53 research outputs found

    Estudo macro e microscópico da resposta tecidual frente ao uso de anti-sépticos bucais e sua influência na carcinogênese

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    Studies have related the action of alcohol on the oral mucosa as a promoter of carcinogenesis, once most oral antiseptics contain alcohol. Its utilization for mouthrinses from 30 to 60 seconds, as indicated on the labels, yields a longer-lasting topical action when compared to the intake of alcoholic beverages. This study aimed at conducting a macroscopic and microscopic analysis of the tissue response of tongue mucosa of hamsters to daily topical applications of antiseptics (Anapyon, Listerine, Oral B) during 13 and 20 weeks, following the methodology for carcinogenesis investigation developed by the Discipline of Pathology of Bauru Dental School, University of São Paulo. After sacrificing the animals, their tongues were removed and fixed on 10% formalin. Macroscopic examination did not reveal significant alterations, and the specimens were processed by routine histotechnical procedures for HE staining. Three serial sections of each tongue were evaluated, and characteristics related to epithelial hyperkeratinization, atrophy, hyperplasia and dysplasia were organized in tables. Despite the observation for moderate dysplasia in one case in the Anapyon 20 week group, the further results were very similar to the control group (saline solution), eliminating the need of comparative statistical tests. By means of such methodology for testing the carcinogenesis-initiating action, it was concluded that oral antiseptics are unable to trigger the development of neoplasms.Estudos associam a ação do álcool na mucosa bucal como promotora da carcinogênese e a maioria dos anti-sépticos bucais contém álcool. Sua utilização com bochechos de 30 a 60 segundos indicados nos frascos possui ação tópica mais duradoura em comparação com a ingestão de bebidas alcoólicas. Este estudo objetivou analisar macro e microscopicamente a resposta tecidual da mucosa lingual de hamsters após aplicações tópicas diárias de anti-sépticos (Anapyon, Listerine, Oral B) durante o período de 13 e 20 semanas conforme metodologia de estudo da carcinogênese desenvolvida pela Disciplina de Patologia da Faculdade de Odontologia de Bauru da Universidade de São Paulo. Após a morte dos animais removeu-se a língua que foi fixada em formalina 10%. Durante a macroscopia não se observaram alterações significantes e as peças cirúrgicas foram processadas conforme os procedimentos histotécnicos de rotina para coloração com HE. Três cortes seriados de cada um dos terços linguais foram avaliados e características relacionadas a hiperqueratinização, atrofia, hiperplasia e displasia epiteliais foram organizados em tabelas. Apesar da observação de displasia moderada em um caso do grupo de 20 semanas do Anapyon, os demais resultados apresentaram-se muito semelhantes ao do grupo controle (soro fisiológico), eliminando a necessidade de testes estatísticos comparativos. Através de tal metodologia, testando a ação iniciadora da carcinogênese dos anti-sépticos bucais, concluímos que não são capazes de desencadear o desenvolvimento de uma neoplasia

    Effect of low-calcium diet and grind diet on bone turnover of ovariectomized female rats

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    Objective: The variety of methodologies used to investigate ovariectomized female rats shows different results, which makes a clinical application of these results difficult. The purpose of this work was to evaluate the effect of masticatory effort reduction and of low-calcium diet on maxillary bone turnover of ovariectomized female rats. Study Design: Eighty-four female rats were divided into four groups of 21 animals each as follows: SHAM - sham-operated; OVZ - ovariectomized and fed a standard commercial diet; LCD - fed a low calcium diet, and GCD - fed a grind commercial diet. The inferior first molars were extracted bilaterally 15 days after the ovariectomy, and the animals were euthanized 3, 5 and 8 weeks after ovaries removal. The maxillae were embedded in methylmetacrilate. The results were submitted to analysis of variance. Results: The daily mineral apposition rate lowered with time and was not different between SHAM and OVZ groups. The trabecular bone volume of SHAM and OVZ animals was similar and decreased with time. The GCD animals presented the lowest means and the LCD the highest in comparison to the OVZ group. Conclusion: It was concluded that ovariectomy and a low calcium diet did not cause significant maxillary bone loss in the first molar region, and even in the absence of the antagonist tooth, they did not cause maxillary bone turnover. The grind commercial diet is a good alternative for the study of maxillary bone loss in ovariectomized female rats. © Medicina Oral S. L

