36 research outputs found

    Conhecimento da população portuguesa sobre Suporte Básico de Vida e disponibilidade para realizar formação

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    OBJECTIVETo evaluate the level of knowledge and the availability of the Portuguese population to attend training in Basic Life Support (BLS) and identify factors related to their level of knowledge about BLS.METHODObservational study including 1,700 people who responded to a questionnaire containing data on demography, profession, training, interest in training and knowledge about BLS.RESULTSAmong 754 men and 943 women, only 17.8% (303) attended a course on BLS, but 95.6% expressed willingness to carry out the training. On average, they did not show good levels of knowledge on basic life support (correct answers in 25.9 ± 11.5 of the 64 indicators). Male, older respondents who had the training and those who performed BLS gave more correct answers, on average (pOBJETIVOEvaluar el nivel de conocimiento y la disponibilidad de la población portuguesa para llevar a cabo la formación sobre Soporte Básico de Vida (SBV) e identificar algunos factores relacionados con su nivel de conocimiento acerca del SBV.MÉTODOEstudio observacional realizado con 1.700 personas que respondieron a un cuestionario compuesto de datos sociodemográficos y profesionales, formación, interés en la formación y conocimientos sobre SBV.RESULTADOSDe los 754 hombres y 943 mujeres, solo el 17,8% (303) asistió a un curso sobre SBV, pero el 95,6% manifestó disponibilidad para realizar la formación. En promedio, no presentaron buenos niveles de conocimientos en soporte básico de vida (contestaron bien 25,9 ± 11,5 de los 64 indicadores). Los respondedores mayores, del sexo masculino, los que llevaron a cabo la formación y los que ya prestaron SBV contestaron bien, en promedio, más cuestiones (pOBJETIVOAvaliar o nível de conhecimento e a disponibilidade da população portuguesa para realizar formação sobre Suporte Básico de Vida (SBV) e identificar alguns fatores relacionados ao seu nível de conhecimento sobre SBV.MÉTODOEstudo observacional realizado com 1.700 pessoas que responderam a um questionário composto por dados sociodemográficos e profissionais, formação, interesse na formação e conhecimentos sobre SBV.RESULTADOSDos 754 homens e 943 mulheres, apenas 17,8% (303) frequentou um curso sobre SBV, mas 95,6% manifestou disponibilidade para realizar a formação. Em média, não apresentaram bons níveis de conhecimentos em suporte básico de vida (acertaram em 25,9 ± 11,5 dos 64 indicadores). Os inquiridos mais velhos, do sexo masculino, os que efetuaram formação e os que já prestaram SBV acertaram em média mais questões (

    Escala de Toma de Decisión Clínica (CDMNS-PT©) en estudiantes de enfermería: Traducción y validación

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    to validate, for the Portuguese population, the Clinical Decision-Making Nursing Scale© (CDMNS©). Methods: this methodological study involved 496 nursing students who filled in a questionnaire created using sociodemographic and academic data, and the scale to evaluate the making of decisions in nursing. Results: the confirmatory factorial analysis showed that the adjustment of the factorial structure has good quality, being made up by three factors (X2/gl = 2.056; GFI = 0.927; CFI = 0.917; RMSEA = 0.046; RMR = 0.039; SRMR = 0.050). For the scale to be reliable, it had to include only the reliability of the scale required it to be constituted by 23 items, with correlation values that varied from 0.184 and 0.610, and a global Cronbach’s Alpha of 0.851, which showed its good reliability. Conclusions: the CDMNS-PT© is valid and reliable, showing a high potential to be used in clinical practice and investigation.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Conocimiento de estudiantes de enfermería sobre soporte vital básico

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    Knowledge about basic life support (BLS) in nursing students involves both technical skills (compressions and ventilations) and non-technical skills (clinical judgment and decision-making). Objectives: To assess nursing students’ sociodemographic and academic characteristics; to assess nursing students’ theoretical knowledge about BLS and analyze the association between nursing students’ sociodemographic and academic characteristics and their theoretical knowledge about BLS. Methodology: Observational, descriptive, and correlational study with a sample of 496 nursing students selected using a nonprobability convenience sampling technique in two schools in the central region of Portugal. Results: Students demonstrated a good level of knowledge about BLS, with an average of 30.93 ± 2.29 on a scale from 0 to 37 points. They had a very good level of knowledge about safety conditions, the technical components of airway assessment, chest compressions, and ventilations. The level of knowledge is associated with age, year of undergraduate studies, and practical experience in BLS. Conclusion: Students have a good level of knowledge about BLS.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Construction and validation of “Diabetes Education Process (DEP)” scale

