnose resistance

    Fault location technique in transmission lines using the minimum square method.

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    A investiga??o de diferentes tipos de faltas em linhas de transmiss?o ? uma tarefa complexa e de extrema import?ncia para o Sistema El?trico de Pot?ncia (SEP). A modelagem da linha de transmiss?o deve ser estabelecida da forma mais rigorosa poss?vel, visando ? precis?o das dist?ncias de faltas simuladas a partir dos modelos levantados. Neste trabalho ser? modelada uma linha de transmiss?o em circuito simples usando o programa de c?lculo de transit?rios eletromagn?ticos ATPDraw? e, posteriormente, o algoritmo de localiza??o de falta baseado no emprego do m?todo dos m?nimos quadrados ser? implementado no MATLAB?. O desempenho do m?todo ser? discutido em termos de precis?o e robustez dos resultados.The investigation of different types of faults in transmission lines is a complex and extremely important task for the Electric Power System (EPS). The modeling of the transmission line should be established as rigorously as possible, aiming at the accuracy of simulated fault distances from the models surveyed.. In this work, a simple circuit transmission line will be modeled using the ATPDraw? electromagnetic transient program, and later the fault localization algorithm based on the use of the least squares method will be implemented in MATLAB?. The performance of the method will be discussed in terms of accuracy and robustness of the results