    Immunolocalization of markers for bone formation during guided bone regeneration in osteopenic rats

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    Objective The aim of this paper was to evaluate the repair of onlay autogenous bone grafts covered or not covered by an expanded polytetrafluoroethylene (e-PTFE) membrane using immunohistochemistry in rats with induced estrogen deficiency. Material and Methods Eighty female rats were randomly divided into two groups: ovariectomized (OVX) and with a simulation of the surgical procedure (SHAM). Each of these groups was again divided into groups with either placement of an autogenous bone graft alone (BG) or an autogenous bone graft associated with an e-PTFE membrane (BGM). Animals were euthanized on days 0, 7, 21, 45, and 60. The specimens were subjected to immunohistochemistry for bone sialoprotein (BSP), osteonectin (ONC), and osteocalcin (OCC). Results All groups (OVX+BG, OVX+BMG, SHAM+BG, and SHAM+BMG) showed greater bone formation, observed between 7 and 21 days, when BSP and ONC staining were more intense. At the 45-day, the bone graft showed direct bonding to the recipient bed in all specimens. The ONC and OCC showed more expressed in granulation tissue, in the membrane groups, independently of estrogen deficiency. Conclusions The expression of bone forming markers was not negatively influenced by estrogen deficiency. However, the markers could be influenced by the presence of the e-PTFE membrane

    Subcutaneous tissue reaction to castor oil bean and calcium hydroxide in rats

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    Castor oil bean cement (COB) is a new material that has been used as an endodontic sealer, and is a candidate material for direct pulp capping. OBJECTIVE: The purpose of this study was to evaluate the biocompatibility of a new formulation of COB compared to calcium hydroxide cement (CH) and a control group without any material, in the subcutaneous tissue of rats. MATERIAL AND METHODS: The materials were prepared, packed into polyethylene tubes, and implanted in the rat dorsal subcutaneous tissue. Animals were sacrificed at the 7th and 50th days after implantation. A quantitative analysis of inflammatory cells was performed and data were subjected to ANOVA and Tukey's tests at 5% significance level. RESULTS: Comparing the mean number of inflammatory cells between the two experimental groups (COB and CH) and the control group, statistically significant difference (p=0.0001) was observed at 7 and 50 days. There were no significant differences (p=0.111) between tissue reaction to CH (382 inflammatory cells) and COB (330 inflammatory cells) after 7 days. After 50 days, significantly more inflammatory cells (p=0.02) were observed in the CH group (404 inflammatory cells) than in the COB group (177 inflammatory cells). CONCLUSIONS: These results demonstrate that the COB cement induces less inflammatory response within long periods


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    O objetivo deste trabalho foi verificar a prevalência das maloclusões em crianças pré-escolares, das escolas de Lavrinhas/SP, para se conhecer os problemas ortodônticos mais frequentes, permitindo uma orientação adequada. Exames clínicos de 257 crianças foram realizados através da visualização dos arcos dentários em oclusão, relacionando-os aos critérios adotados para classificar as oclusões normais, os problemas transversais, verticais, sagitais e de espaço. Os dados obtidos foram tabulados e submetidos à análise estatística descritiva (%) e teste de correlação de Pearson (5%). Um alto índice de maloclusão (91,05%) foi encontrado além de correlação negativa (-0,189) e estatisticamente significante (0,002) entre cárie e diastema, e entre ausência de maloclusão e cáries (-0,668/p=0,000); e correlação positiva (0,418) e estatisticamente significante entre Classe II e mordida aberta (0,000), atresia e mordida cruzada (0,425/p=0,000); atresia, mordida cruzada e mordida aberta (0,235/p=0,000) e Classe II, mordida aberta, atresia e cruzamento (0,443/p=0,000). Os resultados demonstraram a necessidade de instituição de tratamento ortodôntico, além de orientações adequadas de higienização, nutrição e da remoção de hábitos parafuncionais. A integralização da ortodontia nos serviços públicos de saúde é importante e, quando iniciada em fase precoce, possui custos mais baixos viabilizando um possível tratamento