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    Nursing interventions in diabetes education are considered relevant in order to achieve proper outcomes. It is important to know what nurses do in this field and for this purpose we need valid and reliable instruments. Objective: To develop and determine the psychometric characteristics of Diabetes Education Process Scale (DEP). Methods: Based on the question “What interventions nurses develop in their practice in diabetes education?", we developed two studies: (a) a qualitative one in order to identify relevant variables to measure in diabetes education; and (b) a quantitative and methodological study of validation of DEP scale. Results: We identified four guidelines in qualitative study through which emerged the relevant variables for the evaluation of therapeutic education. We applied this DEP Scale to a sample of 104 nurses, with an average age of 41.3 years (SD = 8.1). DEP Scale has in its dimensions α values between 0.6720 and 0.834, revealing reasonable internal consistency. The scale revealed also validity characteristics. Conclusion: We concluded that it is important to know nurses practices in order to let emerge their contribution to patient care. For this purpose, we need valid and reliable instruments. DEP Scale proved itself to be valid and reliable, so it can be used to access nurses´ interventions in diabetes education.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Esperanza en un grupo terapéutico de pacientes deprimidos: Un estudio de caso cualitativo

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    To understand the perceptions of hope for people with depression in the context of a therapy group. Methods: using a qualitative case study approach, a semi-structured in-depth interview and a self-report questionnaire were conducted with seven women with depression integrated in a therapy group at a Portuguese day-care psychiatric unit. Data collection and analysis used triangulation of sources. Results: the participants evidenced hope founded on the positive experiences of the past with a strong affiliation component. Hope management is done fundamentally through the interpersonal relationships established between the members of the group, based on communicational patterns that are established on a regular basis, mediated by the group therapist. Conclusion: the therapy group functioned towards the reinforcement of hope in people who experience depression, and it works as a motivation to manage the implications of illness in the participants’ life and health project. Descriptors: Case Study; Depression; Hope; Interpersonal Relations; Self-Help Groups.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Intervenções de esperança na doença crónica: uma revisão integrativa à luz de Nightingale

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    Objective: To identify the available evidence in the scientific literature about the strategies or interventions used to promote hope in people with chronic diseases. Method: An integrative literature review of literature published between 2009-2019, which was conducted in online browsers/databases: b-On, EBSCO, PubMed, Medline, ISI, SciELO, PsycINFO, Google Scholar. Forty-one studies were found, of which eight met the inclusion criteria. Results: Most studies used a quantitative approach. There was a predominance of studies from Asia and America, addressing patients with multiple sclerosis, diabetes, congestive heart failure, and cancer. Hope-based interventions were categorized by the hope attributes: experiential process, spiritual/transcendence process, rational thought process, and relational process. Conclusion: Hope-based interventions, in its essence, are good clinical practices in the physical, psychological, social and spiritual domains. This is congruent with the vision of nursing, first proposed by Florence Nightingale. There seem to be gaps in the literature regarding specific hope promoting interventions.Objetivo: Identificar as evidências disponíveis na literatura científica sobre as estratégias ou intervenções utilizadas para promover a esperança em pessoas com doença crônica. Método: Revisão integrativa da literatura (2009 a 2019), realizada em navegadores/bases de dados on-line: b-On, EBSCO, PubMed, Medline, ISI, SciELO, PsycINFO, Google Scholar. Foram encontrados 41 estudos, 8 dos quais preencheram os critérios de inclusão. Resultados: A maioria dos estudos utilizou abordagem quantitativa. Predominaram trabalhos da Ásia e América, abordando pacientes com esclerose múltipla, diabetes, insuficiência cardíaca congestiva e câncer. As intervenções foram categorizadas pelos atributos da esperança: processo experiencial, processo espiritual/transcendente, processo de pensamento racional e processo relacional. Conclusão: As intervenções baseadas na esperança, em sua essência, são boas práticas clínicas nos domínios físico, psicológico, social e espiritual. Isso é congruente com a visão da enfermagem holística proposta por Florence Nightingale. Parece haver lacunas na literatura relativas a intervenções específicas de promoção da esperança.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    The Perception of Students and Lecturer of Occupational therapy on the Importance of Involvement in Research Projects: The MIND & GAIT Project

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    Involvement in research is increasingly playing a crucial role in the training of higher education students, however, there isn’t much found on the literature on this particular subject. The present study aims to gauge the participants’ perception of pedagogical and scientific contributions in the development of research projects, specifically in the elaboration of a Cognitive Stimulation Program. Procedures followed a qualitative approach trough an exploratory descriptive case study research. For data collection, a semi-structured interview, a focus group, with key informants, and a questionnaire, were used for a set of participants (students and a professor) of the third year of Occupational Therapy Degree of the Polytechnic of Leiria. Data was processed resorting to content analysis according to Bardin and supported by WebQDA software. There was evidence of the pedagogical contributions, with perceived effective learning and scientific advancement, namely in the area of cognitive stimulation, particularly in the development of clinical reasoning. The students’ practical involvement in research projects enhanced learning and knowledge acquisition, as well the advancement of research practice