    Subcutaneous tissue reaction to castor oil bean and calcium hydroxide in rats

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    Castor oil bean cement (COB) is a new material that has been used as an endodontic sealer, and is a candidate material for direct pulp capping. OBJECTIVE: The purpose of this study was to evaluate the biocompatibility of a new formulation of COB compared to calcium hydroxide cement (CH) and a control group without any material, in the subcutaneous tissue of rats. MATERIAL AND METHODS: The materials were prepared, packed into polyethylene tubes, and implanted in the rat dorsal subcutaneous tissue. Animals were sacrificed at the 7th and 50th days after implantation. A quantitative analysis of inflammatory cells was performed and data were subjected to ANOVA and Tukey's tests at 5% significance level. RESULTS: Comparing the mean number of inflammatory cells between the two experimental groups (COB and CH) and the control group, statistically significant difference (p=0.0001) was observed at 7 and 50 days. There were no significant differences (p=0.111) between tissue reaction to CH (382 inflammatory cells) and COB (330 inflammatory cells) after 7 days. After 50 days, significantly more inflammatory cells (p=0.02) were observed in the CH group (404 inflammatory cells) than in the COB group (177 inflammatory cells). CONCLUSIONS: These results demonstrate that the COB cement induces less inflammatory response within long periods

    Expression of ß-catenin in carcinoma in pleomorphic adenoma, pleomorphic adenoma and salivary gland: an immunohistochemical and morphological study

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    O adenoma pleomorfo é o tipo de tumor de glândula salivar mais comum e caracteriza-se pela diversidade morfológica. Sua transformação maligna origina os carcinomas ex-adenomas pleomorfos. A molécula ?-catenina participa nas junções celulares e tem sido intensamente associada à carcinogênese das neoplasias humanas, sua atividade metastática e ainda à transformação maligna de adenomas em carcinomas de alguns órgãos como, por exemplo, o estômago. O objetivo deste trabalho foi traçar o perfil clínico e morfológico de todos os adenomas pleomorfos e carcinomas ex-adenomas pleomorfos dos arquivos do Departamento de Estomatologia, Disciplina de Patologia da Faculdade de Odontologia de Bauru - USP compreendendo o período de 1963 até 2003. Em seguida, marcar imunohistoquimicamente e comparar a expressão da ?-catenina em dez glândulas salivares normais, 16 adenomas pleomorfos e três carcinomas ex-adenomas pleomorfos no intuito de observar sua importância na patogênese das lesões e estabelecer correlações com os aspectos microscópicos. A técnica padrão do complexo estreptavidina-biotina-peroxidase foi utilizada para marcação do anticorpo monoclonal ?-catenina. Como resultados, o gênero mais afetado pelo adenoma pleomorfo e carcinoma ex-adenoma pleomorfo foi o feminino, com faixa etária da 3ªa 5ª e 6ª a 7ª décadas de vida, respectivamente. A localização mais freqüente foi no palato para ambos, assim como as características microscópicas representativas foram o estroma fibroialino, as estruturas epiteliais em ilhotas, cordões e ductos para os adenomas e nos carcinomas a metaplasia escamosa, as estruturas ductais, acinares, e as células claras. Observou-se a diminuição estatisticamente significante (p=0,008)da expressão da proteína nos adenomas pleomorfos em comparação às glândulas. Estes resultados sugerem a participação da ?-catenina no desenvolvimento dos adenomas pleomorfos.Pleomorphic adenomas (PAs) are the most frequent type of salivary gland neoplasms, and their malignant counterpart, the carcinoma in pleomorphic adenomas(CPAs) arises much less commonly. ß-catenin was originally identified on the basis of its association with cadherin adhesion molecules and has been implicated in carcinogenesis because it is frequently absent in human epithelial cancers. ß-catenin also is significantly associated with the invasion and metastasis of carcinoma in the head and neck, esophagus and other organ. In this study we evaluated the morphological and clinical features of all the PAs and CPAs of the archives of the Department of Pathology at the Bauru Dental School of the University of São Paulo since 1963 until 2003. We also realized immunohistochemical analysis in formalinfixed, paraffin embedded specimens of 10 salivary glands, 16 PAs and 3 CPAs by the avidin-biotin-peroxidase complex method. Our results showed that in both lesions the predominant gender was the feminine with age ranging between 3ª and 5ª decades in PA and 6ª and 7ª in CPA. The most commonly glands affected were located in the palate in both types of tumours. The more significant histopathological features in PAs were fibrohialine stroma with epithelial cells organized in clusters and islands or ductal structures. In CPAs, squamous cell carcinomas were originated in all the cases. In the benign counterpart, there was fibrohialine stroma with clear cells, squamous metaplasia, epithelial cells organized in clusters or acinic or ductal structures. All specimens have membranous and cytoplasmic immunostaining. Higher ß-catenin index rates were seen mainly in ductal structures. The loss of expression of the protein in PAs was statistically significant when comparing with salivary glands (p=0,008) and there was cytoplasmic accumulation of the ß-catenin in CPAs. Our experiment showed that the loss of ß-catenin participates in the development of pleomorphic adenoma and that the cytoplasmic accumulation of the molecule takes part in the malignant transformation of the PA into CPA