    Importance attributed by adolescents to sexual education: correlation with their attitudes, knowledge, and sexual behavior

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    Introduction: Sexual education plays an important role in the prevention of risk-taking sexual behaviors. The objective of this study was to evaluate the importance attributed to sexual education by adolescents, correlating it with the assessment they make of their attitudes and with their knowledge towards sexuality. Methods: This observational study included adolescents who attended elementary or high school in the central region of Portugal. A characterization of sociodemographic and sexual data was made and the Adolescent Students’ Attitudes Scale towards Sexuality (E3AS) was applied. Results: We included 394 adolescents with a mean age of 14.9 ± 1.4 years. The majority (89.3%) attributed importance to sexual education. Adolescents that gave more importance to sexual education were the ones that ranked higher the information they learned about sexuality (r = 0.236), had less unprotected sex due to lack of information (r = -0.363) or because they were under the effect of alcohol and/or drugs (r = -0.365) and had a superior classification in F2 (r = 0.380), F5 (r = 0.402) and in the total scale (r = 0.531). Discussion and conclusion: Adolescents that attributed greater importance to sexual education were the ones that ranked higher the information they possessed about sexuality. After initiating sexual activity, a greater importance attributed to sexual education seems to have a protective effect on risk-taking sexual behaviors.Introdução: A educação sexual desempenha um papel importante na prevenção de comportamentos sexuais de risco. O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar a importância atribuída à educação sexual por adolescentes, correlacionando-a com a avaliação que eles fazem de suas atitudes e com seus conhecimentos em relação à sexualidade. Métodos: Este estudo observacional incluiu adolescentes que cursaram o ensino fundamental ou médio na região central de Portugal. Foi feita uma caracterização dos dados sociodemográficos e sexuais e foi aplicada a Escala de Atitudes dos Adolescentes em relação à Sexualidade (E3AS). Resultados: Foram incluídos 394 adolescentes com idade média de 14,9 ± 1,4 anos. A maioria (89,3%) atribuiu importância à educação sexual. Os adolescentes que deram mais importância à educação sexual foram os que obtiveram maior classificação nas informações sobre sexualidade (r = 0,236), tiveram sexo menos desprotegido por falta de informação (r = -0,363) ou porque estavam sob efeito de álcool e/ou drogas (r = -0,365) e tiveram uma classificação superior em F2 (r = 0,380), F5 (r = 0,402) e na escala total (r = 0,531). Discussão e conclusão: Os adolescentes que atribuíam maior importância à educação sexual eram os que melhor classificavam as informações que possuíam sobre a sexualidade. Após iniciar a atividade sexual, uma maior importância atribuída à educação sexual parece ter um efeito protetor sobre os comportamentos sexuais de risco.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Importance attributed by adolescents to sexual education: correlation with their attitudes, knowledge, and sexual behavior

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    Introduction: Sexual education plays an important role in the prevention of risk-taking sexual behaviors. The objective of this study was to evaluate the importance attributed to sexual education by adolescents, correlating it with the assessment they make of their attitudes and with their knowledge towards sexuality. Methods: This observational study included adolescents who attended elementary or high school in the central region of Portugal. A characterization of sociodemographic and sexual data was made and the Adolescent Students’ Attitudes Scale towards Sexuality (E3AS) was applied. Results: We included 394 adolescents with a mean age of 14.9 ± 1.4 years. The majority (89.3%) attributed importance to sexual education. Adolescents that gave more importance to sexual education were the ones that ranked higher the information they learned about sexuality (r = 0.236), had less unprotected sex due to lack of information (r = -0.363) or because they were under the effect of alcohol and/or drugs (r = -0.365) and had a superior classification in F2 (r = 0.380), F5 (r = 0.402) and in the total scale (r = 0.531). Discussion and conclusion: Adolescents that attributed greater importance to sexual education were the ones that ranked higher the information they possessed about sexuality. After initiating sexual activity, a greater importance attributed to sexual education seems to have a protective effect on risk-taking sexual behaviors

    Adolescent gender identity and sexual orientation: a school-based correlational study

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    Adolescents are increasingly encouraged to freely express their sexuality. The purpose of this study was to compare non-cisgender adolescents with cisgender/heterosexual adolescents and those who have an undefined gender identity and/or sexual orientation, on their future prospects, emotional state, sexuality, risk behaviors, and their perception of health care and its accessibility. Adolescents who identify as non-cisgender/heterosexual seem to have higher future aspirations, however, they have a more unstable emotional state, higher risky behaviors, and fear being prejudiced by health care professionals. The undefined group appears to be undefined about their sexuality and future aspirations, while reporting less risky behaviors