    Efeitos da osteopenia no reparo ósseo alveolar de ratas

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    Este trabalho teve como objetivo analisar os efeitos iniciais da deficiência estrogênica associada ou não a dieta deficiente em cálcio na reparação óssea alveolar. Foram utilizadas 72 ratas, aos três meses de idade, das quais 48 foram ovariectomizadas e 24 falso-operadas (SHAM). Das 48 ratas ovariectomizadas, 24 receberam ração comercial padrão (OVZ) e 24 receberam ração especial com baixo teor de cálcio (ESP). Foi extraído o primeiro molar inferior, bilateralmente, 15 dias após a ovariectomia e a cirurgia Sham. Os animais foram sacrificados aos sete, 21 e 45 dias após as exodontias. As mandíbulas foram radiografadas e processadas para análise radiográfica e microscópica. Como resultados após a comparação pelo teste ANOVA e de Tukey verificou-se que a densidade óptica, o volume trabecular e o número de mastócitos foram crescentes significativamente com o decorrer do tempo, enquanto a taxa de aposição mineral óssea diária e o volume osteóide foram decrescentes com o tempo. A comparação entre os grupos SHAM e OVZ não revelou diferenças estatísticas, entretanto a comparação entre os grupos OVZ e ESP mostrou diferenças no volume trabecular e número de mastócitos, sendo os demais parâmetros semelhantes. Diante do exposto concluiu-se que a deficiência hormonal não retarda o reparo ósseo alveolar de ratas ovariectomizadas e um possível mecanismo de reabsorção óssea é ativado diante da hipocalcemia e deficiência estrogênica recrutando mastócitos. A taxa de aposição mineral diária não é influenciada pela deficiência hormonal, mas pareceu sofrer alguma influência quando se associou a dieta pobre em cálcio, mostrando uma tendência à diminuição.This study had the objective of analyze the initials effects of estrogen deficiency associated or not with a low calcium dietary in the alveolar bone repair. 72 rats at three months were used; 48 ovariectomized and 24 Sham-operated (SHAM). The ovariectomized rats were divided into 2 groups, 24 rats receiving common diet (OVZ) and 24 receiving special diet (ESP). SHAM rats received common diet. Treatment began on the ovariectomy day. The lower first molar was removed on both sides 15 days after ovariectomy. The rats received the diets until sacrifice, which occurred at seven, 21 and 45 days after dental extraction. The mandibles were submitted to radiographic and microscopic analyses. As results, using ANOVA and Tukey tests, optic density, trabecular volume and mast cell number increased with time and osteoid volume and mineral apposition rate decrease with time. Comparison between the OVZ and SHAM groups for each period revealed no difference; however OVZ and ESP groups showed different trabecular volume and mast cell number, being the other parameters, similar. In conclusion, hormonal deficiency do not retards the alveolar bone repair in ovariectomized rats and a possible mechanism of bone resorption is activated instead of hypocalemia and estrogen deficiency recruiting mast cell. The mineral apposition rate is not affect by ovariectomy but seems to present an influence by its association with low calcium dietary shows a tendency to decrease.Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES